( scene two. )

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┏━ tribulation.
( SCENE 2 ) ━┛

ISMENE'S grief over her father still resonated in every aspect of her life. It was evident to any and all who tried interacting to the lady, who would often reply is short sentences and quick words. She barely ate, refused to have her hair fashioned by her maiden hand, and hadn't taken part in the marriage bed with her husband since. Many were understanding of the lady's grief and therefore gave her the space she needed, but some quietly criticized the woman. To some, it almost seemed as if she would only take the affection of her two sons and dire wolf.

Yet, the young woman persisted on despite the emptiness that filled her chest. Even if she could bring herself to carry out the duties she had before her fathers execution, Ismene still felt an inkling of fight left in her. Anytime she thought of the enemy, particularly the Lannister's, her blood boiled and her heart pounded. She wanted to do something, something to avenge her family and those who had suffered at the hands of the pompous southern monarchs and their deadly appetite for power.

Her desire to fight back is what brought her to Aubrey, the only one she knew she could really go to. What would Darik think if he knew his sister was wanting to partake in the man's part of war? She didn't want to dwell on such a thought, even though she wanted to believe that he would be as understanding as he had been when he'd allowed her to join the host in active war.

She vehemently refused the thought of going to her husband to learn anything. She'd already refused to join him in the marriage bed for quite sometime, there was no telling what he might think if she expressed her desire to don armor and wield a sword in battle as if she were a man. She knew he was already mocked for the way she boldly expresses her opinion during meetings with all the other lords, for having even joined the host at all. The thought of being whispered about made her desire to learn even greater every time she thought of it.

That day, she'd been searching for Aubrey everywhere. Her tent, Darik's, with the Mandal men and even more places. She even checked the area where the men often sparred and trained, yet she wasn't even there. When Ismene had finally paused to think about where her sister-in-law might be, she looked down to her side to Fenrir, who had been following her around the entire time.

"If she isn't in the camp," she muttered half to herself, half to the beast. He looks up with a slightly tilted head in the same way he always did any time Ismene spoke to him. "There's only one place she could be. Gods forbid I didn't check there first."

After finally realizing where the blonde haired woman would be, Ismene found herself entering the forest surrounding the camp. Fenrir loped ahead of her once he spotted Luna sprawled on the ground near Aubrey, who sat on a fallen tree as she sharpened one of her many arrows with a smooth river stone.

"I thought I would find you here," Ismene states as she stops in front of Aubrey. Nearby, Fenrir and Luna are both lying on the ground, their bright yellow eyes focused on the two women.

"Nowadays, this is the best place to find me," Aubrey replied as she got one more stroke on her last arrow tip. "With as much as we move, we're never short of a good forest. Or good game."

She leans back behind the fallen tree she sits on to lift up a stringer of at least three good sized hares. The arrow wounds were obvious in their blood covered sides.

"You've been busy," Ismene weakly smiles as she watches Aubrey set the stringer down at their feet. She wants desperately to feel normal again, but it feels like something is stopping her.

"It's one of the things I enjoy doing. It helps me relax." Aubrey says. "But you still look somewhat dismal. Is there anything I can do?"

Ismene shrugged. "I will admit that I'm feeling a little better, but I don't feel myself yet. I feel awful for being so absent with Lukas and the boys. A true mother doesn't shove the care of her children on her handmaiden, as I have."

"Everyone understands," Aubrey reassured. "And I'm more than sure my cousin is not cross with you. You're grieving. You're allowed to."

The Stark girl shrugged. "I suppose so . . .but to answer your question, there is something I wish to ask of you."

Aubrey perked at Ismene's words. "Oh really? What might that be?"

The thought of voicing her desire to train like the men do was not easy to do. She was scared to tell anyone in fear of retribution. But if Aubrey fought so hard to be involved with the men, couldn't she? She was a Stark woman, she was sure that at some point one of her ancestors had picked up a sword. Her aunt Lyanna had donned such desires.

"I want to train," Ismene finally spit out.

Aubrey's brow lifted in slight confusion. "How so?"

Ismene felt like a fool for telling her but she was already too far gone.

"I want to train like the men do. I want to learn to wield a sword, to don armor and fight the enemy as you and the men do," she crossed her arms in embarrassment, her brown eyes looking away. "I'm tired of merely being the king's sister. Of being a lord's wife. I want to be something more."

Aubrey rose to her feet with an expression of sympathy. "But you are, dear. You're a mother, a friend. You voice your opinion to the men in a way that they must listen to you. You are already strong now. Do you want to put your boys in harms way, risking their chances of growing up without a mother?"

The thought of her boys living on without her was very hard to accept, but she knew her desire to fight went beyond the need for validation with the other lords. She knew that someone would be there to take care of them if something would happen. She wanted to avenge many who had been wrong, the north, her family, her father. Being idle was no longer working for her. She had to do something.

"I know what I'm risking," Ismene replies. "I know what it means when you pick up a sword. You're pledging your life to a cause. My cause is the north and my family. I want to be apart of avenging them. I just don't want Darik knowing. Please do not tell him." Ismene waits for Aubrey confirmation before continuing. "My father was the most noble man I've ever known. I'll be damned if I allow him to have died in vain."

Aubrey's face was still for a moment, until her lips formed into a familiar grin. "Well then, where do we begin?"

INSIDE of she and Lukas' tent, Ismene sat with her boys. She watched as they lied in their bassinets in front of her, Damon as lively as ever while Rowan stayed his quiet self, gazing around to take in the world around him. Ismene smiled to herself as she rocked Rowan's bassinet, while Ana rocked Damon. Her eyes drifted toward the sword Aubrey had allowed her to take with her once they had done her first bout of training, which was sitting just on the other side of she and Lukas' cot. Thoughts of her training warmed her heart.

Ana Frey was there to assist with the boys as always, the simple girl ever obedient and quiet. The girl's simplicity is what Ismene had loved most about the girl even if she were a Frey. Never the one to argue or question Ismene's orders, Ana was the perfect handmaiden for her at such a challenging time.

"Do you want to wield it, m'lady?" Ana Frey suddenly asked Ismene.

The former Stark girl is unsure how to reply and she stumbles over her words for a moment before finally formulating a response.

"It's just a dream," Ismene eventually replied as she focused back on rocking Rowan. "I'm just a lady. Ladies don't do such things."

Ana smiled to herself as she nodded. Beginning to dwell on her handmaidens presence, Ismene could only find herself uneasy at the thought of her potentially telling someone, particularly her husband about her new sword. What if someone had seen her in the woods with Aubrey? What if such news reached the entire camp by now? Her mind was racing. She began to believe that approaching Aubrey in the first place had been a mistake when her husband made a sudden appearance into the tent, sending Ismene's heart leaping.

As Lukas began to focus on their sons, a grin forming on his features, Ismene looked to her handmaiden.

"Ana, would you mind leaving Lukas and I to talk?" She asked, and without another word the Frey girl obediently exited the tent.

As her husband bent down to pay attention to their sons, Ismene found herself focusing on the sword that was visible to her husband is her turned his head the slightest. She thought about quickly hiding it while he was distracted, but it was too late. He knew something was wrong, most likely from the anxious expression on her face. She felt as if things were about to turn for the worse.

"Dear? What's wrong?" Lukas asked her. She reluctantly looked to him, where he squatted near Damon. She knew guilt was painted on her face.

"Nothing, I'm fine," she states as she leans down to pick up Rowan as a distraction.

"We both know that you're a horrible liar," Lukas says, Ismene hearing the smile in his voice. "Come on now, talk to me. Tell me what I can do."

Her eyes mistakenly darted toward the sword behind her husband, which had him turning in confusion. Ismene looked away in panic, expecting the worse.

"So, you have a sword now?" He asked. He rose to his feet and made his way over to the weapon, which he picked up and began to examine. "It's Mandal green I see. Did a particular cousin of mine gift this to you?"

When she finally met his gaze, she realized that he wasn't upset. In fact, a grin was plastered on his face. Her panic began to wane as she her shoulders slumped, but she was afraid of what he might want her to do with it.

"Will you forbid me to wield it?" She asked softly.

"Wield it?" Lukas asked with a laugh. "What do you mean, you don't-,"

He stopped once realization seemed to wash over him. His arms fell to his side, the Mandal sword still gripped in his hand.

"You've been training, haven't you?" He asked her. "With Aubrey?"

Ismene felt as if she were going to burst into tears of fear and guilt. She knew approaching Aubrey was wrong, that taking the sword was wrong...

"Has she taught you well so far?"

Ismene stops in surprise. She had thought she'd hidden Aubrey's part in it all very well. "You- You aren't angry?"

Lukas shakes his head. Luckily the smile was still visible on his face. "I knew sooner or later, it would happen. It was just a matter of time. I just know that if you didn't eventually pick up a sword, you wouldn't heal. I understand."

She is in utter disbelief. Lukas? Understanding her desire? She didn't know how to process it.

"I'm not," Lukas replies. "I understand your hurt. I know why you want to fight like we do. There's a lot of anger you still have, that all of us have. It was be ignorant of me to think you weren't as mad."

"Will you let me fight then?" She asked.

"That's is a subject I'm not ready to decide on yet," he told her. "I don't like thinking of our sons as orphans, my love. I don't like thinking of you seeing the carnage of war. It's not beautiful or glorious, it's guts and grime."

"But, if I get better," she tried bargaining. "I can fight as well as any of the men. I will train until I'm skilled with a sword, or maybe even a bow. Whatever you prefer."

Lukas frowned for he knew Ismene was a hard headed woman. But it was what he loved about her.

"Get skilled," he bargained too. "And we'll see."

Ismene smiled at the blessings she received from her husband. She made her way over to him, planting a long awaited, deep kiss. Both of them felt their hearts leap.

"I love you more than you know," Ismene said softly.

"Oh, my love," Lukas smiled as their lips were inches apart. "If only you knew."

"I'M not hungry," Rickon mutters, haughtily shoving his breakfast forward on the table. In the common room where the Starks would break their fasts, Evolet had joined the boys, Osha included, to eat. On that morning, the servants had prepared them a meal of duck eggs and greens. It wasn't Evolet's choice for a morning meal, but she wouldn't complain. She still thanked the Old for the opportunity to even live in WInterfell instead of Lakewell where her treacherous mother still dwelled.

"Rickon, dear, you must eat. Especially if you want to play in the Godswood when we're done," Evolet tells him as she bounces Laila lightly on her leg all while trying to feed herself. The baby girl cooed happily as she bounced.

"No!" The youngest Stark muttered.

"Little lords get to play when their food is gone," Osha says as she ripped a piece of bread apart and ate it. Evolet had noticed how differently the Wildling woman acted, but she appreciated the help with her daughter all the same.

When Rickon looked to Evolet for confirmation, she nodded with a half frown. The boy scowled before pulling the plate toward him and continuing to eat.

"Did you all sleep well?" Evolet asks. "I did. I dreamed a wonderful dream."

"What was it?" Rickon immediately asked.

Evolet acted as if she needed to think hard about what she'd dreamed. "I believe... I was walking along Long Lake, my home," she grins at Rickon, receiving the same reaction back. "The water was blue, the forests around were teeming and not a cloud was in the sky. It was beautiful because we don't have such weather back home, not with the rocky hills shielding the sun much of the day. It's usually cold. That's why I like WInterfell. When the suns out, it's usually warm."

"I dreamed of lemon cakes!" Rickon declared with a raised hand and a mouth full of food, which he had been shoving into his mouth as Evolet spoke.

Evolet out a light laugh. "I'm sure that was a fantastic dream," she says. She looks to Bran, whom she had noticed had been quiet most of the meal. It wasn't normally like him. "What about you, Bran?"

He was picking at his plate as if he were bored. He shrugged, still picking at the now cold food. "I had a dream I was running in the forest. Fast, faster than any man ever could." He looks to her then. "I was a wolf. I was Summer."

Evolet was expecting something different, something more like RIckon's dream had been like, but she nods as if it's exciting. "That's a . . . wonderful dream, Bran. I'm sure that would quite an experience."

"There's this raven, too," he continues as if he weren't finished. "It's keeps coming to me. It had three eyes, and always squawks just before I wake up. Like it wants me to do something."

Evolet isn't quite sure what to make of such a dream, for it was a strange one indeed. Nothing a child would normally think up, yet she'd heard plenty of strange things since being around Osha, so she assumed his dreams had stemmed from that.

"That's..." Evolet tries conjuring the words. What a strange dream, she thought. "Interesting."

"Y'know," Osha comments, still chewing quite sloppily on a hard boiled duck's egg. "The little lord is having strange dreams. Perhaps he's a skin changer."

Bran looks frightened, but Evolet dismisses Osha's wild suggestion. "No, no," the mother swats her hand. "There's no need to assume such things. Our Bran just has an imagination. All children do. It's perfectly normal."

"If you say so, m'lady," Osha shrugs. "But beyond the Wall, we call his kind skinchangers."

"I'm finished!" Rickon declares, lifting his plate so that Evolet and Osha may see. Sure enough, it was mostly clear. Evolet sighs. She wants to ignore the strange rendition Osha had expressed.

"Alright, you can go," she tells Rickon, who is leaping from the bench immediately. "Bran, you can go as well. Osha, if you wouldn't mind taking him."

Osha nods, wandering over to where the boy sits. After heaving his dead weight into her arms, Bran gives her his sad look, the same one he cared most days.

"You go have fun," Evolet tells him. "I'll be out once I've finished breakfast, alright?"

Bran nods weakly as Osha turns to exit the room, leaving Evolet alone with Laila. Just a few moments later, Robb enters as if to replace their spots. She doesn't feel the familiar leaping excitement in her chest every time she sees him anymore, but his site still stirred something in her.

"How might the little lady be doing this morning?" He asks as he makes his way over. Evolet adored how fond he was of their daughter, for it had helped them mend what had been broken between them. There was still much progress to be made, though.

"She is doing wonderful. Fed and ready for the day. Until her nap, of course."

Robb chuckles as he reaches down to take her. Evolet allows him to scoop her up and she watches how he kisses her little forehead.He was always delicate with her, as if she were as fragile as an icicle.

"Getting bigger and more beautiful everyday. Lords will beg for her hand and everyone will know of her beauty," Robb declares with a grin. Evolet feels her heart melt when a little laugh emits from her daughter. "I'm clear of duties for a while. If you'd like, I could spend some time with her. You could . . . do whatever you wish."

Evolet smiles slightly as she stands from the bench. "Thank you," she says as she flattens her dress. "That is very kind of you. I think I shall join the boys in the Godswood. Should you have any need of me, you can find me there."

"Of course," he replies. "Oh, and there was something else I wished to speak to you about."

Evolet nods, indicating he continue.

"Since Darik is King now and I am lord of my house..." he clears his throat. He hesitates for a moment. "I need an heir."

Evolet wasn't entirely sure where he was going with the conversation, but she continues to listen. She raises a brow.

"I have an heir, and she's right here," he refers to Laila, who is gumming on her little fingers.

"But she's a bastard," Evolet states even though she hates saying the word. It was so bitter on her tongue.

"I wish to change that," he says. "I want to legitimize her. She is my blood, and her birthright won't be torn away just because we aren't wed. I have the power to do such a thing, and with your permission, I will."

It was music to Evolet's ears to hear such words coming from Robb. If he truly went through with it, Laila would face no stigma in life, and would grow up as a true lady and would bare the Stark name. She would lead a normal life Evolet had thought was impossible. She wanted nothing more for her daughter.

"Of course," Evolet replied with a pounding heart. "Yes, of course, of course!"

Robb smiles slightly at her reaction and nods.

"Then it'll be so. I'll see to it soon enough." He then turns to leave the room, Laila cooing happily in his arms. Evolet watches them leave with warmth filling her heart and relief finally falling over her for the first time in moons.

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