27: Internships Ended Early

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I stayed in the hospital for no longer than a night and it was back to internships! It was our last day so I wanted to get as much training as possible on this last day. I stepped out for a minute before training to try and calm my nerves after what happened in Hosu. My phone buzzed and it was from Ricky

CopyCat: IRIS! Are you ok?! I saw the news are you hurt? Answer me dumdum!!!!!

Me: I'm fine chill

CopyCat: How can I Hosu was attacked and you were in Hosu!

Me: I'm not hurt I'm fine really...

CopyCat: I think it's a good idea to come home early from your internship. I'll talk to the school and ask Pr. Nezu about it.

Me: Rick you don't need to do that I'm fine!

My brother didn't respond so I knew he went on with it. Sure enough, he did and I was sent home early from my internship. I took the train home to my house with my stuff. I just hoped that Pony would have fun on her last day. Mia knocked on my door and had a bright smile on her face. "How was your internship?!" She asks running in and sitting on my bed. I was laying on my bed face into my pillow. "It was good...oh! I got something for you." I say getting up and grabbing the piece of paper from my bag.

I take it out and hand it to her. It was an autograph from Mirko that I promised Mia-chan I would get her one. Her face turns bright with joy and happiness. "You got it you got it!" She exclaims hoping up and smiling. She gives me a tight leg squeeze, she's that short, and smiles up at me. "Thanks, Kosai!" She says. "You're welcome, and Kosai?" I ask. "We learned it in Japanese class it means iris." She says. "Well thank you for the nickname andย Tanjลbiomedetล (Happy Birthday) Mia-chan!" I smile.

"Thank you Iri!" She smiles. She leaves my room and then I fall on my bed again. I sleep for a little while before getting back up from a beeping from my phone. I pick it up and see texts from the ~โœจ1-A Girls groupโœจ~ chat that the girls in my class made.

Yaoyo-chan: Hey girls

Toru: Hey Momo what's up?

Jiro: Yeah?

Me: Yello

Yaoyo-chan: Wanted to put in mind that the finals are coming up soon.

Kirby: What about them?

Mina: Yeah what about it

Yayo-chan: Wanted to ask if you girls would like to study together at my house?

Me: That sounds like fun

Mina: Yeah

Kirby: oo Yah!

Toru: Sounds like fun!

Jiro: It's a plan then

Me: Where's Tsu?

Mina: I think she's busy with her internship?

Jiro: I hope she's ok?

I turn my phone off and sit at my desk going through my Pinterest. I then go downstairs to find a familiar face in the cafe. "Camie!" I say running to my friend. "Hey, Iris!" She says. We hug each other and then take a seat at the counter. "So how was your internship?" She asks. "It was super cool! I learned so much from Mirko! Hey, does Shiketsu do internships?" I ask. "No our school is so old-fashioned we can't even date!" She sighs. "Wow, that's rough buddy..." I said patting her on the back. "Not the Avatar reference!" She laughed.ย 

"Yes." I smirked at her. We talked for a while before she left. I went upstairs to take a shower before I went out for a walk. I went back to my room to change. I slipped on a Hunter x Hunter hoodie and some light-colored jeans. I wrap a light blue ribbon around my horns and put a blueberry bobby pin in my hair. I take my phone and stylist pen and put them in my hoodie pocket. I take a walk before stopping at the park. I sit under a big willow tree under the canopy leaves. I pull out my phone and stylist pen.

I open my Procreate app and start on a sunset drawing. I sit and draw before a shadow falls on me and I look up. A girl with light brown hair and a set of blue eyes with a face full of freckles that spread to her arms. She has a pair of circle glasses that are a rose gold color. "Hello! Sorry to bother you I just wanted to ask...are you Iris Cotton? From the UA Sports Festival? I watched you on TV." She asks. "Uh, Yeah! That's me it's nice to meet you!" I smile. "Nice to meet you I'm Ellie! Ellie Willow!" She smiles. "Do you mind if I sit next to you?" She asks. "No, go ahead!" I smile moving over.

She had her ears pierced and wore a pair of stainless steel stud earrings. "So how long have you been at UA?" She asks. "I'm a first-year there." I smile. "Wow! Could I ask about your quirk?" She asks. "Sure go ahead!" I say. "Those horns on your head are they a part of your quirk?" She asks. "Yeah I have two quirks this one is called Sheep and I can do anything a sheep can. My other one is called animate and I can...you know what let me just show you! Do you mind if I use a piece of paper?" I ask pointing to the sketchbook she has in her hands. "Sure!" She says handing me a piece.

She lends me a pen and I draw out a little bunny. I pull it out of the paper and make it jump across the paper and then disappear. "Wow! What's it called?" She asks. "Animate! Do you have a quirk?" I ask. "Mhm! It's called Emotion Infliction, What I can do is I can control the emotion of a person that I touch! Could I try it on you?" She asks. "Sure go ahead!" I smile. "The only downside of my quirk is that I can go emotionless when I use my quirk too much and I can also feel the emotions of who I am controlling." She adds.

She places a finger on my forehead and then all of a sudden I feel sad. I feel tears roll down my face and look up at her. She then removes her finger and I'm back to normal. "Wow! That's super cool!" I smile. I tell her goodbye as I had to go home and head back to my house. We exchanged numbers so we could talk more. I head back home and continue with my day as normal.


Ok, we done peeps peace lovelies!!

Also hope you enjoyed my other OC :3

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