𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 + 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘀

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𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Captain Hook °•*⁀➷
↳The very first pirate. Or at least, that is what he claims himself. There is no one, or no one left, to disagree. No one to challenge that claim, or no one who cares enough to do so.
↳His origin is unknown to most. One day the seas of Neverland were like they always had been, calm on the surface and with danger hidden without. On the next day a ship had turned up at the horizon. It wasn't just some little ship with room for barely one person, not it looked like it could house over a hundred people and still have room. And on the deck stood a single man, the self proclaimed Captain Hook.
↳He has been haunting the seas of Neverland ever since. The sirens had tried what they could to make his ship sink, to drag it to the bottom of the ocean, but they could not. It was a sailing fortress, unbeatable for them. It was the very first ship, and the only one, that was able to seal on the seas. The rest being dragged down to the bottom of the ocean within hours.
↳Hook never reveals his past, not even to his crew. Who he, despite his rough character, cares for like family. No one can no the truth. That he is the only person on Neverland, who ever grew up. (AKA I will dm you what exactly happened to him)
↳He is not the most strict person in the world. He's actually rather careless, he loves to have a joke and doesn't mind other people undermining him. This is only so because he has full confidence in his position and skills. He might put on a friendly and careless mask, but don't be mistaken. He isn't afraid to perform cruel acts, do not expect him to save you. This selfish man would rather sell you off than stick out his neck for you.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the first mate °•*⁀➷
↳If hook is the life of the party, than she is the destroyer of parties. She has the discipline that the captain lacks, and it's only because of her that the ship doesn't collapses on itself, or that is what she claims.
↳she has it all. The discipline, the power and the authority. She's the number one authority on the ship, and you better know that everyone listens to her every word. Unless they want to be thrown overboard to swim with the sirens until they have learned their lesson (or until the sirens have gotten what they wanted) either way she doesn't have to deal with their disobedience anymore.
↳None of the crew is very close with her, but that doesn't matter. Or at least, that is what she likes to tell herself. It doesn't matter that they do not share their stories with her, or would rather eat outside in the dark than sit together with her in the small dining room. It doesn't really matter. At the end of the day it only matters that everyone knows who is in charge.
↳She had troubles with expressing emotions and doesn't know how to show anything but annoyance, and even that is hard. Her face is usually a blank mask. She is rather intimidating, and that is the reason why the crew kind of avoids her. She's easily the scariest member of the crew.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ canon shot°•*⁀➷
↳This man. This man is a completely disaster. Yes, he is a pirate. He knows how to fight. He's an expert in fighting, drinking and cursing. The whole pirate thing. Still it's w miracle that this men is still alive.
↳He is one of the, if not the most distracted people in the world. I would call him dumb, except he isn't really dumb, he just has an attention span from 5 seconds and tends to skip over the most obvious things. Which is why he isn't allowed to get of the ship alone, everyone knows that he would end up either dead or in a trap within minutes.
↳kind of like a child in some ways. He would follow a stranger because they promise him candy. Call him naive if you want. He is, in some ways. However, there are moments where he is very much aware of what is happening. He is a lot better on reading people than he seems. He just usually doesn't pay that much attention to them. He honestly acts before he thinks, which often leads to a whole lot of trouble.
↳In charge of weapons on the pirate ship. This man is a pyromaniac. He loves to set shit on fire. Which is why he is in charge of all cannons on the ship. He is often the one to control them during battle, all of them. It's honestly some kind of hobby for him. He is also in charge of the rest of the weapons, deciding who gets what weapon and how much munition. A terrible choice? Perhaps. But definitely a fun one.
**taken by sammy**

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ bloody hell °•*⁀➷
↳did someone say cursing? This woman could curse you out in at least 27 languages. It's like she made a bet to learn as many possible curse words as she can (spoiler alert. She did and she won)
↳Would as easily land in a trap as cannon shot. Not because she doesn't notices what is going on. Oh now she has a rather sharp eye. No she would walk into the trap with open eyes, just to see if she can get out of it. To test her own abilities. At least, that is what she claims. The truth is that she does it for fun.
↳A bit of an adrenaline junky. Often brings herself, and others from the crew, in danger just for fun. She extremely reckless, to the point where she's not trusted to be left alone on the island. Who knows what she might do. She doesn't feel sorry if anyone gets hurt because of her reckless behaviour, what is life without a little danger? And so what that someone got third degree burn wounds? At least they feel that they are alive. Don't be such a pussy.
↳Best mates with black eye jack. They are drinking buddies and often spend the night together. No one knows what they discuss in those hours, but most of the crew suspect they are planning all kind of schemes. Not against the crew of course. She's fiercely loyal to her crew, even though she might bring them into danger from time to time.
↳Holds a grudge against the lost boys, and mainly against Felix. She rarely talks about it, but when she does she speaks with such a hatred, it's almost frightening. No one knows why she feels this way, but it's without doubt for a very good reason.
**taken by mavis**

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ blood and bruises °•*⁀➷
↳I'm gonna be honest with you, this woman is probably the reason why the ship hasn't sunken to the bottom of the ocean yet. The rest of the crew has their talents, sure. And they are a frightening bunch together, but she is truly the one who makes sure they won't get slaughtered.
↳A master in hand to hand combat. Can easily beat anyone on the ship, hook included. Possible even best the strongest of the lost boys. She's walking weapon, she doesn't need any weapons to be deathly. Though she does always carry at least 5 weapons on her, mostly daggers and her precious sword.
↳An overachiever. She hasn't slept longer than 6 hours a night in the last 7 years, probably longer. Sleep is for the weak. And she is anything but weak, that is what she tells herself when she all but collapses in the middle of the day.
↳Despite her strive for perfection and endless need to better herself is she quiet close to the rest of the crew. She might be the most dangerous of them all but she makes sure they don't see her that way. No one does actually. She's rather petite and seems harmless.
↳She's quite but when she talks she's kind and not aggressive or threatening at all. Which matches her personality quiet well. She isn't an aggressive or sadistic person at all. All her power and skill is only used to protect, rather than to attack. Though there is a darker part slumbering underneath her soft smiles. A part that wishes for more power, a part that is called towards the deepest forests of Neverland, searching for something

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ black eye jack °•*⁀➷
↳adrenaline junky 2.0. Reckless (stupid actually but that doesn't sound as cool) is his second name. He rushes into any situation without thought, for himself or anyone else. Come on people, live a little!
↳he wears an eyepatch, and it's not only for fashion. Actually, he has always wore one, but in the past it was only for fashion, now he wears one because he needs to. His left eye is completely missing. He doesn't has any other scar on his face, not even around his missing eye.
↳when he was younger, and equally as reckless, he stumbled upon a lost boy. He, drunken and in the need of some adventure, attacked the lost boy, only to discover that he had not attacked some random lost boy, but Pan. By that time it was too late. He wasn't killed, as he expected too, but instead he got his eye taken out. He was conscious during the entire process, feeling how his eye was scooped from the socket and pulled out, it was the worst experience of his life
↳Not a surprise that he despises the lost boys with his entire being and wishes for nothing but their deaths.
↳He can't see depth and is hopeless with any kind of longer distance weapon, doesn't mean he doesn't use them though. He carried a cross bow around, he had never hit a single bolt, but claims to carry it around for aesthetic.
↳This man, despite the many scars he carries, is extremely friendly and cheerful. He loves to have a good laugh, and loves it even more to make a pretty lady (or gentleman) laugh. He's a little flirt, and he enjoys it.
↳one tip: never underestimate him. He is still a pirate, and he will always chose money over you, so don't expect to find friend in him. You will end up disappointed. If you manage to keep your life, that is it.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘀

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the little mermaid °•*⁀➷
↳The youngest daughter of the sea queen. The sea queen is the most powerful of the sirens, and the one in charge of them all. She has all the authority. Though she can be challenged by one of her children, if they win they get the throne. If they lose they are either killed in battle or left to rot on the beaches of Neverland, waiting to be found and murdered by the savages that inhabit the island.
↳As the youngest daughter does she not have a change to inherit the throne, not unless she wants to fight her way up through her many siblings to the throne. 55 fights to the death seem a little extreme too her.
↳Unlike her most siblings is she not extremely ambitious. Most would actually describe her as a rather lazy siren instead. Sure, she hunts with the rest of the pod, and can fend for herself should she need to. But she doesn't do any more than she absolutely has to. Do not expect her to lead hunts or get out of her way to do something.
↳She much more prefers to lay in her chambers, looking through her many treasures, than to fight off some pirates. And she holds many treasures, all human stuff. She is obsessed with it. With human culture overall. Don't worry, she doesn't wish to be a human herself. She wouldn't scoop that low. But she does enjoy studying their culture. And the best way to do that? Drown them and take what they have for herself. She's still a siren after all. A royal one. And royals are rarely merciful.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the sea hag °•*⁀➷
↳they call her the ugly one. no siren is ugly, at least not to human standards. Everyone knows they hold an ethereal beauty. Yet this one is rumoured to be so ugly that even the sea queen refused to meet her.
↳Why? Oh that's simple. She's is not like other sirens, instead of a beautiful fishtail, does she possesses a tail that looks more like an octopus than a fish, with many rough tentacles instead of a gentle tail. She was born this way, though many believe that she was cursed to become this creature. One so horrendous that even the hardest warriors would freeze in fear as they gazed at her figure.
↳The truth is different. If one would only see the upper half of her body, they would be stunned at her beauty. For the truth is that her upper body is so beautiful that the queen herself felt threatened by her beauty. So she spread rumours about her, to eliminate the threat to her throne. She was stunned because of these rumours, forced to life in exile, while the queen could be content on her throne.
↳And oh does she hate her for it. She burns with a rage greater than anything else. She has carried this burden, this fury for so long that it's barely visible. Hidden beneath layers of politeness and charm, but it's still there. Constantly pushing her, pushing her to gain power, rather than beauty. Until one day and can take her true place, on the throne.
↳She is famous for her many poisons, and is willing to sell pretty much anything, for the right price of course

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ice and fire °•*⁀➷
↳the apex predator in the sea. A creature driven by hunger and bloodlust. Some say that she no better than any animal. Maybe she isn't. So driven to hunt whoever dared to enter her waters. Anyone foolish enough will soon end up devoured by her sharp teeth.
↳she's the monster children fear, the one where sailors tell stories about, the one that gleefully pulls ships to bottom of the sea and grins while she does it. And the one other sirens look up to. She is exactly what they all want to be, fearless, bloodthirsty and ruthless. The picture perfect siren.
↳She's also one of the personal guards of the queen, a job that she takes very seriously. No one is allowed to lay a hand on the queen or disrespect her. If they try, well I will let you take a guess.
↳She's close to the little mermaid because of this position. The two basically grew up together and though they are vastly different, one being extremely ambitious and one being rather lazy, they are very close and care deeply for each other
↳Sirens rarely form deep bounds with those around them, but when they do, they do it for life. She's extremely loyal to those she is close to, and would gladly set the world on fire for them.
↳Despite her ambition can she be reckless and act without thinking. Hunting, especially pirates, is her favourite past time, and she would be dammed to let anyone take that away from her. She's always looking for a hunt, although she will not seduce people from the land to come into the water. She only attacks when they dare to touch the seas of Neverland. Make sure your feet keep touching the ground, would you even go swimming, unless you want to be dragged away into the depths of the ocean, never to be seen again.
**taken by ecko**

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ double trouble - red°•*⁀➷
↳One of the twins. Sirens rarely get pregnant, it's very hard to convince a child, because they will have to lay with a human man, and most human man are eaten before they have the change to convince a child. Which is why it is so impressive that the sea queen has 56 children. Red is a miracle. She is not only born from a very young mother, but also a twin. Twins are extremely rare among sirens because the twins tend to absorb each other in the stomach before they are born. Which is why Red is such a miracle.
↳Red is the older of the twins. She is a lot more quiet than her twin sister, usually allowing white to take the lead and following in silence. She doesn't feel the need to constantly prove herself and happily follows along with whites schemes.
↳The twins are known for their mischievous schemes, and although white usually plans them, red is the one to even plant the idea of a scheme in whites head. She can be very manipulative, even to her twin who she loves very much. She just needs that control. Even if it's over her own twin.
↳Red is the more violent of the twins. She hides it behind a quiet demeanour, and pretends to be the kind one, but everyone who knows them (truly knows them) knows that that is the opposite.
↳Red has always been this way, ruthless and bloodthirsty, hidden behind a veil of politeness. She loves to chaos a little chaos, and would gladly mess with anyone, hidden behind her more powerful sister.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ double trouble - white °•*⁀➷
↳One of the twins. Sirens rarely get pregnant, it's very hard to convince a child, because they will have to lay with a human man, and most human man are eaten before they have the change to convince a child. Which is why it is so impressive that the sea queen has 56 children. White is a miracle. She is not only born from a very young mother, but also a twin. Twins are extremely rare among sirens because the twins tend to absorb each other in the stomach before they are born. Which is why white is such a miracle.
↳White is the leader of the twins. She is the one who decides what is gonna happen, and when it's gonna happen. She plans all the schemes, she sets them action, and than she drags red along to make her watch.
↳she is physically stronger than her twin sister and is usually the one to do the heavy lifting. She doesn't mind, she knows her power, and is rather proud of it. She loves to show off to over sirens, and has more than once done some horrible things in the name of showing off.
↳She, despite her schemes, isn't the cruelest of sirens. She just thrives to have some fun, and while some of her fun can get bloody, she doesn't mean anything with it. She also adores flirting with people, especially the lost boys, she lives for their flustered reactions
↳Despite this all is she not stupid. She might seem like it, but she is very aware of her sisters manipulations. She just lets her be, she knows that Red would never hurt her, so she doesn't feel like she has to stop her older sister

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the eye of the storm °•*⁀➷
↳The one siren that doesn't seem nuts right of the bat. She is a caring soul. Instead of dragging you of the shores, she sits beside you and listens to your problems. She smiles and laughs with you, and gives advise to all your problems. Only when you start to bore her, when the game loses its fun, does she get aggressive.
↳She seems like the sweetest of them all, but you couldn't be more wrong. She's a sadistic soul who loves to play games with the inhabitants of Neverland, other sirens included. She was raised to be as rotten as she can be, and she gladly took that role. Mercy isn't a word she knows, and she makes sure death is what you wish for before she's done with you
↳Sirens are very caring with their children, making sure to raise them strong before leaving them in the world, but always keeping an eye on their younglings. At least, that is what they are supposed to do. Her mother was different. She had a lover, a human one, one of the few humans on Neverland that didn't belong to the lost boys, and she apparently loved him enough to leave her own daughter behind. Their daughter. She was forced to raise herself in the dark depths of the ocean. Sirens are very caring to their own children, but not those of others. every day was a struggle to survive
↳This eventually lead to a twisted woman who saw every interaction as a game, and all people as toys to play with. Their feelings were amusing but ultimately unimportant to her, only she mattered. That was the only way to survive
↳The truth is that she is longing for motherly affection and envies, hates, anyone who possesses what she does not. She tends to be overly aggressive, sometimes reckless, with them. And isn't afraid to drag anyone who reminds her of her own absent more to the depths of the ocean
**taken by meena**

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