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Too weary of life and deceptions


π•Žπ”Όπ”»β„•π”Όπ•Šπ”»π”Έπ•, Lilith, and Enid arrived at the beekeeper's shed, the air around them thick with the buzz of bees. Enid was dressed in a full beekeeper's outfit, acting as a decoy. She shifted uncomfortably under the suit's weight, her bright eyes peering out from behind the mesh veil. Wednesday turned to her with his usual deadpan expression, issuing instructions. "Now remember, if Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word."

Enid crossed her arms, glaring at him. "Payback is gonna be a bitch," she warned, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

Lilith, standing beside Enid, couldn't help but smile proudly at her friend's defiance. Wednesday, unfazed by Enid's warning, responded with his typical calm demeanour, "I'd expect nothing less."

He then shifted his attention to Eugene, who was nervously fidgeting with his gloves. "Blab, and I'll squeeze you like a honeycomb," Wednesday warned, his voice low and threatening. Eugene gulped, but tried to put on a brave face. "Snitches get stung. It's hive code. Besides, I should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed. Other than the bees," he added with a mix of excitement and awkwardness.

Lilith glanced at Eugene with a smile of sympathy, understanding his social struggles. But Wednesday's reply was as dry as ever. "Shocking," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Eugene's gaze then wandered over to Enid, his expression softening into a lovestruck daze. "I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lilith's smile faded as she caught the uncomfortable shift in Enid's posture. Without missing a beat, she wrapped an arm around Eugene's shoulders, her grip tightening as her usually silver eyes fogged over with an eerie, supernatural white. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a terrifyingly calm whisper. "Make Enid uncomfortable, and I'll make sure you experience a terror so profound that not even your bees will recognize you."

Eugene's face drained of colour, and he stared at Lilith, petrified. "Y-yes, ma'am," he stuttered, his voice trembling with fear.

Lilith's eyes slowly returned to their normal silver hue, and she smiled sweetly. "Splendid," she said, her tone light and cheerful, as though nothing had happened.

Wednesday, who had been watching the exchange with a keen eye, felt a flicker of something unfamiliarβ€”perhaps admiration or something deeperβ€”at Lilith's display of power. Clearing his throat to mask his momentary fluster, he spoke with renewed focus, "Let's go."

Lilith nodded, giving Enid a quick, reassuring hug before she followed after Wednesday. "We owe you, Enid," she called over her shoulder.

Enid, still somewhat shaken but appreciative of Lilith's support, shouted back, "You're damn right you do!"

Lilith turned back and blew a playful kiss in Enid's direction before catching up with Wednesday, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.


Wednesday and Lilith hiked through the dense, shadowed woods, their eyes scanning the undergrowth for any clue that might unravel the mystery of Rowan's death. The forest was eerily quiet, with only the occasional rustle of leaves and distant calls of birds breaking the silence. Each step they took was measured, deliberate, as if the woods themselves were watching their every move.

Suddenly, a sharp snapping sound echoed behind them. Instinctively, the two spun around, eyes wide and senses heightened. Without a second thought, Wednesday reached out, his hand grabbing Lilith's arm as he swiftly pulled her toward the nearest tree. He pressed her against it, his body shielding hers as they sought cover.

Just then, Sheriff Galpin emerged from the trees, his dog sniffing the ground and tugging at its leash. The sheriff's gaze swept the area, eyes sharp and searching. Lilith's eyes glowed faintly, her breath steadying as she focused on the tree they were hiding behind. As if responding to her will, the bark split open silently, creating a narrow gap just wide enough for them to slip inside.

Lilith wasted no time, tugging Wednesday into the hollow space with her. The tree closed behind them, sealing them in darkness, save for a few slivers of light filtering through the bark. They were hidden, pressed close together in the confined space, the air around them thick with tension.

Lilith held her breath as she watched through the small opening, Sheriff Galpin and his dog passing by just inches from their hiding spot. The dog's nose twitched, but it didn't seem to catch their scent, and the sheriff soon moved on, oblivious to their presence. The silence that followed felt heavy, but Lilith finally let out a quiet sigh of relief, her body relaxing slightly.

As she turned her gaze upward, she found herself meeting Wednesday's eyes. They were close, too close, with barely any room between them. The dim light played tricks with the shadows on Wednesday's face, making his expression unreadable yet intensely focused on her. His dark eyes, usually so cold and distant, seemed to soften, capturing the silver gleam in Lilith's gaze.

For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. The cramped quarters forced them to be closer than they had ever been before, their breaths mingling in the small space. Lilith could feel Wednesday's steady heartbeat, the rise and fall of his chest brushing against hers. There was an unspoken connection, a magnetic pull between them that neither could deny, no matter how much they might try.

Lilith felt a warmth creeping up her neck as she noticed the subtle way Wednesday's gaze lingered on her face, tracing the curve of her lips, the sharpness of her jawline. His usual stoic expression faltered, revealing a flicker of something more, something that made her heart race unexpectedly. It was as if the walls between them, carefully constructed and meticulously maintained, were beginning to crack.

"Are you alright?" Wednesday asked, his voice softer than usual, barely above a whisper, as if speaking any louder might break the fragile moment.

Lilith nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from his. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice equally hushed, yet carrying a weight of unspoken emotions.

Neither moved, neither dared to break the spell that had woven itself around them in the dark embrace of the tree. The tension between them was palpable, a delicate balance of curiosity and restraint. It was a moment suspended in time, one where the line between allies and something more blurred ever so slightly.

Wednesday's hand, still resting on Lilith's arm, loosened its grip but didn't pull away. Instead, his fingers lingered, brushing lightly against her skin, almost as if he were afraid to let go. Lilith's breath hitched at the touch, her heart pounding in her chest. The closeness was intoxicating, and she felt herself leaning ever so slightly into him, drawn by the mystery and allure that Wednesday Addams represented.

Just as the intensity of the moment reached its peak, the sounds of the forest began to filter back in, grounding them both in reality. The sheriff's distant voice called out to his dog, pulling Wednesday and Lilith back from the edge of whatever had almost happened between them.

Wednesday cleared his throat, his eyes hardening again as he withdrew his hand. "We should keep moving," he said, his voice returning to its usual detached tone, though it held a trace of something unresolved. Lilith nodded, the spell broken, but the memory of it lingering between them like a whispered secret. They stepped out of the hollow tree, the bark sealing shut behind them as if it had never opened. But as they continued deeper into the woods, the space between them felt different, charged with an unspoken understanding, a tension that would only grow with time.

As they continued their search through the woods, Lilith's keen eyes caught something out of place. "Wednesday, here," she said, tapping his shoulder and pointing to the ground. Wednesday followed her gaze and saw a pair of glasses partially buried beneath some leaves. The frame was bent, one lens cracked, but there was no mistaking who they belonged to. "These are Rowan's," Wednesday said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I knew it was a cover-up."

But the moment he touched the glasses, something shifted. His smirk vanished as his eyes widened in shock. An overwhelming force seized him, and his head snapped back, eyes rolling into the back of his skull. He was caught in the throes of a vision, his mind ripped away from the present as he began to collapse.

"Shit, not again," Lilith groaned as she lunged forward to catch him. The sudden weight of Wednesday's body crashing into hers sent them both tumbling to the ground. Lilith hit the earth with a thud, her breath knocked out of her as Wednesday's rigid form fell against her.

She cradled his head in her lap, her heart racing as she watched his face contort with whatever he was seeing. "Wednesday, come on, snap out of it," she muttered, her voice laced with concern despite her usual tough demeanour. She knew how draining these visions could be for him, but that didn't make it any easier to witness.

Rowan and Xavier were in their dorm room, having a huge argument.

"So much of my..."

"...my new desk you psychopath!"

"Speaking of that--!"

"You creep people out!"

Rowan used his telekinesis to grab the book that had the drawing in it before he ripped the picture out.

Rowan managed to move the gargoyle off the roof to hit Wednesday.

Rowan got furious he threw Xavier into the wall using his telekinesis.

The vision ended abruptly, and Wednesday's eyes fluttered open, bringing him back to reality. As the fog of the vision cleared, he found himself lying with his head resting on Lilith's lap. He blinked up at her, momentarily disoriented, and caught her looking down at him with a mix of concern and amusement.

"Careful, Wednesday," Lilith said with a teasing smile, "if you keep falling like this, people might start to think you're actually falling for me."

Wednesday's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of somethingβ€”perhaps a touch of amusementβ€”behind his eyes. "Unlikely," he deadpanned, pushing himself up from her lap and onto his feet.

Lilith followed suit, standing up as well, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" she asked, her voice softer now, genuine concern lacing her words.

Wednesday glanced at her, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than usual. He didn't answer right away, but the slight furrowing of his brow suggested he was processing more than just the remnants of the vision. Finally, he nodded once, curtly, and turned his attention back to the forest, unwilling to dwell on the vulnerability he'd just shown.


By: SilverMist707

I hope you all enjoy it and have a splined night or day <3Β 

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