( scene thirteen. )

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โ”โ” tribulation.
( SCENE 13 ) โ”โ”›

WINTERFELL was becoming but just a distant dot by the time that Ismene forces herself to look back toward everything she was leaving. She'd refused to since they'd left the gates, where she'd finally lost all hope that she might be able to say a final goodbye to Darik. No, he didn't even make an appearance to her reluctant departure that only involved a few quick hugs from her family and formal farewells between lords. Not seeing Darik caused a piece of her heart to crumble away.

Her grief must've been obvious to all, as a kind hand resting on her shoulder draws her clouded gaze to Evolet who is riding close at her side. Her good-sister offered a weak smile of reassurance but it didn't change the way she felt about leaving behind everything she knew. Ismene could tell that Evolet herself was experiencing something as well, by the appearance of her weak smile, and she planned on investigating later.

She lets go of the reins and allows her horse to follow the long line that made up the Estemore presage. One of her gloved hands pulls away the loose strands of hair that had fallen away from the intricate bun that lied at the base of her neck. The cool wind that flowed freely over the hills had no effect on her, but she couldn't ignore the imminent arrival to her new home that left anxious anticipation burrowed in her gut.

"I'm sorry he never showed up to say farewell," Evolet says as she pulls her hand away, referring to Darik. "I understand that you two are close and how that must have hurt."

"We were close," Ismene replies softly, thinking of how'd he'd treated her the entire time the Mandals and the Estemore's had been visiting. Part of her was angry for it, the rest of her was hurt. "It seems as if that bond has been severed due to my marriage to Lukas."

"That is unfair," Evolet states bluntly with a furrowed brow. "Lukas hasn't done anything wrong. He married you out of duty and your brother should understand that."

"Darik is..." Ismene tries finding the right words to explain her twin; there were many bad and many good. "Territorial- in a sense. He's protective and loyal and sometimes it's almost to a fault. But he only means well. His disliking of Lukas will eventually fade as he'll see how happy we are."

"I hope to see you both grow close," Evolet smirks. "It may take time, but you'll find that your marriage wasn't all that awful."

"It's not that I thought it would be awful," Ismene frowns. "I just wish things could have run differently in the end. I wish my brother wouldn't have shunned me and my family brushed me to the side so quickly. I feel abandoned."

"That's the thing about us noble ladies," Evolet sighs heavily in a sense of saddening truth. "We don't get a choice in what our futures may look like or who we will bare heirs for. We don't get to choose what type of man we marry nor where we live. In the end, we just learn to live with the life given to us."

"Sometimes I wish I'd been born a man," Ismene replies softly. "Perhaps then I would be happy."


HOURS later, once the scouts had determined that it was only a few hours ride before they'd reached Lakewell, Lord Estemore called for a break. The presage found an area along the rushing creek they were following where horses were tied to trees and swords rested against the trunks. People relaxed for the time being before it was time to set out again.

Ismene had dismounted Snowbird as soon as she could, finding that her behind was aching more than it had ever before. Even as she stood near the creeks edge, with Fenrir at her side, the pain was deeply burrowed in her muscles. She winced every time she shuffled from one foot to another.

Fenrir looks up to her, his golden eyes focused on hers with a feeling of understanding. The wolf lightly pressed against her legs and she still hadn't been able to grasp how quickly he'd grown. He was nearly to her waist now and still had growing to do.

"That beast has become larger than any hound I've ever seen."

Ismene turns to see Lady Helen, her good-mother, standing not far behind her. She looks brooding, garbed in Mandal green, which seemed to be her favorite color. The older woman wanders over to Ismene, but keeps a good distance from the wolf. Fenrir's eyes are trained on Helen the entire time.

"He is of the true north," Ismene replies softly. She'd already sensed that Helen had a distaste for her, especially after learning of the past she had with her father. Every time she was around Helen now, Ismene felt uneasy.

"Perhaps, but this isn't beyond the Wall now, is it? I pray you know that beast won't be living among us in the keep. It can stay with the hounds, or if it grows too large, perhaps in the stables. You'd been better off not bringing it at all." Helen's words were like metal. Already, Ismene was dreading her new life, first hand.

"Oh, mother, there's no need to threaten my wife's companion," Lukas' words were a savior as he appeared between them. He ruffled the fur between Fenrir's ears as if to show that the wolf was no threat. "He's only here to keep her company and remind her of home. It is her house sigil, after all."

Helen scowls at her son. "Perhaps it once was, but now, it is the fox and salmon and I'd much rather see one of those paraded around instead of that beast." With a swift sweep of her green cloak, she stalks away. Ismene felt relief wash over her as her shoulders sag and she looks to her husband.

"Is she always going to be like this?" She asks with hopes that it's only at the expense of her suddenly joining the family or the journey they were on. She wanted to be close to her good-mother, but it seemed as if that weren't going to be the case.

"I'm afraid there's no telling," Lukas replies as he watches his mothers figure disappear into the sea of soldiers and servants. He was livid that his mother was already giving Ismene a hard time and she'd not even been apart of the family for a fortnight.

"I will not live in Lakewell if I cannot have Fenrir," Ismene mutters with malice, her eyes trained on the general direction that Helen had disappeared. "He is the only piece of my passed life I could bring with me."

"There's no need to worry, dear," Lukas tells her as he slips his hand into hers. She looks up with a softer gaze than before. "You will have him and anything else you wish. You are my wife and you will be the only Lady Estemore one day, unless we have daughters," he chuckles. "Just because you were once a Stark doesn't give my mother the right to hate you. But I suppose we can't always have what we want when it comes to my mother."

Ismene nods in understanding. She may not be able to be as close as she wanted to be with her husbands mother, but the least she could do was try to coexist. She would have to if she wanted to live a happy life.

"It's unfortunate that we must deal with such pettiness," she mutters half to herself. "I didn't ask to be shoved into this all, with a family that only partially likes me."

"Don't say that," Lukas playfully demands. He pulls her against him, looking down with a half smirk. "We are family now, you and I. My father might be distant and my mother a bane on our existences, but Evolet and I adore you. Remember that."

Ismene can't help but grin. She couldn't have been luckier to be married to someone who wasn't an older, distant, northern brute. She got a young man who was kind and thoughtful. She was beyond thankful for Lukas.


LUKAS was thankful that Winterfell wasn't all too far away from Lakewell. A days ride was all that was needed before they finally emerged from the forest to overlook the giant lake where their home rested just on the other side. By then, the sun had already begun to set, causing beautiful warm colors to blanket the sky and reflect on the water below. Snow capped mountains surrounded the castle and he loved the view that it held. He was home, and better yet, he was eager to show Ismene what was hers now.

"This is.." Ismene says at his side. The presage passes them, traveling to the right to cover the radius of the lake until it reaches the castle, and they sat mounted and gazed at the keep. "This is more than I imagined. I didn't think that the lake was so large... the keep, even from here looks massive. I can't believe it."

Lukas grins at her awe. He points to a distant but small harbor, then the forest. "We have a wonderful fishing industry, as well as some timber. It's quite profitable, along with the farmers and commoners that dot our lands." He glances over to his wife, seeing she is still gazing at it all. "Did you not expect this all to be like this?"

Ismene shakes her head. "I have to admit I didn't know what to expect. But at the same time, this is more than I could have. It didn't occur to me how... well off your house was."

"It's our house now," he reminds her enthusiastically. "And I know, my father isn't a vain person, unlike my mother likes to be. He doesn't like flaunting our wealth and doesn't allow my mother to either, so many don't know about it. Once you see the keep, you'll understand."

Ismene flashes a smile at Lukas and he feels his heart swell.

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