𝟎𝟏. 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"THE club sandwich, please." JJ wrote down the order on his notepad.

"Honey, what about a salad?" Bianca frowned at her mother. Camila Torres was one special lady.

"I'm not craving a salad, mom." She looked down to her hands, that were placed on her lap. Going against her mother was never easy, she always won.

"But midsummer is coming up, you need to think about what you eat." It is not the first time she had mentioned it. Her mother had already bought the dress. It took a whole day and a lot of wine, but finally Rose and Camila had decided what Bianca and Rafe should wear, she would be furious if Bianca could not fit in it.

"Midsummers is six months away." The girl spoke quietly. Fidgeting with the Chanel bracelet Rafe had gifted her.

"She'll have a caesar salad. I'll have the same." JJ scratched out the 'club sandwich' and added two salads. This was more common then you would think, and JJ learned it is best to just do as you are told.

"Coming right up, ma'am." The blond said before disappearing inside.

"Maybe you would like to join me for pilates this afternoon. You'd be amazed how fun it is." Her mom have always asked her to join, but Bianca did not see much fun in hanging out with women who had a midlife crisis, talking about how hot the guy who works for them are.

"Can't, Rafe said he would take me out." Truthfully he was, and for once she was glad she did not have to make up an excuse.

"Oh, how lovely. I can't remember the last time I had a date. You're so lucky to have him." She knew that already, and somehow it made her feel guilty, like she did not deserve him.

"And how is tennis going? All good I hope." Tennis. A sport Bianca hated, but did it to please her mother.

"It's going good. My coach says I have the potential of getting an athletic scholarship." It was true. Although she hated the sport, she had played it for so long, and was really good at it.

"That's great, honey. Although you won't need it." Before Bianca could respond, the same blond walked up to the table, placing the food down. Muttering a quiet 'enjoy your meal', before he left.

Taking a sip out of the lemon water her mother had ordered for her, she plucked up the courage to question her. "Why?"

Taking a bite before she responded, her mother chuckled. "Well, you're going to studying law, like me. That athlete thing is only temporary. Besides it would be a surprise to even see you working after school, dating Rafe and all."

Bianca picked her fork up, moving the food around with it. This doesn't look appetizing at all right now. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing bad, honey. I just mean that Rafe is a very hard working man. Soon he will inherit his father's company, and have a busy life. You guys would need someone to take care of your children, I just think it would be a good option for you to be at home. You've always loved kids, and cooking, it is perfect." Bianca felt like she would throw up. To some that life might seem as the perfect one, but to her it felt claustrophobic. She would feel trapped.

The girl picked up the napkin that was in her lap, before standing up. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." She didn't even care for her mother's response, before she turned and headed inside.

THREE MORE HOURS then JJ's shift was over. Three more hours of spending time with ignorant kooks. Three more hours of torture.

As he picked plates from an abandoned table, he look up to meet Camila Torres eyes, who waved him over. He noticed the other girl was not there, and her food was untouched, but he would be lying if he said he cared.

"One more glass of red, thanks." JJ nodded at the request, walking away towards the kitchen. Dropping the dirty plates he was caring into the sink, before he made his way towards the bar. Picking up a serving plate, although it was only one drink, a drink he could easily just hold in his hand, his boss had given him hell about it before, 'it doesn't look good'. JJ thought that was weird, because it looks worse with just one drink on the service plate. When he finally had the glass with red wine, he made his way over to the lady.

He did not get far though, because just seconds later Bianca emerged from the bathroom, crashing into him. JJ cringed at the red beverage, that was now covering the girl's white summer dress.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." At least she had the decency to acknowledge it was her fault. Luckily, the glass had fallen on the service plate, so he wouldn't have to pick up broken glass. Feeling his boss starting at him, he quickly got into service mode.

"No, no, it's my fault, really. I apologize." The blond moved quickly to get some napkins, although he knew it would not help. As she received the napkins she looked up at him. JJ would lie if he said she wasn't attractive, she was drop dead gorgeous, but he already decided she was horrible, and her dating Rafe just proved it.

"Thank you." The brunette sweetly thanked him. JJ took the wet napkins, and placed them next to the empty glass.

JJ leaned down a bit, not being able to resist. "Good thing daddy's money can buy you a new dress." Bianca looked up at him, a frown on her face. "Besides, white isn't your color, anyways."

"Asshole." The girl muttered, before making her way back towards her mother.

As JJ went and filled another glass with red wine, Bianca sat down in front of her mother.

"You need to look where you are going, honey." He bit down a smile at her mother's words. Placing down the red wine in front of her. Not one single 'thank you' or even a glance was spared at him. Spoiled fuckers.

RAFE CAMERON was anything but happy when he picked the brunette up, later that evening.

"You're telling me that fucker ruined your dress?" His fists clenched around the steering wheel.

"No. I'm saying I ruined it by accidentally bumping into him. He was just an asshole about it though. Saying, and I quote, 'daddy's money can buy you a new dress'. Trying to make me feel guilty or something for being born with money." Yes, Bianca ranted a lot to Rafe. It was not like he minded though, although more then half of her little rant sessions, he could not even remember.

"I told you he was a dick, babe." Rafe's right hand landed on her thigh, his left one still on the steering wheel.

"Anyways, where are you taking me?" Date night with Rafe was always a surprise.

"Topper's throwing a party. Have to make an appearance." Bianca just nodded. Rafe was hard to figure out sometimes, and one of the things Bianca never understood was the lack of information he gave out. She just knew he was taking her somewhere, and that means everything between the fanciest restaurant in Chapel Hill, or a party. Luckily the brunette had gotten pretty good at choosing outfits. A simple black dress did the work just fine. Usually Rafe would have been telling her to change, since it was low cut and short, but during kook parties, he loved showing her off. Like a trophy.

THE HOUSE was crowded. It was unusual for Topper to invite pogues, and knowing him he probably didn't. Yet everyone was too drunk to give a shit. The smell of alcohol and sweat, mixed with the lack of fresh air, was something the brunette was used to now. Every week, there were at least one party Rafe dragged her to.

Pouring a new drink into the red solo cup, Bianca felt someone's presence next to her.

"Told you white isn't your color. Black looks so much better." JJ Maybank had a talent for showing up where he wasn't wanted. Without even looking at him, she walked away, rejoining Rafe, who pulled her down to his lap.

Her face frowned as she spotted the white lines on the coffee table. Annoyed by the situation she decided to leave.

"Where you going?" Even though Rafe was high, he wouldn't let her wander around the house alone.

"Bathroom." She saw as he sniffed a new line, and without waiting for his response, she walked away.

Seeing the long line to the bathroom, made her realize she didn't need to pee that badly. But Bianca didn't want to go back to Rafe, not right now. So she headed outside for some fresh air. Even though it was warm during the day, the February air made it chilly during the night.

She could still hear The Nights by Avicii blasting, followed by people screaming the lyrics.

"Finally ditched your bodyguard?" There it was again, that annoying voice that belonged to JJ. Bianca chose to just ignore him, maybe he'd go away, but it seemed like he had made her his personal target, ever since the wine incident.

Bianca saw a sudden light in the corner of her eye, turning her head towards the blond, she found him with a lit joint between his lips. Meeting her eyes, he removed the joint from his lips, and held it out towards her.

"I don't smoke." She simply said. An answer that made JJ let out a chuckle.

"Of course you don't." Bianca's eyebrows pulled together as she looked at him.

"Little miss perfect, right?" She didn't know why that nickname annoyed her so much, but it did.

"Why do you even bother talking to me?" She finally questioned, ignoring his statement.

"Not sure. Maybe because seeing a frown on your face, makes me happy." He spoke simply, taking another drag of his joint.

"You know that's kinda psychotic, right? Wishing pain on others." Bianca didn't know why she even bothered talking to him, yet she continued.

"I didn't say I wish you were in pain. I just like seeing that stick up your ass disappear." He chuckled coldly. "Plus, I know you want approval from everyone, and won't be able to stand the thought that someone out in this world hates you."

"You hate me?" Her question was real, and JJ couldn't understand how dumb she was. She is a rich kook, of course people hated her.

"Damn right I do." He answered blankly.

"How can you hate me? You don't even know me." She hated that he was right, approval meant everything to her.

"I know enough." He moved closer, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. "Little miss perfect. Virgin, straight A's." He leaned down to her ear. "A spoiled fucking brat." Bianca pushed him away, her hands hitting his chest. A grin covered his face, this was exactly the reaction he was looking for. Without a word she left the blond boy for the second time that night.

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