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The jury said she's charming


π”Έπ•Š the mayor's overly enthusiastic voice filled the air, his pun hanging awkwardly in the silence, Lilith couldn't resist. She flicked her fingers ever so subtly, and suddenly, the mayor's tie whipped up, smacking him lightly in the face. She quickly hid a mischievous smirk as the students around her stifled chuckles, while the mayor fumbled with his tie, trying to maintain composure. Principal Weems, appearing unbothered, took the stage beside the mayor and addressed the students. "Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!" The students began to rise from their bleachers, scattering to their assignments.

Meanwhile, Wednesday rushed after Enid, catching up with her just before she could head off. "Enid!" he called, and she spun around to face him.

"What?" she asked, already sensing his intensity.

"Switch volunteer assignments." He held out his envelope, eyes narrowing slightly.

Enid frowned, shaking her head, "What? No! Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag."

"It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World," Wednesday insisted, his voice low and pressing.

Enid gave him a teasing smile. "Is it because you want to be close to Lilith?"

Wednesday's eyes flashed in annoyance. "This isn't about Lilith. Switch places with me." His eye twitched slightly as he held out the envelope again.

Enid looked at him skeptically. "But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?" A flash of strategy lit up Wednesday's eyes. "Because Ajax is going to be volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment." Enid's eyes widened in surprise, excitement bubbling up. "No!" she exclaimed, snatching the envelope out of his hand with a grin. "Thank you! You're the best!" She squealed and dashed off toward the antique store without a second thought, leaving Wednesday behind.


A crowd of people stepped off a bus parked outside the entrance to Pilgrim World, which looked like it had been plucked straight from the 1600s. The village was complete with wooden buildings, dirt paths, and the overwhelming stench of historical accuracy. "Welcome to Pilgrim World. Witch trials every day!" someone shouted as Wednesday made his way inside. He quickly spotted Lilith standing near Eugene, who was busy taking pictures of Bianca and Yoko. Several people were glancing in Lilith's direction, but she seemed oblivious to their attention. Her presence stood out like a dark shadow among the quaint surroundings.

"Lilith," Wednesday called, drawing her attention.

Lilith turned and met his gaze. "What are you doing here? I thought you were volunteering at the antique store?" Wednesday shifted, his voice measured. "I switched with Enid. I had to check out Pilgrim World, and I was wondering if you could help me." His last words were quiet, almost reluctant, but Lilith caught them and smiled. "Sure, I'll help you." Wednesday gave a brief nod but couldn't help his curiosity. "Why are people staring at you?" Lilith's smile widened, her eyes gleaming. "Because I'm a witch. My eyes give it away, and the burn marks don't help."

Wednesday's gaze flicked to her hands, then back to her face, considering her words. "Perhaps they're just jealous. You look more interesting than any of the attractions here."

Before Lilith could respond, Eugene chimed in, "Hey, Wednesday, Lilith, want to grab a Hummers group photo?" His enthusiasm faded quickly as Wednesday's blank stare met his. "Guess not..." Eugene muttered, backing away slightly. Before the awkward silence could linger, a voice broke through. "Good morrow, my Nevermore kin." The group turned to see a woman with fiery red hair, dressed in full pilgrim attire, making her way toward them. "I am Mistress Arlene. A real Oc. Original colonist," she announced with pride. "Now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement."

The students followed her as she led them through the village, finally stopping in front of a building in the center of town. She spun around to face them. "Yonder. Behold, the meeting house. Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone. And beyond is our privy, America's first gender-neutral restroom."

Wednesday stepped forward, his expression serious. "I haveth a query."

Mistress Arlene raised an eyebrow. "Pray, be quick, child."

"In the meeting house, which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?" Wednesday's voice was as dry as ever.

Lilith glanced at him, curious about his sudden interest.

Arlene seemed taken aback by the question but answered nonetheless. "It is truly a treasure trove, including original farming tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot." Wednesday, unfazed, took Lilith's hand and pulled her closer to him. "Sounds fascinating. I volunteer myself, and my... companion, to work there." He gestured to Lilith with a slight nod. Arlene pursed her lips, clearly unimpressed. "Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated. Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World."


A sign hung above the building with the words "Ye Old Fudgery," as if it were some beacon of historical confectionery. The students gathered outside, eyeing it with various levels of enthusiasm and disgust. Arlene approached, carrying a pile of pilgrim outfits. "Ye Old Fudgery?" Eugene read the sign with wide-eyed excitement, practically bouncing on his toes. Meanwhile, Lilith looked up at the sign with a visible grimace, her nose wrinkling. "What fresh sugar-coated hell is this?" she muttered under her breath.

"More like ye old diabetes in a box," Wednesday grumbled, clearly unamused by the concept.

Arlene clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention. "Volunteers, prick up thine ears. Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community. And samples equal sales, so grab a uniform and a box, and make our forefathers proud." Wednesday picked up a stiff pilgrim collar and inspected it with distaste. "Are these for muzzling tourists?" he asked, his tone dry. Lilith held up a pilgrim bonnet and eyed it suspiciously. "I feel like wearing this might summon the spirit of a long-dead Puritan to haunt me out of pure fashion vengeance," she said, shaking her head.

Wednesday smirked slightly, "I think that's already happening. We're just the vessels."


Lilith, now dressed in the full pilgrim outfit like the others, stood near the entrance of 'Ye Old Fudgery', handing out samples of fudge with clear disinterest. As she glanced over at Wednesday, he was already in mid-speech, addressing a group of tourists in German, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Enjoy your 'authentic' pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon. All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history. Also, fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years." He extended the tray with a forced smile, "Any takers?"

The group exchanged uneasy glances before silently turning and walking away, leaving the store. Lilith chuckled at the scene, trying to stifle her laughter. Wednesday caught the sound of her amusement and turned to glance at her. For a brief moment, his usual stoic expression cracked, and a small smile tugged at his lips.

Lilith walked over to him, still amused, and said, "You know, with sales tactics like that, you'll have this place bankrupt in no time. Maybe I should let you run the coven finances."

Wednesday rolled his eyes, though a hint of amusement lingered. "Meet me by the meeting house," he said, his voice low and conspiratorial.

Lilith flashed a mischievous smile and nodded, making her way out of the store. Wednesday followed shortly behind her, his mind already on their next move.

Meanwhile, Eugene sat slumped on a bench near a raised platform, a nearly empty tray of fudge beside him. His lips and teeth were smeared with chocolate from the sheer amount of fudge he had devoured. He stared down at the last remaining piece but realized he couldn't possibly handle more. With a defeated sigh, he set it down and popped his retainer back into his mouth.

Before he could gather himself, Eugene was suddenly grabbed from behind. A group of older boys lifted him roughly onto the raised platform where the old stocks were displayed. They were the same group that had been eyeing Wednesday and Lilith in the cafΓ© earlier.

"Check out this greedy little freak," one of the boys sneered, his lip curling in disgust as Eugene squirmed.

"Please," Eugene stammered, "I need to get back toβ€”" His words were cut off as his stomach made a loud, unsettling gurgle. Before anyone could react, Eugene turned pale and threw up all over the boy's shirt and part of his friend. The vomit splattered, staining their clothes with the remnants of fudge.

"Come on!" the boy snarled, his face twisted in disgust. He grabbed Eugene roughly, dragging him towards the stocks.

Just as they were about to force him inside, a sharp voice rang out, freezing them in place. "Let him go!"

The group turned and saw Lilith standing with her hand raised, eyes gleaming with cold fury. She moved with purpose, her steps unhurried but commanding as she approached the platform. The boys hesitated for a moment, clearly unsettled by her presence.


By: SilverMist707

Happy Friday 13th <3

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