21 ; manor

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Ivy roamed the castle grounds not knowing what to do with herself. She had spent the past couple of weeks on edge, and completely out of focus. James and others started noticing her actions, but she quickly shut their theories down saying she was completely fine and just on edge of the discovery of her mother. She hadn't told anyone about her encounter with a certain snake and intended to keep it that way.

She also hadn't told the group about the research she was doing over her mother. Turns out Celeste Evermore was well known through out Hogwarts, and could be found in several books of old students who attended Hogwarts. Although being sorted into Slytherin according to the pictures she found, Celeste was friendly towards all the houses. Ivy found pictures of her late mother standing next to students such as Fred and George Weasley and Luna Lovegood. Although she wanted to ask Professor Lovegood about her mother she was scared. Did they know which she side she fought with when push came to shove?

With all the thoughts in her Ivy just kept searching through pictures of her mother. She was beater for the Slytherin team her second through fifth year, stopping abruptly, probably due to the print she wore on her arm. Celeste Evermore was also prefect for the Slytherin house and had a passion for Care of Magical Creatures. One photo that made Ivy let out a chuckle was one of her mother laughing at Draco Malfoy as he got attacked by a Hippogriff in their third year. It seemed as if the two were best friends, they were seen in many photos together. There was a certain picture of the two labeled, "Celeste Evermore jinxing her best friend after he makes fun of a Hufflepuff student." although they were bestfriends, she managed to put him in his place.

She wondered if Draco Malfoy had noticed the resemblance between the two when she left a Christmas present for Scorpius one year, but he must have ruled out the option considering she was known to have died before Ivy was even born. That is what shocked Ivy most of all, according to a book she was reading Celeste Evermore was killed right before the Battle of Hogwarts. She was killed during a battle at Malfoy Manner, it must have all been setup as an escape. She had wanted a new life in the muggle world without any old ties to the Wizarding World, and it seemed like she got want she wanted, but left before being able to help her daughter.

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley were also have been known to had been in the Manor the day her mother had supposedly died. That means they must have known that her mother was a Death Eater, and she did not need them all knowing she was the daughter of a Death Eater, but a small part of also wanted to know what had happened that night. Clearly there was more to the story then what information she was given.

Ivy sat at the table contemplating whether this was a good idea, or would her relationship with the Potter family go down the drain. Before giving herself another reason to back out, Ivy found herself looking for James in the halls of Hogwarts.


The pair made it in front of the Potter household with a quick snap. James was the only one she trusted and knew how to apparte. She had enough of the secrets and Harry Potter had to know something about her mother's situation.

"If Headmistress finds out we left, we'll both be spending months in detention." James said as the two walked towards the doorstep. "You didn't even tell me why we're here, did my mother put you up to this? I swear I haven't pushed Albus down the stairs."

Ivy rolled her eyes along with the small chuckle that left her lips. "No your mother didn't put me up to this, there's just a real important question I have to ask your dad."

James smiled down at her small figure placing a small kids on the top of her head. He was head over heels for this girl, when she asked him to bring her to his house he didn't even question her, he simply intertwined their fingers and brought her to the estate.

The pair were greeted by a confused Ginny. "What are you two doing here?" She questioned rushing them inside due to the freezing whether. "Does the Headmistress know you two are here?"

"No." James said kissing his mom on the cheek before making himself comfortable on their couch. "Ivy has something to ask dad, and she needed me to get her here. At this point I wouldn't doubt if she's just using me at this point." James joked.

"Took you long enough to find out." Ginny replied throwing a broom towards her eldest son. "While Ivy talks to your father make yourself useful and broom. Ivy, you can find Harry in his study." Ginny said with a warm smile.

Ivy quickly muttered a thank you making her way up the stairs. She counted each step hoping to calm herself down, there was no going back at this point. Ivy found herself in front of Harry's study, he had his glasses on as he studied a sheet of paper probably from the ministry. He soon noticed her standing at the doorframe catching him off guard.

"Ivy I didn't see you there, has something happened." Harry asked worriedly. "Has James done something again?"

"It's not always me!" James yelled from downstairs.

Ivy took a quick breathe before continuing. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you if it's not to much to handle."

"Of course not, what is it?"

"It's about Celeste Evermore, and what happened that night at the Malfoy Manor." Ivy said quietly whispering the last part. She watched as he froze in his chair quickly meeting her eyes."

"Where did you find out?" Harry questioned.

"Harlow and Daisy found her in a yearbook. She was in your year so I was guessing you might have known her, but I did some extra research and found out the Wizarding World thought she had died way before I was born."

"Ivy I think you might want to sit down for this one."


"How are you still alive?" Ron gasped bringing Hermione into a tight grasp. "We heard your screams and thought you were gone, how did you manage to escape Bellatrix?"

"Celeste." Hermione quietly whispered. "We were wrong about her, she's been helping us all along, but her covers been blown. She had to attack Bellatrix in order to save me."

"How?" Harry questioned. "I was sure she had the Death Eater mark, I saw it with my own two eyes, I know you two saw it as well."

"It's part of her cover." Hermione explained. "She's been a spy for the Order since her sixth year. After she was forced to get the mark by her Pureblood maniac parents, she went to Dumbledore. She wanted to help, she couldn't see innocent lives die because of their blood. We should have known, Celeste always stood up for everyone even after being influenced by all her Slytherin friends and family."

"We have to help her." Harry said after grabbing all the information Hermione had just said.

"Are you bloody serious?" Ron exclaimed. "Her covers been blown there's no escaping the Dark Lord!"

Harry pulled out a bottle of gold liquid from his pocket. "Dumbledore gave me this the last time I ever saw him before his death, he said I'd know who to use it on, it's clearly for Celeste. She was born into this craziness but never let it get into her head, she deserves it more than anyone. If it weren't for her Hermione wouldn't be standing here."

"I agree with Harry, Ron. She needs whatever is in that bottle."

Before Ron could agree with the two, Celeste Evermore came rushing in with blood down her nose and scratches along her arm from her battle with Bellatrix. "Hermione are you okay!" She exclaimed bringing her into a tight hug. "They said not to blow my cover, but I couldn't stand your screams. It was too much to bear."

"I'm fine Celeste, but you're clearly not. Drink this." She ordered snatching the liquid from Harry's grasp. Celeste eyed the witch curiously, but drank the potion anyways. It left a fuzzy taste in her mouth. She soon let out a scream of pain clutching onto her arm.

"Harry what did you do!" Hermione exclaimed grabbing ahold of Celeste before she could hit the ground.

"What do you mean!" Harry exclaimed back towards Hermione, maybe the liquid was something else and he had just killed her.

"Harry, Hermione look!" Ron shouted pointing towards the Dark Mark which slowly started fading from her skin.

"That's impossible!" Hermione said taking notice at the arm that was once covered by the evil print.

"That bastard." Celeste chuckled looking down at her arm, she felt a huge weight lifted off her, she felt like her old self once again.

"Celeste now that's it's off you have to go." Harry ordered. "Go to the muggle world, we'll make up some story for your death. You can be free now!"

"I can't leave you three here to fight all alone, I can't leave the war." Celeste stated standing her ground.

"Celeste." Hermione said grabbing ahold of the Slytherin. "You have done more than any of us have. You've faced the Dark Lord, and have lied to him in his face, not many are able to do that. It's your turn to be free, leave the rest to us. That's an order."

Celeste gave a warm smile at the three pulling them all into a hug. "Tell Draco I love him." She whispered with tears slowly falling out of her eyes.

"Really him?" Ron asked with a disgusted look.

"Surely you all knew." Celeste said with a small laugh. "Although we never made it official, he's always been the one. I'm sure he will always be, but fate has a different idea for us."

"Trust me, we all knew." Harry said with a small laugh.

"Harry." Celeste said turning to the boy who lived. "I can never step foot into the Wizarding World again, but promise me if I ever have a little me running around you'll look after him or her? Even if I'm not around."

"I'll welcome her or him with open arms." Harry said with a smile. "We all will."

With one last smile Celeste apparated from the Manor never stepping into the Wizarding World ever again.


"So finding me at the bookstore wasn't a coincidence? You've known all along."

"Yes." Harry said with a sigh. "I've known all along."


so that's out of the bag

yes celeste and draco
were a thing, soulmates
who didn't get
their happy ending :((

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