Part [5]

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Hailey falls down on the ground. She lazily looks at Derek. "Does Northern Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?" Hailey's eyes widened a bit. "It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He has to bring us the bullet." Hailey scoots closer to Derek. "Why?" Derek looks at Stiles. "Because we're going to die without it."

Hailey rips her shirt off and Stiles almost turns away, but he stares at the Y shaped scar running down her chest. She ignores him and leans against the table. Her whole torso was covered in black veins. "You know, that really doesn't look like some echinacea and a goodnight night of sleep couldn't take care of."

Hailey glares at Stiles. "If we survive this, remind me to kill him." Derek nods and Stiles swallows hard. "When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me." Derek walks over to the shelves. "Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Hailey pulls herself onto the table and rests. She's too weak to stand. "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time..." Derek opens a drawer. "Last resort." Stiles shakes his head. "Which is?" Hailey stares up at the light. Derek lifts up a bone saw. "You're gonna cut off my arm." Stiles gags.


Stiles squeezes the trigger on the bone saw and gags once again. "Oh, my god." Derek ties a tourniquet around his arm. "What if you bleed to death?" Stiles points at Hailey. "And it's not like we can just cut her in half." Derek eyes Hailey who shakes her head. "It'll heal if it works." Hailey starts drifting in and out of consciousness, and the conversion starts cutting out. But she gags and makes eye contact with Derek. Oh shit. They both lean over the table and vomit black blood. "Holy God, what the hell is that?"

"It's our bodies, trying to heal themselves." Derek puts a hand on Hailey's back. "Well, it's not doing a very good job of it." Derek looks at Stiles. "Now. You gotta do it now." Stiles shakes his head. "Look, honestly, I don't think I can."

"Just do it!!"

Stiles jumps and grabs the bone saw. "Oh, my god. Okay, okay." He puts the saw against Derek's arm. "All right, here we go!" A door opens. "Stiles!" Stiles lifts the bone saw slightly. "Scott?" Scott walks in and sees the position Stiles and Derek were in. "What the hell are you doing?" Stiles chuckles and puts the bone saw down. Scott spots Hailey's scar but doesn't say anything. "Oh you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares." Derek rasps. "Did you get it?" Scott pulls out the bullet and hands it to Derek. He nods at Hailey. "What are you gonna do with it?" Derek's eyes flicker. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." Derek drops the bullet and it falls into a drain.


Derek wakes up after being punched by Stiles. He looks at Hailey and listens to her heart beat. It was extremely slow. Derek takes the bullet and bites the top off, dumping it's contents out. He takes a lighter and lights it. It sparks and her scoops up the contents and separates it. He hands the other bit to Scott and points at Hailey. He throws the wolfbane onto the bullet wound and Scott jumps to repeat Derek, but on Hailey. He cover the bullet hole and Hailey's eyes snap open, bright red. She lets out a scream that turns into a loud roar. The balck veins on Derek and Hailey start to shrink back into the wounds until they heal completely. "That... was... Awesome! Yes!" Hailey glares at him. Derek helps Hailey to her feet. "Are you okay?" Derek scoffs. "Well, except for the agonising pain." Stiles laughs. "Well I guess the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health." Derek glares at Stiles. "Okay, we saved your lives. Which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's Dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything--" Hailey steps forward. "You're going to trust them? You think they can help you?" Hailey pauses and her eyes tear up a bit. "I've seen what hunters can do, Scott." Scott scoffs. "Who cares?! They're a lot freaking nicer than you are."

Hailey and Derek share a look. "Yeah I can show you exactly how nice they are." Scott raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"


In the car ride Hailey pulls on a new shirt. "Hailey's spent a long period of time with a couple hunters. She was helping them take out a very evil creature." Hailey nods. "An Alpha." She growls at the memory. "He was killing little kids' families and turning them into werewolves." Hailey turns to Scott. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be a child werewolf with no one to help you?" Hailey scoffs. "I do. And I didn't want these kids to go through what I did." Scott glances at Hailey. "He'd kill every child that refused to kill until there was only one little girl left." Hailey sits back in the car. "Her name was Jessica. She was only 7." She looks at Scott again. "And wanna know what the hunters did?" Scott raises an eyebrow. "They shot me, then shot her in the head. A child." Derek stops the car outside the Beacons Crossing Home. "What are we doing here?" Derek stares at Hailey and both walk to the building.

Derek leads Scott into a door. A man sits in a wheelchair. Hailey's nose twitches. A scent. One she can't remember the source of. Derek stares down at the man. "Who is he?" Hailey takes Derek's hand. "My uncle. Peter Hill." Scott bites his lip. "Is he... like you, a werewolf?" Derek nods. "He was. Now he's barely even human." Hailey squeezes Derek's hand showing her support. The fire was still hard for him to talk about. "Six years ago, my sister and I were at school, and our house caught fire. 11 people were trapped inside. He was the only survivor." Scott shakes his head. "So... what makes you so sure that they set the fire?" Derek takes his eyes off Peter. "Because they were the only ones that knew about us."

"Well, then they had a reason." Hailey's eyes widened. He did not just say that. "Like what?" Derek lets go of Hailey's hand and turns Peter's wheelchair. "You tell me what justifies this." Scott's eyes widened. "They say they'll only kill an adult, and only with absolute proof, but there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in the fire. This is what they do. And it's what Allison will do." A nurse walks into the room. "What are you doing? How did you get in here?" Hailey's nose twitches again. That smell again... "We were just leaving." They all leave the room.

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