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The time's come to play


๐”ธ๐•Š morning arose for a new day, the sound of foils clattering echoed through the fencing room. Lilith was challenging Xavier when Wednesday entered, wearing an all-black fencing uniform. His presence caused everyone, including Lilith and Xavier, to pause as he walked straight ahead. Lilith took off her helmet, watching Wednesday approach Bianca and Rowan, who were practicing nearby. Rowan, having just lost a bout, stumbled back and removed his helmet, glaring at the coach.

"Coach, she tripped me!" Rowan exclaimed.

"It was a clean strike, Rowan," the coach responded.

Bianca, taking off her helmet, addressed Rowan with a smirk, "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." Turning to the coach, she asked, "Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?"

Rowan got up, collected his glasses from the coach, and left. Lilith, glaring at Bianca, muttered, "Oh, I would love to shove my sword right in your hearโ€”"

Xavier intervened, holding her back before she could approach Bianca. Meanwhile, Wednesday volunteered, "I do."

Bianca turned to face him, "Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in." She smirked.

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee," Wednesday replied. Bianca nodded with pride, but Wednesday continued, wiping the smile off her face, "Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead."

Lilith laughed, causing Bianca to send a glare her way. Wednesday noted Lilith's laugh, finding it surprisingly not annoying. Turning back to Bianca, he said, "Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy."

Bianca, clearly irritated, retorted, "Are we doing this or not?"

Impatient, Wednesday walked to his spot on the mat. The coach announced, "En garde." Both Wednesday and Bianca put on their helmets and began striking at each other aggressively, each blocking the other's moves. Wednesday, fighting strategically, managed to touch Bianca low, earning a point.

"Point to Wednesday," the coach declared.

"Whoo! Go Wednesday!" Lilith exclaimed, clapping enthusiastically. Bianca, Xavier, and everyone else turned to look at her. "What?" she said defensively.

Wednesday glanced at Lilith's impressed expression, feeling a surge of confidence. He stood up, and they resumed their bout, exchanging strikes with renewed intensity. This time, Bianca scored a point.

"The score is even," the coach announced.

Wednesday removed his helmet, and Bianca followed suit, smiling. "That first point was clearly beginner's luck. Let's finish this."

The two circled each other, glaring. Wednesday addressed the coach, "For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks. No tips." He turned to Bianca, returning to his spot. "Winner draws first blood."

Everyone looked shocked, including Lilith. Wednesday sent her a brief, almost imperceptible wink that only she noticed, making her blush slightly.

"It's your decision, Bianca," the coach said.

Bianca smirked. "Let's see if you bleed in black and white."

Lilith glanced at Xavier, who placed a firm hand on her shoulder, shaking his head to signal her not to interfere or cast any spells. Exhaling, Lilith returned her attention to Wednesday.

The bout resumed, even more aggressive than before. Both fighters were relentless, their strikes and parries forcing the spectators to move out of the way. Despite Wednesday's skillful defense, Bianca found an opening and her rapier tip cut just above Wednesday's eyebrow, drawing blood.

Wednesday wiped the blood, examining it on his finger. Bianca smiled triumphantly. "Your face finally got that splash of colour it so desperately needed." She chuckled.

Lilith stepped forward, arms crossed. "Now, hold on, Bianca. Before you get all excited, it looks like you got something here." She pointed to a spot just below Bianca's eye.

Confused, Bianca touched the spot and felt liquid. She looked at her finger, noticing blood. Lilith smiled innocently. "It looks like Wednesday got his mark."

Wednesday looked at Lilith, bewildered. He didn't remember hitting Bianca.


Wednesday sat in the infirmary room as a nurse cleaned his wound and put a bandage on it. A voice caught his attention, making him turn around to see Rowan standing there. "You're Wednesday, right? Rowan. I know how you feel."

Wednesday replied blankly, "I guarantee you don't."

Rowan looked at him, "My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts." Wednesday glanced down before looking back at him. Rowan continued with a nervous chuckle, "But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money. Uh... sorry about the... nick." He gestured to Wednesday's wound.

Wednesday spoke, "No good deed goes unpunished." With that, he grabbed his jacket from the bed and walked out of the room. The water machine made a noise, catching his attention for a moment before he continued out of the building. As he stepped into the pouring rain, he opened his black umbrella. A voice called out to him, "Wednesday, wait up!" He turned to see Lilith approaching.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked.

Wednesday looked at her for a moment before offering his free arm. Lilith smiled and looped her arm through his. As they walked, she said, "I wanted to say you did great in there, challenging Bianca. It was amazing."

Wednesday looked at the rain and replied, "I lost. I wasn't great."

Lilith stopped him in his tracks. "Even so, you put her in her place. I thought it was amazing. Maybe one day you can teach me." She smiled.

Wednesday looked at her and nodded slightly. Suddenly, a sound caught their attention. A statue was falling toward them. Lilith moved her hand, sending the statue flying, but both she and Wednesday were tackled by Xavier. The impact caused Wednesday and Lilith to hit their heads, rendering them unconscious.

Lilith woke up from her state and saw Xavier. "Welcome back," he smiled. Lilith suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, making her grunt and sit up.

"Whoa, be careful. Easy," Xavier said, trying to steady her. He went to get her a cup of water. As he handed it to her, she began to drink, but the water turned black. Startled, Lilith threw the cup aside and held her head as her nose began to bleed.

"Lilith, are you okay? I'll get the nurse," Xavier said, about to leave.

Lilith stopped him. "I'm fine. Just hit my head hard." She wiped the blood from her nose and noticed Wednesday still unconscious. Determined, she stood up and walked over to him. Placing her hand on his head, she tried to transfer any pain he might have, but the pain surged into her instead.

Lilith grunted and fell to her knees, clutching her head. Xavier rushed to her side, but before he could reach her, Lilith transformed into a crow and flew off.


Wednesday sat in his room, typing on his typewriter while his record player played "La Llorona." A squeaking noise from his bed interrupted him. He got up, flung his bedsheet open, and revealed Thing. Wednesday smirked sinisterly. "I knew it! Hello, Thing!"

Thing shook and was about to run away, but Wednesday grabbed him before he could get away. "Did you think my highly trained olfactory sense wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favourite hand lotion?" He brought Thing to his desk, holding him down tightly. "I can do this all day!" he threatened as Thing shook, terrified, making the desk rattle. "Surrender?" Wednesday asked.

Thing tapped frantically on the desk, marking his surrender. Wednesday released him, making Thing stand up. He shined the light of his lamp directly on Thing. "Mother and Father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" Thing shook his finger side to side, signaling a no. "I'm not above breaking a few fingers," Wednesday threatened. "The fact that they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me."

Thing started to use sign language to communicate with Wednesday. "Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage. My parents aren't worried about me. They're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar. The way I see it, you have two options. Option one," Wednesday said, grabbing Thing and opening a drawer. "I lock you in here for the rest of the semester, and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out, ruining your nails and your smooth, supple skin. And we both know how vain you are." He slowly lowered Thing to the drawer, making Thing panic. Wednesday paused and then placed Thing back on the desk. "Option two: you pledge your undying loyalty to me."

After a moment of silence between the two, Thing kneeled down, pledging his loyalty. Wednesday nodded in satisfaction. "Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory." Thing tapped in response.

"Of course I have a plan. And it begins now," Wednesday replied.


Lilith landed in the woods with a thud, reverting back to her human form. She stumbled, disoriented from the impact, and immediately clutched her head as voices began to whisper in her mind. The whispers grew louder, echoing through her skull until they became deafening. Blood trickled from her nose, and her eyes clouded over, as if a mist was enveloping her vision.

"Shut up... be quiet. I said be quiet!" Lilith screamed into the cacophony, her voice drowned out by the increasing intensity of the whispers. Her surroundings began to warp; clouds gathered ominously overhead, swirling with unnatural darkness. The wind picked up, whipping her hair around her face in wild tendrils.

Crows, disturbed by the sudden disturbance, flew erratically above her, cawing loudly. Flames erupted spontaneously around Lilith, encircling her in a ring of fire. "I'll lock you up again and keep you there!" she shouted defiantly, her fingertips beginning to darken as though tainted by some unseen force. The darkness spread up her arms, creeping like ink spilled in water.

As the fire blazed brighter, Lilith's vision blurred with tears and fury. In the flickering flames, she saw visions of her dead parentsโ€”burned, disfigured, accusing. They whispered cruel accusations, blaming her for their fate, calling her a mistake. Rage surged through Lilith, overpowering her fear.

"Enough!" Lilith screamed, her voice resonating like a banshee's wail. A sudden gust of wind roared through the trees, extinguishing the flames in an instant. The fire retreated, leaving behind scorched earth and smoking embers where the grass and trees had once stood. The crows scattered, their cacophony silenced by the force of Lilith's anger.

Gasping for breath, Lilith collapsed to her knees, the black markings on her skin fading away. She trembled, shaken by the intensity of the ordeal. The woods around her were eerily quiet now, the only sound the crackling of dying flames and the rustle of leaves in the wind.


By: SilverMist707

Have a wonderful day or night <3

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