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Riley sits up from her nap as Dean pulls the impala to a stop outside a part deli part gas station. She runs her fingers through her hair, and squints at the bright light outside. After what happened last week, she's still a little sore in the retina area of life. Bleeding from the eyes thanks to a spirit is no fun.

"All right," Dean says as he cranks Baby into park and shuts off the engine. "I figure we'd hit Tucamari by lunch, then head south, Bisbee by midnight." But Sam doesn't seem to be listening. Dean shares a look with Riley. "Sam wears women's underwear." Sam sighs, not looking up from his phone. "I'm listening. I'm just busy." Riley rests her head on the seat space between her uncle and father.

"Busy doin' what?" Riley peers over Sam's shoulder and raises an eyebrow, he seems to keep in contact with a lot of people. Riley only ever uses her email to sign up for free trails, only to cancel them before they charge her. It's the Winchester fraud genes.

"Reading emails." Sam says, monotone. Riley reads the email he has opened and her lips part. "Murder?" She asks him. Sam glances at her and sighs with a shrug. "Emails from who?" Riley opens her mouth to comment on her father's nosey-ness, then she realizes she was just snooping over Sam's shoulder and decides to keep her mouth shut.

"From my friends at Stanford."

"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Dean says. Riley creases her eyebrows. "Hey, at least Sam has friends!" She calls out. Dean rolls his eyes and Sam smiles at his niece. "Why not?" Sam asks with an eyebrow raised. Dean begins to fill the car with gas.

"Well, what exactly do you tell them, you know about where you've been, what you've been doin'." Sam gives Dean a look, reminding him that he's part of the reason he's no longer at college. "I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and niece. I tell them I needed some time off after Jess." Sam says snarkily. Riley puts a hand on his shoulder, a silent I'm here for you.

"Well, so, you lie to them." Dean says with a smirk.

"No." Sam shoots back. "I just don't tell them everything." Dean nods and looks down at his brother. "Yeah, that's called lyin'." Dean says. "Which," He continued. "Is something Riley knows a bit about. Ain't that right, Riles?" Riley's gut sinks at her father's words.

Another thing that happened in the last case was a confrontation between Father and daughter. Dean got Riley alone in the hotel room while Sam went out to get food. He just stared for 10 minutes before she finally made eye contact with him. "You've been keepin' secrets kid." He told her. "And we aren't leavin' this room until you talk."

Riley's eyes burned as she tried not to cry. "I can't tell you!" She told him. "I can't tell you because- I just can't! Dad, please you have to trust me!" She begged. But it was no use. Dean stared her down until she was in tears. It was then that he stopped. If Riley cried, that meant something was truly wrong. She was a strong kid, and it took alot to make her crack. When she did, that meant whatever it was that made her upset had to stop.

That didn't mean Dean was going to stop tormenting her until she said what she was hiding from them.

"Dad..." She began, attempting an apology, but Dean cut her off. "But hey Sam, I get it." Sam glances at Riley who has her eyes downcast. "Telling them the truth is far worse." Dean nods his head to the side. "Lyin' to family though..." Riley swallows hard. "Now that's where I draw the line." Riley clears her throat and rushes out of the car, heading straight towards the Deli, whipping at her eyes to dry her eyes before anything begins to fall.

Sam and Dean watch her go and the younger of the two scoffs. "Aren't you being a little rough with her? Dean, she's only 14." Dean doesn't take his eyes off the deli. "Somethin's goin' on with her Sammy. She's my kid. I gotta keep her safe, even if it's from her own secrets." Then a heaviness fills the air. "Like with what happened last week?" Sam asks.

When they were facing off the Bloody Mary, something happened to Riley. It was nothing new that spirits and monsters seemed to hate Riley for no particular reason, but whatever happened to Riley with their last case, it was something bad. The spirit showed her something in the mirror and whatever it was shook Riley to her core. She froze in fear, tears streaming down her cheeks. Even after they made the spirit disappear, Riley still seemed to be in a trance. Dean had to literally shake her back to reality.

Dean nods, then Sam looks at him. "About my friends," He says, changing the subject. "What were you expecting me to do? Just cut everyone out of my life?" Dean purses his lips and shrugs. Sam gapes. "You're serious?"

Dean makes a face. "It sucks, but in a job like this, you can't get close to people." Sam sighs and returns to looking at his phone. "You're kinda antisocial, you know that?" Dean rolls his eyes and shrugs. "Yeah, whatever." Same shakes his head as he reads his emails. "God." He mutters, gaining Dean's interest.

Riley returns to the car, eyes bloodshot. She gets in and lays down, her back turned to them. Dean glances at her and deflates a bit. "What's going on?" He asks Sam."This email from this girl Rebecca Warren- One of those friends of mine." Sam says and the corners of Dean's mouth twitches. "Is she hot?" Riley rolls her eyes, although it goes unnoticed. Sam only sighs at his brother's words. "I went to school with her and her brother Zach. She says Zach's been charged with murder. He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend."

"Rebecca says he didn't do it, but it seems like the cops have a pretty good case." Dean raises an eyebrow. "Dude, what kind of people you hanging out with?" Sam glances at him and shakes his head. "No, man, I know Zach, he's no killer." Dean nods his head to the side. "Well, maybe you know Zach as well as he knows you." Sam gives his brother a look. "They're in St. Louis. We're going."

Riley sits up at that. When she was 12, she, Dean and John spent about a month there for a case. It was one of the rare times that she went to school for longer than a week. She made a friend there. Maybe she could see them again.

Dean chuckles, not missing Riley's peak of interest. "I'm sorry about your buddy, okay? But this does not sound like our kind of problem." Sam raises his eyebrows, irritated. "It is our problem. They're my friends."

Dean points behind them. "St. Louis is 400 miles behind us, Sam." Sam turns to face Dean, pulling a look of, it's either my way, or the highway.

Next thing they knew, Dean was turning the car around, heading to St. Louis.

After a few miles, Riley leans forward. "Dad..." She starts, licking her lips. "Do you remember that case in St. Louis a few years ago?" Dean nods slightly, glancing at her through the rear view mirror. "The werewolf case. How could I forget? It nearly got you." Dean glances at her again. "Why?" He asks, suspicion lacing his tone.

Riley bites her lip and glances at Sam, silently hoping he'll help her out here. /;I um- I have a friend there that I haven't seen since then. Do you think I could-"

"No." Dean says sternly. Riley sits up straight and Sam glances at Dean. "What? But-" Dean cuts her off again. "No. End of discussion. We aren't going to St. Louis for a social event. We're stopping by, then taking off again." Sam glances at Riley whose eye bags seem too deep to be healthy. "Dean, Just hear her out-"

"Unless she is going to speak to tell what she's been hiding from us, then I don't want to hear it." Dean turns his head this time to look at her. Riley has her mouth agape and her eyes are an angry red. "So what's it going to be kid? You gonna talk, or do I have to ground you?"

Riley makes a noise, then snaps her mouth shut, sitting back in her seat, defeated. Dean nods and returns to facing forward. "Grounded it is then." He reaches behind to Riley, and she shakes her head. "Dad, no-"

"Gun and knife. Now." Dean demands sternly. Riley looks to Sam, eyes wide in disbelief. Dean has never grounded her before. "Sam-" She starts, beginning to ask for help. "Stay outta this Sammy." Dean growls out, her fingers tap together, waiting for Riley's weapons. "Now." he snaps.

Riley jumps at his words, then wordlessly hands her gun and knife over to Dean. He takes it and shoves them into the glove box.

For the 400 miles back to St. Louis, Riley stares out the side window, eyes burning as she fights off tears.

Riley is sequestered to the car while Dean and Sam go to talk to Rebecca. She pulls her phone out and opens a message to John. She begins typing out a long rant about how upset with her father she is, but then she realizes her grandfather is just as brutal as Dean and deletes the whole thing. She chews on her fingernail, then types out a text.

Dad is pissed at me.
They know I'm hiding something
What do I do?

After a few minutes, Riley receives a reply


   Riley scoffs and takes her hand away from her mouth. Was this guy serious?

Have you met him?
I can't lie to him.
I'll just bury myself deeper
into the hole I'm already in!

Riley waits, but she doesn't receive a reply, then she sees Sam and her father returning, so she deletes her texts and hides her phone. She can't have Dean take that too. Riley stiffens as Dean enters the car. Wordlessly, he drives off, not even acknowledging her. Riley sulks. Great, she thinks. Now I'm getting the silent treatment...

~author's notes~

The badass bitch is back!

So I skipped episode 5 because I was just struggling to write it so much

This episode is going to be brutal.
Poor Riley- Dean is being a dick

See you'll soon<3

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