Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Thursday April 25th, 2047

Today was the day that I was going to fix things with Trinity, and I had Axel to help me.

He spent the night at my place, staying in his reserved room. According to him, he got Scarlet's number and planned to call her this morning.

It was nine in the morning, and Maria was making breakfast for us, knowing the day that was planned since she overheard the conversation yesterday. Axel and I were seated at the dining table again as she was setting up the plates for the three of us.

"Alright, I'm going to call her and put her on speaker, ready?" He asked me, and I nodded. He sighed, dialing her number and said stated, put the phone on speaker. It ringed a few times before finally connecting.

"You better have a damn good reason for calling me this early Axel... it's my day off..." she said groggily.

"Trust me sweetheart, I do. I'm pretty sure you'll understand why, too. By any chance, did Trinity come home alright?" Axel asked and I waited in anticipation for her response.

"Now that you mention She wasn't alright. The last time I saw her like that..." she trailed off before continuing. "What the fuck happened? I swear to God if Apollo hurt her..."

I slightly winced at her sudden change in tone and Axel smirked at my reaction before answering.

"Unfortunately, there was a...misunderstanding of sorts. I need your help in helping to fix things. Can you help?"

I could hear her sigh heavily, shuffling around in what assumed to be her bed, before responding. "What exactly do you need me to do?... And let's be clear, I'm only doing this to help her."

He smiled and I sighed out of relief. "Awesome, all we need is your address and we can take it from here."

"I'll share my location with you, only for the day. Axel...this is for her, not for that asshole. You hear me?"

"Yes, yes. I know. Thank you, bella. You're the best."

"Yeah, whatever. Bye." She said before ending the call.

"Well, I can tell I'm on her hate list now." I mumbled as Maria brought us our food to eat. However, my appetite disappeared from the start of that dreaded phone call.

Axel chuckled. "Don't worry, we will fix things, and I'm here to help. After we eat, we will get some flowers and show up at their door. I can take Scarlet out of the house. All you have to do is ask her to talk and then apologize. Problem solved!"

I sighed, but nodded. "If you say so."

"Master Apollo, do you truly want to fix things?" Maria asked, joining us at the table to eat.

"Maria, please just call me Apollo. That's not necessary." I playfully rolled my eyes.

She smiled. " are not allowed to correct me right now. Answer my question."

"I do, I really do."

Ever since yesterday, the guilt worsened in me. The thought of her possibly quitting because of my lack of self control actually kept me up all night. I've known the girl for less than a week, and slowly, I can see myself already getting used to her presence, even it's only for a few hours a day.

Safe to say that she's grown on me, and that's something rare.

"Then you need to try your best to right your wrongs. That's all you can do, really." She said, cutting her omelette. "However, if she refuses, then you must respect her decision."


Never would I have thought I would be doing something like this. Me, buying flowers, for someone I barely knew.

Yet, here I am.

We stopped by a local flower shop, browsing through the selection of bouquets on display. There were too many choices, and it was beginning to frustrate me. I could feel the anxiousness growing inside, and tried my best to keep it hidden.

"Excuse me, sir." Axel said to the shopkeeper, waving him over for guidance. "Which flowers represent asking for forgiveness, to a friend specifically?"

The shopkeeper came over to help us, an older man with grey hair and glasses. "Well, it depends on the apology. Can you describe the situation vaguely?"

Axel looked at me, before responding. "Let's say it's for a new friendship. A heavy argument ensued, and one is trying to show deep sincerity in the apology." Axel explained to the man.

The older man nodded, looking around for the perfect selection. "One minute." He said, walking over to a certain bouquet of flowers. He walked back with a proud smile, holding up the flowers. "White orchids. This expresses sincere apologies, especially after a heavy argument. How are these?"

Axel turned to me, raising an eyebrow for my input. I nodded, more so to just get out of the shop faster. Every time I saw too many flowers, I just get reminded of funerals and it started to make me nauseous.

Axel followed the man to pay at the counter, and I made my way out of the shop to wait and get some fresh air. Taking a deep breath in and out, I looked at my watch for the current time.

11:35 a.m.

Hearing the door bell ring behind me, I turned to see Axel holding the bouquet with a card inside. "You, my friend, are also going to write an apology. We are not leaving until you do, so let's go sit in my car."

Internally, I groaned, but nodded defeatedly. Axel was doing this to help me, which I knew it was actually for the both of us, considering how he wants to stay close to Scarlet as well. She's the first girl in years to have actually caught his genuine interest, and that's saying a lot in itself.

Entering his Mustang, he handed me the card while keeping a hold on the flowers. "There's a pen in the hand rest. Get to work."

"You know I'm not good with words..." I mumbled, staring at the blank space within the tiny card.

"Dude, you can write whatever you want to her. I'm not going to look, and you should make it clear that it's for her eyes only. Whatever you want to say, it'll be between you and her, okay?" He said reassuringly, giving me encouragement to freely express myself in the card without any hesitations.

Whatever I want to say, huh...?

I smiled as I began to write out my message to her, suddenly overcome with the perfect words to convey how I felt in the moment. It wasn't long before I finished, taking up the entire space inside.
Sealing the card into the empty envelope, Axel took it and placed it neatly inside the bouquet before handing the entire ensemble to me to hold.

"Alright, Scarlet sent me her location ten minutes ago and it's only seven minutes from here. Let's go."

He started up his engine and we sped out of the parking space. As the short drive continued and each minute passed by, my anxiety became worse and worse.

Just breathe...just breathe...

We entered into their apartment complex, and I noticed how lavish the apartment were. Raising an eyebrow, I looked at Axel who had a face full of awe. "This is where they live? How much money do they actually have, because she hasn't gotten paid from this job yet?"

He shrugged, ignoring me while following the GPS to the exact location. We knew we finally reached their apartment, as we noticed an empty parking space next to Trinity's silver Mercedes. Axel parked in the spot, and took out his phone to send a message. "Scarlet told me to text her when we arrived, she should respond in a few."

As mentioned, she responded and he showed it me.

"Alright, I'll walk out first as if I'm going to check the mail at the front office. That's his cue to knock after I leave. He better not make things worse..."

We watched as their apartment door opened, revealing Scarlet dressed in sweatpants and a cropped shirt. Her hair was in a bun and she had glasses on.

"She's so cute..." Axel said smiling, causing me to discreetly roll my eyes at him.

"Trini, I'll be back! I'm going to check the mail, I'm expecting a package!" She shouted, and a barely audible response from Trinity followed after before she shut the door. Axel flashed his lights, and she nodded before walking over to the car.

We both stepped out, with me holding the bouquet in my hand. She looked me up and down before smirking. "Who would've thought? Apollo got her flowers?"

Axel scoffed. "That was my idea, thank you very much."

Scarlet giggled. "Of course it was." Her face got serious as she looked at me. "Anyways, it takes about 20 minutes to get mail, but since I said I'm expecting a package, I could push it to 30. That's all you get, sir. Now go, time is ticking."

"Thanks." I said softly, but she shook her head.

"Don't thank me yet, not until things are fixed."

Let's see how things go... 👀

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