π„πˆπ†π‡π“π„π„π: '92 Weekend

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Sheriff Burke was at a major loss. People in town were dying and as far as they knew, they had two separate masked killers causing panic in the town of Woodsboro. Sidney was completely on edge, phone calls continued to taunt her and both Tatum and Joel have been doing their best to support her while ignoring the existence of Annie, Billy, Stu, Melinda and Randy. But they didn't care about that as none of them were really interested in hanging out with the trio and spent their time doing what they wanted without Tatum's judgements and Sidney's complaints -- plus it got them away from Joel who was dating Tatum while wishing it was Sidney instead.

Annie was healing nicely though she still spent majority of her time lying in bed reading or watching movies that Randy bought over for her. Her parents had returned home and spent their time assisting her and working with the police in their search for the Cherub Killer that has almost killed their daughter. Billy and Stu were doing their best to look out for Annie but it was clear she was paranoid, constantly looking over her shoulder like any moment would be her last which seemed to dull the light within her eyes.

Billy wanted to tell Annie the truth about his and Stu's connection to Ghostface but Stu was adamant about not telling her out of fear that she'd hate them. Annie however, had a new theory in play simply because one of the boys who had been spreading lies about her and claiming they were intimate had been found dead with twenty-seven stab wounds but no cupids arrow. The look that had burned in Billy's eyes when she mentioned it to him was clear to so no remorse and a happiness that he was gone, but she wouldn't make any accusations without solid evidence; not that it'd change how she felt about her boys.

It was obvious that this Cherub killer wanted Annie but they were at a huge loss on why or who it could have been; she was the only remaining survivor of the '92 attack of the Cherub. Annie had to piece things together herself before she finally decided to tell her parents, friends and boyfriends the truth about the weekend that resulted in the death of her friends and Corey Hawke's red-handed capture. And so, the Thursday before Halloween, they were all seated comfortably in the Dalton household with snacks, drinks and their full attention on Annabell as she told them what had happened to her that weekend.


1992, Montana

Annabell smiled as she walked up to the cabin dragging her suitcase with her. For her friend Stacey's birthday, she had invited people to her family's lodge cabin for the weekend and the ravenette was so excited for it; she hadn't been expecting the invite. As she reached the door, she knocked before it opened to reveal Stacey who smiled widely at the girl. "Anna! You came," Stacey cheered before embracing her in a hug, the two were classmates that didn't hang out much outside of school but it didn't bother Annie. "Of course I did!" Annie replied with a wide smile as they pulled out of their hug, the brunette lead Annie inside and closed the door. "Everyone's in the living room," Stacey told her.

Annie nodded before making her way into the living room, she smiled at the sight of Stacey's usual group sitting around; Francine Hopkins, Delilah Stamson, Harry Watson, George Carter, Jason James and Corey Hawkes. "Hey Anna!" Delilah greeted, her blonde hair braided back out of her face as she leaned back against her boyfriend, George. "Hey everyone!" Annie greeted back as she sat her suitcase to the side and made her way to the couch to sit between Jason and Corey, both males grinning at the action before glaring at each other upon the realisation that they both liked her.

The group were only fifteen to sixteen but it didn't stop the drinks from pouring as they watched movies and laughed at each other as they told stories about their most embarrassing moments. For anyone watching them, they would seem like a great group of friends who had grown up together, but the night was nothing like they had ever expected. The first one to go was Francine Hopkins, the girl with strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes; to everyone she was beautiful but only on the outside. Francine was a bitch. She abused her parents, cheated on her boyfriend and every test she ever handed in. She stole from shops and laughed at people she deemed less than her.

Francine was found in her underwear with her face in a forever smile, her eyes had been burnt out and the word cheater had been carved into her stomach. The next to go was Harry Watson, the so-called geeky boy was a pervert that had photographs of naked girls, not a drop of consent nor were they old enough to give it to the almost seventeen year old. Harry was found nude, his penis had been removed and shoved down his throat with the words future r*pist carved into his stomach. His body was next to Francine, it was clear to the officers that they had been intimate before the attack happened.

The third to go was Delilah, the sweet blonde girl was found strung up in the basement with her head barely hanging on to her body. The words baby killer carved into her stomach, pictures of an ultrasound and a bottle of vodka lying at her feet was evidence enough that her sin was an abortion. Forth was her boyfriend, George who was found with Stacey's body in the bathroom; their bodies in the bloody bathtub with their throats slit in a hurried motion; Cheater and whore written above their heads in blood. It had been a tough sight for the Sheriff to see as Stacey was his own daughter.

And finally, Annie and Jason who were both lying in the living room. Jason had a knife sticking out of his side, blood pooling around the ground and his face was bloody and bruised. Annie, however, she was the one that had Corey Hawkes straddling her with a knife in hand, hesitance in his eyes as he tried to convince her to leave with him; they could be together forever without a worry about anyone separating them. Annie had stalled enough time for the police to arrive, they had arrested Corey on the spot and Jason was confirmed dead leaving Annie a wailing mess at losing the only other boy she ever liked. And she was the only one to survive that horrible night at the Andersen family cabin.


"But I don't understand, if they're all dead and Corey's gone, who else could be doing this?" Randy asked out loud as Stu held Annie to his chest, tears rolling down her face as Billy glared at the wall. "Could it be someone who knew Corey? Someone finishing the job for him?" Melinda asked Annie who sniffled before turning to the ginger. "I doubt it. I mean, why wait until now to do something? Corey didn't have many friends and his family wasn't all that close to him. He was emancipated at sixteen," Annie answered Melinda who hummed before looking down in thought.

"Maybe someone survived?" Randy asked but Annie shook her head. "I had to fully confirm the kills when it went to trial, they were all confirmed dead and I went to their funerals," Annie replied to him as Billy wiped her tears away. "What about a copycat?" Melinda asked and Annie sighed, "Possible... but I have no idea. I mean, this killer has killed all the friends I had and anyone the others knew." Fiona frowned as she looked from her husband to her daughter before speaking, "That's enough for tonight, kids. It's been stressful, time to get some rest." They all agreed, Randy and Melinda said their farewells before leaving.

Billy and Stu helped Annie -- who was still struggling to walk properly due to her healing stab wound -- to her room and into her bed. The two boys locked everything up, turned out the lights before climbing into the bed either side of Annie. She settled back against her bed and let her boys gently snuggle into her sides, her fingers lightly scratching at their scalps. "We won't let anyone hurt you again, Anniebell," Stu promised in a soft voice, he yawned before closing his eyes and dozing off to sleep. "We promise," Billy added before kissing Annie's lips softly, the girl kissed him back before they all settled for the night. No clue about how crazy their weekend would become.

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Rosemary Speaks

A new chapter AND the backstory about what happened with the Cherub killer. I know it may not match up to the former "stories" but as written, Annie finally told the truth about what happened.

Corey did leave Cupid Arrows with the bodies, he did initially have a mask but it had been removed when he came face to face with Annie.

What do we think about the true story of what happened?

Who do you think the Cherub could be?

What may happen Halloween night?
I've changed it up and set the party on a Saturday night rather than a school night.

See you in the next chapter!

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