𝟎𝟎𝟏. a day to defend

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THE RED KEEP in early hours of the morning were always thankfully peaceful and quiet. Other than the snores of the people inside the Red Keep and the bugs and mouses that lurked, it seemed enough to keep those at peace. It certainly gave Alerea peace, only a few hours gave her the joy of being truly alone, away from all the noise to come in the next couple hours, away to where it was just her and her thought's. She thought of many things, mainly the one thought that always occupied her mind was how she should cause chaos today, how her siblings and her could catch her fathers attention for a couple of minutes or so, if she was lucky enough perhaps an hour or more.

She and her brothers could steal green paint from one of the maester's who had a hobby to paint and splash it across the hallway walls of her father's chambers or trick her sworn protector Ser Darrick Hollows to think she and the boys were kidnapped and was demanded for ransom but she did not want to frighten her mother as Alerea knew her mother would most likely either go mad or pass out and she did not want to worry Alicent.

Suddenly she was struck with the perfect plan and all she needed were the unwanted company of her bastard nephews and the current Lord Commander of the City Watch. Alerea knew for sure this was to catch her father's attention, the strong bastards were part of it and he always had time for them but never for his children (Not including Rhaenyra).

Alerea knew that it was always about Rhaenyra and her children, always, if she hadn't known better she would have believed she had done something wrong or simply because her nephews were different to her and her siblings (Which was technically true but not in the way she was implying).

She did not understand how her father could spoil and adore Rhaenyra. Alerea remembered the times where she had tried to have good terms with Rhaenyra but the answer she received was disgust in her half-sister's voice and strong glares.

She was nicer than Rhaenyra, treated the maids and other people who stood occupied the Red Keep as if they were her own (She heard from Mariyah that when Rhaenyra was younger she had treated them as if they weren't there and she still does now. Throwing insults at them), actually attended her lessons (Well most), although, Alerea did cause quite the chaos but where would be the fun in being forced to act perfect?

Bastards, her nephews were, bastards, and yet they were treated better than her, than her brothers and sister; Viserys true rightful blood. For such a young girl she carried the known burden of neglect on her shoulders along with her siblings and yet she still longed for her fathers affection, longed for the love of a father, longed for the positive support that her nephews and half-sister were easily given.

Even her uncle Daemon who she liked to call 'the man who could never have it' seemed to easily gain Viserys love, no matter how much Daemon would be followed by a trail of chaos and disappointment. If her uncle could gain Viserys love by trails of chaos then she and her siblings should be able to gain his love as well. If bastard's were able to have her fathers attention then Alerea and her siblings will have his attention.


Finally the quiet hours of the Red Keep left and in came the earsplitting racket of maids, chefs, knights and other known jobs in the kingdom. Along with the noise came in Alerea's three ladies-in-waiting, Mariyah Tyrell, Floris Baratheon and Claryse Tully. All of them at least a few years older than her but despite their age they all got along well.

"Good morrow, Princess." announced the three ladies.

"Good morrow, my dear friends," replied Alerea "Though how many times do I have to tell you all to call me by my name, it is only us."

"Well you are a princess are you not? Or are you a commoner hiding with the identity of a princess to gain our love?" Floris jested with a cheeky eyebrow raised.

Alerea glared at her playfully and chuckled along with the others.

"Still we are all close friends and I think of you as my sisters, I want you to call me by my name not by my title." stated Alerea.

"As you wish, Princess." Mariyah laughed, Alerea playfully rolled her eyes but got out of bed to get dressed.

Claryse guided her to the bath and hardly scrubbed her clean until her pale skin was left red, then was she to be dressed. Alerea could not confess this but as much as she loved to rebel against a standard women's outfit by wearing trousers she enjoyed being dressed in fine dresses decorated with jewels and beautiful details; it made her feel elegant and powerful.

She was now dressed in a beautiful emerald green and gold silk dress, it had long tight fitting sleeves with green and gold along the neckline, her skirt flowing slightly, around her waist laid a gold chain and in the middle was the Targaryen sigil embedded with emeralds as the eyes, left to dangle. Her hair in two big braids that were tied together with the rest of her curled hair left to flow and simple small gold triangle earrings.

"There, all done." huffed Floris, Alerea gave the girls a big smile and hastily stood from her seat.

"Finally, now I want to ask my mother to join us to break fast." she quickly linked her arms with Floris while Mariyah followed suit and linked her's with Claryse as they left Alerea's chambers for her mothers chambers.

As they exited her door on the left was her sworn protector, Ser Darrik Hollows, a knight from a minor noble house that was known for the men's combat skills. Alerea at first had protested when her mother told her that she was going to be appointed with a sworn protector but Alerea knew she could have no say in it, so she agreed.

Alerea thought she would grow to dislike the man but she found Ser Darrik Hollows quite amusing, he was a jester and never stood down from her challenges (She always challenged him, to see if he was worthy of her).

"Hello, Ser Darrick, quite the lovely morning isn't it?" she asked

"Indeed it is, Princess." Ser Darrik replied, the girls then continued to walk with Ser Darrik following behind.

"I heard that Rhaegon is to return on dragonback from Runestone later in the day and apparently he comes bearing gifts," Alerea spoke turning her head to give Claryse a cheeky look. "Aegon said that in the last of Rhaegon's letters he couldn't wait to see a certain fish."

"I am sure he will enjoy his adventures on the sea to observe this fish." Claryse replied while attempting to hide her face that turned the same the colour as her fire-kissed hair and in response the girls laughed.

"I don't recall saying he was to be on sea once he returned," Alerea spoke with fake confusion and looked at Floris and Mariyah "Do you girls recall?"

"Oh no, I don't believe you said anything about Prince Rhaegon or him travelling on sea." Mariyah confirmed with equal fake confusion.

"I do recall bronze and red in the Godswood before the Prince Rhaegon left, as well as the slight sound of a kiss." replied Floris

"Oh stop it!" Claryse stammered "Stop what?" "Stop teasing me! It was only a kiss on the cheek!"

Alerea, Floris and Mariyah looked at eachother with shock and amusement.

"Only a kiss on the cheek? Claryse, that is more than just a kiss on the cheek!" Mariyah exclaimed "It is the first step to true love and marriage, that exact kiss is what caused Lady Jesmyn to marry Lord Beesbury."

Alerea rolled her eyes, Mariyah always loved to dance around the thought of love and marriage, she was growing into a comely woman as the years went by and it did not go unnoticed by the lords who were in need of a wife. She would always be seen swaying the lords and even the ladies to her liking, Alerea could not lie to say she wasn't impressed with Mariyah.

To Mariyah's advantage of her looks and social status she also seemed to be very knowledgeable on the gossip between the lords and ladies. Everyone knew that most nobles blabbered about such without a care of who was around but the secret's and gossip Mariyah managed to get her thorns pricked on were always more than just ' silly gossip'.

"As long as he treats you right, which I have no doubt of that, he will always have my acceptance." announced Alerea, Claryse smiled and nodded.

Alerea was always known to be protective of her loved ones, never afraid to point out one's wrong doings if it involved those close to her and these girls were no different. She would protect until the end of her time, that was for sure.

"Good morrow, Ser Criston." Floris spoke, Alerea had not realised that they had finally reached her mothers chambers.

"Good morrow, my ladies, Ser Darrik" replied Ser Criston "Princess, I am afraid the Queen has visitors."

"She does? Who?" questioned Alerea.

"The Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor." Ser Criston answered

"What for?" she asked with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"Ah, Princess Rhaenyra has given birth I forgot to say." Mariyah spoke, Alerea looked at her with shock then to the girls.

"You girls best wait here then I will go in myself." Alerea announced turning to Ser Criston and watched as he nodded to her and knocked on the door to announce her presence and opened the door.


"Good morrow, Mother." she spoke.

Alerea looked at her mother as she realised her presence and smiled happily at her.

"My little warrior, how are you?" replied Alicent who walked towards her to hug her, a hug that Alerea returned gratefully.

"Good, I came to ask if you wanted to break fast with me and my ladies-in-waiting but it seems you have company." Alerea answered while staring at Rhaenyra, who seemly glared at Alerea and Ser Laenor who stood next her with a subtle smile but eyes that showed discomfort.

"Congratulations on your birth, sister, I wish both you and the babe good health." announced Alerea with practised politeness, Rhaenyra, though did not acknowledge her while Ser Laenor answered for her instead when he realised she was not going to answer. A pregnant silence was created until the doors suddenly opened once more and in came a white haired old man with a slight limp and one fully grown arm.

"What happy news this morning!" "Indeed, your grace." Ser Laenor replied, Alerea watched as her father walked towards Rhaenyra with a big smile on his face.

"Where is he? Where is my grandson?" Viserys raved, Ser Laenor took the babe out of Rhaenyras arms and put the babe into her fathers arms (Well arm but he managed to hold the babe with what was left of his other). She watched with envy as he smiled joyfully at the babe, Alerea wondered if he had ever looked at her like that when she was just a babe, she doubted it but hoped it was true.

"Sturdy, he will make a fearsome knight." Viserys spoke as he turned away from them to most likely have the babe to himself, Alerea scoffed she doubt he would. Only then did she realise she scoffed too loud, Viserys, Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor looked at her with their eyes narrowed and mother looked at her with a shocked look while trying to cover it up with smiling.

"I am sure he will be a very fearsome and strong knight, father." she corrected, thankfully her father agreed while her mother looked at her proud clearly picking up her hint.

"Does the babe have a name yet?" Alerea asked, clearly curious as to what they were going to name this 'Velaryon'.

"We haven't dec-" "Joffrey. He'll be called Joffrey." Ser Laenor interrupted and Alerea turned to look at her mother who wore the same look as her.

"That is an unusual name for a Valyrian." Alicent commented, Alerea could not disagree it was a unusual name for a person who possessed the 'blood of the dragon' and she could not help but acknowledge the fact that the name seemed to be familiar, too familiar.

"I believe it is quite the unique name, different for a Velaryon," Alerea stated "Though it does have a familiar ring to it." She felt her mother's arm around her and looked up to see Alicent smiling once more, except this smile seemed to be brighter than the others her mother gave her, so in return she held her mothers hand.

"I do believe he has his father's nose." Her father then spoke which caused Alerea to almost laugh, luckily she stopped herself before she could, once again silence took over until Ser Laenor faked a cough.

"If you don't mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest." Ser Laenor elaborated, her father agreed. She then felt her mothers arm shift away and looked at Alicent as she walked towards Viserys and pulled away the blanket from the babes head to check it's hair (Obviously the babes hair was brown by the way her mother looked) she then took the babe out of Viserys arms into her own and walked past Rhaenyra with Ser Laenor and herself following her mother and watched as they stopped closely to the door.

"Do keep trying Ser Laenor. Soon or late you may get one that looks like you." her mother commented, Alerea smirked at the comment (It was a good one, Alerea knew definitely that she got her smart remarks from her mother).

She then turned to look behind her at Rhaenyra and her father speak, while she did not think much of it she noticed that her father held Rhaenyra's hand with his good arm. Again a wave of envy overcame her, Viserys had never held her hand before not even Helaena's. Always Rhaenyra, who received the love.

Her own father did not even acknowledge the fact that Alerea was in the room, he did not even say his greetings to mother. Sometimes Alerea wished she could voice the mistreatment he gave towards her family, his blood but she knew they would go unheard.

Her mother smiled at the babe before she returned him to the arms of Ser Laenor and turned back to Alerea holding her hand and walking back further into the room. They watched the two as they left along with her father who did not bother to say bye to her or her mother.

"We break fast, shall we?" Her mother spoke as she looked at Alerea with a loving smile, in return she smiled as they left the chambers with Alerea's girls following along heading for her mothers private dinning hall.


Alerea found herself in the Dragonpit standing beside her older brother, Aemond, they were joined with Aegon and her nephews, Jacaerys and Lucerys. At first she refused to join them, she wanted to spend her time with her friends and sister, Helaena, but once she was told that Aemond was to be there she ultimately changed her mind and decided to join to keep her brother company.

Not only was she there to give Aemond company but also to protect him if her oldest brother, Aegon, and her bastard nephews were to come up with some jest for Aemond.

Alerea hated how they made jest's of Aemond. So what if he didn't have a dragon, so what if his dragon egg didn't crack in the crib, he was a dragon and he was bound to have one later. She knew he would have one but it would not be now, so in the mean time as long as Aemond did not have a dragon she would be his protector, no matter how strong he is.

Stood bored next to Aemond, they watched as Jacaerys called to his dragon, Vermax, with the guide of the dragonkeeper.

The dragonkeeper held his wooden stick up to Jacaerys, holding him back as they waited for Vermax to appear out of the darkness and into the light.

Vermax had beautiful colours, Alerea could not deny that, a vibrant green, slight yellow and scales bright red but god's it had an ugly face. The dragon reminded her of one of the ugly lizards that Helaena had rescued who she named, Bronys, though the lizard did not live for long as Alerea unfortunately killed the thing by accidentally stepping on the lizard (Truthfully she did not feel guilty as she hated the thing).

"Zijot māzigon (Let him come)" spoke the dragonkeeper holding back Jacaerys, they watched as Vermax came closer to Jacaerys.

"Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys." "Dohaerās (Serve)" Jacaerys replied though Vermax continued to move closer and hissed.

"Kelīs! (Halt)" He recited, Vermax listened moving back a little and lowering his head, earning commend from the dragonkeeper.

On their right was a goat chained to a pole stuck to the floor and Vermax quickly took notice of it, moving towards the goat, Jacaerys called to him but Vermax did not respond.

"Zaldrīzo aōho syt āeksio sagon aō bēvilza, dārilaros ñuhys, hae Dārilarot Āegot Vēsperzomy se Dārilaros Ālerea Secar (You must hold mastery over your dragon, my prince, as Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre and Princess Alerea has with Secar)." spoke the dragonkeeper while the other translated for him.

"Zijosy aōt tetirī ozlettosy, toli rȳbagon zirȳlo vindīlza (Once they are fully bound to you, he will refuse to take instruction from another)."

Jacaerys then excitedly walked towards Vermax with the permission from the dragonkeeper, Alerea turned to look at Aemond and could clearly see he was as bored as she was, completely impassive of watching another command their own dragon (She was silently pleading that Secar would have somehow found a way to leave the Dragonpit depths and come to her).

"Dracarys, Vermax! (Dragon fire, Vermax!)" Jacaerys commanded, Vermax turned to the goat and let out it's flames burning the goat into cooked meat. The vibrant dragon went to the dead goat to feast.

Alerea then turned to Aemond, ready to ask him to leave with her but Aegon beat her to it.

"Aemond, we have a surprise for you." Aegon placed his hand on Aemond's shoulder and Alerea could sense that they were up to something. Carefully, she watched Aegon as his face developed from his bored manner to his 'up to something' manner.

"What is it?" "Something very special" replied Lucerys, she watched and narrowed her eyes as Lucerys eagerly waddled down into the depths of the dragonpit.

"You're the only one one of us without a dragon." Aegon moving with Aemond closer to stairs of the dragonpit with her following closely beside Aemond.

"And we felt badly about it. So we found-" "Sparo drīvose gaomā, lekia? (What do you think you're doing, Brother?)" Alerea interrupted.

"Skoros mirre gaomagon ao nūmāzma, Alerea? iksi naejot dohaeragon ñuha lēkia. (What ever do you mean, Alerea? We are to help my brother)." Aegon replied cheekily.

"Daor iksā daor jaelan ao naejot keligon (No you are not, I want you to stop.)" she announced but Aegon ignored, simply waving his hand toward her leaving her a bit mad. "Aegon!"

"Before I was rudely interrupted I meant to say we found you a dragon." he explained, Aemond's curiosity spiked but Alerea's anger only grew.

"Aemond, don't listen to him he's lying!" she warned "Oh shut up!" Aegon shrieked.

"A dragon? How?" Aemond asked, Alerea stood still in shock that Aemond did not listen to her, perhaps this jest of theirs had really caught his attention but she knew it wasn't going to end well. But she decided against it, if Aemond will not listen then it will be his fault if he ends up feeling down.

"The gods provide." Aegon marveled, she noticed Lucerys coming back up from the shadows who was now accompanied with a fat pink pig, decorated with wings and a tail. Alerea glanced to her brother who's face was now blank, curiosity gone.

"Behold, the pink dread!" All three of the boys spoke simultaneously, she glared at them as they laughed and giggled together "Be sure to mount her carefully, first flights always rough." The boys once again laughed and imitated the snores of a pig before turning to take their leave but she spoke before they could leave her sight.

"You're all bloody insufferable cunts, just you wait." warned Alerea and glared at them, the boys looked at her offended but said nothing.

"I told you not to listen to them, Aemond, I told you," she scolded "Why did you not listen to me?"

"It was only to play along, I'm sorry if I offended you." he replied as he stared blankly into the shadows of the depths.

Alerea moved closer to him and squeezed his arm gently, hoping it would give a bit of comfort.

"You did not, only disappointed me a bit. Now come let's go back to the Red Keep you can join me and Helaena." she proposed, sure he was to accept.

"No it is alright, I will join you later." Aemond answered still staring into the shadows "Are you sure, brother?"

He gave her a quick look and nodded adding in a small smile that did not reach his eyes, Alerea sighed before bringing her hands up to the sides of his head to look him in the eyes.

"You will have a dragon, believe my words lēkia." she encouraged before giving him a smile and a hug that he returned.

"I shall see you later." she confirmed before leaving the dragonpit for the Red Keep.


Sat in between her mother and sister and holding her mothers hand, Alerea watched and listened as Helaena talked, giving 'interesting' facts about some worm creature Helaena held.

"It's 240." "Yes, it is." Alicent replied with fake participation.

Alerea knew her mother had always tried to take part in Helaena's interests but she could never bring herself to enjoy it (Neither could Alerea but she was there anyway) but if it meant her daughter would be happy and content then that was enough for her.

"It has eyes. Though I don't believe it can see." Helaena uttered.

"And why is that so, do you think?" Alicent questioned

"It is beyond our understanding." Helaena answered, while lifting her hand to look at the creature closer.

"It can't possibly be beyond mine!" Alerea remarked earning a chuckle from both Helaena and Alicent.

"You are right, some things just are." Alicent replied and reached for Helaena's arm, Alerea took notice of Helaena's quick discomfort however she was quickly distracted by the chambers door's opening along with a Kings Guard and her brother, Aemond.

"Your Grace." announced the Kings Guard, her mother rose to her feet and quickly walked to the two.

"Aemond, what have you done?" Alicent asked worriedly, with the state of Aemond she could already see her mother fussing over the dirt and ash he was covered in. The Kings Guard that held Aemond by his arm answered of his doings.

"After how many times have you've been warned! Must I have you confined to your chambers!" Alicent hissed.

"They made me do it!" "As if you needed encouragement."

"Your obsessions with those beasts go beyond understanding." Alicent fumed.

Alerea did not understand why her mother did not like dragons. She had always offered her mother a ride once Secar grew large enough to mount two though Alicent always denied, no matter how hard she tried to convince her mother (She and Secar had a strong bond, Secar would never hurt mother).

"They gave me a pig!" Aemond answered, his eyes slightly watering. "They said they found a dragon for me."

"The last ring has no legs at all." Helaena echoed and Alerea turned her head to her sister, narrowing her eyes. Helaena was strange in many ways other than taking interests in bugs, in random moments she found that her sister seemed to blurb out riddles that Alerea could never understand but nevertheless she tried her best to.

"But it was a pig." Aemond's voice now noticeably lowering as he answered sourly.

"You will have a dragon one day," Alicent encouraged "I know it."

"He'll have to close an eye." Helaena whispered and Alerea scrunched her eyebrows and nose, her eyes still on Helaena. She needed to ask her what it meant after Aemond was to take his leave.

"They all laughed." Aemond spoke as her mother pulled him into her embrace, idly returning the hug.

"Gaomagon daor jenigon, lēkia. Pōnta kessa addemmagon. (Do not bother, Brother. They shall pay)." Alerea suddenly voiced and nodded to Aemond who mirrored her action.

"Helaena, what did you mean he would have to lose an eye?" she asked, turning to face Helaena and she looked back at Alerea stunned and silent, her dreamy manner suddenly gone.

"Mandia? What's wrong? Why aren't you answering?" she urged, whatever caused Helaena to disappear from her normal demeanour was bugging her. Something was not right.

"You will understand when the time comes," Helaena replied sadly "We can do none but watch."

"With what you spoke with, I don't want this 'time' to come." Helaena simply nodded, showing her that she did not want this either.

Turning back to look at Aemond, she could only fear the worse.


Once again Alerea joined her brother's and her nephews but instead of them in the Dragonpit, they now stood in the courtyard for training, Ser Criston as their mentor.

She was meant to be in her sewing lesson with the Septa but she had already planned earlier in the morning she was going to join the boys and the incident in the Dragonpit only feed her true intent more.

Unfortunately she could not join them, only observe but it was enough for her plan to work. Standing next to Ser Criston mirroring his actions with her arms tucked behind her, they both observed the four boys slashing and hitting straw dummy's with their wooden swords.

"Slow boys they are." she sighed nodding her head towards her nephews.

"Indeed, they are." Criston agreed moving towards Aemond as he switched places with Jacaerys who bumped his shoulder with her brother before reaching the other dummy.

"Soften your knees." ordered Criston "Feet light. Keep your feet light and hands heavy."

Alerea strolled around the boys, mainly following Aemond as he moved back to the straw dummy he once had that was now occupied by Jacaerys. He hit the wooden sword out of Jacaerys hand with his own sword prompting him to him to pick up his sword and glare at Aemond.

"Don't stand to upright, my prince" Criston ordered "You'll get knocked down."

Jacaerys stared at Aemond before waddling to the unoccupied straw dummy while Aemond smirked softly.

Alerea's attention shifted to Aegon, who swirled around the dummy while slashing and hitting it as if he were a knight in battle (To her it looked like a goat twirling around a farmer), she watched with mild disgust and embarrassment. It was obvious, he was trying to show off.

Suddenly Aegon stopped distracted by the two maids who walked past them and if Alerea's face could show less it only showed more disgust than it had before; she swiftly positioned herself to where the girl's could not be seen in Aegon's sight, promptly getting his attention before he was called out by Ser Criston.

She quickly turned to look behind her to ensure that girl's were gone (They were) but she caught sight of another person, the one she needed for her plan to be successful, Ser Harwin Strong. Alerea did not have a problem with him (He was definitely better than most men in Westeros) but he was the father of her 'Velaryon' nephews and besides it only made her scheme more entertaining and effecting.

Smirking she turned back to watch the boys only to find her brothers sparring with Ser Criston. She had no doubt that it was Aegon that got both him and Aemond in their position, judging by the way he held his look.

Much happened during their spar, most she didn't catch sight of as she was in deep thought. However she did capture Ser Criston wacking his wooden sword on Aegon's bottom which gave her a small giggle, turning to look at her nephews she noticed Ser Harwin speaking to them.

"Ah. Weapons up boys, give your enemies no quarter," Ser Harwin advised, darting his eyes to Criston as he noticed him coming closer "It seems the younger boys could do better with your attention, Ser Criston."

"Are you questioning Ser Criston's method of instructions and teachings? That's rather insulting, Ser Criston is a splendid mentor, my own mother saw greatness in him as well as his instruction." She reprimanded, raising her eyebrow.

"Forgive me, Princess but I did not mean it like that. I merely suggest that method be applied to all Ser Criston's pupils." Ser Harwin answered.

"Very well," Criston spoke, suddenly turning to the boys "Jacaerys." firmly grabbing onto Jacaerys by his chest-plate collar, tugging him harshly to one side of the training yard.

"You spar with Aegon." Alerea and her brothers simultaneously laugh, knowing what the results would be in this spar "Eldest son against eldest son."

"Hardly a fair match." Ser Harwin stated

"I believe it is a fair match, eldest against eldest. Don't you think so, brother?" Alerea commented, turning to Aemond who stood next to her "Indeed." He agreed.

"Like the Prince and Princess said a fair match indeed but do know Ser that when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect." Criston pointed out, Alerea knew he was right. You can never anticipate for fairness in a battle, much less a war.

"Blades up," She watched as Aegon stood into a cocky but alright fighting stance and Jacaerys stood awkwardly holding the sword stiffly in front of him "Engage."

Aegon striked first and fast, each swing leading Jacaerys back until he could nearly touch the courtyard wall but before he could touch the wall Aegon pushed him hardly causing the boy to fall on to the ground.

Believing he earned victory Aegon turned around laughing though Jacaerys did not give up. He lunged at her brother; throwing reckless and senseless swings, forcing Aegon to move back before he collided with a straw dummy which he quickly got behind and pushed, leaving her nephew to recoil.

"Foul play!" Ser Harwin barked

"I'll deal with it." Criston replied, turning to Aegon while Harwin did same and turned to Jacaerys. Quickly she walked towards Criston and her brother promptly grabbing their attention.

"Stay focused-" "I have a plan." She whispered, both males looking at her with curiosity.

"What sort of plan, Princess?" Criston questioned, Alerea moved closer towards them and slightly lowered her head and suddenly they are all huddled with all eyes and ears on her.

"Aegon, follow Ser Criston's commands and stick with it, don't try to be cocky." Alerea directed, Aegon waited for her to speak more but once he looked at her face, he realised she was not going to continue. Nodding to her he turned to Jacaerys, waiting for not only her and Criston to finish but to the other two exchanging words.

"Hit Ser Strong with words, Ser Criston" She commanded staring at him with a serious expression "And do make it worth my health and bruises." Criston looked at her confused but nevertheless agreed and she walked back to Aemonds side, giving him a mischievous look when she noticed the confusing look he gave her.

"You!" Aegon swung his sword aggressively and firmly to Jacaerys, again the same boy found himself in quickly becoming of the position he was earlier.

"Close with it. Push him backward. Close with it. Stay on the attack, Use your feet!" Criston ordered and with each word shouted, each was heard with Aegon following his commands, pushing Jacaerys with feet and stood swaying a little, waiting for more commands.

"Don't let him get up." Aegon listened, hitting his sword onto Jacaerys's and Alerea softly smiled before strolling to Lucerys who stood scared, fearful for his brother.

"Your brother seems to not have received one of the strong genes, Aegon is better." She taunted, Lucerys looked at her his eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean, your brother is cheating." "No, my brother is winning, well won." Glancing at Aegon and Jacaerys then back to the boy that she towered.

"Enough!" Ser Harwin yelled, grabbing Aegon and throwing him behind to stop from causing any harm.

"You dare put your hands on me!" "Aegon!" She heard from on top the roof, glancing she found that the very words came from her very father, Alerea smirked, finally her fathers attention was on them and her plan was becoming a success but not yet the end.

"I always wanted to fight your brother again, do you remember? When I demanded a spar against him," Alerea dictated with a playful look on her angelic face "How wonderful it was to see him fall on his knees to me, he looked like a dog."

Each word she spoke Lucerys grew more angry and soon enough his face turned red, flushed with anger and hands in tight fists. It was not enough, she needed more, she needed him angry, she needed him to snap.

"Is this what you teach Cole? Cruelty for the weaker opponent?" Ser Harwin bellowed, picking the wooden swords that lied on the ground covered in hay Criston dropping his own sword to which Ser Harwin picked up with a glare he sent to the other knight.

"Aegon is a twat! Jacaerys will show him what it means to be better and stronger!" Lucerys objected, his angered eyes followed Alerea as she moved from in front of him to where she seemed to be between the two knight's who were having a go at eachother and although she was not truly in the middle, she was close to be.

"Will he be better when I feed him to my dragon? Or perhaps I should have Secar feast on your mother, she seems to have taken a liking to spoiled brats." Alerea declared.

Lucerys saw red, in a fit of rage he pushed Alerea causing her to stumble back in to the middle of the two knights and unexpectedly being pushed was not the only thing that were to happen to her. It all happened so fast, he pushed the girl and suddenly she was punched on the side of her face by the most unpredicted person.

The Lord Commander of the City Watch, Son of Hand of the King, Lyonel Strong and Heir to Harrenhal, Ser Harwin Strong punched Princess Alerea Targaryen straight to her face.

Knight's tackled Ser Harwin to the ground while Alerea was surrounded by her brothers and Criston, gasps along with her cries of pain filled the courtyard and all eyes were on them.

Blood dripping down from her nose to her mouth, to her chin, neck then onto her dress. Her tears collided with the blood making it look as if instead of streaming down blood made it's way up onto her cheeks and on it's way to her eyes. Alerea looked at Ser Harwin with pained eyes then changed her sights to the two smaller boys who stood shock beside each other and her eyes switched with smugness, her hand that held her nose covered a smirk.

Aemond held onto her other hand and watched her worry, showering her with words of assurance and she squeezed his tightly.

"Nyke ivestretan ao kessi addemmagon (I told you they will pay)." She spoke and Aemond's face switched with worry to admiration, smiling softly he nodded and gave her a small hug. Unexpectedly she received one from Aegon with him murmuring, she could only make out 'Don't do that ever again twat'.

Quickly she took sight of an old white man who cleared the way of the people who surrounded her and called out her name, limping to her with slight worry on his face. It did not look like the much worry a father should have for their child but for her it meant more, there he finally was.



― Chapter 1 for the Green Bane!!! This took me about 3-4 days to complete and a couple of minutes to edit. 6078 words in total!

― I would ask you guys if you would like short or long chapters but I can't help but make long chapters, I MUST ALWAYS HAVE LONG CHAPTER!!

― At first I thought of starting with Alerea in the Dragonpit with the boys but I wanted to do something different!

― Just a heads up that some chapters aren't going to be episodes for e.g the next chapter isn't going to take place in one of the ep in hotd instead it will something I made up that I believe gives the story more depth!

― I hope you all enjoyed and let me know your feedback for this chapter, it would be much appreciated <3

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