( scene eighteen. )

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โ”โ” tribulation.
( SCENE 18 ) โ”โ”›

EVOLET couldn't contain her excitement. The small Estemore presage was already on the road toward Winterfell that next morning and they would be arriving by early evening. She didn't care if they had risen before the sun had, when she would normally be sleepy and better left alone. It gave her a warming feeling knowing she would be with Robb soon and all her worries could go away for the night.

Just ahead of her rode Lukas and Ismene, seemingly attached at the hip as they'd been talking non-stop since they'd ventured into the forest near the lake. She couldn't blame the two, with the news of their impending child all were in the highest of moods, even her own mother who was naturally bitter. Their father had been very pleased with the news, which in turn helped in Lukas feeling content.

With simply a small carriage carrying their belongings and a few Estemore guards, Evolet had nearly no one to talk to. Her brother and good-sister were too enveloped in their talk of heirs and she didn't want to talk to any of the gruff looking Estemore guards. More often than not they made her uneasy even though she knew they'd never lay a hand on her. There was Ismene's personal bodyguard Terran who was nearby and she supposed she could strike up a conversation with to pass time, so she did.

"So, Terran, you're from Winterfell?" Evolet speaks up, managing to catch Terran's attention. She had only seen him a handful of times since he'd arrived to Lakewell, normally following Ismene wherever she went and keeping guard on them when they spent time together. She had to admit to herself that he was in-fact handsome, but she didn't think anyone would best Robb. No, Robb was her valiant blue-eyed wolf, unchallenged and untouched. She thought she could get drunk on thoughts of the Stark and her dreams about their marriage.

Terran's attention is caught and he looks to the Lady Evolet, who rides just a few feet opposite of him. Realizing she was talking to him, he answers. "Yes, m'lady," he replies simply.ย 

"Oh, no need for the formalities. Simply Evolet will work. Now were you born there?"

Terran nods his head, a little confused as to why a highborn Lady was interested in him. He was but a guard and she a pretty thing who had better things to do than talk to the likes of him. Nevertheless, he continues the conversation.

"My father is head of the house guard, so I've always lived within the walls."

"I bet you're pretty good with that sword there aren't you?" She gestures to the one of his hip. It was his families ancestral sword that had been around for generations. It wasn't as old as Ice, the Stark weapon, but it was still pretty old. His father had given it to him when he became a household guard.

He nods his head, pleased with the gesture. "I am, m'lady, I have to be in order to protect Lady Ismene."

Evolet's eyes flit ahead to her good-sister, who is still busily talking to Lukas, most likely about their impending child in the near future. She dreamed of similar conversations with Robb.

"What do you think of Robb?" She asks.

Terran raises a brow, somewhat confused over the question. "Robb Stark?"

She nods.

He shrugs before answering, trying to find the right words to explain the Stark. They were nearly the same age, Terran being just a few years older and they didn't necessarily have a great past. Terran would often find himself enjoying the company of Robb and Darik when they were children, before duties came into their lives and there wasn't room for child's play. Once, Terran and Robb were the best of friends. Now, he couldn't very well say the same.

"I suppose he's alright," Terran lies through his teeth. He truly didn't care for Robb, but it sure seemed like Evolet did, so he would tell her what she wanted to hear.

"Is he trustworthy? Would he make a good husband one day?"

Terran let out a light laugh. "M'ladyโ€” Evolet, I am no woman, I don't believe I can tell you if he'd be suitable as a husband," he chuckles and sees her gaze falter. "But I can tell you care for him. Robb is not a bad man at all. He has his moments, as we all do, but he would be an idiot to turn down someone like you."

Evolet blushes. She loved hearing complements from people, even if they might not be fully felt. Either way Terran was turning out as a respectable man.

"Why, thank you, Terran," she grins. "You are so very kind." The guard returned it by dipping his head.

"What about you?" He asks. "What's it like be a highborn Lady?"

Evolet scoffs. "Being highborn isn't all what it's said to be," she tells him. "Sure, it's nice to live well-off, but you're never truly free. At least, not as a lady."

Terran frowns even though he doesn't think he could ever understand. The nobles had it easy, at least compared to the commoners. At least they didn't have to worry about their next meal nor the cold of winter. On the other hand, he felt sympathy for the girl, seeing she had sadness in her brown eyes.

"You love him, don't you?"

Evolet froze. "Pardon?"

"Robb, you love Robb."

"What makes you think so?"

"It's not hard to tell when someone is in pain. Which you clearly are over him."

Evolet felt vulnerable, especially since Terran had read her so easily. Was it really that obvious that she was hooked on the boy? How could she not be, after their night together over a moon ago. It felt like forever and she felt like an idiot for feigning ignorance. It must have been her questions about the Stark that raised his suspicions. It obviously was. Why must I be so lovesick? She thought.

"I suppose I do," she mutters. When she looked over, Terran's bright blue eyes were filled with concern. "Don't worry though. We'll be wed as of soon and everything will be well."

Terran, knowing the Stark boy as he did, felt sorry for the Estemore girl. How foolish she was to think that Robb was all hers.


ISMENE felt herself in the highest of spirits as the small presage entered the familiar Winterfell gates. The thought of being home was ever heart warming and she hoped Darik's face would be the first one she'd see. As the girl slid off her horse, she looked to her side to see Fenrir gazing around the busy courtyard with hungry golden eyes, the hustling a sign that the king was due to arrive anytime now. The wolf's tongue was out as he painted happily, most likely pleased to be home as well.

A stable hand took away their horses just as Aubrey ran into Ismene's arms. Ismene felt utter glee as she held her blonde friend, relishing in the embrace she'd been waiting for for so long. As they pulled apart, Aubrey cupped Ismene's cheeks playfully with her hands.

"You look amazing! I see the Estemore's have been treating you kindly, cousin."

Ismene smirks as Aubrey lets go. The two let out a chuckle as Enith and Aubrey's handmaiden, Neve Ravenwood, and awkwardly, Darik, appeared. Ismene felt her heart drop as she adverted her gaze from her twin.

Terran stood close to her side as he always did as Lukas embraced his cousins. Evolet had quickly disappeared from the scene as both Terran and Ismene had expected.

While standing at Ismene's side, Terran found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the handmaiden standing next to the archer as the nobles talked. He didn't know her name, but merely her piercing blue eyes had him hooked. How had he never seen her before? Who was she?

"Did you just arrive as well?" Lukas asks.

"We did, not too long ago in fact," Aubrey tells him. Her gaze then looks to Darik who stands behind her. As an effort to diffuse the awkward atmosphere, she pulls him up to greet the Estemore's. Darik looks as if he'd rather be dead in that moment.

Ismene felt pain, while Lukas felt annoyance.

"Now, Darik, why don't you greet your sister?" Aubrey pushes.

Instead of embracing his twin as they all might have expected, he merely dips his head in a weak greeting. "I'm happy you're here," he mutters softly.

It was apparent that he still wasn't pleased with Ismene's presence and it hurt her to see so. She had imagined a much different reunion, maybe at least one where he hugged her. She'd missed his earthy musk that always seemed to follow him and the feeling of his arms around her. It was as if Darik was foreign now.

"I'm happy to be home," she replies lowly, understanding that Darik still held qualms with her. How could he, after so long? What had she done so wrong by marrying a man she was already beginning to love, the father of the child growing in her belly? The thought of her condition makes her think of how outraged Darik will be once he finds out. There was no way she could hide it from everyone.

Luna appeared from behind Darik and immediately met her littermate in a wolffish embrace with licks and gentle yips of excitement. The group watched the beasts with amused expressions, but Ismene could only hold still features. The wolves looked utterly pleased to be in each other's presence and once the twins gazes met, it was apparent that the same thought had appeared in both of their minds.

That's supposed to be us.

"Well, cousin," Lukas breaks the tension by speaking. "I assume life has been well since we last saw each other? It definitely has for us."

A crossed from Ismene, Darik stiffens.

"It has for us as well," Aubrey tells him with a grin. "Just recently on a hunt I downed a large elk bull. I must say it's one of my finest kills."

"You are proving to be the finest of us Mandal's," Enith chirped. "Not for long though."

Light laughter filled the atmosphere, but before anything else could be said by anyone, a shout from a Stark guard made them freeze and look toward the tower above.

"The King is here!"

Chaos assumed as the Estemore and Mandal's belongings were quickly toted inside the keep by servants and the nobles themselves found their places to receive the king. The servants and those alike that had been busy cleaning found their places and the dire wolves were sent to stay in the stables for the time being. It made Ismene uneasy not to have her companion at her side.

The Starks found their spots, first being Darik then ending with little Rickon. Robb had taken Ismene's place at Darik's side as she was now a Estemore and belonged at her husbands side. She stood next to her tall husband, feeling proud that she'd married someone like him. On the other side stood Evolet, seeming pleased to be in Winterfell. Ismene guesses it was because she'd sought out Robb as soon as they arrived. Behind the three, in front of the Estemore men, Terran stood at attention.

The Mandal's were ready as well, with Lord Darren standing tall and Aubrey regal and Enith seeming like she would rather be running around with young Bran than receiving the king of the Seven Kingdoms.

The heavy gates moaned as they were slowly opened. Lukas saw the first glimpse of the yellow and black banner of House Baratheon dancing in the wind with the crowned stag prancing as it got closer. The Lannister lion roared as well as it seemed to stand same height or maybe even higher than the stag. The soldiers that poured inside wore black and golden and crimson armor with roaring lion heads perched on their shoulders. Just after them were white cloaks, the obvious Kingsguard.

They were followed by a young blonde boy with the smuggest look on his face. Lukas already thought the boy looked a little too small for his britches and even smaller than the giant destrier he was sitting on. Behind him was the scar faced Hound, an obvious character with his hound shaped helmet under his arm. They were followed by more Lannister men before a wheel house came into view, most likely containing the Queen and the younger royal children.

It all ended with the one they'd all been expecting. As soon as Robert appeared on his giant black destrier, those in the courtyard got to one knee. Once down, Lukas gripped Ismene's hand, earning a playful grin from his wife.

"He's much fatter than I ever expected," Lukas whispered lowly so that she would be the only one to hear. "I'd say his girth is equal to his height."

Ismene had to stifle a laugh as the king was now making his way toward her father. He was pink in the face and his dark beady eyes didn't seem pleased. Once standing before the Warden of the North, he demanded Ned's attention. The couple watched as her father looked up.

"You've gotten fat," Robert muttered. It earned the awkward and confused gazes of all in attendance.

"He's one to talk," Ismene whispered to her husband. They both managed to hide their laughter.

Confusion filled the air until the king and the warden came together in a man's embrace, all with heavy laughter and pats on the back. Those in the courtyard rose to their feet as the King began to greet the Starks.

Ismene watched with a sad expression as the king greeted Darik. He actually seemed to have a little bit of life to him when he talked to Robert as he smiled and nodded and she couldn't understand how he could act as such to a stranger and not his own twin.

As the king greeted the Starks, the golden haired queen Cersei appeared, looking as regal as any goddess. She looked around with a slightly dissatisfied sneer that marred her beautiful features.

Once the king had greeted the Stark children, he paused. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Ned, but I do believe you have seven children, not six."

"Yes, my daughter Ismene has married," Ned gestures to where she stood nearby. Robert turned toward her, offering a nod in acknowledgment. The couple bowed to the king.

"Take me to the crypts," Robert suddenly ordered, his mind seeming to reminded of something.

"My dear, we've been on the road a month, surely the dead can wait," Cersei spoke up.

Robert didn't seem to care as he stomped away with Ned following close behind. Those in attendance watched until they were gone, in which they finally dispersed. Amid the milling crowd, Evolet disappeared. It left merely Lukas, Ismene, and Terran behind.

"The King is quite a site," Terran chuckled to the Estemore's.

"No doubt," Lukas grinned. "You'd think that horses legs might have snapped."

Ismene shot him a playful yet scolding glare as she smacked his arm lightly. "You'd best not say such things near any of his men," she warns with a grin, her voice in a goofy tone. "Or you'll face his wrath."

Lukas laughed before pulling her into a hug. It was one thing the girl loved. When he was happy, he always embraced her.

"Perhaps you two would like to venture inside?" Terran asks. "I'm sure you're tired after the trek."

Lukas and Ismene nod in agreement before making their way toward the Keep with Terran following close behind.

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