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Here in my garden of shadows


"π•Žβ„π”Όβ„π”Ό? You have one of these monsters at home?" the boy asked.

Wednesday replied, "Steam-powered guillotine. I built it when I was ten." He turned to face the boy before continuing, "I wanted to decapitate my toys more efficiently."

With that, Wednesday finished fixing the machine. The boy commented, "Wow. Thanks. I never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty. Besides Lilith." He placed the lid back on the machine before Wednesday spoke again, "Since Lilith is a witch, why doesn't she use a spell to fix the machine?"

The boy glanced in Lilith's direction and replied, "I asked her, but she said her spells are capable of more than fixing a coffee machine."

Wednesday hummed as he looked at Lilith, who was leaning her head on her hand, still drawing. The boy spoke again, looking at Wednesday, "I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?"

Wednesday looked Tyler up and down before responding, "Wednesday."

Tyler smiled and said, "Tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, how about I drive you to Burlington?"

"Perfect. Put that quad in a to-go cup," Wednesday said as he was about to leave.

Tyler stopped him, "Uh, but I don't get off for another hour." Wednesday turned to Tyler and pulled out money, "I'll sweeten the pot." Tyler looked at the money, then back at Wednesday before replying, "Twenty whole dollars. Tempting, but no." He chuckled a little. Wednesday pulled out another twenty-dollar bill, "I'll make it 40."

Tyler smiled and shook his head, "Uh... Listen, Wednesday, one fun fact about me... I can't be bought, so either wait, or find someone else to drive you." Wednesday exhaled, annoyed, before turning to look at the tea options and began making some tea. "I will wait, but Lilith will not wait for her tea."

After finishing the tea, Wednesday made his way to Lilith's booth.

Wednesday placed the cup next to Lilith, who looked up at him from her drawing. She looked at him, confused. "What's this for?" she asked as Wednesday sat across from her, looking outside the window.

"You haven't been sleeping, have you?" He looked at her before he spoke again. "Nightmares?"

Lilith held the tea and smiled a little, speaking with a teasing tone. "Oh my, is the Wednesday Addams worried about me?"

Wednesday looked at her for a moment and spoke, "No, just curious."

Lilith chuckled a little before she said, "I'll be okay." She went back to drawing, but Wednesday didn't know what came over him. He gently grabbed her hand, stopping her from drawing. Lilith looked at him, shocked but blushing a little. Wednesday guided her hand to the tea and spoke in a calming tone, "Drink." His hand stayed on hers for a bit longer before he slowly pulled away, making her miss the warmth from his touch. He caught sight of her drawing, which depicted two people that looked burnt and disoriented.

A voice caught their attention: a group of boys dressed as pilgrims. Lilith rubbed her temples, annoyed.

"What's a Nevermore freak doing out in the wild?" one boy said. Another pointed at the booth, "This is our booth."

Lilith looked up at them and spoke, "I don't see your bloody name on it."

Wednesday looked at the group and their outfits before speaking, "Why are you three dressed like religious fanatics?"

One of the boys looked at Wednesday, confused. "We're pilgrims."

Wednesday rolled his eyes and sighed, "Potato, po-tah-to."

Another boy, who seemed like the leader, placed a pamphlet on the table while speaking, "We work at Pilgrim World."

Wednesday looked at the paper before he spoke, "It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide."

The leader boy looked at Wednesday with anger and spoke, "My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who are you calling stupid?"

Lilith glared at them and spoke, "If the buckle shoe fits."

The leader looked at her and spoke, "You don't get to speak, witch. Do you know what pilgrims do to witches like you?" His tone was venomous while Lilith sent him a cold glare, her eyes holding furious fire within as she clenched her fist.

Tyler came and spoke to the group, "Guys, back off."

Wednesday stood up, blocking the leader's view of Lilith and feeling protective over her. "Stay out of this, Galpin," the leader threatened.

"Yes, stay out of this," Wednesday echoed, his voice steady and cold.

Lilith had enough of this childishness. She slammed her hands on the table loudly. "Enough!" she exclaimed, her voice sounding monstrous. The glass windows shattered but did not fall; instead, they floated in the air. Lilith's eyes fogged up as she got up, extended her arm, and flung the group into the air. The glass shards pointed in their direction, very close to their faces. Shadowy figures, like something out of a nightmare, held them in place as Lilith walked over. She grabbed the leader's collar and pulled him close. As he looked into her fogged eyes, he saw something so terrifying that he began to shake, his face a mask of horror.

"Do you want to find out what witches like me do to pilgrims like you? I'll give you a hint: you will be slowly living a nightmare that you would wish to wake up from." The glass slowly got closer while Tyler looked afraid, but Wednesday watched her with admiration, his breath catching in his throat. He was blushing a little. "Do I make myself clear?" Lilith asked the group and the leader as the nightmare figures held them. The group nodded, terrified. Lilith let the leader go, and the figures disappeared, making the other boys fall. Lilith put the glass shards back into the windows, making them look normal before she calmed down and returned to the booth.

Just then, a police sheriff walked in. "Dad?" Tyler spoke as he looked at his father. The sheriff looked at the boys on the ground before speaking to his son, "Tyler, the hell's going on in here?"

Tyler replied, "They were harassing some customers, and she put them in their place." He gestured to Lilith, who looked tired and a bit drained. Wednesday watched her, worry in his eyes, before moving the tea closer to her.

Principal Weems walked inside and saw the boys before she spoke, "Apologies, Sheriff." She looked at Wednesday and continued, "This one slipped away from me. Come on, Mr. Addams, time to go. You too, Ms. Winters."

Lilith finished her tea and got her things ready. Wednesday waited for her before they began to walk to the door. The sheriff spoke to Wednesday, stopping him in his tracks. "Wait a minute, hang on. You're an Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?"

Wednesday looked at the sheriff, confused but nodded.

The sheriff spoke, "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you."

Principal Weems pulled Wednesday and Lilith away as she spoke, "Okay." With that, they walked to her car.


"Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar. Wish I could say I was surprised." Principal Weems said as she drove, glancing over at Wednesday, who sat in the passenger seat. Lilith was in the back seat, asleep peacefully. Wednesday looked at Principal Weems and asked, "What did he mean about my father?"

He looked in the rearview mirror and saw Lilith sleeping soundly, which made him feel a sense of relief. Principal Weems replied, "I have no idea, but a word of advice: stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're going to need them."

Wednesday looked at her, then back at Lilith. A sight of a crash caught his attention, as well as Principal Weems's. "Looks like an accident. I hope the driver's okay," she remarked.

Wednesday observed the crash scene, noting the police officers directing traffic to keep moving. "He's dead. Broke his neck," Wednesday stated matter-of-factly.

Principal Weems glanced at him, both confused and surprised. "How can you tell from this angle?" she asked.

Wednesday didn't reply as they drove by the scene, his eyes lingering on the lifeless body in the car. Instead, he pulled out the necklace his mother had given him and started to play with it, his mind preoccupied with thoughts he kept to himself.


By: SilverMist707

I hope you enjoyed it and I do apologize that this might be short. I hope you are all well <3

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