Chapter 6

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hi guys

I just wanted u guys to know that I have combined some of the older chapters and added more stuff in so go read that! This chapter is a completely new chapter written from scratch. I hope u guys like the progress I have made on my writing

vote n comment or ill replace ur toilet paper with sand paper


Marinette slowly walked inside, slightly taken aback by the huge ballroom. She could not believe  her eyes; the place was huge, small chandeliers in every corner of the room; with one big, majestic one right in the middle; paintings adorning the ceiling and the walls, flowers on every table; and last but on the least, people laughing, dancing and eating. Marinette recognized some of the faces there, from sons of Presidents and Kings all around the world, huddled around the same table; presumably talking about politics or perhaps flexing their wealth. Slowly, Bruce took her to one corner of the hall, heading straight towards a tall man, waiting patiently for his soon-to-be-bride. 

"Damien," Bruce cleared his throat, "This is your fiancee, Marinette."

Damien slowly looked up from his phone, taking in the appearance of the shy and short girl in front of him, letting his eyes linger on her chest, "Hello, Marinette," he said, putting emphasis on her name, as if testing it out, with his eyes darker than midnight black itself. He did not know why or how, he wanted to protect this girl in front of him, the girl he felt this extraordinary connection with, as if an invisible string tied them together. To him, it felt like they had known each other forever, perhaps they were lovers or maybe even soulmates in another life.

Marinette slowly looked up at him, instantly noticing how he towered over her. She gazed in his eyes, slowly loosing herself to them. His eyes, they sucked hers in to an endless spiral. His hair was slightly messy, but still looked classy enough for it to pass at a ball like this. His suit fitted him perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders and abs. "Hi," she croaked, her cheeks growing warm.  God, why did I have to ruin our very first meeting, she thought, embarrassed that such a thing had happened. She was never nervous, especially not with guys, so why was she feeling this way? Why was she so attracted to this man she has never met?

They had been so lost in each other that they did not even realize that Bruce had left them alone.  

"So Marinette, how old are you?" Damien asked, holding his hand out for her to take. And she did just that, "Good girl," he whispered in her ear, and she blushed. Hard. Damien smiled, she is so submissive,  he thought. 

"I just turned 20," Marinette said, following Damien into the dance floor. 

"You are a child compared to me," Damien laughed at her confused face after he said that, "I am almost thirty, sweetheart, and honestly extremely surprised your father would let you get married to man ten years older than you."

They quietly got into their positions on the floor. Damien took the chance and grabbed her waist, earning a surprised gasp from her.  Marinette would not deny it; his hands felt amazing, sure he was holding her as tightly and closely as possible, but she loved the way his arm and hands made her warm, as if a blanket of comfort had just been thrown on her. She genuinely could not think of the last time she had been held with such affection and protection; she was ready to lose herself in him, if it meant she would get his adoration. 

They slowly started dancing, and Damien pulled her even closer , to the point their chests were touching and Damien being Damien took the lead in this dance. Marinette would be lying to herself if she said she didn't find him taking the lead hot. She did. She loved how his muscular arms draped around her body, providing her comfort she never thought she could be provided with.  Damien could not believe what he felt when he pulled her closer. Sparks. Tingles. That is what he felt. He ignored, blaming the sparks and the tingles on the anxiety of meeting his future wife. If he was honest, he did not expect her to be so fragile, he didn't expect her to be so shy. He expected her to be more bold, just like the daughters of other important people. He expected her to be spoilt, not the calm and humble person she is.

  By the time the second song came around, they were completely squished against one another being closer than they were when they first started,  their breaths mixing together, their eyes attached to each other. Both of them  did not realize what this meant for one another; and perhaps they would not for long, long time.  

They slowly pulled apart, still staring at each other. "Do you want to head to one of the balconies? T-to get some fresh air, you know?" Marinette asked, hesitant of his reaction.

Damien found it cute that she was stuttering. So I make her nervous then, he thought, smirking. Still keeping on the show-stopping smirk, he took her hand, "Sure, Sweetheart."

Marinette blushed at the term of endearment, following him to the balcony. She admired how he always took the lead, but still let her speak her mind. She liked that. A lot. The dark-haired girl felt like a school girl, drinking beer out of plastic cups with her crush. Admitally, she had never felt this way, not for anyone. Sure she liked guys here and there, but what Damien was making her feel was beyond that. In the couple hours she had known him, she felt things she had never felt before, she felt.....adoration. She felt the adoration for him. In that moment she knew that she kind of wanted to be with him. She was not sure of how he was feeling in that moment, but she hoped, and she prayed that he felt the same feelings as her.  

Damien gradually led her out of the hall and on the balcony, pushing away people to make way for her; it was as if he wanted to protect her. 

"Here you go, sweetheart," Damien whispered even though no one was there with them on the balcony.  Marinette looked in his eyes, and led him to the edge of the balcony, where they placed their hands on top of the railing, their hands still intertwined together. 

Marinette looked up at him, still slightly taken aback from their height difference.

"Thank you," she whispered just like him.

Damien looked back at her, and closed the gap between them, and pulled her even closer, "Welcome."

Marinette leaned even closer, their breaths mixing together once again. Damien slowly placed his hands on her neck, and pulled her so close that their lips were touching. One move and they would kiss. Marinette was not sure who made the first move, but his lips were on hers, and she felt like she was going to explode from how hot and bothered she was feeling. 

The kiss itself, it was sensual, it was everything Marinette predicted it might have been and more. It was as if they were long lost lovers connecting again after centuries of being apart. They pulled apart for air,  both panting, their foreheads stuck together.  


in todays episode of keeping up with El: wtf is my life

WC: 1252 words


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