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hey Al?

hey cal?

are you still going on this date with spiderman?

uh what now?
this isn't a date
it's just going out for coffee

girl 😐
you're oblivious

that hurt


its not

*sighs aggressively*
are you still going to meet up with spiderman?

1. tom
2. yes why?

do you think you should be going out with TOM HOLLAND when the press exists?

you're point





I'm just saying, if you get caught...
whether or not YOU think this is a date...


there it is

that's... true I guess
well what am I supposed to do cal?
just call him up and say 'sorry Tom Holland but I can't come today cause I don't want people getting the wrong impression that we're a couple'

well yeah

you're insufferable


I'm gonna go
and if the press catch us then they catch us
it's NOT a date

u sure he knows that?

I'm leaving now


TOM was stood against his car, waiting for Allie to turn up at the cafe. He was quite nervous. He had always been a sort of fan of hers, and Zendya and Jacob were quite big fans. Allie was a very pretty girl, and he was quite shocked he'd maganged to successfully ask her out to coffee.

He heard a car pull up opposite and looked up from his phone, to see Allie stepping out of a taxi.

"Hi sorry I'm late, I had traffic coming the way here."

Tom shook his head, "Don't worry about it. Shall we?" he asked nodding his head towards the cafe.

Allie nodded. They entered the cafe and a waiter directed them to a small table towards the back of the shop. They sat down, and the waiter took their orders, before leaving to make them.

Allie looked around the cafe, "This is nice, you come here often?"

Tom nodded, "Yeah used to come here all the time as a kid."

Allie was stuck on what to say. She hadn't imagined the meeting to be this awkward. She'd managed to talk to Mick more than she had Tom, and Mick had broken her heart.

'Stop thinking about Mick idiot you're sat opposite Tom Holland.' she thought to herself.

"So, you got any new films in the works?"

Tom shook his head. "No not really. I just finished filming the new Spider man so I'm not-"

Allie widened her eyes. "You guys finished filming?"

"Shit, you can't tell anyone I said that."

Allie held her hands up, "I won't I swear."

Tom gave her a guilty smile. "I'm surprised Marvel haven't fired me yet"

"Well you're a good actor."

"Thanks. What about you? Any new songs? Album maybe?" he questioned.

"No not at the moment. But I'm hoping to write some more soon."

The conversation was painfully dull. Neither of them knew what to say. The waiter came back with their coffee, Allie thanked him, and then the pair sat in silence drinking.

After a few minutes, Allie excused herself to use the bathroom, and sneakily took her phone with her. She got to the bathroom, checked there was no one in there, and then called Callum.


"Callum save me. This is torture. We can't talk to eachother"

"Shut up, oh that's hilarious."

"Callum stop laughing this isn't funny."

"Right sorry."

"Can you just, come get me? Pretend someone is in hospital and come pick me up or something? Or... one of my pipes has burst and I need to go and call someone?"

"I can't right now Al, I'm going into town to do something for the boss man. Look..."

"What? Wait- no Callum absolutely not."

"Allie I know he's free. He'd be more than happy to come and save you. Look if it's that bad you don't really have a choice."

"Fine. I gotta' go hell be wondering where I am. "

"I'll call you later okay? Love you."

"Love you too Cal."

Allie hung up the phone, cursing Steiner for making Callum busy. She took a deal breath, and dialed the number she really didn't want to dail.

"Hey Allie. Are you okay?"

"Uh, not really. I need saving."

"Saving? Oh god what have you done."

"Nothing- that hurts you think I did something."

"Right, I'm sorry, what's wrong."

"I'm out with... a friend, but it's painful to talk. Neither of us can think of anything to talk about. Please help me."

"Where are you? I'll come get you."

"Thank you. I'll text you the address now."

"I'll be there soon. Hang in there."

Allie sighed. She made her way back to the table, and smiled at Tom. He smiled back, but said nothing. She racked her brain for something to make conversation about, before remembering where she met him. "Uh, so I never thought you'd be an F1 fan."

"Oh yeah, I've watched it for years."

"Me too. I've always been a Ferrari girl, but I've always got Redbull merch in my closet, thanks to Max."

Tom smiled at her. Yet again they fell in silence. Until Tom spoke up again, making the conversation even more awkward. "What do you think of the newcomers? Schumacher came up this year Right? what's his name, Mark?"

Allie almost choked on her coffee. "You mean Mick?"

"Yeah, Mick that's the one."

Allie didn't know what to say. "Uh, yeah he's good. You know considering he's got a shit car," sorry Mick, "he's doing okay."

Tom frowned slightly, "I don't know, I feel like he gets too much hype from his Dad and Uncle."

Allie gave him a skeptical look. "He's won the F2. He's not rubbish."

"No, that's true, but I just feel like people think he's going to win seven World championships. I don't he can."

Allie gave him a look. "With a better car he can do so much more than 16th. I think you'd be surprised."

As if on que, Allie's phone rang on the table. "Sorry, I've got to take this."

Tom shook his head dismissively "No yeah of course."

Allie took the phone from the table and stood up walking away slightly. She answered the call.

"If you're friend asks, Callum's had a breakdown, and I'm picking you up because he needs you."

"You're a lifesaver. Thank you."

"I'll be outside now, just turning the corner, I'll meet you by the car."

Allie hung up and walked back towards the table, "I'm so sorry, I need to go, my friends just had a massive breakdown, he's going through a hard breakup and I need to get back to him." she lied smoothly.

"Oh, I hope he's okay. Here, I'll walk you out-"

"No it's okay, really. A friend's picking me up." she tried to tell him it was okay, but he insisted. He placed money for the coffee on the table, and refused to let Allie split the cost.

They walked outside, and Allie spotted her getaway Mercedes. "You're friend's got taste." Tom said eyeing the car.

Allie let out an awkward laugh. "Please don't get out of the car, please don't get out of the car" she silently prayed. But unfortunately, he did get out of the car.


Tom's eyes went slightly wide as he realised that Allie's friend was the driver he had just been picking on.

Mick walked up to the pair. "Hey Al, sorry to interrupt," he looked at Tom, "Whatever this is, Callum is freaking."

"It's okay, don't worry."

Mick smiled at her before turning to Tom, smile dropping. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself," he held his hand out, "Mick Schumacher."

Allie gave him a slight glare, and Mick tried to hold in a smirk. Tom coughed before shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you, Tom Holland." he said in the same tone.

Allie looked between the two, who were almost sizing eachother up. Mick had a death grip on Tom's hand, but Tom wasn't giving in. "Okay-" she said firmly, and they let go of eachothers hands, Tom rubbing his knuckles, "We're gonna' go now."

"It was nice seeing you again Al. Mick." Tom said, before Allie grabbed Mick's wrist, dragging him back to the car.

"By Thomas!"

"It's just Tom." Tom said weakly.

Allie turned back, gave Tom a weak smile, before getting in the passenger seat of Mick's car.

Once Mick had driven away down the street, she whacked his arm. "You're such an idiot."

Mick chuckled, "Sorry, you didn't tell me you're friend was Tom Holland."

"Yeah well did it really matter?"

"You were having coffee with SpiderMan Allie."

Allie stared at him, mouth open. "Okay please explain to me what that was?"

Mick glanced at her before turning back to the road. "What what was?"

Allie scoffed slightly "Sorry to interrupt whatever this is." she mimicked him.

Mick smirked slightly, but said nothing. Allie narrowed her eyes at him teasingly. "Oh okay. I get it now."

Mick furrowed hsi eyebrows, and glanced at her. "Get what?"

Allie laughed slightly. "You're jealous."

"I am not jealous."

Allie smirked at him, "You're jealous because I had coffee with Tom Holland."

Mick shook his head, "No, that's not what it is."

Allie gave him a skeptical look, a small smile still on her face. "It's okay Mick." she said teasily, she rubbed his arm.

Mick shoved her arm away smiling. "Shut up."

Allie looked out of the window of the car, smiling to herself. For some reason, she was thankful that Mick had picked her up and not Callum. It was a brilliant ice-breaker, saving her from Peter Parker.

She looked from the window to the stack of CD's sat in a small compartment by the CD player installed in the car. She eyed the CD at the top, which was in a clear case, apart from a few words written in permanent marker.

"Allie's CD (only Taylor Swift)"

"Nice CD's." she said, smiling.

Mick looked from her, to the CD pile and smiled. He looked back on the road, made sure there was no one ahead of him, took the CD and removed it from the case. He placed it into the CD player and pressed the button to turn it on.

Death By A Thousand Cuts came through the speakers and Allie grinned.

She began to sing the lyrics, but striped when she realised Mick too was singing them. She stared as he quietly sang the words. Noticing that she was looking at him, he turned to her, just as the words, "I get drunk but its not enough 'Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby" played.

"Yeah, I listen to Taylor Swift alone. I know shocker" he said teasingly.

All she did was smile.



let's ignore all the plot holes about how mick would probably be in Germany and not England and no where near that cafe πŸ˜ƒ

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