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A/N: You guys have the wonderful @loevlyy to thank for this, as they are the one who came up with the idea!! I just couldn't help myself after they suggested it hehe (also their fics are criminally underrated check them out RN)

Anyway, here's chapter 35 from Rick's POV!! Enjoy and of course, nsfw warning ;)


- Rick's POV -

I know this isn't a good idea, but with my heart pounding and the alcohol coursing dangerously through my veins, I do it anyway. It's been so long since a woman has wanted me and my desperation for Cass is starting to wear me down. And after seeing how good she looked tonight, I need an outlet.

Leaning in, I close my eyes, imagining it's Cass in front of me instead. Imagining it's her soft, perfect lips I'm pressing mine against. Pretending and wishing with all of my being that she's the one in front of me instead. That when we part from this kiss, her green eyes will be blinking up at me, crinkled at the edges with love.

As I pull away from the lackluster peck, I'm hit with an overwhelming wave of regret as Jessie beams back at me, hoisting Judith in her arms. I smile down at my daughter, caressing her hair for a moment as I try to suppress my overwhelming regret.

Your dad is a mess, I think as I look into Judith's deep brown eyes.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn to look over my shoulder only to see no one behind us.


"You okay?" Jessie asks softly, her voice seeming to cut through the weight of my regret. Looking back from over my shoulder, I meet her curious gaze, putting on an easy smile as I nod, trying to suppress the suffocating remorse settling over me.

Why did I do that?

"Oh, there she is!" I hear from behind us, the sudden voices making me turn to see Beth and Sophia headed over to us with smiles. My heart warms slightly seeing the young girls dressed like normal kids, clean and grinning back at us.

"We were hoping we could take Judith for the night? We miss her," Beth murmurs sheepishly, glancing at my daughter in Jessie's arms. Judith turns in Jessie's grasp, looking curiously at her original babysitters.

Smiling at their love for my daughter, I nod in permission, their adorableness only partly eaasing the twisting dread in my gut. "Of course, that would be great," I tell Beth warmly, watching as Jessie hands Judith over to her original babysitters, making them grin widely, cooing over her.

Judith already seems like she's in a better mood now, just from being put in Beth's arms. She giggles, grasping at Beth's cardigan as the two girls take her away.

I smile at myself, the sight a comforting reminder of our lives back at the prison.

"She's got some great babysitters," Jessie comments softly, making me nod, sparing a glance at the woman as she watches them go. The married woman.

The woman I just kissed despite having zero feelings for her. Jesus Christ, I'm a mess.

"Yeah. Sorry, I need to go check on my other kid, I'll see you later?" I  breathe politely, clearing my throat and hoping to end the awkward encounter as fast as possible.

Jessie looks slightly surprised as she turns her attention to me, her blonde hair shifting over her shoulder. She nods and smiles kindly as I walk away, relieved to be leaving the awkwardness behind.

Walking back into the party, I let out a heavy sigh, running my hand over my face, trying to collect myself.

Trying to collect myself after kissing some random married woman because seeing my good friend in a damn dress is making driving me insane. Because seeing that same friend simply talk to a man filled me with so much jealousy I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I don't understand how I can handle killing people, killing walkers, and surviving for weeks with barely any food or water, but when it comes to the possibility that Cass might be flirting with someone I can't deal with it. It's pathetic.

As I walk back into the main living room, my eyes, following my mind, immediately search the room for Cass. I'm relieved to see that Spencer is talking to Sasha now. Hopefully it stays that way. Most of the group has shuffled around in different areas, but they're all here.

All except, I come to realize in a rising panic, but Cass. With my heart beginning to race, I do a quick lap of the house, coming up empty, worsening the panic and deep worry gripping me. As I'm walking from the kitchen into the living room, Carl stops me, making me turn to him, my heart slamming against my ribcage.

"Hey, can I spend the night at Ron's house? We're-"

"-Yeah, of course. Have you seen Cass?" I ask breathlessly, making Carl pause, his brow furring in confusion, before glancing around the party.

"Now that you mention it, no I haven't, not for a while," Carl tells me, making my stomach wrench. Fuck.

"Alright, I'm gonna go look for her, make sure she's okay," I tell Carl quickly, my eyebrows raised, my jaw clenching with determination. Carl nods, his eyes widened slightly in worry.

"Do you need my help?" he offers with concern, but I shake my head, already starting to walk away.

"No, just have fun with your friends, I'll see you later!" I call over my shoulder before striding out of the party, my mind reeling with anxiety. I stumble down the stairs, my head swiveling as I wildly search the outside of the house, the quiet road, and the windows of the party.

Why isn't she here?

Not wanting to call out for her and draw attention in case this is a terminus situation, I turn on my heel and jog down the asphalt, my breath clouding in front of me as I go.

Determination floods through me as I go, absolutely dead set on finding her, alive.

The soles of my boots slam on the road as I search the road and porches of the nearby houses, my chest heaving. It's deserted, not a soul in sight, making my heart sink. Deciding to take a chance and check the house first, I take the steps of the porch two at a time, before ripping open the front door.

My lungs are searing with exertion as I burst through the front door with purpose, not caring that it slams open and against the wall. All that matters is finding her.

"Cass?" I call out desperately, storming into the house and looking around the darkened room wildly. My panic is only growing, gnawing painfully at my spine, sending a prickling fear through me that I won't find her.

Then, a second before I can be consumed with terror, I'm slammed by a solid wall of relief as I finally see Cass, standing in the kitchen, holding a glass of water.

Thank god.

"Jesus, Cass. You scared me," I breathe before I can stop myself, taking a deep breath, looking down, and resting my hands on my hips. I seem to slightly calm my racing heart rate as I assure myself that she's right here, alive.

She's okay.

A slight surge of confusion shoots through me, wondering why she left without saying anything to us when we're still unsure if we're safe here. Looking up at her, I study her beautiful features partially illuminated by the moonlight.  "Why did you just disappear like that? I thought-" I begin breathlessly, only for her to cut me off sharply.

"-I wasn't in the mood for that bullshit any longer," Cass mutters bitterly, slamming her glass onto the countertop roughly, the noise making me flinch. Concern grips me as she leans on the counter while exhaling slowly through her nose, clearly not okay.

My heart, which had just begun to calm down, skips a beat, my stomach sinking seeing her like this.

"What's wrong?" I question, watching her carefully as I take a few steps forward, my brows knitted together with concern. Cass briefly looks up at me, her expression contorted with an unfamiliar look. Tilting my head to the side, I try to read her expression, to try to understand, but she quickly averts her gaze.

"It doesn't matter." Cass dismisses quietly, shaking her head and pushing off the counter, beginning to stalk away from me and out of the kitchen. Determination flares through me, making me step forward, putting my arm out to block her path.

"Not until you talk." I command her sternly, watching as Cass clenches her jaw, her beautiful eyes slowly meeting mine. Nerves momentarily flutter through me being this close, having her pressed against my held-out arm.

But as those green irises, usually filled with warmth and softness, meet my gaze, shock skitters through me. Her eyes are cold with a rage that makes my skin crawl.

"Did... one of them hurt you?" I demand slowly and steadily, trying to calm myself down, breathing harshly through my nose. I eye her down expectantly, ready to find Carol, grab one of the guns she stole, and kill whatever motherfucker thought they could touch her.

"No Rick, no one touched me," Cass informs me with a tinge of exasperation as she tilts her head up at me, only confusing me more.

"I don't get it," I murmur thoughtfully, searching her expression. My eyes fly over her deeply knitted eyebrows, shadowed eyes, and mouth turned down with distaste.

Why is she so upset?

"Of course you don't." Cass snaps bitterly, trying to push past my arm, but I don't let her go, my muscles straining slightly against her. I'm not letting her leave until I figure out whats wrong.

"Cass," I breathe, successfully getting Cass to stop struggling, her chest heaving. "Talk to me," I plead softly, searching her gaze hopefully.

I gaze down at that perfect face of hers, my heart stopped in anticipation as she finally looks up at me. Within a matter of seconds, her expression shifts from frustrated, to exasperated, before finally crumpling with strong emotion, making my chest clench. Her eyes are quickly welling with tears, her bottom lip trembling, sending immediate and searing panic surging through me.

I duck down, searching her expression, my eyebrows knitting tightly with concern. Bringing my hands up, I grab her shoulders, trying to fully look at her, but she pushes me away roughly, her lips trembling.

Stumbling away in shock, I exhale sharply, taken aback by the force of her push, defeat washing over me as Cass retreats backward to the other side of the kitchen.

I watch in defeat as Cass wraps her arms around her torso, her expression still crumpled in that heart-aching way. "Just. Stop." Cass pleads weakly, her voice low and feeble, her head lowered.

I think my heart actually shatters seeing her look like this, curled in on herself, clearly miserable. And unlike Cass usually does, she's pushing me away instead of letting me help her feel better. I can't decipher the emotions she goes through as she shakes her head, her expression only crumpling further.

Cass eventually covers her face with both of her hands, stopping me from being able to attempt to read her expression. I just stare at her like an idiot, my heart slamming against my ribcage, sending a searing panic through me with every heartbeat.

Nerves skitter through me as I wrestle with asking her the one question that's haunting me, lingering in the recesses of my mind.

"Is it me you're upset with? Did... I do something?" I question, hating how hoarse and pathetic my voice sounds, watching as Cass drops her hands from her face to meet my gaze. My heart stops as her eyes meet mine.

I watch as in a matter of a second, the miserable expression on her face morphs into fierce irritation. "You know what Rick? Yes. It is you." Cass confirms, her words bitter and ice-cold, cutting me to my core with surprise.

My eyebrows raise, confusion and shock swirling in my mind. What is she...

"I thought you were a man of honor," Cass growls, her expression pulled downward with what I realize is disgust, her words making me physically recoil, my eyes widening.

"What are you-"

"-I saw you." Cass cuts me off harshly, her vicious tone blinding me with confusion, each word hitting my skin like shards of glass. "I saw you and Jessie. Kissing." Cass finally reveals, her chest heaving.

My stomach bottoms out, my eyebrows raising even higher as a blinding horror and humiliation flood through me.

You've got to be fucking kidding.

Realizing that this is all because of something that meant nothing, my embarrassment morphs into a searing frustration. Clenching my jaw, I look down, resting my hand on my belt and letting out a slow exhale through my nose, suddenly feeling defensive.

"That was private," I utter lowly, not having the guts to look her in the eyes. There's a lingering fear that if I do, she'll somehow find out why I did it- that she's the one I was picturing as I did.

Cass's harsh scoff takes me off guard, actually making me flinch. "Right. In the middle of a party, with the whole goddamn community in attendance," she snaps sarcastically, making my eyes dart up to meet hers, my stomach wrenching at her words.

"She's married, Rick. With two kids." Cass says, making me clench my jaw once again with frustration, taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

That's what this is.

She's that disgusted by something she was never meant to see. Disgusted by the fact that it was a meaningless kiss with a married woman whom I have absolutely no interest in.

"I don't think that kind of thing matters anymore, d'you?" I question her roughly, allowing the alcohol to burn through my veins as I squint my eyes at her, tilting my head to the side expectantly.

Cass scoffs again, a cruel smile on her face as she looks away momentarily, shaking her head. "Last I checked, you killed the man who tried to break up your family. I don't remember you being fine with Shane goin' after Lori just because it happened to be the fucking apocalypse." she spits, her chest heaving, making my heart sink slightly at the reminder before being quickly replaced with a surge of renewed anger.

I swallow back the harsh comment. "That was different. You know that." I mutter shortly, staring back into her gaze calmly despite my racing heart.

What happened between them was completely different. Lori and Shane wanted each other.

Cass, visibly fuming, takes a step toward me, making my stomach flutter at our growing proximity. Especially with her looking like this, despite how angry she is. It doesn't take away the fact that she looks absolutely beautiful. I inhale sharply, my eyes fluttering slightly as that new perfume of hers wafts over me.

Despite the hurt and rage on her face, she looks stunning in the faded blue moonlight with the way it streams across her gorgeous features and radiates off her exposed skin. My heart quickens as my eyes dart down to her figure still accentuated by that wonderful dress before meeting her angry eyes.

"How? Enlighten me, Rick. Because from where I'm standing? You are Shane in this situation- lusting after a married woman!" Cass rants passionately, making me huff with aggravation at the ridiculousness of her statement.

If only she knew.

"I'm not lusting after her," I snap darkly, my eyes boring into Cass's, wishing she could just look into my eyes and realize that Jessie is not the one I'm lusting after. That it's Cass who consumes me, whose insane magnetism has left me a pathetic mess for over a year, every atom in my body aching with such insane desire I don't think I can handle it anymore.

"It's not- that simple." I grit through my clenched teeth, stopping myself from saying anything else by pinching the bridge of my nose.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I exhale slowly, wishing I could get out of this horrific situation.

She really has no idea...

"Pining after a married person never ends well, Rick. Trust me. I've been there," Cass says, her voice suddenly soft, barely above a whisper, making me pause, turning to see her staring at the floor. "I wanted a married man. Spent my nights wishing things were different. Then they were. He was finally single but it didn't matter because it broke him. It broke me," she sighs, her gaze still trained on the floor.

I simply stare at her, her words suddenly making me nauseous. First I had to see her flirt with Spencer 2.0 and now I get to hear about the married man she pined after.


"It's just- not worth it. It never is." Cass implores with finality, finally looking up at me.

Irritation flares up through me, an intense heat that courses through my veins, fueled by being painfully lectured on something that isn't even happening and never will. And the fact she's lecturing me based on whatever man she was pining over before only exacerbates my growing agitation.

"As I said-" I begin with a huff, "that was before the turn when things were different-"

"-I never said it was before." Cass interrupts me breathlessly, making my head snap to hers, confusion washing over me.


Furrowing my brows deeply, I squint at Cass, searching her expression, attempting to figure out who on earth she could be talking about.

It would have to be a man she met after the turn... Someone in our group? He was married and the way it ended ended "broke" him-


Shock detonates within me, eyebrows shooting upward, eyes widening, and my mouth involuntarily parting in disbelief.

She can't possibly mean-

But Cass's grimace at my expression confirms it and my stomach plummets with blinding shock.

Cass pined after... me?

"You were married Rick," Cass whispers roughly into the silence, her voice laced with pain that cuts deep into my core. "It destroyed me. Seeing you with your family- with Lori. And I hated myself for it. I hated myself for wanting you when you were happily married. For f-feeling jealously whenever I saw you two together." Cass confesses breathlessly, her gaze avoiding mine as she actively shatters my world.

"And the guilt!" Cass implores, suddenly meeting my gaze, probably only seeing me staring back at her like a frozen idiot.

Despite the incredible words she's saying, my mind is lagging significantly behind. A palpable tension wraps around us, leaving me grappling for words, for anything to ease the ache in her voice, in her eyes.

"How do you think I felt after wishing over and over that somehow you would be single when Lori died? W-When I could have helped her? It felt like it was all some cruel punishment for wanting you," Cass admits weakly, her lips trembling, finally really looking at me. Her worried eyes slide to meet with mine, pain etched into her irises.

For wanting me.

Wanting me.



I just stare at Cass in astonishment, trying to come up with words- something to say to her, to assure her, but my brain is simply not working. I'm rooted to the tile as if some pathetic statue of disbelief and cowardice- too afraid to say something.

Cass averts her gaze again, her cheeks slightly reddened. "It just- slowly destroyed me. So maybe just take my advice and avoid it altogether," she mutters quietly, her lips tightening into a thin line, like a shield against her momentarily exposed vulnerability.

Say something. Anything.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll just-" Cass stammers, taking the opportunity of my stunned state to try and brush past me.

But just as she's about to slip past, finally, as if electrocuted, I have power over my body again. A surge of determination propels me forward, my reflexes kicking in as I grab her elbow quickly, stopping her in her tracks.

I'm staring at my hand on the soft skin of her elbow in a haze of disbelief as Cass's head turns to look at me. My eyes don't meet hers, still trained on the connection of my palm on her elbow as if it's a lifeline tethering her to me. To this moment.

I'm not letting her go now. Absolutely not.

"No," I murmur, my voice barely audible to me over the roaring in my ears. My gaze fixates on her skin beneath my touch, my fingers curled around the delicate curve of her arm.

A slight flutter of fear goes through me that this is another one of my disturbingly realistic dreams. But I swear, I can feel her heartbeat thrumming under my fingertips.

This is real, right?

"Rick. It's fine. Do what you want with Jessie-"

I quickly cut off Cass's ridiculous sentence, pulling her toward me roughly, making that perfect body of hers collide with my chest. Her beautiful green eyes blink up at me in shock as I hold her gaze determinedly, searching for the truth beneath the depths of her irises.

Did she really have feelings for me, back then?

My heart pounds erratically within my chest, so loudly that I wouldn't be surprised if Cass could hear it as I blink down at her. She gulps, her eyelids fluttering in shock.

"What are you-"

"-God Cass. For once, just... shut up," I exhale slowly, a smirk tugging at my lips as a spark of defiance flickers across her features. Her brows furrow, mouth parting in protest, but I don't give her a chance.

Instead, I give into the fierce longing that has plagued me for far too long. The longing to do what I've been wanting to do all damn night. What I've been wanting to do since the moment Cass's lips brushed against my cheek a lifetime ago.

Leaning in, I hastily capture her lips with mine, a surge of euphoria flooding my senses as our mouths meet and I immediately confirm my suspicions that her lips are unbelievably soft. One of my hands snake around her waist, pulling her flush against me while the other caresses her jaw, my thumb gently stroking her warm cheek.

Every fiber of my being ignites with a primal eagerness, my long-suppressed desire finally finding its release in the fervent press of our lips. At finally being able to savor the intoxicating taste of her.

But as the seconds stretch into an eternity, I realize she hasn't moved an inch, frozen against me. Suffocating dread flinches through me, prompting me to pull away, my breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Shit. She didn't exactly say that she still has feelings for me.

"Sorry- I'll stop," I apologize breathlessly, my eyes roaming her face desperately, hoping to find a trace that-

"Don't you dare-" Cass begins, her pupils dilated and cheeks flushed,her words laced with a raw intensity that suffocates me with relief.

I don't possess the strength to let her finish her sentence before seizing her in another kiss, hungry and desperate, unable to control the surge of emotions crashing through me. With a mind of their own, my hands find her wonderful thighs, hoisting them to wrap around my hips, where they belong.

At this moment, with her in my arms, I'm consumed by a sense of primal satisfaction. That feral side of me roars with pleasure that I can finally claim her, losing myself in the intoxicating dance of our mouths moving in sync.

A lilted, raw moan escapes Cass's throat, her tantalizing legs tightening around me, sending waves of euphoria crashing over me. It's as if every touch, every kiss, is a symphony of pleasure that threatens to overwhelm my senses, leaving me teetering on the brink of ecstasy.

Cass wants this. She's kissing me back.

Holy fucking shit.

With my hands firmly on her hips, I place her on the counter, earning a gasp from her lips as she sits on the cold countertop. A smirk tugs at the corners of my mouth as I press my hips between her parted legs, relishing in the way she opens herself up to me.

I'm going to fucking lose it.

Still not being able to believe I'm here, the kiss turns desperate and fervent as my tongue explores her mouth hungrily. I'm trying to taste every inch of her, to feel all of her while trying not to lose my shit that this is really happening.

My mind whirls, propelled into overdrive by the surrealness of the moment. The sheer pleasure of finally kissing her, of savoring her, threatens to consume me entirely. Cass's hands roam up and down my back, her nails grazing my skin with a delicious tinge of pain that ignites a fire within me, drawing out an involuntary groan of pleasure.

I can't focus, every nerve ending tingling with adrenaline and desire as I break the kiss, my lips trailing a path of heated kisses down from her mouth to her neck.

It's the soft spot just under her jaw that I've been longing to explore, to savor, to kiss, to suck. I revel in the slight sweetness of her sweat mingling with her natural scent, eliciting a delightful whimper from Cass that sends a surge of lust coursing through me, tightening my jeans uncomfortably.

Pausing, I pull away from Cass's perfect neck, needing to fully absorb the sight of her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, her heaving chest. My own breaths come in ragged pants, chest rising and falling with the intensity of the moment as I drink in the sight of her, utterly mesmerized by her beauty.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," I admit through my heaving breaths, watching with amazement as surprise flutters across Cass's expression. I'm momentarily captivated by the flush of her lips and cheeks as she gazes up at me, her eyes dark with desire.

"H-How long?" Cass whispers hoarsely, making me swallow thickly, focusing on the moment and not the overwhelming urge to taste her again.

"Around the time you got with that asshole Spencer," I reply shortly, clenching my jaw at the mere reminder of that idiot. How frustrating it was seeing her with him.

Lost in my thoughts for a moment, I'm taken aback as Cass suddenly throws her arms around my neck, pulling my face to hers roughly so she can kiss me fervently.

Thank God we're doing this again.

Kissing her back desperately, I lose myself in the sensation of her hands threading through my curls, savoring every touch, every caress. My greedy hands roam up and down the sides of her torso, tracing the contours of her dress, desperate to feel the warmth of her skin beneath.

The kiss becomes frenzied, a whirlwind of passion and desire, as every part of me chants for more, more, and more. I had fantasized and dreamed endlessly about this moment, but nothing could have prepared me for the reality of it- the taste of her mouth, the lingering hint of red wine, and the intoxicating scent of her perfume filling my senses.

As her hand strays from my hair to grip onto my upper arm with surprising strength, I barely register the sensation, too consumed by the overwhelming rush of pleasure coursing through me.

All I know is that I need more, and by the way she's kissing me back with equal fervor, I can only assume she wants this too.

With a surge of raw hunger, my searching hands wander from her waist to Cass's ass, earning a sound of surprise from her as I effortlessly lift her from the counter. Pride surges through me as her legs securely wrap around my hips once again, her body fitting perfectly against mine. I can only hope she doesn't feel how insanely rock-hard I am, at least not yet.

Cass breaks the kiss, leaning back with a heaving chest. "The kids-" she starts, those dilated eyes searching mine, but I immediately shake my head.

"Judith is staying at Carol's with the girls and Carl is having a sleepover," I tell her between my heavy breaths, making Cass nod with a gulp of anticipation. Her expression shifts, a hint of nervousness creeping into her features as she averts her gaze.

Concern flits through me as making her uncomfortable is the last thing I want to do. "We don't need to-" I begin sincerely, hoping to convey that I would be more content with anything, as long as I'm with her.

But before I can finish, Cass interrupts my thoughts quickly. "-No! No. I want to," Cass breathes, her eagerness evident in her tone. I can't help but grin at her clear enthusiasm. With fondness, I watch as Cass's face flushes deep red with embarrassment.

If she only knew the effect she has on me, she wouldn't be remotely embarrassed.

"Me too," I inform her ith a low murmur, feeling a surge of warmth as her grin mirrors mine, her previous worry dissipating.

"Upstairs?" Cass suggests, making me nod, my heart warming with absolute love as I look back at the incredible woman in my arms. "Maybe you should put me down, we can just-"

"Nope," I interject quickly, readjusting my grip on her fantastic curves, securing her tighter to my body. Cass gasps lightly, lurching forward to hold onto my shoulders as I carry her up the stairs.

"I carried you for seven miles before, I can manage this," I mumble into her ear, grinning as she shakes her head in amusement.

I lead us into my room, kicking the door closed behind us before eagerly pushing Cass against the nearest wall, kissing her impatiently. It's been far too long since I've been able to taste that perfect mouth of hers. Cass moans into our kiss, her thighs tightening around my hips, nearly making my heart stutter to a damn stop.

God, she's fucking irresistible.

I can't get enough of her, of the intoxicating rush coursing through me as I finally act on my aching desires. It's everything I've dreamt of, everything I've yearned for, all culminating in this moment.

And she wants me back.

Breaking away from the kiss, Cass cups my face in her hands, her eyes locked on mine with a depth of emotion that rips my breath from my lungs. Swallowing thickly, I return her gaze, letting my eyes roam freely over every feature, every detail of her beautiful face. Normally, I have to restrain myself from staring too long, but not anymore.

Thank fucking God.

The craving for the kiss that just ended has me staring repeatedly at her perfect mouth, watching as she smiles with satisfaction before saying a sentence that makes my stomach bottom out.

"Help me out of my dress, will you?" Cass asks me, her voice breathless and eyebrows raised expectantly.

Desire blazes through me like a raging fire as the realization of what I've fantasized about since the moment I laid eyes on Cass in this dress is becoming a thrilling reality.

My hands tremble as I gently help Cass to her feet, my heart pounding so aggressively I think it actually might fail. Standing face to face, panting, the air between us thick with anticipation, my mind races as Cass's green eyes bore into my soul for a moment, a sense of disbelief hanging over me. Then, with a swift movement, she turns around, granting me access to her back.

As gently as I can, I brush her hair from her back to rest on her shoulder so it doesn't snag in the zipper. Cass shivers slightly under my touch, sending a jolt of desire coursing through me as I quickly envision the countless ways I could make her body tremble.

With my heart in my throat, I trail my hand from the soft skin at the nape of her neck down to her mid back where the zipper resides. I hesitate for a moment, realizing this is the moment that will change everything between us.

And I couldn't be happier.

Grasping the cool metal zipper, I steadily pull it down, my heartbeat quickening with each inch of her skin that's revealed. As her skin is exposed, I notice goosebumps flaring across her skin. She must be cold. But I'll warm her up soon enough.

The zipper ends at her lower back, and I withdraw my hands from her, standing back respectfully, fighting to contain the overwhelming arousal coursing through me. I want to rip the dress off her and devour her right here, right now, but I want to enjoy this. Our first time isn't going to be over quick because I'm too impatient.

Cass turns around, meeting my gaze as I attempt to steady my breathing, to calm the storm of emotions raging inside me. In the blink of an eye, she shoulders off her dress, letting the black fabric cascade to the ground, and time stands still.

My breath catches in my throat at the sight before me, my heart stuttering in awe. I half-expected her to be wearing a simple bra and underwear like the ones she wore back at the creek. But no.

Cass's captivating body is adorned in a utterly indecent black lace lingerie set that huggs and accentuates her curves in all the right places.

My lungs decide to stop working as I take in the simple lace that encases her... holy fuck- her perfect breasts with thin black straps, and the panties, a sheer mesh of lace that leaves little to the imagination. The realization of how little fabric stands between me and...

I clench my jaw, fighting the overwhelming surge of aching and desperate craving for her. "Jesus Christ Cass," I curse under my breath, my eyes roaming over her body. I can't stop myself as my eyes trace her curves, watching the flush that spreads across her skin, and that's it. I can't take it anymore.

I quickly close the distance between us, kissing her with a hunger that borders on starvation, my hands finally reaching out to touch her, to feel her, to possess her completely.

My palms roam across her perfect, soft, skin, exploring all the places I've been dreaming of. They glide around her ribcage and down her sides, tracing familiar paths where I've touched her before, but only through the barrier of her clothes. Meanwhile, my mouth moves against hers with a fervor born of longing, tasting every inch of her mouth as my hands caress her body with a desperate need.

I can barely contain myself, losing my mind in our incredible kiss. God, I'm so fucking lucky.

Cass's hands trail from my hair, down my neck, to the part of my chest slightly exposed from the buttons undone at the top, making me tense with anticipation. I had been dreaming of touching Cass so much I hadn't thought about her touching me.

But the idea of her exploring my skin just as eagerly as I am hers sends a shiver of excitement down my spine.

Our kiss breaks and immediately, "Your turn." Cass pants, her eyes blazing with desire as she pointedly eyes my fully clothed body. Just the thought that Cass wants to see me undressed sends a surge of arousal coursing through me.

"Yes ma'am," I murmur deeply in response, catching the wave of desire that goes through her expression as I say those words. Noted.

I begin to unbutton my shirt, looking down so I can concentrate despite the surreal reality unfolding before me. I'm amazed that my hands are even working at this point. Surprise jolts through me as Cass steps forward, quickly unbuttoning my other buttons with a sense of urgency.

Looks like someone's just as impatient as me.

At the sight of my white undershirt, Cass groans with frustration, making a smirk pull at my mouth. She wants to see me shirtless this bad? Damn.

"Patience is a virtue," I somehow murmur coherently, shouldering off the button-down and tossing it on the dresser beside me.

"I've been wanting this for years, Rick. I'm done with patience," Cass snaps hurriedly, making my smirk grow as I pull off my undershirt, still not believing what's happening. All the while my jeans are getting uncomfortably tight, my cock straining against the fabric, so hard that it genuinely is becoming painful.

Glancing up, I catch Cass's expression, her bottom lip captured under her teeth as her eyes roam over my torso hungrily. Intense lust shoots through me in response, unable to believe that Cass is this... interested in my body. I wouldn't say I'm out of shape, but I can't surely be that impressive.

Seeing how desperately Cass is looking at me, I realize she must be insanely good at hiding her desire. Because when I was shirtless the other day, after my shower, she barely even looked at me to my disappointment.

Cass's hesitant hand reaches out, gingerly grazing my chest, making me shudder at her cold hand touching me. My skin tingles where her fingers make contact, and I have to remind myself to breathe. Cass is touching me. Oh my god.

The dynamic between us seems to shift as Cass smirks up at me from beneath her lashes, her hand boldly exploring my torso. I watch her carefully, feeling the rapid thud of my heart echoing in my chest. God, I'm so turned on I think I might lose my mind.

Then, Cass's hand ventures much lower, her fingertips skimming just above the waistband of my jeans, making my breath hitch in my throat. My cock twitches with desperation as Cass looks back up at me, a grin growing on her face.

I'm fucked.

"Cass." I breathe, my voice annoyingly hoarse, clearly showing how desperate I am. But before I can feel embarrassed, I notice Cass subtly pressing her thighs together, to ease her own arousal. The sight of her desire ignites a feral and primal need within me and I clench my jaw, tilting my head to the side, my breathing uneven.

Then, the rubber band of lust I've been tightening since the goddamn prison snaps and I can't hold myself back anymore.

In a second, I'm kissing Cass again, moving by instinct as I guide her to the bed. I can't hold back anymore, I need her like I need fucking oxygen.

Cass spins us so I sit on the edge of the mattress and as the moment I make contact with the bed, I'm pulling Cass onto my lap. Her hands tangle in my hair as our lips meet once more, every part of me on fire having Cass sitting on my lap like this, her warmth seeping through my jeans.

My hands, which have been roaming around her torso, reach up and unclasp her bra in one swift motion. I can't help my proud smirk at doing it in one try, feeling a smile of amusement from Cass too as she shoulders off her bra, tossing it to the side.

Immediately, my hungry hands find her breasts, replacing the lace that just held them. Cass moans breathlessly into our kiss as I caress her delicate skin, and I groan deeply in response, my fingers kneading the soft flesh of her breasts. They feel even more perfect than I had imagined.

Needing to see them, I break our kiss, my mouth parting with desire as I feast my eyes on her bare chest. Her two perky breasts sit on her chest with hard nipples peaked on each, just as I had desperately hoped. Ducking my head, I take one of the nipples in my mouth, swirling my tongue.

I don't have control over my body at this point, every action is driven by an insatiable hunger, an overwhelming desire to taste and touch every inch of this incredible woman who, for some reason, wants me too.

Cass lets out a shuddering gasp, her grip on my shoulders tightening as I lick and suck her soft breast. Meanwhile, my hands are roaming the soft flesh of her thighs, squeezing occasionally. Jesus Christ, I could not be a happier man than right here, in this moment.

"Rick," Cass sighs, her voice urgent through her panting, making me pause, looking up at her with mild concern.

Cass blinks down at me for a moment, her mouth parted and cheeks redder than I've ever seen them. "I need- uh- I need to feel you," she pleads softly, her desperation evident as she presses her thighs together again, sending fierce desire crashing over me.

Fuck. Yes.

I nod, not having the strength to form words. I'm pretty sure if I tried, it would come out as an embarassingly desperate sound. So instead, I grab her waist, tossing her on the mattress, up near the pillows, grinning as I spot the bashful smile on her face.

God, she's perfect.

As her lovely body settles on the mattress, my gaze lingers between her legs, taking in the sight of the black lace that she's still wearing. The fabric is soaked with her arousal, and a surge of pride and desire washes over me as I realize the effect I have on her.

She wants this. She wants me.

My gaze flicks up to meet hers, my eyebrows raised in surprise that she feels the same, only making her cheeks flush as she groans with embarrassment. She throws her head back as if she should be ashamed.

Not on my watch.

I settle my hands on her bent knees, making Cass look down at me with a gulp, watching as I drift my hands to the inside of her knees, gently easing them apart. My heart races as my hands roam north, earning a beautiful whimper as I reach the soft skin in the inner part of her thighs, making her shudder.

Holy shit.

My fingers curl around the waistband of her underwear, glancing up for permission before I fully expose her. No matter how desperately want this, I'm not doing anything she's uncomfortable with. Cass smiles fondly, nodding with confirmation.

Grinning with relief, I begin to pull her panties down her legs, eliciting a gasp from her lips as I discard them to the side. Now, I'm faced with the sight of her flushed and perfect pussy, glistening with arousal, all for me.

"Fuck, Cass," I swear under my breath, my hand instinctively pressing against my raging erection, desperate to ease some of this tormenting arousal.

Despite my lingering fear that I'll finish in my jeans just as I did many times in my dreams, I nestle my head between her legs, needing to taste her. Cass lets out a shuddering gasp, her hips bucking into my mouth, nearly taking my teeth out with her enthusiasm.

Amusement flashes through me as I place my hand on her abdomen, keeping her grounded as I begin to feast on the woman I'm utterly obsessed with. Consumed by raw hunger, I lap up her excessive wetness, savoring her incredible taste. The tanginess of her arousal meets my taste buds as I run my tongue up and down her folds before pressing harshly against her clit, eliciting a shudder of pleasure from Cass.

Every part of my body is alight with need, overwhelming yearning overpowering me as I grab her leg, throwing it over my shoulder and pulling her roughly into my mouth to get better access.

My tongue rubs back and forth, teasing her entrance, earning another moan as Cass's hand grips my curls tightly. Lost in her taste and scent, I explore every inch of her warm, wet sex, each movement hardening my erection further. I experiment with different pressures and rhythms, trying to decipher what brings her the most pleasure, and as her moans grow louder and her hips adjust to meet my mouth, I know I'm on the right track.

"Oh god yes- just like that," Cass sighs, her words breaking through my aroused fog and making me look up at her. Tilting my head slightly, my eyes meet hers, watching me. As I do this, my nose nudges against her clit, immediately making Cass's expression contort, her eyebrows crinkling together tightly, her mouth dropping open in a cry of ecstasy.

I realize, as her abdomen pulsates against my hand, her body trembling, that she's orgasming. A loud, unfiltered, moan falls from her lips, one full of pleasure, and I can't help myself tenderly kissing and licking her through her climax.

She's perfect.

Then finally, panting, Cass falls back onto the bed, her chest heaving. Pride swells within me that I was able to make her come that hard as I come up to kiss her softly, my skin buzzing with overwhelming desire and love.

"You did so good," I murmur softly, caressing her cheek, adoration consuming me as I gaze down at her.

Cass lets out a breathless chuckle. "You're the one who did really fucking good," she responds quickly, sending a thrill through me.

"It was that good for you?" I ask, not being able to wipe the proud smirk from my face as I lie beside her. I made Cass come. the thought repeats in my mind, her taste lingering on my tongue.

Cass props herself on her elbows, pointedly looking at me. "Rick, not only did you actually go down on me, which hasn't happened a lot in my previous experience, you just gave me the hardest orgasm of my life," she admits, sending a wave of shock through me.

I thought I gave her a good orgasm but not the 'hardest of her life'. My brows furrow as the rest of her words register. "Wait- your other guys didn't-"

"No. Spencer did once but it was bad. I felt like I was getting a cervical exam," Cass responds the absurdity of her words making me huff out a laugh, shaking my head in disbelief.

"That's insane that they never- I dreamed of being able to go down on you," I breathe, still looking down. I can't comprehend being attracted to women and not wanting to eat them out. "They had no idea how lucky they were and they didn't even treat you right," I scoff, my hatred for her exes only growing.

"You d-dreamed...?" Cass trails, making me look up at her to see a nervous smile pulling at her softened expression. She looks devastatingly beautiful right now, with her hair slightly tousled, lips and cheeks flushed, and eyes dilated.

Feeling a surge of courage, spurred on by the satisfaction of finally being able to eat Cass out, I decide to just tell her. "Oh, I dreamed about tasting you for a long time Cass," I reveal lowly, turning to look at her fully, my heart hammering at my confession.

"Really?" Cass asks breathlessly, her eyes searching mine with genuine surprise. Feeling sheepish, I nod once, a smile growing on my face.

Fuck it.

Encouraged by her reaction, I continue, "I would come just imagining going down on you. Tasting you. Knowing that I could make you feel that much pleasure," I breathe, trying to calm down my raging arousal despite my words making it much worse.

Before I can react, Cass rolls over and straddles me, perching on the skin just above my waistband.

I suck in a sharp inhale of suffocating desire as she does this, a breathtaking smile on her face. Feeling her hot, soaking wet center against the sensitive skin so close to my straining cock, begging to be buried inside her, is torture. My eyes flutter closed, my eyebrows drawn together in a desperate effort to not come right here, right now.

My shaking hands find solace in her hips as my silent pleas to maintain control echo in my mind as her presence ignites every nerve in my body.

"What you just told me might be the hottest thing I've ever heard," Cass informs me, her voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I open my eyes, looking at her in dry disbelief.

She can't be serious, can she?

"It's... uh- embarrassing," I admit through gritted teeth, hoping my words don't betray the overwhelming desire coursing through me. Cass's grin only widens as she looks down at me, her copper hair framing her perfect face in a mesmerizing halo.

Determined to maintain control over my traitorous body, I force myself to focus on her face, resisting the temptation to let my gaze wander to her enticing and fully naked body straddling mine.

"It's nothing," Cass dismisses, shaking her head, and making me raise my eyebrows.

Yeah right. I sound like an obsessed idiot.

Cass, seeing my expression, leans forward, placing her hands on the mattress on either side of my head. The swift action makes her breasts swing slightly and I grip her hips tighter, closing my eyes for a moment, squirming in an attempt to suppress the overwhelming surge of arousal that threatens to overwhelm me.

"D'you remember back at the prison when you gave Spencer your old jacket?" Cass asks, catching me off guard with her random question.

I crack open one of my eyes, nodding.

I remember that day far too well. Giving him the jacket and advice and then hearing him enact said advice.

"Well, I came for the first and only time with Spencer that night," Cass reveals, and a pang of jealousy courses through me, followed by a wave of frustration. For fucks sake.

Of course, that's when I overheard them. Clenching my jaw, I look away for a moment before meeting her gaze again, trying not to let the jealousy get to me when Cass is here, straddling me, naked.

Cass abruptly leans closer, her face against mine, one of her hands finding my hair once again, making my eyes flutter closed. "I made him keep your jacket on. Then I closed my eyes and pretended it was you fucking me instead." Cass whispers in my ear, before leaning back, watching me, seeming slightly nervous.

My skin is on fire as fierce arousal floods through me, quickly replacing any lingering jealousy I had previously been feeling. Because that means that the only time she came with Spencer, it was while thinking of me. And that when I overheard her moan, she was thinking of me.

Holy fuck.

Determination surges through me and I flip us over so Cass is on her back and I'm hovering above her, my heart racing. "I don't want to pretend anymore, d'you?" I ask, searching her gaze hopefully, watching the desire flood Cass's expression.

"I'm sick of pretending," Cass responds honestly, her voice filled with desire and longing.

Relief floods through me. The yearning that has consumed me for the past year, the endless nights of longing and fantasizing, are finally becoming a reality.

But my world is quickly flipped upside down as Cass reaches down, caressing my erection through my jeans, eliciting an uncontrollable groan from my lips as a wave of pleasure surges through my nerve endings. Her touch is like a bolt of lightning, sending ecstasy flooding through me. My eyelids flutter closed as the wave of pleasure overwhelms me.

Losing my balance slightly, I make a concerted effort to regain control, desperately clinging to the thin thread of composure that remains within my grasp.

"Cass." I breathe with clear warning, my voice just on edge as I am.

"Yes?" Cass asks innocently, stroking me once through the thick fabric of my jeans, making me jerk forward and let out an embarrassing whimper before I can stop it. Every part of my body is aflame, desperate to feel more, and having Cassandra fucking Adams touching me like this is killing me.

"You-" I let out a shuddering breath. Don't you dare come right now, you're not a damn teenager. "-should stop touching me," I tell her honestly, my words short and uneven, taking a considerable amount of effort to say.

"Why?" Cass asks, tilting her head and smiling innocently, making me look down at her, letting out a sigh of exasperation that she's making me spell it out. Though its quickly quieted by overwhelming desire at the intoxicating sight of her beautiful smiling face beneath me.

"Because if you don't stop, this will end very fast," I admit delicately, cringing with slight embarrassment, though I'm impressed by how long I've held on considering. Cass grins nonetheless, and I venture a guess that she's feeling just as I did when I discovered how wet she was earlier. Cass gently removes her hands from my crotch, thank God, giving me the opportunity to collect myself before getting off the bed to completely undress.

I feel Cass's eyes burning into me as I unbuckle my belt and drop my jeans, revealing my boxers. Glancing up, I catch sight of Cass as she gapes at my erection, her eyebrows raised with surprise. A smile pulls across my mouth before I can stop it as I drop my boxers, hearing Cass's breath hitch in her throat as she sees all of me.

Scalding desire surges through me, seeing the way Cass's darkened eyes rake over my body, biting her lip with unmistakable hunger. Her eyes dart up to meet mine as I cock my head knowingly, a self-assured smirk pulling across my face before I can stop it. Cass rolls her eyes in response, grinning herself.

Rejoining Cass on the bed, I position myself above her with deliberate care, acutely aware of the subtle shift in her demeanor, a flicker of nerves palpable in her expression. Cass's gaze falters, a complex array of emotions flickering across her features, hinting at apprehension.

Sensing her unease, I reach out to cup her cheek tenderly, coaxing her to meet my gaze. "Are you still okay with this?" I ask her softly, my heart fluttering with the fear of inadvertently pressuring her into something she's not ready for.

Cass nods, a warm and breathtaking smile breaking across her face. "Just fuck me, Rick," she tells me breathlessly, her plea sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins, primal desire eclipsing any lingering doubt.


With a deliberate shift of my hips, I allow my hard length to press against the soft expanse of Cass's lower abdomen, eliciting a sharp inhale from both of us as the undeniable heat of our connection. My gaze locks onto hers, drowning in the depths of her eyes as an overwhelming wave of adoration washes over me, rendering me breathless in its wake.

Leaning down, I capture her lips in a passionate kiss, nudging my nose against hers. Cass hums contentedly into the kiss, her delicate fingers combing through my hair once again, sending shivers of delight cascading down my spine.

She seems to like my hair and God, I'm not complaining. The sensation of her nails grazing my scalp is pure ecstasy, a sensation I could easily lose myself in for eternity.

Driven by an insatiable desire that threatens to consume me whole, my hips begin to move with an urgency of their own accord, grinding against her abdomen. A guttural groan escapes my lips as Cass's hand reaches down, enveloping my length in a grip that threatens to unravel my resolve.

Breaking away from our kiss, I lower my head, breathing heavily as I struggle to restrain the overwhelming urge to succumb to the ecstasy coursing through my veins. Meanwhile, Cass scoots her hips up on the beds, her unspoken invitation driving me to the brink of madness with desire.

Locking eyes with her, I position myself at her entrance, the anticipation coiling tightly in the pit of my stomach before I finally succumb to the irresistible pull, sliding into her. A litany of curses spills from my lips as I'm enveloped in the searing embrace of her tight, wet warmth, each sensation overwhelming in its intensity.

"Jesus Christ Cass. You feel so good," I groan deeply, my voice thick with raw desire as Cass responds with a satisfied sigh.

"I try," Cass responds smugly, making me look down at her with mild exasperation, amusement and adoration fluttering through me as her grin grows.

She wants to be smug? Alright.

I pull almost completely out of Cass's intoxicating warmth before thrusting back in with a severity that threatens to consume us both, eliciting a desperate whimper of pleasure from her lips.

Watching as pleasure contorts her features, her eyes squeezed shut in unbridled ecstasy, I'm consumed by the knowledge that this feels just as good for her.

"Still... feeling talkative? Cassandra?" I tease, my voice a low rumble laced with tension, betraying the raw desire that courses through my veins. Cass simply deadpans me, only stoking the flames of my searing arousal.

"Oh shut up. Richard," Cass retorts, her fingers tangling in the short strands hair at the base of my neck as she pulls me down for a desperate kiss, her urgency matching my own as our bodies fuse together. I grin against her lips, thrusting into her again, reveling in the incredible sensation of her enveloping me completely as I bury myself deep inside her perfectly tight warmth.


With every thrust, I go deeper, my hips grinding against hers, moving in circles that earn a spectrum of desperate sounds from Cass's perfect lips. Cass's legs wrap around my hips with a newfound urgency, giving me a new angle that ignites a symphony of moans and groans between us.

Her hands find purchase on my back, her nails digging into my skin with a fervor that mirrors my own. Through the haze of desire that envelops me, I steal a glance down, my gaze meeting hers as I drink in the sight of her face contorted with pleasure.

Driven by my growing desperation, I can't restrain myself as my hips snap with relentless fervor, each thrust an assertion of my primal need to consume her completely. Cass's grip on my shoulders grounds me, her fingers digging into my flesh as I push her deeper and deeper into the soft embrace of the mattress, desperate to feel more, to make her feel more.

"Rick-" Cass breathes in utter desperation, her voice a warning, but her body is telling me much more. I can feel her start to clench around me, her inner muscles pulsating in tandem with the erratic rhythm of my thrusts.

My heart pounds with anticipation as I press on, driven by an unyielding determination to unlock the depths of her pleasure. "Fuck. Come again for me Cass," I groan, gazing down at her perfect face, feeling the sweat collect at my brow from the intensity of our lovemaking.

With one final thrust, I seem to hit her elusive sweet spot, and Cass orgasms again. She arches her back in a gorgeous display of release, a guttural moan escaping her lips as she throws her head back in surrender, her nails tracing a path of fire down the expanse of my back.

Holy shit.

I keep going, every thrust bringing me to an intense crescendo of blinding pleasure.

After what feels like an eternity of teetering on the edge, restraining myself with a discipline that borders on agonizing, I finally surrender to the building tide of ecstasy. My grip on the sheets below me tightens as I stop myself from collapsing on top of Cass, my muscles burning.

As the orgasm crashes over me like a tidal wave, my abdomen convulses with spasms, stars exploding behind my clenched eyelids.

Pleasure consumes me and I find myself groaning Cass's name into her collarbone as I empty into her, the shockwaves of pleasure gripping my body with an intensity that leaves me breathless.

I collapse on the mattress beside her, my chest heaving and lungs searing.

"That was..." Cass trails off between her laborious breaths, as I stare at the ceiling, my body aching with tiredness.

Turning to look at Cass, a breathless smile pulls across my face, my heart bursting. "Fucking Incredible?" I finish for her, making a breathtaking grin crack across her wonderful features, laughing lightly.

God, I'm so lucky.

"Yeah, that just about covers it," Cass admits through her light chuckle, her sweat-slicked chest rising and falling rapidly.

Pride and adoration consume me. "I'll be right back," I whisper, getting up from the bed, not explaining as she furrows her brows with confusion, watching me walk into the bathroom.

"To clean you off," I explain gently at her slightly surprised expression, holding up the small towel in my eyes as I return to our room.

Sitting on the edge of the mattress, I begin to hand her the towel. "Or do you want-" I begin, my eyes darting between her legs. I don't want to just assume I have the right to-

Cass grins fondly. "I trust you," She says softly, making me smile with a nod before gently easing her leg closest to me apart so I can give her aftercare. My other hand rubs back and forth on her leg absentmindedly as I wipe her off, hoping to make her more comfortable.

Once done, I toss the towel in the laundry hamper before lying back down on the bed beside Cass. The second I lie down, to my relief, she inches towards me, snuggling into my side.

My arm settles around her damp back, pulling her even closer to my side.

God, I love her so much.

I'm too exhausted and overwhelmed with happiness at this point to give a shit that she can definitely hear my racing heartbeat. She gave me the best sex of my life, it's fine that she can hear the physical toll of her effect on me.

I clench my jaw, my brows knitting together, that former worry that this is another one of my damn realistic sex dreams fluttering through me. My grip on her back tightens as if to ground myself to the reality.

"Tell me this is real. That I'm not dreaming," I mumble, my chest rising and falling as I gently run my hands through her hair.

"It's real, I promise," Cass assures me softly, and I feel her grin against the skin of my torso, sending blinding relief through me.

Smiling, I pull her closer to me, knowing I'm the luckiest man alive.


A/N: i hope you guys liked it!! ;)

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