Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two
Friday, April 26th, 2047

I was lounging on my couch, reflecting on the day I had. My heart was calm, and my overall mood was one of contentment.

Trinity left my place around six this evening, and now it was half past eight. Today, it was just us talking about random things and discussing possible ideas for next week's upcoming pictures.

My day started at a decent time, as I woke up around ten and showered before heading downstairs. Knowing that she would be here by noon, it was important that be prepared mentally. With the impending offer I had gnawing in me, today could go very well or just horrible.

Walking into the kitchen this morning, I did my usual greeting to Maria as normal. She, however, darted her eyes towards the dining table, subtly hinting at something that deserved my attention. When I turned around, I was blown away at the sight before me.

There stood Trinity, dressed in mini white dress with a black corset and belt, sheer black socks adorning her black boots, and sunglasses on top of her head, where her curly hair freely flowed against her shoulders.

My eyes grew wide, and she smiled at me.

"Sorry, Maria let me in."

Clearing my throat, I shook my head. "No worries. Please, sit."

Sitting across from her at first was extremely difficult, due to the growing bulge in my pants that made itself apparent. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, especially her lips. No matter what she wore, she was gorgeous.

The second part of my apology was to offer her the opportunity to secure this job full time. She proved herself on more than one occasion that she was the perfect person for the job, and I couldn't see myself working with anyone else. In such a short amount of time together, I knew I was attached to her and there was no way in hell I'd let her go.

She's perfect...

When she gave me a counter-offer, it didn't surprise me. She always gave the impression that she wanted to be treated fairly, and that was another thing I admired about her. So, I was willing to compromise in any form to appease her.

I'm not losing her...

Reviewing the portraits that she took, despite my misbehaving attitude, only further revealed her talent. She knew how to work through tough situations, and with my special case, she's shown to be capable of handling anything thrown at her.

She's amazing...

The best part of the day was when we were centimeters apart. I could smell her warm, vanilla perfume radiating off of her as we stared into each other's eyes. It took every ounce in me to stop myself from capturing her lips against my own, but the temptation was excruciatingly strong. Never in my life have I ever felt such a magnetic force towards someone, and the feeling was unreal.

I need her...

Allowing her to ask me any three questions showed me how willing I was to be open and honest with her. When she inquired about my parents, a topic that was initially deemed as off limits, I answered in a surprisingly calm manner. I know my family would be proud of me for that.

Her second question was humorous, a reflection of what I had asked her previously. It made the atmosphere lighter, providing a sense of playfulness between us.

The last question was something I somewhat expected her to inquire about, just from noticing how she observed the detailed art marked on my body during our candid photo session. She was the first to ever ask about the meanings, and I found that to be endearing.

She's so beautiful...

I tried to keep her for as long as possible, but I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. It felt so good to have her around me, even if it was only for a few hours. She made my house feel like a home, and that feeling had been long missed.

"So, I'll see you Monday?" She asked as she stood by the entrance.

"Monday at ten. Sounds good?"

She nodded with a bright smile. "Thank you for everything, I'll work to make you proud!"

I chuckled. "I'll hold you to that. Let me know when you reached home."

She waved and entered her car, driving out of the driveway. She honked her horn before turning onto the main road...

I sighed, getting up from the couch. I wanted to talk to Axel about today, but I knew he was on his date with Scarlet.

"Maria, can you bring me some tea to my room please?!" I shouted as I walked up the staircase.

"I will, it'll be ready in five minutes!"

"Thank you!"

Reaching the top, I stepped inside my room and sat on my bed. Suddenly, my phone vibrated next to me. I looked to see the notification, smiling at the I.D.


Unlocking my phone, I clicked open the message to read.

"Sorry! I reached home a long time ago, but I forgot to text you. Today was nice, so thank you again. Also thank Maria for me, she's so sweet! Anyways, I'll see you Monday. You better not give me any attitude, sir."

I chuckled, putting my phone to sleep with a smile still on my face. Maria walked into my room, noticing my smile. "Someone is happy."

"Is it that obvious?"

She laughed softly as she place the tea on my bedside table. "It is. I don't think I've ever seen you like this before. It's a nice sight to see..."

Taking a seat next to me on the bed, she rubbed my back. "You know, your grandmother would be extremely proud of you. Your parents too."

"I hope so... I'm trying. I'm really trying..." I said softly, looking at the floor. "All I want is to make them proud."

"You are. Just keep doing what your doing."

She stood up and stepped towards the door before stopping. Turning around, she looked at me. "I think that girl is changing you. I like her." She winked, then left the room.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I stood up and grabbed some sleeping clothes. I've noticed that I tended to sleep better after being around Trinity, so I wanted to capitalize on the euphoric feeling I have at the moment.

Changing into new clothes, I got under the covers and started to sip my chamomile tea, something that helped to relax me. For the first time in a long while, I could genuine say I was happy.

Thank you for coming into my life, Trinity...


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