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      Riley leans over the seat of the Impala. They had just spoken to Lucas and he gave Dean a drawing of a house with a little boy and his red bike in front of it. "Did you see all his red bike drawings?" Riley asks. Dean nods. "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died."

      Riley looks at the drawing in Sam's hands. "There are cases where going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Dean glances at Riley. They are thinking the same thing. Could Riley somehow be sensitive to this kind of stuff?

      "What if Lucas is somehow tapping into it somehow? It's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please." Sam puts his hands up. "All right. We got another house to find." Dean glances at the drawing. "There's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone."

      Sam points to the church in the picture. "See this church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here." Dean makes a face and RIley smirks. "Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart." Sam chuckles and Riley sits back.

      "You know, um... What you said about mom-" Dean licks his lips and Riley glances at him. They tell eachother everything. There are no secrets between them so she knows all about how his mother's death hit him hard. It's why keeping John's contact hidden from him is so hard for her.

      "You never told me that before." Dean keeps his eyes on the road ahead of him. "It's no big deal." Sam continues to look at him. Dean rolls his head to look at Sam. "Oh, god, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?" Riley smirks and lurches forward in her seat, putting her arms around Sam and Dean.

      "Riley!" Dean yells as he serves the car. "Sit down!"

      Riley, Sam and Dean look up at the white church. Riley looks across the street and sees the yellow house. "Dad." She says to get his attention. They all look over at it. Dean puts an arm around Riley and they walk over to it.

      Dean knocks and an elderly woman invites them in. "I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but does a little boy live here by any chance?" The woman stares at Dean with wide eyes. "He might wear a blue ball cap, and has a red bicycle." The woman looks down and her shoulders go slack. Riley sees the sadness in her eyes.

      "No, sir. Not for a very long time." She says shaking her head. Sam glances at Dean. "Peter's been gone 35 years now." The woman looks at a photo and Riley notices he looks a lot like Lucas. "The police never... I never had any idea what happened." She says as her eyes fill with tears.

      "He just disappeared." Riley looks to her right and sees green soldier figures. She nudges Sam and nods at them. He does the same with Dean. "You know, It's..." The woman pauses. "It's worse than dying." Sam, Dean, and Riley share a look. Those are the exact words Bill Carlton spoke to them.

      The woman begins to cry. "Did he disappear from here- I mean, from this house?" The woman looks up. "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up." Dean glances at Sam. The woman leaves the room and Dean spots a photo on the mirror. He grabs it and Riley sees Peter and another kid with the red bike she and Lucas had drawn.

      Dean turns it around and shares a look with Riley. "'Peter Sweeny and Billy Carlton, 1970'." He tells Sam aloud. Riley takes the photo and her mouth gapes a bit. "Bill. He's going to do something stupid." Sam and Dean look at her with interest.

      "Okay, this little boy, Peter Sweeney, vanishes, and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow." Dean nods. "Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something, and Riley says he's going to do something stupid." The blonde in the backseat nods as her heavy eyes begin to close. She feels unnaturally exhausted. She doesn't know why.

      "Bill- the people he loves- They're all getting punished." Dean leans his head towards Sam. "What if Bill did something?" Sam nods. "What if Bill killed him?" Riley hums. "I'd be pissed." Dean nods and glances at her through the rear view mirror. She's acting off. Something is throwing her off. "Peter would want revenge. It's possible."

      The Winchesters arrive at the Carlton residence. Riley sluggishly steps out of the car. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam shouts as he looks around. Dean looks over at the water. "Hey. Check it out." Sam and Riley look over at the water. They start running, but Dean turns his head back to Riley. "Stay put!"

      Riley slows her run and pants heavily. What is going on with her?

      Sam and Dean run out onto the dock. "Mr. Carlton! You need to come back!" Riley's vision begins to swim and she looks at the water. A head peaks out from the deep water, looking at her. Riley pales and swallows hard as the head turns to look at Bill. Suddenly Bill's boat explodes out of the water. He falls beneath the surface and disappears.

      The head turns back to Riley and a headache hits her. "Ah!" Sam and Dean look at her as Riley stumbles away from the water. "Riley!" They run back to her but Riley's eyes flutter, then she passes out. Dean just barely manages to catch her head before it hits the ground. Sam and Dean share a worried look.

      Riley wakes later in the Impala. It's dark out. "What happened?" She asks as she sits up. Dean and Sam look back at her. "You passed out by the lake." Riley rubs her head and frowns. She nods. "I saw Peter." Sam looks at her while Dean continues to drive. "You did?" Riley nods.

      "He-" She shakes her head. "He was working his weird mojo shit on me. My head felt like it was going to explode." Riley creases her brows. "Sammy, what you said earlier. About traumatic experiences making people more sensitive. Do you think that is what's going with me?"

      Sam glances at Riley. "I don't know. Has it always been this bad?" Riley glances at Dean. "This time- No, but you both know how monsters hate me the most." Riley smirks. "My charming attitude can't always be to blame." Dean smirks a bit then glances at Sam for an answer.

      "It's possible. But what would have caused you to be more sensitive?" Riley purses her lips. "My mom." Dean glances at Riley. "We still don't know how she died. That light I saw... It could be what made me-" Riley pauses then sits forward. "I am done saying sensitive. Makes me sound weird. I'm calling it..." Riley pauses as she thinks.

      "Prone to the supernatural?" Dean suggests. Riley nods. "Yeah, that." Sam glances at Dean. "Well, you feeling anything now?" Riley shakes her head. "No. It must because I'm not near Peter."

      Dean pulls to a stop at a stoplight. It turns green and Sam glances at it. "Green." Sam says. Riley looks at Dean. "What?" He asks as he stares into oblivion. "Lights green." Sam tells him. Dean doesn't even look at it. He presses the gas the turns to the right.

      "The interstate is the other way." Sam says as he looks behind them. "I know." Riley looks at him. "You don't think we're done." Dean shakes his head. "If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got it's revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest" Sam tells them both.

      "So what if we take off and this thing isn't done? What if we missed something? What if more people get hurt?" Riley sits back in her seat. "Why would you think that?" Sam asks. Dean makes a face. "Because Lucas was really scared." Sam gives Dean a look. "That's what this is about?"

       "I just don't want to leave town till I know the kid's okay." Sam continues to stare at Dean. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Dean looks at Sam and then back at the road. "Shut up." Sam laughs a bit then glances back at Riley. She's the reason he's so soft around Lucas. Lucas reminds Dean of Riley when she was younger.

- author's notes -

The mystery that is Riley Winchester thickens

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