Chapter 1: A Curse On Everglow Street

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The blood soaked into the soil as the smell of murder filled the air. Outside of the eerie house stood a deformed body with organs scattered all around the dead corpse. Police were scrambled all over the mysterious house with notes, cameras, and investigation kits in hand.

And there, stood Cassandara Aporson. Her white coat reached past her knees, almost hiding the fact that she was shivering and shaking. Her long brown hair went past her shoulders, always straight, always combed. She stared at the corpse with her hazel eyes, bothered and disgusted at the crime.

"Are we not going to do the report?" A male voice asked as he walked to Cassandara's side. He took one look at the body and looked away immediately. Covering his brown eyes, he expressed his disgusted feeling, "Woah... okay."

Silence took over. There was a moment of quietness until Cassandara finally spoke. With an unsteady tone, "He was a highschool classmate," She muttered.

The man standing next to her mumbled, "...I'm sorry." His tone changed from disgusted to sorrowful.

"It's fine, Robert. We won't that close anyway." Cassandara took one last look at the body before walking away. "There's been cases of lots of murders lately." She pointed out. "Wonder who's doing such...brutal jobs."

"I know right..." Robert responded in a disgusted tone. "Whatever your former classmate did must of done something really triggering to make his killer do something like that."

"He was a quiet guy." Cassandara shrugged. "Not much was known about him since he was always so mysterious and shy. I heard he used to work for the computer lab."

As soon as they reached the news reporter van, Robert took out a black and white camera. He switched the on button and pointed the camera towards Cassandara, who was still looking behind. "Cassandara?" He spoke. "Are you ready?"

Cassandara turned around and answered, "Yeah, yeah..." Robert knew his friend was unsteady. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he hit record and began filming.

Cassandara took a deep breath and began, "Welcome back to News For You's everyone! Today, we will be talking about a mysterious death scene. Recently, the neighborhood 'Everglow Street' have been getting cases of brutal murder! Cover your children's ears and eyes when I explain today's tragic event! 3...2..1... Today, the young adult, Robin Stevenson's organs were gouged out and scattered around. His body was deformed outside of **** Everglow Street." Thinking about how Robin Stevenson experienced that sent Cassandara shivers. She looked like she was about to puke. But for the sake of her job, she continued with her energy. "Police are still investigating what happened to Stevenson. Little is known about his family though. None of his family members were found during the scene or in fact, anywhere in the house. It seems as though they mysteriously vanished since our investigators haven't found footprints or any clues of their whereabouts. For now, until we find who's doing these murders or answers where Robin's family members could be, this case is unsolved. Stay safe." She finally ended.

Robert turned off the camera and looked directly at Cassandara. "Are you alright, Cass? You seem unsteady." He pointed out, studying her expressions.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She answered. Cassandara looked like she was hoping to convince Robert she was alright. But Robert could read the signs in her face that she wasn't. Something seemed off.

"Hey, Aporson." A deep male voice spoke. Cassandara turned around and saw a man wearing police uniform. "We haven't found anything on who could be doing these murders. But we found a yearbook inside his closet."

"Show me." Cassandara said as the officer took out a dusty yearbook from a bag. He opened the highschool yearbook to a page of random highschoolers from Cassandara's old highschool.

And there, showed Cassandara's face. She stared into her highschool self before looking back at the officer. "There's you in there. Do you think anyone from your old highschool has anything to do with this?"

Cassandara gulped before taking in a sharp breath. "I seriously don't want anyone I know to be a suspect." She admitted. "Keep the yearbook anyway. See what you can find."

Officer Harlow nodded and placed the yearbook inside the empty plastic bag before taking off.

"Let's go home." Robert said. "Hopefully someone else will take this job of reporting here. I don't really like it here, it's scary." Robert turned away and began walking inside the van. Once he was inside, he popped his head outside and asked "You coming?"

Cassandara was looking at the ground. Robert knew she was thinking about something- and it certainly wasn't something nice. Cassandara placed her hands inside her pockets and walked inside the van, head down.

The van started and before they knew it, they were already in the road.

The streets were crowded. It seemed like every house was empty, and everyone was either on the streets or somewhere else in the town. It wasn't easy getting to the forest, which led to Robert and Cassandara's home street, Riverbranch Avenue. Each time, the van had to stop for the red light while crowds and crowds of people crossed the street.

It was an annoyance to Cassandara but she thought little of it. The crime scene with her old high school classmate kept her disturb the whole entire ride, and Robert noticed it.

"I know your thinking about Robin." Robert pointed out. "It's not a lucky guess, Cass. Your face says it all."

Cassandara looked at him for a moment, only to look back down. She took a breath and spoke softly, "We were a little close, I guess. I was the only person he would talk to. Nobody else would talk to him, but even if he spoke to me barely, he looked more comfortable around me than he did with anyone else."

"I get he was a friend." Robert said. "But I promise you, whoever's doing these murders, we'll find out who they are."

"I'm not interested on finding out who they are, Rob." Cassandara said. "I just want these murders to stop before anyone we're actually close to dies."

"Well, whoever they are, they probably have a valid reason for these murders." Robert bit his lip.

"I don't think it's a 'they.'" The driver commented. Cassandara finally looked up, but at the driver. She raised an eyebrow at the brunette haired man with a black hat on top.

"How do you know that?" Robert asked. "Edgy much..." He whispered to Cassandara. Cassandara hushed him, indicating him to stop talking. She turned to the driver again in a listening manner.

"I'm pretty sure its a she." The driver claimed. His voice was unsteady, Cassandara could feel him shaking.

There was a moment of silence until Cassandara noticed the van suddenly going on full speed. The van was getting to close to the sidewalks, and in fact, it wasn't running straight anymore. "Hey...HEY! DRIVER! THE VAN!" She yelled, hearing Robert whimper.

The driver suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and fixed the car forwards. Cassandara calmed herself down but she still had a scared look on her face. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" She yelled.

The driver didn't say anything. He had his hands tight on the steering wheel, focused on the road. But something about the way he drove made Cassandara think he wasn't only thinking about driving safely. Something seemed to be bothering him but what? He almost killed everybody in the van, including the innocent people walking in the streets.

"Okay...what in the actual f-" Robert started but was cut off by the looks of the driver. He was still driving, looked bothered and unsteady. He kept his eyes on the road, not bothering to ask if anyone was okay after literally almost killing them.

Robert and Cassandara remained silent, not knowing what to say or what to do. This driver was dangerous, and for sure, Cassandara was going to rat this guy out. But he looked bothered and unsteady at what he said, even if her life was almost taken away, she kept her mouth silent through the whole entire ride.

Riverbranch Avenue, **** Aporson House, 5:30

She didn't speak a word about what happened earlier or even the murder. Dinner was empty as always, only Cassandara's mother and Cassandara herself showed up. She was the only child and her father was never around.

Cassandara placed a plate on the table. She never got a chance to move out, fearing leaving her mother alone. Since her father was never around or anyone that could take care of Mrs. Aporson, Cassandara had to stay with her.

"So are we not speaking about the murder?" Mrs. Aporson started. She picked up a piece of carrot with her fork.

Cassandara gulped. She really wished her mother hadn't brought that up.

The closest person to understand her was Robert. He didn't really know what happened with Cassandara and Robin, but he was still the closest- by most. Robin was an old friend of Cassandara's, way back in highschool. He was the quiet kid, never speaking, never talking, some can even say he was mute.

The last Cassandara saw him alive was when she found him stalking her infront of her house. She snapped, completely bothered and utterly uncomfortable at the fact he was stalking her in the middle of the night. The two fought, and only stopped fighting when Robin knocked Cassandara out before running away to the woods.

Nobody caught sight of the fight, no one, not even Mrs. Aporson since she was away. Cassandara only decided not to tell anyone about the fight because Robin's family was already suffering from money loss and lack of bills to pay for the house.

"We shouldn't be talking about murders." Cassandara finally spoke. "We're eating dinner, mom." She pointed out, pointing the dinner plates with her fork before taking a bite of her meat.

She almost took a bite but was interupted at the sound of the TV. The light of the TV suddenly turned on, flashing it towards the Aporsons. Cassandara dropped her fork on her plate, replaying the words the person on the TV said,

"Please evacuate Everglow Street at this second! Studies, reports, and evidence from serveral dead bodies had showed and claimed that there's a deadly unknown act going on in the neighborhood...a curse."

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