Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five
Tuesday, May 7th, 2047

Waking up this morning, my nerves were all over the place. There was a conflicting feeling between excitement and nervousness that I couldn't contain. After yesterday's time spent with Axel, an idea came into my head.


"I want to bring Trinity to the tombstone." I blurted out.

Axel briefly stopped at a red light and turned to me in the car in surprise. "You want to do what? Are you serious?"

I nodded with a smile. We were heading back to my house after the long day spent at the mall and eating dinner. Axel chuckled. "I don't know if you're just that whipped for the girl or just have finally gone completely insane. Do you understand the magnitude of what you're thinking of doing?"

"I know, I know. I just feel like it's the right time... I want to show her something special to me." I said softly, looking at my hands. "I also want to tell her about my disorders...she deserves to know."

"Bro, you do know that you've only known her for a few weeks, not even a month yet. This is serious, Apollo. I don't want you to regret this..." He warned. "Are you positive?"

"I am. Regardless of what happens, I won't regret it."


Taking Trinity to my halmeoni's resting place was something that I felt was necessary for the progression of our growing bond. This was my way of showing her that I trust her and she means a lot to me, and bringing her to my sacred place was something I felt compelled to do.

It was almost nine and I could already hear her voice speaking with Axel downstairs, consisting of him making his usual jokes about me sleeping in.
At the top of the stairs, I watched the two walk towards the formal living room unnoticed. However, the first thing that caught my eye was Trinity. She was dressed casually, a simple white top with blue jeans and brown sandals.

In my opinion, she could be wearing a trash bag and still find a way to look beautiful.

She sighed sadly. "Let me guess, he is still sleeping."

Axel chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. "Spot on as always. You know how the 'prince' needs his beauty rest."

On that remark, I decided to make my presence known. "I heard that."

In most cases he would be correct, but today was different. My body woke up three hours earlier than the meet up arrangement, all because of my restless thoughts. My idea was a huge decision, one that could be considered too soon to even think of doing.

Both of them looked up and I smirked, making my way down the steps with pride. My outfit was the same as the first day we met at the agency, something I always felt comfortable wearing.

Talk about deja vu...

"Hey." I said softly, already feeling the excitement grow from just seeing her again.

She smiled. "Hi..."

Axel looked back and forth at the two of us and rolled his eyes playfully. "As lovely as this is, especially the riveting vocabulary between you two, I refuse to be a third wheel. Arrivederci."

He pulled her into a quick hug, then did our usual handshake before leaving the house. As soon as the door closed, I couldn't help but adorn her with gentle kisses. In response, I received the sweetest sound ever, her laugh.

"I missed you..." I whispered, holding her in my arms tightly.

"I missed you, too. I'm here now, and ready to work!" She replied, pulling away a little from me. I watched as she looked around, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Where is Maria?"

Shrugging, I let her out of my embrace and smirked. "I gave her time off to visit her daughter and their family. She spends way too much time here doing nothing."

"That was sweet of you." She smiled, her eyes relaxing at the information.

"I can be sweet sometimes, but there's actually something I wanted to do with you."

"Oh?" She paused, raising her eyebrow again. "Should I be scared?"

"With me? Never." I smirked, grabbing one of her hands in mine. "Follow me. You can leave your camera bag here."

"Not at chance. I'll bring it with me wherever we go. Inspiration is everywhere, can't miss out on any opportunity." She denied stubbornly. "I'm not leaving it."

"Fine, fine. Just strap it on tight, then."

Pulling her outside, we walked towards my motorcycle.  I could feel her grip slowly loosen as we got closer, causing me to bite back a laugh. "Wait, we're riding your bike? Why do you have two helmets? You really planned this?!"

Reaching it, I looked at her and nodded my head at it, chuckling at her antics. "You think you can manage holding on for the ride?"

Trinity scoffed and rolled her eyes, pulling her bag on her back and tightening the strap across her shoulder. "Pass me a helmet."

Fuck, can she get any sexier?..

Mentally clearing my head, I watched as she gathered her hair into a small low bun before handing her a helmet. She swiftly placed it on her head, adjusting the straps for her comfort and lifting the visor for visibility. "Did I do it right?"

"It's as if you've done this before."

"Not even close, but I'm ready. Put on yours and let's go."

I smirked. "Yes ma'am." Putting on my own quickly, I strapped it and hopped on the bike first. "You come on behind me and hold my waist tightly."

"It must be your lucky day..." She joked, hopping on behind and wrapping her arms around me.

My heart beat fluttered at the touch, but I quickly shook off the feeling and smiled to myself. "Yes, yes it is. You ready?"

"Yes sir."

Starting up the engine, I revved it up and looked back at her. "Hold on."

We sped out of my driveway towards my desired destination.

Palm Cemetery.


Riding my motorcycle always brought me the adrenaline rush I needed, and now I was sharing it with the girl who I wanted more than anything. Weaving through traffic, her grip stayed the same, something that actually surprised me. Her reaction to all of this was different from what I had expected. Instead of being nervous, she was screaming with joy.

We soon stopped at the cemetery and I sighed out of relief. She hopped off first, shaking out her legs and removing her tied hair back into place after removing the helmet. I took off my own helmet and got off, smirking at her. "You seem totally fine for it to be your first time on a bike?"

Trinity rolled her eyes. "Give me some credit. I like rollercoasters, so I just imagined this to be a similar experience." Taking a look around, she raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You brought me to a cemetery?"

"Yes I did, and don't worry, we will still have time to take pictures. Just not here." I grabbed her hand and walked her inside, my nerves growing inside me.
I knew that she would pick up on the reason why I brought her here, but I didn't want to waste another second. Otherwise, I'd psych myself out of doing this and change my mind.

We strolled past other tombstones, but my sight was focused on my grandmother's. Her tombstone was small, yet intricately carved into the most beautiful design. The color of the stone was black onyx, a huge contrast to the surrounding others which were made of just dull gray rock. Even her name engraved on it was placed on a gold and marble plaque. All of it was my choice of design, courtesy of one of Axel's designer friends. Soon enough, we reached her gravesite

Here lies
"Choon-hee Jeong"
A woman who was as gentle as the Spring
편히 쉬세요

"Apollo..." Trinity said softly.

"I wanted to bring you here to meet the woman who practically raised me from I was a child." I started to say, staring at her tombstone.

"She was the woman who never judged me, taught me basically everything I know, and showed me unconditional love and kindness. She took me in after my parents died, and loved me to her last breath."

I felt her hold me hand and squeeze it, before asking her next question. "Why did you decide to bring me here?"

Turning my face to her, my smile stayed plastered on my face. "I talked to her about you, and I also wanted to introduce you to her."

"W-What? W-When did you do that?"

"The day I snapped at you in the studio. I rode my motorcycle over here as soon as it happened and pour out my heart to her." I chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "It almost as if I could hear her scolding me and pulling my ear in disapproval."

"That actually sounds believable." She giggled.

I love her laugh...

Focusing my gaze back on the tombstone, I began to speak. "Halmeoni, this is the girl I told you about. Her name is Trinity, and she has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know you would love her, especially because she can handle my tantrums and mood swings. All I ask is for you and my parents to watch over not only me, but her as well...."

Something that caught me off guard was hearing Trinity speak next. "It's so nice to meet you. Don't you worry, I'll be sure to scold him and keep him in check for you. I wish I could've met you sooner, but all I want for you is to rest. Thank you for raising a wonderful man, and please continue to protect him..."

I could feel tears start to prick my eyes, feeling grateful for bringing her here. She's seeing a part of me I only let very few see.

Best decision I've made...

Suddenly, a breeze blew by the both of us. We looked at each other with wide eyes, before breaking out into loud laughter together. It seemed as though we got a sign of approval, and that only made the moment even more special.

"There's one more thing I want to do." I added.

She raised an eyebrow. "You want to top this? I don't think that's possible."

"It's actually something that I want to share with you." I clarified. "It's about my mood swings..."

Her face changed with hesitation, and I sighed before continuing. "Of course, you may figured that I have Post-traumatic stress disorder from the whole incident with my parents..."

"However, I also have Intermittent Explosive disorder, which is why I have the sudden outbursts of aggression or mood swings. It came out during that conversation in the studio..."

Trinity nodded slowly. "That makes sense... I appreciate you telling me, but that doesn't change my view on you. At least, if that was what you were expecting."

"Trinity-" My eyes grew wide, but she cut me off.

"Listen, there were plenty of reasons for me not to work with you. If you took in the rumors, as well as your track record on the amount of photographers you breezed through, one would be considered crazy for picking up a job like this." She started to say.

"I chose this job because I wanted a chance to prove my talents to myself...and to my father... I don't regret anything about that."

Now I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Wait, your father? What are you talking about?"

What is she talking about?...

"I'll explain that later, but my point is, I took this job and found a misunderstood guy who needed someone to be patient with. I meant it when I said I'll always be on your side, no matter what." She smiled. I noticed her change the subject, but I decided not to pry.

I could feel tears start to prick at my eyes. Bringing her here was something I felt I needed to do, and I'm glad I did. She now knows about my disorders, and yet she's still here by my side. With everything she knows about me, she still doesn't judge me or feel any way different about me.

I'm so grateful to have her...

"Thank you.."

Saying our goodbyes to Choon-hee, we started our walk back to the entrance with our hands intertwined.

All I know is that with her by my side, I'll be just fine.


It's been awhile, I know! So sorry about that!

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See you soon 💕

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