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Ivy Lennon Blane loved her father, but they weren't very close. Even though he never admitted to her she knew he was slightly scared of her. She couldn't blame him, at only seven years old Ivy had managed to burn their house down after a tantrum. At that moment her father knew something was wrong with Ivy, but he didn't know what.

It wasn't till one evening that Harry Potter saw young Ivy Blane knock down a whole book shelf with her mind. He soon noticed that her father had no idea what was going on. Muggles had no idea of the Wizarding World, therefore Harry took her father aside to explain what was going on with his daughter. Ivy remembered almost seeing her father faint at the mention of wizards and witches, he argued with Harry Potter outraged that he was calling his daughter a witch. After much, much convincing he finally gave into the idea that his only daughter was a witch.

Harry offered her father help which he gladly accepted. Ivy would soon go to the Potter household every Wednesday to learn how to keep her powers under control. Every Wednesday soon turned into every other day. The Potter's considered her one of their own, Ginevra Weasley became the mother figure Ivy never had. Albus and Ivy became best friends, they did everything together. Albus liked causing ruckus around the house, thankfully for the family Ivy usually kept him from going overboard. She also grew close with Lily Luna Potter, the two would play with their toys and had sleepovers from time to time.

When Ivy's father remarried she started spending less time with him and more with the Potter family. Her father had married a nice woman with two kids, but Ivy couldn't afford revealing her powers to his new family. Ginevra soon saw the sadness in Ivy's eyes, and forced her to come to spend time with them for the holidays at The Burrow where she had grown up. Ever since Ivy was always with the family during the holidays taking a seat in between Lily and Albus.

Everyone loved her except one person, James Sirius Potter. When Ivy first started visiting he didn't mind, he'd usually be in his room with his cousin Fred. That changed when he noticed Ivy spending more time with them. James hated sharing anything, including his parents. He soon became jealous of Ivy's relationship with his parents and hated how impressed they were of her magical abilities. From then on he'd tease her hoping that she'd stop coming by, but unfortunately for James she was one of the most stubborn people he had ever met. She held her head up high and ignored every little remark he shot her way.

On August seventh the family and Ivy were gathered at the table having breakfast, she had had a sleepover with Lily the previous night having a Disney marathon. Just as she was about to dig into her eggs, an owl came flying through the window. The owl dropped three letters in the middle of the table flying out once again. Harry Potter took a hold of the letters wondering what they were. His eyes widened once he saw they were Hogwarts letters. He wasn't surprised by James' letter since he was going into his third year, but he was ecstatic when he saw Albus and Ivy had both received letters as well. He congratulated the two while James groaned at the fact he had to go to school with Ivy, he prayed she didn't end up in Gryffindor every night till the first day of school.

James let out the sigh he had been holding in when he heard the hat yell out 'RAVENCLAW', it seemed his prayers had been answered. His happiness soon dissolved once he heard his little brother's house 'SLYTHERIN'. Fred and James' eyes widened, as everyone in the Great Hall started whispering. Everyone was in shock that the son of Harry Potter had been sorted into the house of Salazar Slytherin. James quickly let a first year take the spot he reserved for his brother, he sent a scowl towards his brother as he took a seat next to the son of Draco Malfoy.

Albus was also in shock of his house, his whole life he imagined ending up in Gryffindor like the rest of the family. He looked up noticing everyone sending him weird glances, luckily he soon noticed Ivy from the Ravenclaw table sending him a huge smile and two thumbs up.

They might have not been sorted into the same house, but that wasn't going to end their friendship.

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