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ALLIE was freaked out. To say the least. Her gig was in five minutes, and she was stood in the wings of the stage, mic in hand, shaking.

She'd had a tough day, Max having been thrown into a barrier at 180 mph. It had scared her shitless, and what was even worse was that he'd had to go to hospital. True it was just for routine checks, and Christian had said he seemed fine when they had talked, Allie's paranoia had gotten the better of her, and she was now going over every possible situation.

She jumped when she felt a hand on top of her own, and turned to see Mick stood beside her, a concerned look on his face.

"Al are you okay?"

"Mhm. Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Allie said in an attempt to make her voice sound casual.

It didn't.

Her voice broke slightly and she winced. Mick could she her shaking slightly and knew she was worried for Max. "Hey." he said, trying to get her attention. But she was too busy staring out at the large crowed that had gathered infront of the stage, cheering for her.

Mick sighed slightly, and brought his hand to Allie's chin, turning her head to face him. "Hey. He'll be fine. And so will you."

Allie took a deap breath and nodded. Mick was right. Max would be fine.

Mick hesitated, before placing a kiss on Allie's cheek. She stared at him, not sure what to do or say. Before she could, Mick moved his hand from. her chin to her cheek, rubbing it comfortingly with his thumb. "It will be okay."

Allie gave him a small nod, before her name was called by one of the stage managers. "Lawson!" she turned around to face the manager, who nodded his head towards the stage. "You're on. Have fun out there."

"Thanks." Allie said, before he walked away. She turned back to Mick, who gave her one last smile. "They'll love you."

"Thank you." Allie said, her worries fading slightly, as she heard the crowd cheer again.

Mick turned and keft to go and stand in the crowd with Callum, Charlotte, Charles, and all the other drivers who had grabbed sots bear the front of the stage to support Allie.

Allie took one last deap breath before running out on stage waving and beaming at the crowd. "What's up Silverstone!"

Allie was fully recovered from her pre-show nerves, and after performing two of the songs on her set list, the crowd was hyped to here the one they'd all wanted.

"Now," Allie began. "I have my next song ready, and I know ya'll really want to hear this one." she said, beaming.

The crowd cheered for a few seconds, realising Allie was about to sing her newest song live for the first time. "But before I start singing, I just want to issue a thank you."

Allie began to slowly walk back and forth as she talked to the crowd. "So, I had my heart broken." the crowd let out an 'Aw' to which Allie nodded. "Yeah, it was tough. It was tough. But the boy who broke my heart made the biggest mistake of his life."

Allie held a teasing smile on her face as she continued her little speech. "He broke the heart of a songwriter."

She let the crowd let out another cheer before continuing, not noticing Mick smirking to himself in the crowd as he watched the love of his life joke about him. It was highly amusing.

"So, predictably I wrote a song about him. And ya'll got it to a number one in the US and the UK!" she shouted at the crowd let out its loudest cheer yet.

Allie nodded again slightly, as she let the crowd calm. "So before I bless you all with, I think my favourite song I've written, " she smiled before continuing, "I just want to thank the boy who broke my heart."

She finally spotted Mick in the crowd, and the two stared at eachother as Allie spoke. "Because, if he hadn't, I wouldn't have written this song, I wouldn't have got a number one,"

She turned away from Mick to address the crowd again "I probably wouldn't have an album in the works."

The news sent the crowd into frenzy. People were screaming and jumping up and down at the news Allie was writing an album.

In the crowd, Callum nudged Mick, "Did you know she was writing an album?" he asked.

Mick didn't say anything, but shook his head, still staring at Allie, his expression one of disbelief, a small smile plastered on his face.

Once the crowd had calmed again, Allie spoke, finding Mick's eyes once more."So I just wanted to say thank you. Because if you hadnt broken my heart I wouldn't have learnt a lot of things I did."

Mick smiled at her, and mouthed "You're welcome."

Allie could see him mouth the words from where he stood, and smiled widely. She turned from. him back to address the crowd once more. "So I guess good for you!" she shouted, as the guitar behind her stared to play.

The crowd went wild.

Allie waved the crowd goodbye one last time, before running out into the wings again. She placed the mic down on an amp, making sure it was turned off and took a deap breath savouring the crowd's cheers.

She heard footsteps to her left, and turned to see Mick jogging towards her, a big grin on his face. He didn't say anything but scooped her up into a large hug. Allie threw her arms around his neck as Mick spoke. "You were awesome! They loved you!"

"Thanks." Allie chuckled, as she hugged Mick tighter. They stayed like that for a while, until Mick pulled back, smirking. "Thank you for the speech, really touching."

Allie rolled her eyes, but couldn't keep the smile off her face. "I gotta' give you some credit for this. You are the subject of my song after all."

Mick held a teasing smile on his face. "And the album?"

"Don't push your luck Schumacher." Allie said pushing his shoulder slightly.

Mick laughed and grabbed Allie's shoulders "And didn't I tell you you'd smash Death By a Thousand Cuts?"

Allie pursed her lips, but nodded. "You did."

Mick gave a look of mock thoughtfulness, "So, you know I think I deserve another thank you, for believing in you and supporting you." he shrugged, and Allie could almost see the smile that was peeking out from Mick's fake look.

Allie played along, "Hm, I'm not sure. I mean, yes, you did say I'd smash it but, I kinda did all the work on stage, so I don't know if a thank you is in order as such." she said teasingly.

Mick smiled at her, his face not teasing anymore, but serious. "I am so proud of you." he said.

Allie couldn't help but smile at him. She didn't realise how close they had gotten, until she examined his features properly. She could see Mick's eyes flicker towards her lips for a split second.

Allie did the same, and Mick let his hands slide from her shoulders down to her hands, which he took hold of. The two began to lean into eachother, Allie's breath hitched in her throat as they edged closer to eachother. They're noses brushed against eachothers, just as they were about to kiss...

"Hey Allie!"

Allie pulled away abruptly, just in time as Callum poked his head around the corner. "Hey, Max just turned up! He's all okay. Him, me, Char Charles, Danny, George and Lando, and Pierre and Carlos are all going out for drinks to celebrate him not dying, and aparrently your new album?" he said, slightly confused. "Where did that come from?"

Allie shrugged, "I didn't want to tell you guys until I was sure I was going to go through with it 'cause you always make a big deal out of it." she chuckled.

Cal nodded his head. "Yeah that's a good point we do. Anyways you two coming?"

Mick agreed and Allie nodded. "Yeah just let me change and I'll be out."

Cal gave them a thumbs up and turned around to let the rest of the guys know. Allie turned to Mick, who was rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm going to go get changed. I'll meet you down there."

Before Mick could say anything, Allie rushed towards her changing room, head in her hands. "Shit." she muttered. "Fuck you Cal. You've always got the worst timing."


yall didn't think I would give in that easily..... did you?


sorry ❀️

here's some photos of mick looking cute I found on Pinterest to cheer you up

this is my apology <3

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