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|| Ep - 3 ||

*Attention! The storyline is by one of my online friends... She can't have her Wattpad acc so we are trying to help her out by reaching out her story to everyone.(Note- Writing Format has changed of this story has changed) *

I was staring at Jungkook's sleeping figure while sitting beside him on the flight, it brought a smile to my face. He was looking so innocent. I wanted to spend some time with him before leaving this world. I didn't have any idea about how things would take place for him when I would be gone but I would try my best to make them better for him after me,
"I can't sleep if you keep staring at me",
"Huh--", I was startled slightly when he suddenly started talking with his eyes still closed, he opened his eyes to look at me but I looked away sheepishly.
"I-i wasn't staring....", I lied,
"Really?", he said acting surprised followed by a slight chuckle.

"Look at me", he commanded gently, I obeyed. He kept looking at my face with his smile grew wider. I knew what was coming next and I didn't want to stop it. He moved closer letting his lip touch mine. He kissed me passionately, I kissed him back. Few tears escaped from my eyes thinking about my misfortune. Jungkook instantly broke the kiss, with concern taking place all over his face, he frowned,
"What's wrong?", he asked gently, cupping my cheeks, I just shook my head taking his hands into mine, I collected my words,
"I love you Jungkook", I said calmly, he let out a soft chuckle,
"I love you too baby", he said kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry if you have ever been hurt because of me.....", I mumbled loud enough for him hear. He stayed silent for a while before speaking again,
"Why are you saying this all of a sudden? I don't care until you are with me......you can never hurt me.....",
he said with an assuring smile, he always makes me comfortable no matter what situation got me in, I rest my head over his shoulder until I drifted off to sleep.

"Y/n.....baby get up......", I heard Jungkook's murmuring into my ear, I opened my eyes, my vision slowly getting clear, I realized he was actually calling me. I looked at him confused, he laughed looking at my expressions,
"Nothing", he said shaking his head then kissing my cheek,
"The food is here........", He said pointing in the front.

After a whole five hours of journey, we finally reached our destination.
He booked beach houses. Jungkook and mine were the corners most to provide us more privacy.
After unpacking and changing our clothes we moved out, all the boys except Yoongi and Jungkook started running towards the sea like some wild animals. When Hobi noticed Yoongi approaching them at a really slow pace he laughed running back to him and then dragging Yoongi with him back to the sea, Yoongi groaned in annoyance but kept walking faster with Hobi,
"Come on Jungkook let's go", Yujin said pulling Jungkook with her, Jungkook didn't move from the place, he looked at me,
"Let's go Y/n", he said trying to pull my hand, meanwhile Yujin was getting restless to join the other boys,
"Jungkook I'm feeling tired with the whole journey, I'll sit here watching you guys, you go and join them, see they are wilding there", I said pointing towards the boys.

"Yeah, come on Jungkook let her rest, comeeeee I know how much you like beaches", Yujin said dragging Jungkook away. I should be pissed and sad at the sight but smiled towards Jungkook so that he wouldn't feel bad. I sat on the sand, a cold breeze hit my cheeks.
"JUNGKOOK COME OVER HERE!", Taehyung giggled in excitement splashing water over Jungkook, Jungkook ran towards him laughing to take revenge, he was looking happy the I wanted him to be, even without me. His laugh was the sweetest music to my ear,
"Y/N COME HERE WITH US!!", Hoseok shouted while trying to run out of the water but he stumbled and fell down with his face flat on the sand, everyone started laughing. He tried to get up but Yoongi pushed him down again but then Yoongi himself was pushed by Namjoon and in no second everyone was lying on each other putting all their weights over Hoseok.

I was laughing hard watching them, so was Yujin. My eyes met Jungkook who was under the wait of Taehyung, he winked at me passing a sexy smirk that instantly made me blush.

Finally, everyone got up from each other letting Hobi breathe. They again started playing. On the one side, I saw Jungkook carried Yujin over his shoulder, she was shouting because Jungkook was about to throw her in the water. I looked away, The scenery wasn't pleasant to me, I couldn't bear watching them so close but whom I was fooling? I got up moving inside our beach house. I sat down over the bed. All the memories were repeating inside my head. Was I hurting myself making Jungkook away from me? But I was doing all that for him, but I was hurt. There were so many 'buts' but none gave me a clear vision.

"Y/n?.........Y/n?........", I heard Jungkook calling me. I quickly wiped my tears getting up from the bed and acted like I'm busy folding the clothes.
"Y/n......What are you doing here? I was scared when I didn't see you there......", I didn't reply, I knew my voice would crack,
"Y/n.....", he made me turn around through my arm, gently, I tried to smile my overflow of emotions wasn't letting me,
"Y/n......What happened?", he frowned, I shook my head still trying hard not to bursting out,
"You are looking weak and really off......please tell me if something wrong", I tried to speak but nothing came out, I cleared my throat but Yujin interrupted,

We both looked at her,
"Yujin.....and who is he", Jungkook asked moving towards the door to a man standing outside,
"Hello sir, I'm a professional photographer",
"Yes?", Jungkook was confused so was I.
"I saw two of you and the chemistry between you two is really sweet, you both make a really nice couple..", he said mentioning Jungkook and Yujin. He continued,
"......and I wanted to take your couple pictures for my modeling shoot project",
"But we ar--",
"Yeah sure we'll do", Yujin cut off Jungkook,
"No, I'm not ready for this", Jungkook said sternly, he was looking pissed,
"Sir please excuse us for a minute......", Yujin said telling the man to wait outside. She came inside bringing Jungkook closer to her.

"Jungkook pleaseeeeeee say yes, it will help ME, I always wanted to pursue modeling, please please say Yes, pleaseeee.....", She pleaded like a small kid, Jungkook looked at me, I nodded at him, I never wanted it to happen but now I did,
"I'm fine Kookie.....", I kept one of my hand on his cheek to assure him,
"But Y/n I d--", he tried to argue,
"It's just a photoshoot Jungkook........I don't mind", I said keeping a rock over my heart. He didn't want to but when he looked at Yujin he couldn't deny it,
"Fine!", he said stomping out of the room. My heart was hurting watching him like that,
"Thank you soo much Y/n!!", Yujin jumped over me in excitement, giving me a tight hug before leaving.

"I'm sorry Jungkook......", I mumbled to myself, letting out tears to lighten my sorrow.

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