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- Answers In Blood

Bjorn was standing outside of Floki house letting out a sigh as he was a little overwhelmed after seeing his father and Elizabeth after so many years as he dreamed of reuniting with them ever since he left Kattegat with his mother. " it's good to have you back" Ragnar spoke as he appeared next to his son with a small smile on his lips as Bjorn nodded his head in agreement, " Me too. I've had a longing to be reunited with you and Lizzie for so long. It almost feels like a dream like this isn't really real"

"You weren't happy with your mother?" Ragnar questioned with his brows raised only for Bjorn to stay silent for a couple of moments before he answered, " I tried to be, for her, but she married this man he's nothing but horrid to her. I don't understand why she continues being with a man she does not love and allows him to treat her the way he is" Ragnar had a look of guilt on his face before he muttered, " women don't make it far in the world without a husband. I mean, look at Elizabeth she's only sixteen years old and she's married"

Bjorn eyes widened in shock as he turned his head looking towards Lizzie who was down by the river with Uhtred watching as he picked up the blonde who squealed loudly as he jumped into the water, " she's married?" He asked with a look of hurt and devastation staring at the blonde girl as Ragnar hummed nodding his head in confirmation, "Yeah, they married just recently. Elizabeth is a good person, she's kind and selfless. I know that Uhtred loves her and will do everything to make sure Elizabeth is happy but there is also apart of me that thought she would end up with you"

"You know, when i was a boy i used to hate her when I first met Elizabeth. She was so opinionated and headstrong. She irritated me like no other. It was clear that I wanted to marry her when I was older and you and mother saw it as well especially with the hints the both of you used to drop" Bjorn spoke causing Ragnar to smile in amusement as his eyes flickered over to his daughter who climbed out of the river only for Uhtred to launch himself towards making the two of them fall back into the water.

" there's hope for that though. When you and your mother left Elizabeth felt so lost and then she met Uhtred he was there for her and I know he is willing to anything for that girl" Ragnar explained with a small smile only for Bjorn to shake his head in response as he trailed off, " but I have returned" Bjorn had his eyes on Elizabeth with a jealous look on his face as he watched her kiss Uhtred making Ragnar send him a sympathetic look placing his hand, " indeed you have but she's taken. It's time to let her go, she's happy with Uhtred things could change in the future but right now she is so in love with that boy she won't even blink an eye at anybody else"


A little while later, Elizabeth , Ragnar, Bjorn, Torstein, Rollo, Lagertha and Floki where all gathered around inside to finalise their plan to retake Kattegat from Jarl Borg, " So, what's the plan?" Lizzie clapped her hand together glancing around at everyone as she leaned back in her chair with her arms folded across her chest beside Ragnar. " even with Lagertha's additional forces. We cannot attack Kattegat and hope to succeed. Jarl Borg is well dug in" Torstein announced speaking to the rest of the room.

Lagertha nodded her head in understanding as she looked directly at Ragnar and questioned, "What do you propose?" A silence was heard when Rollo decided to speak up as he sighed in defeat and informed, "we want to drive Jarl Borg out of Kattegat. He has no idea we have been reinforced" Torstein frowned with a thoughtful expression on his face and added in, " and what would make him leave Kattegat where he can winter in safety?"

"The one thing that would threaten his whole existence there" Rollo stated with a shrug of his shoulders as Elizabeth raised her brows in interest but remained silent as she prepared to play her part in the plan to drive out Jarl Borg and make him pay for his sins. " and what would that be?" Floki questioned with an confused look on his face looking up at Rollo who smirked looking around at everyone and answered, " Food. A few of us will go into the town and destroy the winter grain stores"

Ragnar and Elizabeth shared a look that didn't go unnoticed by the others as Floki giggled in excitement as he had a determination look on his face and spoke, " I will do it. I will go" Ragnar shook his head in response, " No" He firmly spoke causing everyone to look at him in confusion but he glanced between Elizabeth and Bjorn, " My son, my daughter and I shall go. We'll only need a few men" Bjorn eyes widened slightly before sharing a look with Lizzie as he then turned his attention back to Ragnar with a nod of his head.

Later that evening, Ragnar, Lizzie , Bjorn, Olrik and a couple of men sneaked inside of Kattegat without being noticed. Lizzie was crouched down behind a fence as she looked around her surroundings when she caught sight of three of Jarl Borg men from afar talking aimlessly with one another, "Olrik, Erik, sneak through the water to the docks. Once I create a...distraction, something that will lead the guards away, my son, daughter, and I shall do the rest"

Olrik and Erik nodded their heads in agreement as Ragnar, Elizabeth and Bjorn, Olrik and Erik all ducked down when Jarl Borg men looked their way as Ragnar looked between his two children before focusing his attention on his son, "Don't fear death. If it comes, embrace it as if you were lying down next to a beautiful woman" Ragnar smirked glancing over at Elizabeth with a knowing look on his face, " don't even think about saying it. I'm married"

"Oh, for now" Ragnar muttered with an amused smile on his lips as he glanced between both his daughter and son as Elizabeth rolled her eyes slapping his stomach making him laugh in amusement, " Funny because it's not like you can talk and will you stop making this into something it's not" Bjorn kept his eyes on Elizabeth before turning his attention to Olrik placing his hand on his shoulder, "May the fates be kind, Olrik"

Bjorn brought his friend into a hug before nodding his head watching as Olrik walked away with Eric as Ragnar smiled in amusement shooting his son a look and resorted, "Ever since you were eight years old, all I ever heard was, 'Father, Father, I want to come with you. I am ready. Father! I want to fight.' Well, here we are" placing a hand on the back on Bjorn neck before running his hand though his hair playfully.

Lizzie smiled shaking her head as she stood up and snuck into Kattegat with Ragnar and Bjorn following after the blonde haired girl as the three of them make their way towards the grain stores, hiding behind a cabin listening to three men complaining on what they have to eat. Lizzie peaked her head around the corner as her eyes settled on the three men not that far away from them as Ragnar grabbed her arm pulling her towards him so her back was leaning against the cabin waiting for Olrik and Eric to cause a distraction.

Lizzie smiled when she heard the sound of a horn watching as two men left heading towards where the dogs were barking as she gripped her axe tightly in her hands whistling gaining his attention as he turned around to face her only for Lizzie to throw her axe watching as it embedded in his face causing him to fall to the ground dead. Lizzie turned around only to see Ragnar and Bjorn staring at her only for the blonde to shrug her shoulders with a smile on her lips before walking over to the man pulling her axe out of his face as she followed after the two men.

Lizzie let out a breath as she and Ragnar was hid behind a cabin as Bjorn snuck behind the one of the guards slitting his throat open before dropping his body on the ground before the three of them rushed towards where the grain was being kept as Ragnar climbed up on one of the stalls grabbing a handful of straw before tossing it to the ground grabbing his axe with one hand and held a rock in the other in attempt to make a fire.

"Ragnar" Bjorn called out once he heard footsteps approaching only for them to grip their weapons in their hands but relaxed once they saw it was Olrik who approached them, " it's me." Bjorn gestured his friend over to them, "Olrik, quick. Come help," Lizzie looked up from where Ragnar was making a fire at the sound of Olrik grunting causing her to send him a concerned look when she noticed he was limping, " How bad is it?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me" Olrik assured causing Elizabeth to sigh but nodded her head in response as Ragnar got a fire started as they lit the straws on fire as Ragnar and Bjorn climbed on the stalls throwing them into the stores watching as it went to flames and picking out straws on the roof and throwing them inside to cause the fire to grow bigger. " quickly" Ragnar ordered Elizabeth , Bjorn and Olrik as they all ran away from the grain stores only Olrik fell to the floor only for Bjorn and Lizzieย  to rush back to him helping him to his feet pulling him along, "Come, come"


Elizabeth and Bjorn was crouched down in the field, looking ahead waiting for Jarl Bjorn and his men to arrive, " so, are you going to tell me why you're avoiding me?" Bjorn questioned making Lizzie furrow her brows as she turned her head to look at him, " I'm not avoiding you. There's nothing to talking to about." Bjorn sent her a look like he didn't believe her, " you know all the crazy in our messed up lives you were the one who cared more than anyone I know. How could you just stop?"

"Because I had to. I had to move on you know when I first left the only thing I wanted was to come home to you and my father but I couldn't leave my mother but none of that matters your happily married now" Bjorn shook his head frantically causing Lizzie to scoff in disbelief, " what has that got to do with anything. I thought we were close. I wrote to you and Lagertha, she always responded back but you never did. Did you hear in all those letters I sent to you, you couldn't hear that I was completely falling apart without you."

Bjorn looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact with her, " you never read them." Bjorn lifted his head up with an apologetic look, " I had to move on I didn't have a choice. I had to erase everything from my old life" Lizzie shook her head liking her lips with a hurt look on her face, " well, let me summarize them for you. You're a dick" Lizzie was about to move to stand next to Lagertha but Bjorn stopped her, " does Uhtred treat you right?"

"That isn't any of your business now, is it?" Lizzie resorted storming away from Bjorn and crouching beside Lagertha who gave the girl a confused look seeing her storm away from her son, " are you okay? What happened?" Lizzie shook her head narrowing her eyes at Bjorn and resorted, " your sons a dick" Lagertha raised her brows with an amused look on her face as she looked between the two teenagers but before she could say anything Jarl Borg rode forward on horseback with his men climbing off when he noticed a shirtless man standing in front of him with a stick in his hands on to nudge him slightly only to receive no response causing him to snack the stick out of his hands watching as the man's body dropped to the ground.

Floki blew into the horn loudly only for Jarl Borg eyes to widened as he watched as Ragnar, Lizzie and their men and shield maidens all gathered around only for them to let out a loud shout with their weapons and shields in their hands. Lizzie shared a look with Lagertha as this was her first true battle as those Saxons she fought in England didn't really stand a chance against her and wasn't really a battle as they wanted to protect Winchester but failed and underestimated the Northmen.

Lizzie gripped the sword in her hand tightly swinging it at one of the men only for him to block it with his own sword causing her to lift her leg kicking him in the stomach slashing him across the neck with her shield. Another man raised his axe in attempt to slash her but she blocked it with her shield before striking him in the face with her sword as she let out a grunt pulling it out as his body dropped to the ground.

"Brace!" Ragnar called out loudly as his eyes locked onto Jarl Borg who had another group of men behind him, "Brace! Be ready! Stay on your feet!" Lizzie turned her head as the group of men yelled out rushing towards them shoving them out of the way as Bjorn was knocked to the ground causing Lizzie to gasp loudly as he brought her down with him even if he didn't mean to.

Bjorn had lost his weapon when he fell down to the ground but Lizzie still had her tightly in her grip as Lagertha and Ragnar made their way over to their children guarding them protectively giving them chance to get back up on their feet. Lizzie immediately stood up raising her axe killing anyone who came her way as Bjorn was still on the ground searching for his weapon, " Get up! Get up!"

Bjorn was looking around for his sword when he found it picking it up before standing on his feet looking over at Lizzie who nodded her head at him before killing a man who was heading her way. Lizzie flipped her hair out of her face as her eyes landed on her father who was killing anyone in his way to get to Jarl Borg not noticing that one of the Jarl men was sneaking up behind him causing her to pick up the axe from the ground throwing it at the man watching it embedded into his chest dropping to the ground dead.

Ragnar turned his head to his daughter sending her a nod as they continued to fight men coming their way. Lizzie rushed forward sliding between a man's leg slashing him across the stomach before slitting his throat open before kicking another man in the face before she raised her axe and smashed it down on his head, " retreat!" Jarl Borg called out to his men knowing that he won't able to beat Ragnar and his men pulling a man off his horse before climbing on looking back at Ragnar with a fearful look on his face before he rode away with the men he has left.

"What a wimp" Lizzie muttered under her breathe as she stood beside Ragnar who laughed at his daughter wrapping an arm around her shoulder kissing the crown of her head, " don't worry this isn't finished yet. He'll get what's coming to him" Rollo and Bjorn walked over to the two of them as they panting heavily covered in blood as they watched Jarl Borg ride away until he wasn't in sight, " You both fought well today, Lizzie, Bjorn"

" Thank you, uncle" Bjorn replied catching his breathe as Ragnar turned his attention to his son and harshly told him, " you have a lot to learn" Lizzie had a sympathetic look on her face watching Bjorn look down at the ground sadly as both Ragnar and Lizzie walked away. Bjorn sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at the two of them as they've always been so close and knew that Ragnar had taught her everything she knew about fighting.

He knew that his father had a point as he didn't just put himself in danger today, he also put Lizzie's life at risk and that was the real reason why Ragnar was so angry with him as Lizzie was doing amazing on her own until Bjorn knocked her down to the ground because of his lack of experience and he hasn't been training like the blonde girlย  has since she was eleven years old and hasn't stopped since and would train everyday with Ragnar to become the best Shield maiden there is.


After the battle against Jarl Borg everyone returned back to Kattegat, the people ran towards them happily greeting Ragnar, Lizzie , the warriors and Shield Maidens happy of their return and that Ragnar had defeated Jarl Borg in battle causing him to immediately flee Kattegat. Lizzie was walking with Uhtred behind her father as a couple of girls rushed over to greet the two of them, " Lizzie! Lizzie! Look, their back. We've missed you."

Elizabeth smiled laughing lightly as she embraced the girls greeting them back as they talked aimlessly and laughed together as Uhtred smiled in amusement at the girl's reaction to his wife returning back to Kattegat as Bjorn raised his brows sharing a look with his mother who laughed with a shake of her head, " so you wanna tell me what's going on between you and Lizzie?" She curiously questioned sending her son a knowing look.

" I don't know what you're talking about" Bjorn grumbled avoiding eye contact as his cheeks tainted pink making Lagertha smile raising her brows, " is that so. You forget, I know you Bjorn. You've been in love with that girl since you were a boy. A little advice tell her how you really feel before you lose her. She's beautiful, smart, stubborn and an incredible fighter anyone would be lucky to have her"

Bjorn let out a heavy sigh as he stared at Elizabeth from afar with an adoration look on his face, " it's complicated. She is married and there are moments when I feel like I'm getting through to her but then I feel her pushing me away." Lagertha sighed wrapping an arm around her son squeezing his shoulder, " Lizzie had been through a lot and you know that. She's afraid to let herself care which is why she pushes people away to protect her heart. If you really care about her the way i think you do you have to be patient the more you push her the more she'll distance herself from you"

It didn't take long until everyone gathered around the courtyard in Kattegat as Lizzie stood in front of the chopping block, " On this day, we offer a sacrifice to Odin, the mighty one. To thank him for our victory over Jarl Borg!" Lizzie spoke loudly causing the people of Kattegat to cheer loudly as they watched as one of Jarl Borg men they had captured be brought forward by Torstein and Floki.

Lizzie waited until the crowd quiet down before she turned to the prisoner who was tried by ropes as Floki slapped him on the head before pushing him forward," Release him from his bonds. It is only fair that he should die as well. I'm sure the God's will accept our sacrifice" Torstein untied the ropes of the man as Lizzie looked around the courtyard noticing that Aslaug was here with Ubbe and Hvitserk and Lagertha, who was standing with Bjorn, Rollo and Siggy watching the blonde girl.

Rollo walked over to Lizzie handing her an axe as he stood slightly behind her as she narrowed her eyes at the man and demanded, " Kneel" the man immediately fell on his knees in front of the chopping block as Lizzie circled around the man until she was behind him before lifting up the axe looking over at Lagertha who nodded her head with a small smile on her lips as she placed the axe against the back of his neck, "In the presence of the gods, and in their honor, I offer this sacrifice"

Lizzie raised the axe as she was about to cut off the man's head but Ragnar had stopped his daughter, " Stop" he called out causing Lizzie to frown in confusion as she turned her attention to Ragnar who made his way over to her holding his hand out gesturing for her to hand him the axe causing her to send him a look but handed him the axe as he held it out to Bjorn, " father?" Bjorn questioned with a confused look on his face.

Ragnar didn't say a word shooting him a look as Bjorn sighed in defeat walking towards his father taking the axe from him before his eyes landed on Lizzie who stepped back standing next to Ragnar as Bjorn stood behind the man and loudly spoke, "In the presence of the gods, and in their honor, I offer this sacrifice" raising the axe in the air before swinging the weapon cutting off the man's head as blood splattered across his face.


In the Great Hall of Kattegat, Lizzie was sat with Bjorn playing with a rope with Ubbe and Hvitserk as Bjorn was tugging on one end as Lizzie,Ubbe and Hvitserk were tugging on the other end with the two children laughing loudly, " it is good to see them playing together" Ragnar commented to his wife watching all his children with a large smile on his face.

"For you" Aslaug said shooting Ragnar a look who hummed nodding his head in agreement watching as Bjorn pulled the rope causing the children to let out laughs as they fell on top of Bjorn only him to tickle themย  "They are all my children" Lizzie looked up at the ceiling at the sound of thunder causing a smile to appear on her lips as she looked between Ubbe, Hvitserk and Bjorn laughing as they tugged the rope back and forth before Bjorn picked up both boys making their way over to Ragnar and Aslaug who was kissing, " cover your eyes, mommy and daddy are kissing" Hvitserk and Ubbe giggled loudly as they tried to cover Bjorn eyes causing Lizzie to shake her head in amusement when Ragnar spoke up, "Aslaug was just saying how glad she is Bjorn likes his brothers"

"Of course, I like my brothers. They are my blood brothers. I've waited a long time to meet them," Bjorn informed smiling as he glanced between the two boys and teasingly told him, "Even though they are both stinky" Ragnar held out a piece of bread towards his son teasing the two of them when Hvitserk snatched it from his father and shoved it in his mouth causing everyone to laugh loudly in amusement.


The next day, Lizzie was sat on the floor in the great hall with Hvitserk in her arms as Ragnar and Aslaug was sat in their thrones with Ragnar looked around the room as he loudly spoke addressing everyone in the room, " in this case, I am minded to declare in favour of the plaintiff Bjorn Erisson. I know that this man has a bad reputation, and this is not the first time that we have had to pass judgement upon him"

" Yet... I believe he's a victim of his reputation. I think his accusers just assume that we shall find him guilty and confiscate his land. But, on this occasion, I believe he should keep his land and the accusers should give him" Ragnar trailed off humming as he looked down at Hvitserk in Lizzie's arms holding up three fingers causing an amused smile to appear on his lips as he turned to face the people of Kattegat, " three sheep? All in favor, say baaaaah"

Lizzie laughed as everyone in the room mimicked the sound of sheep's when her eyes widened standing up with Hvitserk in her arms as she caught sight of Thorvard making his way through the crowd, " quiet! Thorvard." Ragnar gestured with his hand for the man to walk forward who bowed his head greeting Ragnar, " My Lord Ragnar" Ragnar frown deepened as he stared at Thorvard and told him, " I hope you bring better news than the last"

"My Lord, after you left. The Saxons treacherously attacked King Horik camp at Wessex. There was a terrible slaughter. A great many warriors perished. The king and his son only just escaped with their lives..." Thorvard trailed off as Ragnar and Lizzie shared a look when the blonde girl walked forward and curiously questioned, " what about Athelstan? What happened to Athelstan?"

Thorvard frowned with an confused look on his face as he stared up at Lizzie and informed, " My Lady, I don't know of whom you speak" Lizzie sighed sadly looking down at Hvitserk in her arms who was playing with her hair as she just hoped that Athelstan was still alive as she had grown up with the man all of her life and didn't want anything bad to happen to him, " why has it taken so long for me to head this news?" Ragnar demanded narrowing his eyes coldly at Thorvard.

"My Lord, bad news travels a great deal slower than good news" Thorvard stated staring directly at Ragnar when suddenly everyone began to whisper quietly to themselves as Lagertha walked into the great hall with Bjorn following behind her, " thank you" Ragnar dismissed the man who immediately walked away before turning his attention to his ex wife, " what is wrong?"

"I have something important to say" Lagertha informed standing across from Ragnar who looked around the room before turning his head to look at the blonde women and questioned, " should it be said in private?" Lagertha immediately shook her head and replied, " No, I want to say it before everyone" Ragnar awkwardly nodded his head making his way back to sit on his throne, " then say what you have to say"

Lagertha stayed silent for a moment as she walked around the fire before looking around at the people of Kattegat with a warm smile on her lips, " I have come to a decision. I'm aware that my son Bjorn wants, more than anything in the world. To stay here with his father and my daughter. And who can blame him? If you had a father like Ragnar Lothbrok would you not want to stay?"

" I happily give my permission to my beloved and only son to remain here with his father, Lizzie and his half brothers" Lagertha trailed off as she glanced over at Ragnar over her shoulder before turning back to face the people, " As for me I must go back to my husband. I have a duty, I am a responsible person but I leave my son in your good hands"

Lizzie placed Hvitserk on the ground as he rushed over to sit with his brother as Lagertha tearfully turned around to look at her ex husband and firmly told him, " Look after both of them, Ragnar. Bjorn and Lizzie are all I have left" Ragnar nodded his head staring directly at Lagertha as Lizzie walked forward wrapping her arms tightly around Lagertha who sighed trying to hold her tears in as she ran her fingers through her waist length hair before pulling away cupping Lizzie's face in her hands and pressing a kiss to her forehead before turning on her heel and walking out of the great hall with Bjorn following after her.

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