๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐‘๐“๐˜ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„, time after time

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Yes the chapter title is from the song "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. I picked that song for a reason :D

Here's the Sukuna x Mizuhime content I know you guys have been waiting for. I got SO excited writing this chapter ๐Ÿฅณ

MIZUHIME STARED IDLY IN THE mirror of the fitting room. She was donning on a blue floral halter dress that she was planning to buy but her mind was too far away to really feel any excitement.

After that disastrous first meeting with Itadori Yuji and the King of Curses residing inside of him, Sukuna, Gojo was quick to sweep her away from the campus and take her to another one of his spontaneous shopping trips.

Sukuna... surprisingly wasn't as terrifying as she thought he would be. Her friend told her all kinds of things about himโ€”how he was evil, wicked, and corrupt and had a kill count that could probably reach the millions. Her meeting with him was almost comical aside from the last part where he threatened her teacher. She just didn't feel... as scared as she probably should've been.

Maybe it was because he was essentially harmless, being stuck in the body of a fifteen year old boy and all. The fact that the only way he could communicate with her was by manifesting a mouth on Yuji's cheek made him even less scary. Plus, he groped her and called her melons. Which was very rude of him!

She huffed in indignation. Just forget about him, she told herself, focusing her attention back to the dress that was still unzipped. She felt around her back for the zipper, only to stiffen when a familiar person warped into the room.

"Need help?" Gojo, now donning a pair of darkly tinted glasses instead of his blindfold, grinned cheekily.

She jumped away from him. "Senโ€”"

"โ€”Satoru," he corrected, taking a hold of the zipper and carefully dragging it upwards. She could feel his fingertips lightly traveling over her skin and suppressed a shiver.

When it zipped all the way up, she expected him to step back and give her more space.

He didn't.

"You're so pretty," he hummed in approval, eyes taking in the view on the mirror appreciatively. He stepped closer so that her back would be pressed against his front and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "It looks good on you. I'll buy this one too."

She had long since stopped telling him that it was unnecessary to buy her things; she was rich too after all. Her family definitely wasn't as affluent as the Gojo Clan, but generational wealth definitely gave hers a good boost. Gojo always told her that it was okay, that he was doing this because he wanted to treat his 'favorite student' so there was nothing for her to worry about.

Admittedly, it made her feel special, but the sense of wrongness didn't go unnoticed. It got worse ever since she started dating Yuta, it just didn't feel right to have Gojo buy her all of these things. It seemed too intimate. It didn't help that he behaved so affectionately too, as if he was her boyfriend.

She had read about love affairs and cheating in some of her books, and she felt like she was doing the same thing every time she was with Gojo even though she never really reciprocated Gojo's affections the way the characters in her books did.


"โ€”Satoru," he corrected her again.

She swallowed thickly. "Satoru, can you please let go of me? I need to remove the dress now that I know that it fits..."

"Let me help you!" He offered eagerly, his hand already moving the zipper back down.

She jumped away and whirled around to face him, body shrinking under his gaze. "Satoru, um," she cleared her throat, averting her gaze. "You shouldn't be here. It's not allowed."

He chuckled, stepping closer. She suddenly felt like a cornered animal, a prey about to get pounced upon by a predator.

"Well, I never cared about the rules," he purred, leaning down to her height.

Her arms shot out on instinct, pushing him away to give herself more space. Since he rarely ever used his Infinity when he was around her, she was able to make physical contact and actually push him back.

He stepped away, his mischievous smirk slipping from his face.

"Sorry," she said automatically, her anxiety levels rising. She had never pushed her sensei away before, aside from training which this clearly wasn't. "I'm sorry, sensei, I just got... nervous. I don't want to get in trouble because you sneaked in here." She lied.

He forced himself to smile, "Right. I forgot how much you were a stickler for the rules."

How annoying, he thought, as he sneaked back out of the fitting rooms to go wait outside. Every day, he felt like Mizuhime was getting farther and farther away from him. After regaining all of his memories of his old life and, more importantly, remembering what he had done, the growing distance between them left him... scared.

It didn't help that Sukuna was here now. Just the thought of his name made a cold fury rise within him. He would never admit it, but for once, Sukuna's presence made him feel threatened. Not because he believed the latter to be stronger than himโ€”because there was just no wayโ€”but because he knew Sukuna could be the key to her remembering her life as Shisui.

She'll remember what I did, and then she'll hate me, he thought. He absolutely could not let that happen. Mizuhime was his, she had promised herself to him and there was no leaving that.

The rest of their shopping trip went on with a tense atmosphere, and it was making him grow more and more frustrated.

When they stopped at the food court for lunch, the first thing he said was, "You should stay away from Yuji."

Mizuhime, who was just about to dip a french fry into a small container of ketchup, paused to look up at him. "Yuji?"

"Sukuna's too dangerous. Even though Yuji can reign him in, Sukuna can still slip into control from time to time. What happened this morning is proof of that." He told her sternly, before cheekily stealing her french fry and popping it into his mouth.

She didn't seem upset by that.

"But seโ€”Satoru..." She trailed off, looking at him carefully. "If he's so dangerous, then why did you leave Itadori-san on campus with no one to watch over him?"

He stared at her in disbelief.

"Are you... are you questioning me?" He didn't mean to say it out loud, but what the fuck? An almost hysterical, disbelieving laugh bubbled from him.

No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. Mizuhime was supposed to nod her head like a good girl and say 'yes sensei!' in that cute little voice of hers! She wasn't supposed to question him, to look at him with eyes full of doubt!

What the hell is going on? He could feel his control slipping and his metaphorical hackles rising.

Could Sukuna's reemergence be the cause of this? The way she behaved, the way she felt brave enough to not only push him away but to question him... it was all too similar to how she acted when Sukuna was around her back then. Sukuna always encouraged her disobedience, and it was one of the reasons why he hated him all those years ago.

Or maybe it was something else. Maybe, subconsciously, she was beginning to remember who he was and what he did. Or it could be neither. Maybe her experience in the outside world influenced her to act out.

God, he didn't know. All he knew was that he didn't like this.

He looked at her dead in the eye, and relished in the way she fidgeted in her seat. Her body began to shrink, like she was trying to hide herself from him. He watched as she slowly returned to her usual submissive state, eyes cast downwards to avoid his.

"I didn't mean to question you," she mumbled. "I'm sorry if it came out that way."

He smiled, shoulders relaxing. "There are other sorcerers on campus, remember? Sukuna's not in full power yet, any Grade 1 sorcerer could probably take him down if Yuji loses control over him. So it should be fine, even with me gone."

"Oh..." She trailed off. "That's good to hear. Um... can I ask you something?"

"You just did," he teased.

She didn't laugh or even smile. She bit the inside of her lip and asked, "What was Sukuna talking about? He said that you'll pay for what you've done... Have you met him before?"

"Nope," he lied through his teeth. "I have no clue what he meant by that. I just assumed he was talking about me finding his other fingers and keeping it from him? Those fingers are key to him regaining his full power after all."

She frowned to herself, "Oh..."

Gojo stared at her intensely.

She was doubting him again.

Whether she was aware of it or not, he could tell that she was slipping away from him.

โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”๏ฝฅโช ๐Ÿ’ง โซ ๏ฝฅโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”

The next day, Mizuhime had the pleasure of meeting the newest first year after coming back from a mission. Her name was Kugisaki Nobara, and she was a pretty girl with short orange hair and eyes. Like a good portion of jujutsu sorcerers, she relied on a weapon imbued with cursed energy, and her chosen weapon was a hammer. It kind of reminded her of Thor from the Marvel series, but Nobara's personality was strongly similar to Maki's.

"Welcome to Jujutsu Tech, Kugisaki-san," she said, giving the short haired girl a warm smile.

Nobara gave her a once-over, even circling around her and nodding her head in approval.

"Nice uniform design," she complimented. "I take it you must be the precious senpai that Fushiguro kept talking about, huh?"

Megumi shot his head towards them. He narrowed his eyes, "Kugisaki, don't you dareโ€”"

"โ€”Gumi-chan talked about me?!" Mizuhime's face lit up.

Nobara's eyes nearly popped out.

"G-Gumi-chan?!" She hunched her back and laughed hysterically. "No way, his nickname is Gumi-chan?! That's so cute! It doesn't suit you at all, Fushiguro!"

"Shut up," he glowered, storming over to them to whack Nobara on the shoulder. "You don't get to call me that."

"Awww, is your precious senpai the only one allowed to call you that?" Nobara teased before turning her attention to Mizuhime. "Uchiumi-senpai, you should've seen him during our mission. The whole time during our walk to Roppongi, he kept bitching about how badly he wanted to come back since it was 'getting late' and how 'his senpai was gonna worry about him'!"

"Gumi-chan, you're so sweet!" Mizuhime gushed, glomping him. "And so considerate too!"

"Yeah, you're so sweet and considerate!" Nobara howled with laughter.

"And you're annoying," he growled at his newest classmate, but didn't bother to push the bluenette away.

Nobara harrumphed loudly and managed to pry Mizuhime away from the boy and hooked arms with her. Then, she began to walk away, ignoring Megumi's angered shouts.

"So, senpai," she began. "I really hope we're not the only girls in this school. It's not infested with bratty little boys, is it? Because if we're gonna be surrounded by nothing but testosterone all day, I might actually kill someone."

Mizuhime giggled, not at all fazed by the threats. "We have some female staff here, but as for students, don't worry. There's another second year, her name's Maki. I think you two will get along well."

"Oh thank god," Nobara sighed in relief. "Gojo's a weirdoโ€”he sent me into an abandoned building with some newbie sorcererโ€”Itadori's even weirder for eating a special grade object, and Megumi's... well, he's meh."

"Like you're any better," Megumi rolled his eyes, appearing at their side with his usual blank expression.

Nobara stopped walking and unhooked her arm to cross them over her chest. "I am better, thank you very much. At least the kid I saved didn't cry when he saw my face!"

Mizuhime bit back a laugh as Megumi scowled. "I'm sorry, what?"

Nobara tossed a grin her way. "There was a kid in the abandoned building. After I rescued him and got him out of the place, he instantly started bawling when he saw Fushiguro."

"He was not crying because of me," Megumi said defensively. "Gojo spooked him!"

That... was also believable.

"Oh, Gumi-chan..." Mizuhime trailed off, her lips curled up in poorly hidden amusement.

He noticed her look and groaned, "Senpai, she's clearly lying!"

"You know," Nobara began carefully, her eyes darting back and forth between the pair perceptively. "You're oddly attached to Uchiumi-senpai, Fushiguro... Could it be that you're dating?!"

Her jaw dropped in shock at her own findings. If she was right, then this was one bad match. Mizuhime could do so much better than boring, scary-faced Megumi!

Megumi fell oddly quiet at her question.

"Oh no," Mizuhime chuckled, shaking her head. "We're not dating, we're strictly just kohai and senpaiโ€”" Megumi actually flinched upon hearing that. "โ€”Besides, I already have a boyfriend!"

Nobara gasped loudly. "You do? Tell me about him! Is he hot? Is he a model? Is he a sorcerer? Is he six feet tall?!"

The bluenette went all heart-eyed, more than happy to tell her all about her precious lover.

"His name is Okkotsu Yuta," she sighed dreamily, his smiling face popping into her thoughts. "He's a second year student like me, and he's just the sweetest thing ever! He's so kind and thoughtful, and he gets shy sometimes and it's just so cute! He's training in Africa though, and I miss him so much but we contact each other whenever we can and we always send care packages to one another."

"Wait, Africa?" Nobara gawked. "What the hell is he doing all the way over there when you're here?!"

"It's for training," she answered miserably. "You see, Yuta-kun lost his Special Grade status last school year, so Gojo-sensei sent him overseas for more training. He actually managed to gain it back after just three months!"

Nobara's jaw dropped even further. "You're dating a SPECIAL GRADE?!"

"Yes! He looks like a harmless angel, but he's so powerful! You should see the way he fights, he's just so amazingโ€”"

Megumi couldn't listen to this anymore. He began to block the two girls out, his mood becoming worse. Hearing Mizuhime go on and on about how great Yuta was and how much she just loved him made him sick.

Why did Gojo send him to Africa? He wondered to himself. Antarctica would've suited him more.

"No way, he sounds awesome!" Nobara marveled. "Do you have a picture of him?"

"I sure do!" Cheerfully, she whipped out her phone and showed her the lockscreen. It was a picture of her and Yuta out together during another one of their dates.

When Nobara saw it, her eager grin slipped off her face.

"That... that's him?" She couldn't help but ask. Yeah, it was rude, but could you blame her? She was expecting Mizuhime's boyfriend to be some hot hunk! Not some... sickly Victorian child with prominent eye bags.

Mizuhime, bless her heart, didn't notice Nobara's change of attitude. She nodded excitedly, "Yes! He's so handsome and cute, isn't he?"

He looks like he just walked out of the Russian Sleep Experiment, Nobara thought, but kept it to herself. She faked a grin, "Yeah!"

Maybe I can lend him one of my eye cream repairs... She mused. They're super expensive, but honestly, that dude needs it more than me. Yeah, that's what I'll do! And then I'll call that my good deed of the year!

"Hey, guys!" A voice drew her out of her thoughts.

Heads turned over to see Yuji walking over them, his usual sunny grin plastered onto his face.

Mizuhime sucked in a breath upon seeing him. During the ride back to campus, Gojo made her promise to avoid him since he feared her safety should Sukuna take over.

Quickly putting her phone away, she turned back to Nobara with a nervous smile, "I need to head back to my dorm and finish up with some chores. It was nice meeting you, Kugisaki-san! Bye Gumi-chan!"

She hurried away, nodding in greeting to Yuji before passing by him to head to her dorm.

Behind her, she could hear Nobara ask, "Huh? What was that about? She left so abruptly..."

Megumi scoffed, and sent Yuji a scathing look. "She's probably scared of you since you decided to grope her."


"I-it's not like that!" Yuji whined. "I told you, it was Sukuna, not me! Oi, you jerk, take responsibility for your actions!"

Sukuna's mouth appeared on his cheek. "No."

โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”๏ฝฅโช ๐Ÿ’ง โซ ๏ฝฅโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”

She kept avoiding him for the remainder of the dayโ€”even though she really didn't want to. She couldn't explain it, but Yujiโ€”no, Sukuna, just felt... harmless to her. It was weird. She knew she shouldn't think of that, he was known to be the greatest evil ever after all, but the thought of him being evil felt... wrong, somehow.

This wasn't her underestimating him of course. She knew he was strong, she sensed his power earlier in the morning so she knew he could kill her without needing to move a muscle but still... fearing him just didn't feel right.

That night, after bidding her friends sweet dreams and facetiming with Yuta until her eyes started to droop, she finally succumbed to her sleep.

As her eyes closed shut, she could feel herself drift off into her dream world...

But then her feet hit the ground.

Her eyes opened and she immediately blanched.

She was no longer in her bedroom. Heck, she probably wasn't even in Tokyo anymore. Or anywhere in Japan.

She was inside a large space that resembled the inside of a human body. The floor was covered with blood, and up above her was a giant rib cage.

And several feet away from her was a pile of bull skulls. Sitting atop of it like it was a throne... was Ryomen Sukuna.

Or at least, she was sure it was him. He looked like Yuji, except his pink hair was pushed back and black tattoos decorated his skin. He was dressed in traditional fashion, which actually kind of suited him in a way. His face was devoid of Yuji's usual sunniness, and was instead staring intently at her, his red eyes transfixed.

His eyes... they seemed so familiar, but so foreign at the same time.

And then, he leaned forward. "Do you know who I am?"

After a while, she managed to find the courage to speak. "You're... Sukuna, aren't you?"

His lips thinned and he straightened himself back up. Something about her answer must have displeased him.


"Uh... that's all I know."

His eyes narrowed. "That's all you know."

"Yeah... There was a whole chapter about you in my history book last year, but Gojo-sensei had us skip it because it wasn't important. Sorry."

Oh he definitely looked pissed off now. His jaw was clenched, but rather than lashing out, he took a deep breath like he was trying to contain all his anger.

"I see," he said lowly. "Do you know who you are?"

She furrowed her brows. Hadn't he asked her this last time?

"Of course I do," she answered. "I'm Uchiumi Mizuhime."

That wasn't really the answer he was looking for, but it told him enough. As for her name...

"Water princess. Your name is 'water princess'." He deadpanned, though the mask over his face seemed to crack. The odd look in his eyes went unnoticed by her and he quickly blinked the emotion away. "I suppose it could be worse..." He mumbled.

"Like what?" She asked curiously.

He frowned. "Forget it."

"So, um... can I ask why you brought me here? And where am I?"

"I brought your soul into my Innate Domain. Your physical body currently slumbers in your room." He replied. "As for why I brought you... well, that's none of your business."

"Oh, so... can you... bring me back?"

"No." He smirked.

Her jaw dropped. The audacity of this man...!

"Is there a reason why you're so eager to leave?" His smirk broaded. "No wait, don't tell me... that white-haired bastard told you to avoid me and my vessel, didn't he?"

She frowned at the name he decided to refer to her teacher by. "Yes..."

He scoffed. "Figures. Of course, he would want to keep you away from me. I should've killed him when I had the chance..."

"Sensei wanted to keep me safe," she said defensively. "And I doubt you'll be able to kill him. You lost during your first fight, remember?"

The second the words left her lips, she screamed in her head. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! She inwardly screeched. He's going to kill me! Have I gone crazy?!

Fortunately for her, all she received in return was an eye-roll. "Tch. Hearing you defend him so blindly really grates my nerves. You truly don't know anything, do you?"

She frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you're an idiot." He said flatly.

She cocked her head back in offense, irritation flaring in her. "I am not!" She protested.

"Yes you are," he droned.

"Am not!"

"Are too."

The more they argued back and forth, the more annoyed she was beginning to get. Not wanting to argue any further (an argument which he definitely started), she huffed under her breath and turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?" He called out to her, brow raised as he watched her march away from him.

"I'm leaving!" She barked over her shoulder.

Oh god. She was laughably stupid. "You're in my domain, you idiot! You can't leave without my permission."

She paused. "...Oh." Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment, but she quickly hid it by resuming her flee. "Well then I'll just keep walking until I'm far away from you!"

"Youโ€”uughh," he groaned, running a hand through his face. "You're hopeless."

He got up from his throne in a flash and appeared before her, his sudden reappearance making her jump in fright.

"Did you not listen to me?" He scowled, hands on his hips. "This is my domain! There's literally nowhere you can go to get away from me. See, this is why I think you're an idiot. Honestly, your face is your only good merit."

Oh that was IT.

With an angry cry, she swiped her hand and a torrent of water slammed against him.

"Oh ho?" He grinned wickedly in amusement, appearing right behind her, perfectly unharmed. "So you really are a sorcerer now, huh? Impressive. Show me what you can do, Mizuhime."

She was more than happy to oblige, even though deep down she knew that engaging with him was the wrong thing to do.

She whirled around and launched another attack, striking him with a jetstream of water that he dodged effortlessly.

"You need to move faster than that, melons!" He taunted, grinning wildly at her.

She thrust an arm out, a wave of watery scythes shooting at him relentlessly. He let the attacks hit him, but it barely gave him so much as a scratch since he healed so quickly.

He laughed, "What was that? A wide-ranged attack could be useful against multiple weak opponents, but it'll hardly give so much as a dent to a Grade 1 or above! Gojo's teachings are quite useless, hmm?"

"You are so annoying!" She fumed, trying to smack him with a giant watery fist that she generated.

"Stronger!" He ordered. "Your techniques are weak! What has Gojo been teaching you?!"

"Shut it!" She growled in frustration.

They continued to fight for god knew how long. But as she continued to attack him relentlessly, something clicked in her head. The King of Curses... wasn't attacking her back. He was completely on the defensive, dodging or blocking her attacks or merely taking them and healing afterwards.

"Move faster, melons! Control your breathing!" He instructed.

Even the way he spoke to her wasn't that bad. Nothing about his words or tone were cruel or sadistic. Sure he was mocking her and calling her mean names, but it honestly felt more like harmless teasing? Mean encouragements? Not only that, but he'd give her some pretty helpful advice amidst all the mocking.

She didn't know how to word it but this definitely wasn't what she expected from him.

She swiped at him again with Water Claw, which he effortlessly dodged as usual.

He shot her a look of annoyance. "You've used this move before! How small is your repertoire of techniques? Gojo hasn't taught you shit, has he?!"

"He has!" She argued. "He... uh... well..."

How many techniques has he taught her or helped her practice? Her mind came up blank. In fact, most of his teaching methods consisted of giving her a one-sided beat down (with her always losing terribly).

Realizing that she wasn't making any moves, Sukuna also stopped and straightened up, scowling. "This doesn't surprise me at all. Figures Gojo would want to keep you so weak."

"I'm not weak!" She said, her voice becoming a little shaky.

Her mind flashed back to all the successful missions she went on, only for her joy to come quickly crashing down when no promotion came afterwards. Mission after mission after mission, a whole year had passed and she was still a Grade 4. Needless to say, her insecurities in her own abilities skyrocketed.

Don't call me weak, she wanted to cry. Please. I've been trying so hard... I really have...!

"You are," he told her, his face emotionless. "And as long as you remain under Gojo's care, you always will be."

"How would you know that?" She shot. "You've never seen him train me."

He scoffed. "I don't need to."

She shook her head in denial. The idea of her teacher purposely messing up her training was insane!

He let out a sigh of frustration. He ran a hand through his hair, cursing under his breath. "You know, this would be a lot easier if you weren't so damn clueless...!"

"What are you talking about?" She was getting tired of hearing him call her that.

"Use your brain, idiot!" He scowled.

She sent him a withering glare. "You're not being very helpful, you know! You've been very rude since we've met!" She said with a huff, crossing her arms indignantly.

He rolled his eyes, equally as indignant. "I have not! You're just too damn sensitive! It's a miracle you didn't burst to tears like the whiny crybaby that you are!"

"Well, you're terrible, evil, and mean!" She shot back. "You're as bad as aโ€”as a dolphin!"

"As a what." He deadpanned.

"You heard me!" She lashed out childishly.

But then a sense of clarity seemed to have washed over her.

Why... was she acting like this all of a sudden?

She wasn't the type to behave this way, so rash and brazen! Had it been in any other scenario, she would've felt ashamed of herself for acting out without a care in the world. God, she even attacked him just because he annoyed her! Before this, she would've bowed her head and bit her tongue, but for some odd reason... she didn't do that around him. She didn't know how, but the more time she spent with Sukuna's presence, the more... comfortable, she felt.

It was weird. She could hardly explain it herself. This new carefree attitude of hers felt like second nature around him, like she could act however she wanted without fearing the consequences. It was as if all the rules and lectures about obedience and propriety that she learned throughout her whole life suddenly didn't matter anymore because she knew, somehow, that he wouldn't care about it.

"You insolent littleโ€”dolphin?! Of all the sea cretins you could think of, that's the first thing that comes to that empty little head of yours?!"


"I AM THE KING OF CURSES, YOU FOOL!" He bellowed, eye twitching with great annoyance. "If anything, I'm a shark!"

She gasped. "You take that back! Sharks are sweet and friendly creatures! They're nothing like you!"

"You sound like an idiot," he sneered.

"No, you're just listening to yourself." She sneered back.

"Ungrateful brat!" He clicked his tongue and turned his head away. "And to think I was going to offer you my tutelage!"

"Whoa, whoa, wait, what?" She froze.

He nonchalantly started to walk back to his throne of skulls. "Forget it. Clearly, you're satisfied having Gojo as a teacher. Hmph. Good luck with that."

"W-wait, hold on," she stammered. "You want to teach me?"

He didn't turn to face her, and instead waved a dismissive hand. "I did, but I see you've made your choice, as bad as your judgment is."

Ryomen Sukuna... the King of Curses... wanted to teach her?

Her mind went crazy with the possibilities. Sure he was famous for being a maniac, but having him as a teacher didn't seem like such a bad idea! He always gave her a chance to make an attack, giving her time to stay on the offensive while he defended, and he even gave her pointers under the guise of mean taunts!

Plus... he was so different from Gojo. Despite what he was known for, it wasn't suffocating to be around him. She felt free and comfortable, which was something she did not feel around Gojo, especially not since that training session where he brutally beat her down and probably wouldn't have stopped if Nanami hadn't been there.

Gojo always seemed to want to end their training sessions quickly by hitting her so harshly until she couldn't move. Sukuna had no issue drawing out their fight and letting her be the attacker. Gojo cooed over her with sickly sweet words which didn't seem so sweet while he was hitting her. Sukuna gave aggressively helpful advice and taunts that weren't laced with malice.

She came to a decision.

"Wait!" She called out, running to catch up with him. Without thinking, she grabbed at the sleeve of his kimono and tugged at it.

He turned around, arching a brow. He didn't seem bothered that she was touching him so freely. His lips were curled up smugly, like he was expecting her to do this.

"Um, uh..." She swallowed down her embarrassment. "I'm sorry for calling you a dolphin."

"And?" He pressed on, his smirk growing bigger.

"And all the other mean things I said." Even though you totally deserved it. She inhaled deeply before just going out with it: "I'd like to be your student. Please."

She was looking down at her shoes when she said this, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. For a while, he didn't answer. Nervously, she looked back up only to see him smirking wickedly at her, a gleam of pride shining in his ruby red eyes.

"For once, you've actually made the right decision, Mizuhime." He purred.ย 

โ€” author's note โ€”

Hime's training is going nowhere with Gojo, so who better to properly teach her than the King of Curses?? ๐Ÿ˜ No, but fr, it was never my plan to have Gojo be her only teacher because she truly wouldn't improve under him. Sukuna would be the better choice and he would make her so strong ๐Ÿ˜ฉPowerful!Hime here we come

Can... can Sukuna pull people into his domain through their dreams?? Idk, I've read fics where it happens but I couldn't find any clear answers on the wiki ๐Ÿ˜ญ If it's not canonically possible, then I'll just pull out some bullshit explanation or something ๐Ÿ’€

Also, Sukuna is OOC in here, but I figured it'd make sense since they ARE besties and all? Don't worry, Sukuna's going to fuck up her life with his yandereness soon :)

Here it is everyone... At last... the reunion of our favorite mommy milkers duo, the two pretty best friends, the breastie besties, and whatever else you can think to call them!:

Yes, "Best Friend" by Saweetie and Doja Cat is their theme song ๐Ÿ’–

Now some posts about JJK 187 ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Me after reading JJK 187:

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