51: Memories Of The Past

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I sat with Zena in the living room and played Mariokart with her beating her almost every time. "Ze the other student is here do you want me to bring him up?" Ana asks. "Sure," Zena replies. We turn the TV off and just talk before Ana comes back with the other work-study student. I look up at the two and... "Mica?!" I say as shock fills my face. "Wait, you two already know each other? Well, that's great you'll get along!" Zena says. I start to panic as it gets hard for me to breathe and I have an anxiety attack. I stand up and run out of the room and to a balcony to get air.ย 

My breaths become slow but it gets easier to breathe. I sit down and pull my knees up to my chest in a ball. "Are you ok?" A voice asks. I look up to see Siberia herself. "Uhm...y-yeah. Sorry to cause trouble on my first day..." I say standing and giving a polite bow to the hero. "You're fine. Zena and Anaki told me you ran out here when the other boy came into the room...is there something between you two?" She asks. "I-it's hard to explain but to put it shortly...we used to date and I ended it after he hurt me and I hate seeing him after what he did..." I sigh.ย 

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious. Now to introduce yourself. You know my hero alias but I want to give you my real name. Which is Aria and you can call me such when out of hero work." She smiles. "Thank you, ma'am! And I'm Iris Cotton you met my brother, Ricky, my hero alias is The Aart Hero: Histuji." I say putting on a small smile. "It is nice to meet you know please follow me so we can take care of your issue." She says putting out her hand in the direction of the door.ย 

I nod and follow her back to the living room. "You're the other work-study student correct?" Siberia asks Mica. "Yes ma'am, my name's Mica...Mica Xry, ma'am." He says with a bow. "I am aware of you two's connection and I want no fighting unless it is in training and I want no one going to the hospital. And if you have a problem come to me or one of my sidekicks. Do you understand? Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" She says. She is kind but when she wants to she can be an intimidating person. "Yes, ma'am." We both say. "Good! Now Mica you put your stuff in your room which across from Iris'. You both put your hero suits on and meet on the first floor. We will be going on patrol." She says.ย 

"And Zena, Anaki get Creek and Ji we'll bring them with us and you two are coming so get your hero suits on." She says looking at the two sidekicks behind where Mica and I were standing. "Yes, ma'am!" They say saluting the Pro and walking off. "You two be ready within 10 minutes," Siberia says before turning and walking away. She was wearing civilian clothes so she had to put her costume on aswell. "Looks like we're stuck with each other..." Mica says. I turn and ignore him and walk to the elevator to head to my room. I close the door before he can get to it so he would have to wait for it. I open my room door and take my costume out of my case.ย 

I pull the leotard on and slip on my boots. I pull the gloves over my hands and swing the jacket on. I take out the chocker necklace which acts as my voice support item that projects my voice. I take my ribbons and walk to the bathroom. I take the first ribbon and attach it to my horn looping it around the horn. I repeat with the other and brush out my hair. I need to cut it it's getting longer. I sigh to myself. I brush my teeth and take out my makeup. I put on small amounts of mascara and some lip gloss. I look at myself and then turn to walk out. I glare at Mica as I walk out.ย 

His costume was a simple black bodysuit with white boots, white fingerless gloves, and a white cape that went to his knees.ย 

I take the elevator and make it to the first floor. Standing with Siberia, Zena, and Anaki were who I assumed were the people Siberia was talking about. Creek and Ji I think are what she called them. "Wow! Your costume is super cute!!" Zena and Ana say their eyes lighting up. Zena's costume was a pink leotard with a white skirt that had a heart design on it. Her shoes were a pair of white ankle boots and she had a bow around her chest and a quiver of arrows. She had those special gloves that archers wear on her hands.ย 

Anaki's costume was a black bodysuit that had a white X on the chest. She wore white knee-high boots with black heels and had a long black cape that probably covered her whole body. On her face, she wears a white mask. And she wears a belt that looks to have weapons on it. And Siberia's costume is a white bodysuit with a fur cape that touches the ground. On her head, she wears a crown-like headpiece. (See chapter fifty for picture) I love her costume because it complements her long curly blonde hair. Mica comes down and stands beside me. "Oh yes, you haven't met these two...these are two other sidekicks of mine!" Siberia says motioning to the girl and boy standing beside her.ย 

"I'm Creek! My hero's name is Blood Point and I can control the blood in my body and release it or sharpen it to use as a weapon. I can also control the blood in my opponent's body." The boy says. "Sounds cool! You're kinda like a blood bender..." I say. "And my name's Ji my hero name is Cellular and I can control a person by moving the cells in their body! It's called Total Control. I can also weaponize my own cells to use in combat." The girl says. Creek's costume was a dark blue bodysuit with a belt and a cape that went to his knees pretty basic. Ji's costume was a dark green leotard with a black lace shirt over it. She had black combat boots and black fishnet tights. Her mask was black aswell and she wore a dark green face mask with filters on both sides.

She also had white gloves on her hands. "Now that we're all here I want to explain the patrol...Mica and Iris you two will go with Chem-X to the North part of the city. Rain Drop you and Blood Point take the Southern part of the city...and Cellular you're coming with me we have a Class-C villain at a store with hostages and the police called us for help" Siberia says explaining the plan. "And remember you all have provisional licenses but you are to only use your quirk to help others and to protect yourself! Be careful..." She adds.

We all leave and go where we were asked. me, Ana, and Mica walked along the streets patrolling. It was quiet before Ana broke the silence. "I guess I never really explained my quirk...huh?" She laughs. "Well, I'll explain it now! My quirk is called Chemical Reaction and I can touch something and activate my quirk on it. What it does is if I think of a certain chemical I can force it onto whatever I touched and it would cause that chemical reaction. The only downside is I can get sick from using it too much..." She sighs. "Did something happen while you used your quirk?" I ask. "You seem sad about it..." Mica says.ย 

"Every sidekick at Boss' agency has one thing in common with Siberia herself...we were all told our quirks were villainous. By our parents, friends, other family members, complete strangers, and even heroes we looked up to! The reason I was "sad" about it is...well when I was 5 and my quirk manifested I got really sick and didn't know what to do...so I ran to my mother and father and accidentally touched them. Apparently, I used some sort of radioactive chemical and they got really really sick...they died when I was 10. I hated myself but when I started living on the streets, 'cause no one wanted a cursed child, and Siberia found me...I finally felt at home and when I met the others I felt wanted and needed." She says.ย 

"Wow, I never knew...you must've felt so guilty for what happened to your parents." I sigh. "People can be so small-minded..." Mica says looking down at his hands. "Hey! You're a hero right? Please help me it's my daughter she's missing and I can't find her!" I woman said in a panicked voice of tone. "Ok ma'am, please calm down we'll help where did you last see your daughter?" Ana asks the woman. She tells us where and then we run off to try and look for her. We split up and I walked around before... "Hey! Let her go!" I shouted looking at the villain who was trying to kill the little girl who we were looking for.ย 

"And why should I?" He asks. He turns and he is very intimidating but I knew how to handle this. "Because I'm a hero and I am here to help!" I say throwing two disks at him which cit his shoulders. I run at him and press the button on my chocker to activate my support item. I aim my eyes at the villain and shout my needed word. "Sleep!" I say running and grabbing him by the shirt and throwing him back hard against the alleyway wall. I throw a dragger to pin him against the wall just for safety. I run and squat down to the hurt girl's level.ย 

I pick her up and hold her in my arms. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Y-yes...you're a hero right? Are you going to take me to my mommy?" She asks. "Yes!" I smile. I see Mica and Ana and shout at them. "I found her!" I say running to them with the girl. "Great! Good Work Hitsuji!" Ana says taking the girl in her arms. "There was a villain I tied him up in the alleyway." I say pointing to said alleyway. We take the girl to her mother and then take care of the villain. We get back to the agency where Siberia had news that she got a message from Sir Nighteye about a mission where Siberia would be needed.ย 

Nighteye? Hey! That's where Deku went!


Oki Dokie we're almost to the next arc whoo whoo!!!! And yes Iris will be participating I can't wait for it! It's going to be action-packed! And then we have the school festival and then guess what? The first chapter for The Next Hero will be released! Bye lovelies stay awesome!

-excited, Ricey-chan

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