π’πˆπ—π“π„π„π: Another Killer

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Annie decided to skip school for the day, she didn't want to face the other students at school after the attack. Besides, everyone's eyes were on Sidney Prescott rather than Annabell Dalton which wasn't a bad thing, it saved Annie from feeling claustrophobic. After a hot shower, Annie got changed into some shorts and a tank top before walking into her room when a thud caught her attention, she furrowed her brows as she walked towards her door, opening it. "Mom? Dad? Stuey?" Annie called out as she walked down the stairs spotting the back door open.

Annie reached for the portable phone when someone rushed out and tackled her to the ground, she fell back and looked up at the familiar mask of the Cherub Killer. "Hello, little love," Cherub taunted as he held her down before raising the blade and driving it into her stomach, the front door unlocked revealing Billy. "Annie!" Billy shouted as he ran over and tackled the killer off of Annie. Cherub managed to overpower Billy, slamming his head against the wall before scrambling over to Annie. "I promised that I'd find you, little love... I keep my promises, mine and no one else's," Cherub whispered before pulling the knife out.

Annie let out a scream that made Billy's heart clench, rage stormed through him as he tried to get to his feet, stumbling from the impact against the wall. "Go to hell!" Annie scoffed as the Cherub brushed the knife down her collarbone to the valley of her breasts. "You ruined everything for us, we could've been happy," Cherub growled before raising the knife and moving to stab Annie when the sound of sirens deterred them. "Till next time, sweetums," Cherub taunted before rushing out of the house, Billy crawled over to Annie and applied pressure to her bleeding stomach.

"Stay awake, baby... I need you to stay awake," Billy cried as he looked up in time to see Dewey rush in. "He took off..." Billy whimpered while Sheriff Burke walked in, Annie reached for Billy's hand. "B-Billy..." Annie cried out while Billy let the tears fall, he had never wanted to see Annie hurt like this and it kills him inside that the bastard got away. An ambulance was rushed to the home, Dewey took Billy's place applying pressure while Billy held Annie's hand whispering to her to keep her awake. By the time the ambulance had arrived, Annie had passed out from the blood loss.

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Billy sat in the waiting room with blood covering his white shirt, his hands covered in Annabell's blood; something he never ever wanted. "Billy?" Stu's voice pulled Billy from his spiralling thoughts. "I couldn't protect her..." Billy muttered while Stu sat next to him, wrapping his arms around him in hopes to comfort him. "What happened?" Randy asked as he and Melinda sat down across from them, Tatum and Sidney standing a few steps away with Joel by their side. "I decided to go check on Annie 'cause she hadn't shown up for class... Mrs Dalton had given Stu and I keys to the house so I let myself in," Billy began slowly.

"There was this masked person hovering over Annie, he stabbed her in the stomach and I tried to tackle them when... they slammed my head into the wall leaving me disoriented... she was in pain and... the masked intruder heard the sirens and took off," Billy finished off with his eyes focused on the blood on his hands. For the first time ever, the sight made him sick to his stomach. "Let's get you cleaned up," Stu offered before leading him into the toliets to wash his hands, Stu removed his sweater to give to Billy so he could get out of the bloody shirt he was wearing.

"They hurt her..." Billy seethed out as he looked up at Stu, the taller of the two sighed before he cupped Billy's face in his hands. "She'll be okay, Billy. She's a fighter," Stu assured Billy before kissing his forehead knowing he needed the comfort. A knock on the door caught their attention, they turned to it as Randy stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Sidney wants to talk to you," Randy told Billy, "And doc has come out looking for both of you." Billy nodded before changing out of the bloody shirt into Stu's sweater, he had managed to wash most of the blood off but decided it could wait till later.

They walked out and Billy pushed past Sidney, stopping in front of the doctor, "Is she okay?" The doctor frowned, "She lost a lot of blood but thankfully we managed to bring her back before--" Everyone froze as the doctor explained that she had gone into cardiac arrest but had been saved by their doctors. "She is resting now so keep the visitors to a minimum and no stress," Doctor Vincent informed them before pointing towards her room. "Billy, can we talk?" Sidney asked as he moved to follow Stu, he sighed and nodded, following behind the brunette away from the others.

"Are you okay?" Sidney asked making Billy scoff. "What do you want, Sidney?" Billy asked, he didn't care about what she wanted right now, he needed to check on the girl he actually loved. "The intruder... was the mask a white screaming face?" Sidney asked with fear in her eyes. "No, it was a cupids mask," Billy answered her in a bored tone, he had to fight the laughter about Sidney's concerns in regards to ghostface. "Oh, well... that means there is two killers in town," Sidney whispered. "Or the same person using multiple masks..." Billy added in a tone that seemed filled with concern while he was plotting, blame the other killer and he and Stu are free.

"Can we also talk about... us?" Sidney asked Billy with a frown. "My best friend is in a hospital bed -- she was almost killed and you want to talk about us? After you willingly accused me of murder?" Billy questioned her keeping his anger under control while Sidney bit her lip. "I just -- Annabell's going to be fine and..." Sidney trailed off at the cold glare on Billy's face. "You wanna talk about us?" Billy asked recieving a nod, "There is no us, Sidney. I can't be with someone who cannot trust me or my words. So we are done." Billy left Sidney standing there, heading straight to the room that contained the two people he truly loved.

"Sidney?" Tatum spoke as she stepped up to her best friend, "Is everything okay?" Sidney shook her head as tears fell down her face, she fell into Tatum's arms. "He broke up with me... said he couldn't be with someone you didn't trust him," Sidney cried out to Tatum who rubbed her back. "It's his loss, Sid. You can do better than him," Tatum whispered before looking at Joel who frowned, despite the inner joy at knowing she was single -- he wasn't. "Let's get out of here, okay?" Joel offered, the two girls agreed and left without saying goodbye; Melinda glared at them from her seat knowing the three didn't care about Annie.

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"Sidney and I are over," Billy whispered to Stu, the two sat on either side of Annie's bed, both upset to see her in hospital again so soon. "One step closer then," Stu replied to Billy who nodded immediately though he knew they might need to postpone some of their plans. "Halloween is next weekend," Stu reminded Billy who sighed, he knew that their plan had to work out. "It'll work out... plus, if Annie is home for the party plan... we don't have to knock her out," Billy explained to Stu before grabbing Annie's hand in his own. "It'll all work out," Billy promised with a determined expression.

"At least we can finally be together -- the three of us just like we wanted when we were kids," Stu told Billy who smiled softly knowing that Stu was right. "Do you think she'll accept it?" Stu asked with worry in his eyes. "You read our letters, Stu. She loves both of us... she'll accept it and us. I know she will," Billy reassured Stu before the two turned their eyes to the girl they loved lying in the hospital bed, both promising that no matter what happened next, they would get the happy ever after they all deserve. Randy and Melinda stood outside the room, both having heard the converstion. "We gotta make sure they succeed," Melinda whispered to Randy. "We will," Randy promised with a smirk.

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Rosemary Speaks

The Cherub has arrived...
Who do you think it is?

I've lengthened the timeline so the Halloween party to match up the anniversary of Maureen Prescott is still a week away.
A lot can happen in a week ;)


See you in the next chapter!

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