𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, secrets to the grave

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WARNING: NSFW! Yuta being freakaayy again at the beginning 🥴

YUTA HOPED TO GOD THAT the walls were thick. Though, he really should've made sure before committing such an act—such a disgusting act that almost made him sick to his stomach. Almost was the keyword. Because as much as it sickened him to jack off to his friend's stolen underwear, he felt too high off of pleasure to stop himself.

"F-fuck..." He whined quietly. His pajama pants and boxers had been shoved down, his hand working up and down his leaking cock. Mizuhime's pretty blue panties pressed further into his nose and he took another sniff. The scent nearly made him drool, his eyes rolling back as he released another shameless moan.

He wondered if she tasted as good as she smelled. He pictured her lying on the bed—on his bed—legs spread and ready for him as he crawled forward to lap up her juices. But the second the thought came to him, another wave of guilt crashed through his mind.

"I'm sorry...!" He cried out, almost weeping. Tears clumped the corner of his eyes, but despite the apologies he continued to spew, he couldn't help but stick his tongue out to lick at her panties.

He knew that this was vile. That it was a breach of trust. He thought of Mizuhime, so kind and sweet, the first person to ever lend him a hand after he spent years being terrorized by a curse and humans alike.

It made him feel so guilty for doing this to her, but it felt too good that he just couldn't stop. The thought of her just drove him wild. He thought back to last night, remembering her sweet little whimpers and the adorable look on her face when she saw the bodies of the bullies he killed.

(That Rika killed, he reminded himself. Sure he was the one who summoned her and gave her the orders of bloodshed, but he wasn't the one who actually killed them.)

And when he hugged her... A dreamy sigh left his lips, his thumb running over the beads of precum leaking from the slit of his cock. He had pressed her against him, intentionally holding her tight so he could experience what it was like to have her so close to him. To have her large breasts pressed against his chest, his arms around her body, and his fingers in her hair.

"God, yes—!" He shakily let out, stroking himself faster.

His hips spasmed involuntarily, the combination of Mizuhime's aroma and his memories of last night leaving him intoxicated with lust. He could feel a familiar heat pooling below his stomach and knew that his orgasm was coming close.

He pumped his hand faster, his breath coming out as harsh pants, and his hips jutting up faster. He tossed his hand back against his pillow, whimpers, whines, and moans bursting forth from his lips. He squeezed his eyes shut, fantasizing about what Mizuhime would look like naked and the sort of lewd expressions she would make while he jerked his hand some more.

And then it finally happened. A blinding light enveloped his vision, his mouth left ajar as he moaned brokenly. Thick spurts of cum spilled out into the air, landing splat on his toned stomach. The sensation left him disoriented, but he was vaguely aware of the white spurts painting his stomach, though he wished he was painting the inside of her instead.

When his vision finally cleared, the afterglow of his actions was soon replaced with shame and guilt. He was left sweaty, chest heaving up and down while the result of his sins stained his skin.

Body still trembling, he pushed himself off the bed, tidying his appearance up and washing his hands in the kitchenette sink. Then he returned to his bed, picking up Mizuhime's panties. The sight of it was enough to make him blush bright red, his cock threatening to harden again in his pants.

He walked over to his closet and slid the door open. Tucked away in the corner of his closet, hidden behind a suitcase, was a small plastic storage bin he had been initially using to store away extra school supplies. Lately, he had been using it to store something else.

He pushed the suitcase away and knelt down to open the lid. Inside, he was met with more of Mizuhime's belongings that he had stolen; a few used shirts, a skirt, a clean bra he had nabbed from her drawers, her chapstick, and even strands of her blue hair that he had taken. He added her used underwear to his growing collection before closing the lid and hiding it behind his suitcase again.

It was a poorly hidden spot, he knew that. Even worse, the box itself wasn't any good either; it was completely see-through. But he held on to the fact that nobody would ever break into his room, let alone rummage through his closet.

Suddenly his alarm clock rang, making him jump up slightly.

Gotta get ready for school, he thought, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. But then they lifted up again when he realized that at least he would get to spend more time with Mizuhime.

We've gotten so much closer, he hummed to himself as he stepped into his bathroom. She even allowed me to call her by her first name! Ahhh, I'm so happy...!

He stripped himself of his pajamas before stepping into the shower, letting the cold water rinse him clean.

Then he remembered the fact that she had witnessed him—Rika, not him!—kill his old school bullies. That certainly put a damper on things... but that was okay. He would happily comfort her until she was fine again.

Besides, it wasn't like she saw him as the bad guy. In her eyes, he was innocent.

And it would stay that way.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

When Mizuhime opened her eyes that morning, a flood of memories attacked her. She remembered last night; the pastry run she and Yuta went on, how close they became... and then she remembered three bodies splattered throughout an alleyway, their limbs ripped apart as Yuta stood over the bloodshed, Rika eating away at their mangled flesh.

With a shuddering breath, she squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself out of bed.

I can't tell anyone, she thought as she stepped into the bathroom for her bath. Yuta will get in trouble. He could even get executed.

And that was the last thing she wanted to happen.

After freshening up and eating a hearty meal of breakfast, she went to class where she was—surprisingly—the last one to arrive.

"Good morning, Hime!" Yuta was the first one to greet her, flashing her with his usual warm and tender smile that made the inside of her body melt.

She managed a smile, the memories of what happened still very much fresh in her mind, but she tried to smile at him as if nothing was wrong.

"Hello, Yuta-kun," she greeted back, hoping her voice didn't sound too exhausted.

"Oh?" Maki spoke up, her tone suggestive as she glanced between her and Yuta. "Yuta and Hime, is it now?"

Yuta's face turned red. "Ah, M-Maki-san..."

"Oh ho ho," Panda laughed boisterously. "Calling each other by your first names now, are we? Ooooh~"

"Mentaiko~" Inuamki joined in on the teasing, waggling his brows.

"Guys...!" Mizuhime whined, plopping down in her chair and trying to hide her reddening face behind her hands.

"Yesterday you guys were still calling each other by your last names during class, but now you're suddenly on first name basis," Maki pointed out, a smirk growing over her face. "Something happened last night, huh?"

The smile dropped from the bluenette's face and her blush rapidly disappeared, replaced by pallidness. Now she was back in that alleyway, the city lights shining down on piles of torn bodies with Yuta's back to her and Rika eating away at the bodies.

And then she was back in her classroom, trying to blink the memories away while her ears focused on Yuta's timid chuckle.

"I asked Hime-chan to go with me to the city since Gojo-sensei put me on pastry-duty," he explained, his blush still dusting his cheeks. "We also spent some time walking around and shopping at this bookstore Hime really wanted to go to."

"Uchiumi-san, I don't know why your dad would be so strict about this... but if you want to buy your own books, then you should. I won't tell anyone about it."

"Hime, please. I... I decided to keep your secret, so please do the same for me."

She breathed in deeply in an attempt to reign herself in and keep herself in full control even though all she wanted to do right now was run back to her dorm and hide there.

The smirk on Maki's face fell when she saw the shorter girl's expression. "Oi, you okay?"

Mizuhime immediately tensed up. "I, uh," she swallowed thickly, feeling her throat go painfully dry. "Sorry, I just didn't have a good sleep last night."

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Yuta give her a look of deep concern. "I'm sorry," he apologized meekly. "Perhaps we stayed out too late..."

Panda blinked. "What were you guys doing?"

And once again, Mizuhime found herself standing back on the scene. Yuta's three bullies dead on the ground, with their bodies torn from limb to limb and their blood painting every inch of the alleyway.

She was vaguely aware of her friends suddenly crowding around her just as Gojo strolled in through the door, but the smell—god, that horrible awful smell was invading her nose again. Metallic and powerful, overwhelming her senses and almost burning her nostrils.

She couldn't take it anymore. The second she realized she was in her classroom, she pushed her classmates out of the way and ran straight for the trashcan by the door. She opened her mouth and vomited.

Various cries of her name sounded in the room, but everything was like a buzz. Her skin felt tingly and numb, there was a ringing in her ears, and she could smell the stench of her bile and tears reach her nose.

Yuta rushed for her first, his eyes wide with panic and worry. "H-Hime!"

But Gojo was the one who reached her before anyone else could. "Get back!" He ordered, his voice snappish and too full of anger.

Yuta began to protest, "But—"

Inumaki grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him back and shaking his head. He had never heard Gojo sound so angry before, and he knew better than to push him.

Gojo kneeled down, gathering handfuls of wavy blue hair to hold them back. "Hime," he whispered to her, his voice laced with genuine concern. "Hime."

Mizuhime had long since stopped spewing out the contents of her breakfast and was left dry-heaving over the trash can, tears gathered around her eyes as she struggled to bring herself back to reality.

"Is she sick, sensei?" Panda asked from behind.

"I don't know," he answered, gathering the girl up in his arms. "You all stay here. I'm taking her back to her dorm."

And in a flash, he was gone.

As carefully as he could, he set her down on her bed before hurrying to grab a glass of water. After helping her sit up, he handed the glass over and watched as she greedily gulped it down.

"Do you feel better? Do you want me to bring a trashcan closer to you? Should I take you to Shoko?" He asked her rapidly.

She shook her head silently.

He pursed his lips, staring at her intently. There was a sheen of cold sweat that layered over her skin, her face was drained of color, and her midnight blue eyes were dull. He pressed a hand over her forehead—she wasn't warm, so he doubted that she was sick.

"Hime," he began, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I don't think you're suffering from a cold or a fever. I think this is something else."

She stiffened.

"I know you came with Yuta to pick up my order last night," he stated quietly. "He told me himself on the way back. Now, I need you to tell me... did something happen last night while you and Yuta were out?"

She could feel something acidic crawl up her throat but forced herself to swallow it down.

"The higher-ups might take advantage of this and cancel the suspension over my execution. Hime, please. I... I decided to keep your secret, so please do the same for me."

"Hime," Gojo called out to her before repeating the question again. "Did something happen last night?"

She shook her head. "No," she answered. "No, sensei, I just... I'm not feeling well today."

She was lying straight through her teeth. Something she knew she shouldn't be doing, something that she was taught to never do.

Gojo stared at her, not saying a word. He was wearing his blindfold, but she could feel the piercing stare of his Six Eyes beneath the cloth. She fought back the urge to shiver and looked away from him.

"...Okay," he breathed out. "Alright, fine. I need to get back to class, so just stay here. I'll come back during break to check in on you. You... you just try to get better, Hime."

She nodded wordlessly, watching as he walked towards the front door. Before he could even reach the hallway, he paused and turned back to her.

"I know you're lying to me," he told her, his jaw tight. You're lying to me and I hate it, he wanted to say. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. "But I won't push you. I don't know what happened, but I know Yuta did something. If this sort of thing happens again..."

He trailed off, his mind going straight to murder. I'll kill him. I really will.

But of course, he couldn't really say any of that out loud.

"Tell me," he insisted instead, his voice coming out almost pleading and needy.

Mizuhime bit the inside of her cheek and nodded, unable to voice out yet another lie.

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

Gojo wouldn't let her back to class until she was certain that she was feeling better. It was extremely kind of him, but all it did was make her feel more guilty for the lies she had told him—the fact that he already knew she was lying made her feel even worse.

She was absent for a whole week, though most of it was against her will since Gojo insisted on her having a week-long break. He even excused her for all the homework and tests she missed and promised that she wouldn't need to retake any of them.

(His generosity was honestly like a stab to the heart—she just couldn't help but feel so terrible.)

When the week finally passed, Gojo gave her the green light to return to the classroom. Her friends welcomed her back happily, glad to see that she was no longer 'sick'.

She and Gojo were all smiles on her first day back, but Mizuhime knew better. She could see Gojo's smile fade away whenever he looked over at Yuta's direction, saw how much stricter and harsher he was during their training. She was pretty sure Yuta was aware of it too, but was hiding it just as well.

It made her feel guilty. She had caused this mess after all.

Lying is a bad, bad thing, her father always told her. It comes with serious repercussions. And he had been right.

But she was lying to protect Yuta. His execution was on hold, but she knew any little mistake would make the higher-ups order for it to go on. She couldn't let anyone know the truth, not if it was putting her friend at risk.

So she was determined to carry that secret to her grave.

A whole month passed since then and it was September now. The incident was still a newly made scar in her mind, but she refused to speak of it. Thankfully, Gojo was no longer pushing for her to speak up. Even better, he had finally eased up on Yuta too so hopefully he had forgotten all about what happened... Hopefully.

Right now, after a busy day at school, she was hanging around Yuta's dorm room and helping him pack away his things since he would be gone to participate in the "Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event" (gosh that name was such a mouthful!).

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Yuta told her quietly as they sat on his bed. "And... Hime, I'm so so sorry for asking you to keep such a secret. Or letting you see... that in the first place."

"...It's okay," she said sweetly, her lips pulled into a reassuring smile that made guilt churn in his stomach.

He felt so terrible for guilting her, especially since he knew how badly she struggled with telling lies. But at the same time, it made him feel elated. She cared about him, cared about him so much that she was willing to keep a secret from everyone they knew just to keep him safe.

"Really, Yuta-kun, don't think about it," she told him. "You should focus on the competition coming next week!"

It was clear to him that she was trying to change the subject, so he played along to make her feel more at ease.

"Right. Thanks for helping me pack," he said sheepishly as he watched her fold his shirt. "And sorry for asking you to do this. Usually I'm not this messy..."

"It's okay," she chirped. "I'm happy to help! Just promise to tell me all about your trip, okay? I can't believe you'll be going to Kyoto! I'm so jealous! Especially since the Imperial Palace is there! Are you planning to visit?"

"I did promise to bring back souvenirs," he chuckled. "I'll make sure to add that to my list of sights to see."

"You'll be gone for a whole week," she agonized. "I'll miss you, Yuta-kun."

Yuta, who was trying to put his laptop inside a carrier, nearly dropped the whole thing. His face turned into an embarrassingly bright shade of red as her words echoed in his head.

She'll miss me, he thought, feeling something in chest positively blossom. Like a bud blooming into a flower.

(Except in Yuta's case, this flower was going to be a poisonous one.)

Obviously, she meant it in a platonic way, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander. He imagined her hugging him desperately, too scared to let him go while tears dribbled from her pretty midnight blue eyes and her pouting pink lips uttered the words, "I'll miss you!"

He knew Mizuhime only saw him as a friend and she would probably never see him as anything more—the very thought made his mind crack even further—but a guy could dream right?

But he knew he couldn't go on like this forever. Fantasies could only take him so far. One day, he knew, he would start craving for something more.

"I—" He cringed when his voice broke and cleared his throat. "I'll miss you too, Hime-chan," he said sincerely, feeling his heart just throb at the thought of being away from her for so long. "But I'll be back soon. It's only a week!"

Mizuhime made a whiny noise in the back of her throat before throwing herself back to lay down on his bed right beside him. The sight left him almost breathless. He honestly couldn't believe this was actually happening to him. He went to some friendless loser with a cursed spirit that constantly traumatized him by hurting the people around him, to having a whole group of trustworthy friends, a growing sense of confidence, and... and her. Words just couldn't describe how happy he was to have her in his life.

This onslaught of joyous emotions took over him in an instant and soon enough, he found himself leaning down, a soft smile on his lips. But then he quickly snapped out of it when they locked eyes, her panicked wide ones meeting with his intense blue.

"Uh..." She began. "Yuta-kun?"

"There was something on your face!" He blurted out the first excuse he could think of. "H-here!" He squeaked, pretending to brush away something on her forehead.

"Oh," she squeaked, clearing her throat before sitting back up. "S-so, uh, we should probably..."

"Continue," he finished, nodding in agreement as he tried to pretend that his face was not on fire. "Let's, um, let's pack all this stuff away."

"Right," she hopped off the bed. "Where's your suitcase?"

"In the closet over there," he replied, motioning towards the wide sliding doors in front of his bed.

As Mizuhime began to walk towards it, it clicked in his head too late that he had completely forgotten about his collection of Mizuhime's stolen belongings that were in that very closet, hidden behind said suitcase inside a clear, see-through container.

He shot out from the bed just as she started to slide open the door.

"WAIT!" He practically screamed at the top of his lungs. He rushed towards her, standing in front of the closet door like he was guarding it.

She froze, staring back at him with wide, confused eyes. "Are—are you okay?" She stammered, taking a small step back.

"I'm fine," he said breathlessly, his heart racing and his mind running a mile a minute. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. My closet's just... really, really messy. I completely forgot about how bad it was, haha...! I'll get the suitcase, okay?"

"Uh, sure?" She said, her expression full of bewilderment.

He plastered on an anxiety-filled smile before turning around. He slid the closet door open a smidge, hoping his stature was enough to block it from view. Hurriedly, he grabbed his suitcase and whipped it out and then slammed the door shut before she could catch sight of the clear container on the floor.

He pressed his back against the door, meeting her eyes once more as he forced himself to smile. Fortunately for him, she didn't seem to have been trying to catch a glimpse of what he was trying to hide inside.

"I got it," he said weakly, gesturing to the suitcase in his hand. "Let's... put all this away."

She nodded slowly, shot him one last concerned look, before turning away to pick up a stack of folded up clothes.

What a relief, he thought, his shoulders sinking. 

— author's note —

Literally Yuta in the beginning of the chapter:

Yuta, being pervy with Hime's panties: 🥴

Rika in the corner of the room: 👁👄👁

Okay but fr you guys, where does Rika... go? Like when she's not showing up to attack ppl, where does she go after that??? Does she just... turn invisible and watch Yuta 24/7? Does she vanish into the shadow realm??? WHERE DOES SHE GO????

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