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- Dispossessed

Elizabeth looked around her surroundings with a look of awe and amazement on her face as she took in the waterfalls and the mountains as it wasn't like anything she had seen before not noticing the smile on Ragnar face as he watched the blonde girl with a fond look on his face, "Ragnar Lothbrok" Athelstan called out causing him to turn his attention to the priest and asked," what is it?"

Elizabeth urned her attention to Athelstan who gestured the man beside him, "Brother Cenwulf here, beside me, I think he's dead" Ragnar stood up making his way towards the Monk slapping the back off his head only for it to flop back onto Athelstan shoulder causing Elizabeth eyes to widened as she watched Ragnar, " you're right. Leif" Two men picked up Brother Cenwulf and carelessly threw his body into the ocean causing the others to sob quietly to themselves terrified of what is going to happen to them.

It wasn't long until they arrived at the Vikings homeland causing Floki to start growling loudly and once they arrived at the docks, Elizabeth was dragged off the boat her wrists were now bound together with rope as she was draggged into the Great Hall of Kattegat, as all the riches and treasure they had found was laid out in front of Earl Haraldson, " My Lord, it was easy to take all of these things. The Priests in their temple, they had no weapons. They were like babies. They only had a child there for her protection and here is one of their priests" Ragnar tugged Athelstan forward causing Elizabeth to gasp as she was tied to his waist so it brought her forward too, "We captured several of them to sell for slaves"

Ragnar pushed Athelstan back before he turned around to face the people of Kattegat, "It must be true that there are many more such Holy places in England. And other lands to the West, likewise filled with such treasure, and to sail there will benefit us all" The people started speaking quietly with one another agreeing with Ragnar when Earl Haraldson stood up from his throne narrowing his eyes at Ragnar and curiously questioned, "How did you find this place of great riches when all before you had failed?""

Ragnar stayed silent for a moment as he glanced around the room at his men and firmly stated, "My lord, we were more fortunate than others. We had Thor on our side"Earl Haraldson snorted under his breathe nodding his head in response, " Yes, then you were indeed fortunate. But you understand that all this belongs to me, by right." Elizabeth smiled looking down at the ground at the expression on Ragnar face as his smile immediately dropped at the Earl's words, "My Lord, me and Floki paid for the boat. Surly, we are entitled to some reward and my crew..."

"You want me to pay you when you think these things as easily as from babies" Earl Haraldson resorted causing the people to laugh as Ragnar and his crew had an offended look on his face. Earl Haraldson looked down at Ragnar who glared at him before he turned around to face his wife who shrugged her shoulders, "here's what I've decided to do" he trailed off as the door suddenly opened with the Earl's men making their way inside, "Each one of you can take one thing from this hall."

"One?" Leif questioned in a disbelief as he looked at Earl Haraldson who nodded his head in confirmation looking at Ragnar and his men, " Yes, and you'll still be richer than you were before. Now, all the world can see how magnanimous and generous is your lord. especially since you disobeyed me. So, Ragnar Lothbrok, what will you choose?" Ragnar forced a smile on his face trying to hide his anger as he made his way over to the to where the riches and treasure were.

He picked up a golden bowl and decided to place it on his head hopping around causing the people to laugh loudly as he then flipped it around in his hands before turning around to face Earl Haraldson as he placed the bowl back down on the pile before turning around sharing a look with each of his men who looked just as unhappy as him. Ragnar then walked behind Elizabeth placing his hands on her shoulder, " I will take the priest and the girl for my slaves"

Elizabeth looked up at Ragnar who smiled down at the young girl sending her a wink only for Earl Haraldson eyes to widened as he looked between Elizabeth and Athelstan, " The priest and the girl?" Earl Haraldson asked in confusion moving his gaze back to Ragnar who nodded his head in response only for Siggy to start laughing loudly in amusement with everyone else as out of everything he could of wanted he chose the girl and the priest.

The laughter came to a stop when they all realised that Ragnar was being serious, " Granted. Even though that counts for two and not one" Ragnar smiled as he turned to look down at Elizabeth sending her a small nod of assurance causing her eyes to widened as she didn't think he would take either her or Athelstan she thought that he would prefer one of the gold or silver items that they took from England.


After Ragnar had spoken to Earl Haraldson and made arrangements for Elizabeth and Athelstan they soon arrived at his home which was some kind of farm causing the blonde girl to look around in curiosity only for her eyes to land on the girl that looked to be the same age as her only to clench her jaw in frustration when Ragnar tied her and Athelstan up to a wooden post, " did he just tie us up like a rat in a passageway?"

"Like a slave. You have to go ahead with whatever they do. You're a slave now and you must act like it" the priest told her only for Elizabeth's eyes to widened as she narrowed her eyes at him, " I am not a slave. I am a Princess and for you to even suggest otherwise..." she trailed off only to turn her attention to Ragnar who made chicken noises startling his daughter who turned around quickly with wide eyes only for a small to appear on her face at the sight of her father who leaned down pressing a kiss to her head, " they told me you'd come home"

"Father! You're home!" A boy called out happily running out of the house and towards his father it was clear that he was the girls brother because of the blue eyes and blonde hair they resembled but he looked older than the girl. Ragnar stood up bringing his son into his arms as soon as he reached him running his fingers through his blonde hair, " Little man!"

The boy pulled away with a large smile on his lips looking up at his father with a curious look on his face and questioned, "Did you reach the West?" The door opened once again and Elizabeth watched as a blonde women walked out and assumed that she was Ragnar wife and the mother of the two children when she walked over to Ragnar cupping his face and kissed him passionately.

" So..." the woman trailed off smiling as she pulled away from the kiss raising her brows at her husband and asked, "where's all the treasure you promised?" He clenched his jaw in anger letting out a sigh and informed, " The Earl took it all for himself" causing his wife to frown in disappointment but a smile appeared in her face at her husbands words," but I found it, and it filled the boat"

Lagertha laughed as her eyes lit up looking at her husband, " I believe you" Ragnar raised his brows chuckling lightly taking a couple of steps back and replied, " You Ought to believe me" he made his way over towards Elizabeth and Athelstan and brought them over towards his wife and children, "This is a priest from the temple to prove it. And I found this girl too, she was living with the men for some kind of protection, her name is Elizabeth."

"Priest, Elizabeth! This is my family. His name is Athelstan" Ragnar introduced the two to his family who looked between the beautiful girl and the priest as they made their way over to them, " Although he's a foreigner, he speaks our language. They both do. Don't you?" Athelstan nodded his head slightly as he looked at Ragnar family nervously and answered, " A little, yes "

Ragnar grabbed the back of Athelstan's neck bending him down before using his other hand to grab his sons hand lifting it up causing him to feel the bold spot on the top of Athelstan's head, " what is wrong with your head?" Bjorn curiously questioned with a look of disbelief on his face. "When we become Monks, they cut our hair. It marks us out" Athelstan informed shrugging his shoulders making Elizabeth roll her eyes in response.

Gyda who is Ragnar daughter smiled in amusement at the blonde girl before she then turned her attention to Athelstan with a curious look on her face and asked, " if you're a priest, what God do you like best?" He furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked between the two children and informed, " There is only one God" Elizabeth let out a heavy sigh as her father had told her about all the gods when she was younger, " if i had to pick it would probably be Loki. He sounds the most fun"

Gyda smiled at the blonde girl in response as Ragnar had an amused smile on his lips at the comment the blonde girl had just made but was confused as he thought that the girl was just like the monks who only believe in one god but it seems that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Elizabeth, "Here, you can touch them" Ragnar told his children handing the rope over to Bjorn.

Gyda moved over to Elizabeth running her fingers over the material of her dress as Bjorn looked up at his father and curiously questioned, " are we keeping them?" Ragnar nodded his head in confirmation as Gyda smiled politely as she looked between Elizabeth and Athelstan and greeted the two of them, " Hello. She doesn't look like a Saxon" Bjorn turned to look at the blonde girl as he stared at her for a moment and wouldn't admit it out loud but she was beautiful and the way she was dressed he would of guessed that she was an Earl daughter, " No, she doesn't."

Elizabeth uffed in annoyance narrowing her eyes at him but he just smirked in amusement finding enjoyment to get a reaction from the girl before he turned to look at Athelstan looking at what he was wearing and curiously asked, " why do you wear this?" Athelstan looked between the two children and informed, " All Monks do." Bjorn turned back to the blonde girl pulling on her dress causing her to narrow her eyes at him and hissed, " can you stop that!"

"Why should I?" Bjorn resorted letting out a scoff rolling his eyes making Elizabeth let out a heavy sigh and told him, " because if you don't stop in the next ten seconds I'm going to kick your ass" Bjorn laughed in amusement not taking the girl serious as he continued touching her dress only for Elizabeth to kick him to the ground only for him to gasp looking up at the girl startled as he didn't actually think she'll do it but before he could say anything Gyda took her hand dragging her away.


Later on that night, Elizabeth was forced to share a room with Gyda and Bjorn not that she minded, she just found it strange as she was used to having her own room but this room was larger than the one she had at the Monastery. Elizabeth was laid next to Gyda staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep as Gyda turned on her side looking over at the blonde girl, " So tired. But I can't sleep either. You're scared, aren't you? You don't want to be here?"

Elizabeth remained silent as Gyda looked over at the girl with a concerned look on her face, " you're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you." Elizabeth turned her head sending the girl a smile, " I can be a danger to people. It's better that I keep my distance" Gyda shook her head in response, " I don't believe that. I've not known you long but I can tell you're a good person. Do you have anyone that you care about? Mother? Father?"

"My parents died a couple of weeks ago. Where I lived there was an attack, they killed everyone including my parents it's why I was sent to the monastery for my safety. My grandmother was supposed to write when it is safe but I'm starting to think she also died during the attack" Elizabeth informed Gyda who had a sympathetic look on her face grabbing ahold of the girls hand squeezing it in her own, " I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. Here we take care of our own and that means you too. You're apart of our family now"

Bjorn who was listening to the girls conversation couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl as he couldn't imagine his life without his parents but he still held a strong dislike for her and Athelstan, " she's not our family. She's never going to be apart of her family. Just because you have some weird connection with her doesn't mean the rest of us has to accept her" Elizabeth and Gyda both sat up in the bed looking over at Bjorn, "why do you have to be so mean all the time?" Gyda questioned glaring over at her brother.

"Gyda it's okay. It's not our fault that he gets enjoyment from discriminating someone just because we're better than him. Good night, Bjorn" Elizabeth smirked seeing the irritated look on his face glaring at the girl as Gyda laughed in amusement laying beside her, " I don't like you. You're mean" Elizabeth rolled her eyes in response once again and muttered, " I don't really care for your opinions Bjorn." The blonde boy grumbled under his breathe laying back down listening to his sister and Elizabeth giggling with each other.

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