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[ 4.07 ]


IN THE WOODS DEREK WAS FACE TO FACE WITH HER, NOT BELIEVING WHAT HE WAS SEEING BEFORE HIS EYES. He uttered her name – Zella, but her response to his question nearly killed him.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Isabella asked, looking at the man. It was dark out in the forest so she couldn't really see his face, but that wasn't her priority right now.

"Look either you help me with my friend or keep walking." she said, getting to the point. Derek hadn't really processed what she had just said because he was still stuck on how she didn't know him, but finally snapped out of it when he looked down to see who the person was.

Braeden was bleeding out on the forest floor and Isabella knew she had to get her to the hospital quickly. Thinking of the fastest route she remembered she could use darkness manipulation to transport Braeden to the hospital since it was night time.

Getting his attention Isabella asked "Can you put pressure on her wound, while I try to transport us to the hospital?"

Taking over Derek put his hands over Braeden's wounds and Isabella got up and concentrated on the darkness around her, picturing the outside of the hospital the darkness formed.

"Can you pick her up and bring her here?" she asked, Derek obeyed and called Malia over seeing as she was also still there.

Everyone stepped in the black looking fog and next thing they knew they were outside of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

In seconds Derek took off to the front of the hospital to get help while Isabella transported Malia to Scott's house, though Malia did have to describe his house in detail Isabella got the jist and dropped her off and told her to be safe, then with the quickness transported herself back to the hospital to catch up with Braeden.

Seeing as Derek just stepped foot inside the hospital and Isabella caught up right behind him, as they entered all eyes were on them seeing as they had blood on their clothes, and a woman was unconscious in Derek's arms.

"She's been shot! I think she's dying." Isabella said, and the doctors and nurses all rushed help. Getting Braeden a gurney they wheeled her away to be operated on.

Minutes had passed while Derek and Isabella sat in the hospital waiting room, waiting to hear about Braeden's outcome.

As she was sitting down, Isabella felt eyes on her so as she looked to the right and her eyebrows furrowed, she tilted her head as she finally got a good look at the guy who was in the woods early helping her with Braeden.

Speaking up first she asked, "You look vaguely familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

Derek wanted to tell her "Yes, you do know me. You were at my loft almost everyday for two months straight until you died." but he just settled with "Maybe you've seen me around before." since it was quite clear that she didn't recognize him and he didn't know why.

"No, no, you called me Zella. Only people who really know me call me that and plus you're like the second person to call me that this week. So I'm going to ask again, do I know you?"

Taking a deep breath, Derek answered "Yes, I do know you but you seem not to know me." which hurt him to say but seeing as she looked like she wasn't going to give up he answered honestly.

"I never got to ask but what's your name?"

"Derek," he answered. Then he saw her stare off into space, kind of like Zella did when she was being pulled off into the astral dimension.

Snapping out of it, Isabella looked him in the eye. "You're Derek Hale...you're him,the guy I've been seeing."

Derek was confused to say the least, he didn't know what she had been seeing or why he was in it so asked her to elaborate.

"What do you mean I'm him? Why have you been seeing me?"

"Seeing as I don't know you but you know me, I'm guessing you've had a run in with Zella, my entity." she specified.

"You're entity?"

Isabella chuckled, "Yes, I'm a harbinger. Which basically means I'm a host to any types of spirits or celestial beings. So if you were hanging around with Zella, you were hanging around with me, just not fully me —not my mind at least."

That was a lot to take in for Derek, he was processing talking to her but it wasn't actually her he was talking to instead he was talking to and hanging around some sort of spirit.

You would think Derek would be mad or weirded out but he wasn't. Oddly enough he was okay with it, he still met someone and became friends with them. She had opened up again which he thanked her for since he was closed off and saw the world in black and white no color.

Looking at her he asked, "So um... do you remember everything or what's going on with you?"

"No actually I don't, but I do know whenever you're in serious trouble, I go wherever you are to protect you."

"Why?" he asked.

"Recently I've had to fight off Berserkers at a highschool with a teenage boy, and while I was fighting I kept on hearing "As long as I'm here Derek, I'm always going to protect you." on repeat in my head.

Derek smiled at the statement, that was when Zella had protected him from the bomb at the sheriff's station, it was also one of the first times she made him smile.

Seeing the look on his face she asked, "I'm guessing what I just said, was important to you." tilting her head, curiously.

"Yeah, Zella told me that in the early stages of our friendship." he confirmed.

"That explains it then."

"Explain's what?" he asked, still looking at her.

"This sort of feeling I get when I remember something from the friendship you shared with her, she liked you a lot. I can also feel that it hurt her to leave you here alone, but she had to." Isabella said, looking at him.

Derek nodded his head, thinking back to the letter he read the night he got home from the school after Zella died.

"So did Zella die? What happened to her?"

"She went back to her creators, the ancestors she was made from, I'm guessing. I'm sorry I don't really know."

"That's okay, I didn't expect you to, I was just asking."

Isabella nodded her head and they sat in silence for about 5 minutes, when she got an idea.

"This is gonna sound crazy, but uh.. Do you think we should try to get to know each other and be friends? I mean you knew my entity and she liked you and I also think that was her way of trying to get me to bond with other people, but you know what we don't have to never–"

But was cut off by Derek spontaneously saying "Yeah, we could do that." which shocked his own self to say.

Stopping her own babbling she asked "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean if I liked Zella, why couldn't I like you." Derek said, as he was trying to move on from her death but seeing as her vessel who looked like her and kind of acted like her was still her why wouldn't he get to know her.

Noticing that they've sat together this whole time and she hadn't shared her name with him, she introduced herself. "Sorry I didn't do this earlier, but my name is Isabella by the way."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Isabella." he said, with a small smile on his face.

Then he also remembered he would have to tell her that she was on a hit list for assassins, but that subject was for another time right now he just wanted to get to know her.

"How do you know Braeden?" he asked, seeing as he found her trying to help the wounded woman first.

"It had been a little after I moved to Beacon Hills when she knocked on my door for a case. I didn't know how she knew I would know anything, but then she told me she had gone to my parents for help before they passed away. So naturally I just picked up where they left off and we became friends along the way."

While Isabella was busy explaining, Derek admired how her hands moved around in the air when she explained certain things and how she would smile when thinking of a distant memory.

In some ways she was so different from Zella, but yet still the same. He came to the conclusion that maybe Zella was acting like Isabella the whole time and he just didn't know it.

As she finished explaining she looked down at her shirt and jacket and realized she had blood staining all on it.

Derek followed her movement and saw what she was looking at. Turning to look at him she informed him, "I'm going to go home really quickly to change, I can try to find you something if you would like." she offered.

"You don't have to." Derek insisted.

"Nonsense, I can try to find you something. I'll be right back." and just like that she disappeared before he could say anything else.

"Yeah, Zella and her are definitely the same person." he said laughing to himself.

Seeing as he had been sad these past few weeks, he could tell it was going to turn around. Zella might be gone but Isabella was here and he was going to make the most of everything she had to offer.


Appearing in her house, Isabella headed straight to her shower washing all the blood of her hands and washing herself since she ran through the woods for like 15 minutes straight.

After a good 20 minutes passed, she got out of the shower and got dressed. Seeing as she was finished dressing herself, she searched for clothes that Derek could possibly wear.

Opening the last drawer on her dresser she found a long–sleeve black henley. She was sure it wasn't hers because it was about 2 sizes too big, and it actually looked like it would fit Derek perfectly. She didn't question it and just took it out to bring and grabbed some black joggers that were also not hers that were right beside the shirt.

Seeing as she collected everything she needed, she transported herself back to the hospital.

Transporting herself back to the outside of the hospital, she walked in and found Derek sitting in the same spot as before. She walked up to him and handed him the clothes.

"To be honest, these are not mine and I don't know where they came from, but they look like they could fit you."

Derek laughed because he knew exactly whose clothes they were.

"Actually these are mine, Zella used to steal my clothes. I just never knew where she took them." he stated.

Nodding her head, "That's probably why I didn't recognize them at all, but seeing as they were at my house I would say when she wasn't with you at your loft she was at my house." she explained.

"Thank you for these," he said, getting up to go change.

"No problem," she said, sitting down in the chair as he walked away.

While Derek was away changing, Melissa McCall went up to Isabella to inform her of Braeden's status.

"Are you Isabella Black?" she asked.

"Yes, that's me."

"Braeden is in recovery now, we moved her to a room you can see her now if you'd like."

Nodding her head, Melissa was about to show her the room when Derek came back so she also informed him and they walked to Braeden's room together.

About an hour had passed, when Melissa came back into the room with a needle heading to Braeden's IV line.

"What's that?" Derek asked. "Naloxone, we need to wake her up." she informed me.

"I thought you said she needed rest." Isabella stated.

"That was before I found out the CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in there."

Braeden then shot up looking around the room.

"Braeden, look at me. You were shot but you're in the hospital now and you're fine. Do you understand?"

Braeden then looked at Isabella, who nodded her head and she nodded hers back to Melissa.

"Good okay, last night you were in the woods and came across another pack? Do you know what happened to them?" Melissa asked.

"I told you, they were poisoned." Derek interrupted.

"No, no they were infected. It was a virus designed to kill werewolves. It did, it killed them all." Braeden explained.


After Melissa left to go handle something else, Isabella thought about what Braeden had said.

"Wait, you said it was a virus fashioned to kill werewolves?" Isabella questioned

"Yeah, why?" Braeden asked.

"Cause if this is really happening then that means The Chemist is here in Beacon Hills, and he's an assassin well known on the black market." Isabella specified.

"How do you know that?" Derek asked, curiously.

"My family kept up with a lot of assassins that are well known and not so known. Which would also explain why an assassin tried to kill me yesterday. So my question is what's going on?" Isabella questioned.

"Seeing as you're already involved, you should know that there's a Deadpool and you're the highest on the list." Derek informed her.

"Okay, well seeing as I've already taken care of one assassin, what's a few more." Isabella said, pinching the bridge of her nose.


Braeden went back to sleep for a little while, but woke up to still see Isabella and Derek in her hospital room.

"What are you guys still doing here?" she questioned.

"I'm here to watch over my friend, who was incredibly stupid enough to go into the woods at night time." Isabella said, smiling down at the wounded woman.

"And I'm here to protect my investment, I got a lot of money riding on you."

"Oh, don't tell me he's the wolf whose eyes changed color?" Isabella asked, raising her eyebrows.

Before Braeden could answer, Melissa entered the room. "Derek, I think there's someone here you've been trying to find." Melissa said, then Satomi walked in the room.

Seeing as Derek was looking for her and she happened to appear in the hospital he knew something had happened. Isabella happened to know about The Chemist so they both told Braeden they would be back, and walked to an empty room.

Walking in the room Isabella saw, a man standing over a body whose head was surgically opened.

"It's a variant of canine distemper. A few years ago an outbreak in Yellowstone killed 40% of the wolf population." Deaton informed.

"What's it going to do to our wolf population?" Melissa questioned, worried about her son.

"Well, it's been altered to infect quite a bit faster."

"You mean it's been weaponized?" Derek asked.

"It infected my whole pack." Satomi answered.

"Yeah, everyone except for you." Isabella countered.

"That's the real question, did you not get infected or are you immune?" Deaton questioned.

"She's not immune, nobody's immune, you might have ingested or breathed it in. But no one's immune to something that's designed to kill a wolf." Isabella answered, quickly.

"If your pack was infected, then who was doing all the shooting at the entrance to the woods?" Derek asked Satomi.

"Apparently another assassin, personally I'd rather face a gun than another variant of smallpox." she said.

"Sounds like you're going to get plenty of chances." Melissa said.

"You said the high school was under lock down and the CDC is there. Then that means it's not just affecting wolves, it's affecting everyone supernatural." Isabella said out loud.

Then she and Derek turned to look at Satomi at the same time, feeling her eyes on them.

"Sorry, I just noticed you look a lot like the woman who knocked my pack unconscious." she explained.

"Oh, sorry my entity did a lot of things to people." Isabella said, not knowing what else to say since she didn't know exactly what Zella did, with her time on earth.

"It's okay," she told her.

Then Satomi looked at Derek and told him, "I also noticed how much you remind me of Talia. I used to visit her a lot, you know. Do you remember me?" she asked.

"I remember the tea, you always brought that tea that smelled terrible." Derek informed her.

And that alarmed not only Deaton but Isabella as well.

"I brought that tea as a gift. Your mother loved it."

"What kind of tea?" Deaton asked.

"What?" Satomi asked.

"The tea with the smell, what kind was it?"

"Reishi, Wild purple reishi." Satomi said.

"It's very rare, and it's also a very powerful remedy for sickness. Especially for the supernatural and it works for humans too." Isabella said.

"Satomi, you didn't get infected because you've been inoculated." Deaton said.

"Okay, okay. How rare is it? Can we find it?" Melissa asked, with a little bit of hope.

"We don't have to. My mother kept some of it, it's in our vault." Derek told them.

Melissa then took out her phone and called Rafael to get him to inform the kids.

"I have to get to the school," Derek said, walking out of the room.

"What about the others at the Lookout Point?" Satomi asked.

But was interrupted when the elevator opened and a blonde haired woman with a gun stepped out and fired.

Seeing this, Isabella formed a dagger in her hand and threw, with pinpoint accuracy hitting the woman directly in the throat. Then walked up to the woman and took it out watching her fall on the ground.

Turning around she saw everyone looking at her, "I may have been used as a host, but I was always the one doing the fighting."


After dealing with the assassin, Isabella went back to Braeden's hospital room.

Seeing her awake already she began talking "Alright missy seeing as I've known you for a while and you don't seem to stop working even when you're injured, you're going to be staying at my house so I can keep an eye on you."

Braeden laughed but nodded her head. "And seeing as Derek is the wolf you need to help, I'm taking over your assignments till you're better so if he needs protecting, I'll be doing it instead of you. You got that." Isabella told her.

Knowing Isabella wasn't going to take no for an answer she said yes. Plus Braeden couldn't think of anyone better to do her job than Isabella.


So they have now officially met and they're going to try and build a friendship. I'm so excited for them.

And thank you guys so much for 1k reads on here and 14k reads on The entity, I couldn't have done this without y'all :)

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