Eye for an Eye, a Son for a Son

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***TRIGGER WARNING: conversations and situations regarding miscarriages***

A/N: This chapter was kind of wild to write as I had been secluded in the house I was dog sitting for without wifi or service for four days... and I wrote this all in one sitting (without editing of course)

I was in a ~mood~ so um... character(s) may or may not pay the price. Oops! But it's over 10k words so hopefully that makes up for it, as usual, much love to you all!!


- Rick's POV -

"-I said it was for you, Rick." Daryl grunts, his footsteps echoing from the debris behind me. My attention snaps away from my beautiful Cass, her features softened by relief, to his figure approaching us. Daryl. He's covered in a mixture of ash, blood, and dust, no doubt from the explosion that just went off, but he's undeniably here.

A genuine grin spreads across my face, the tight knot of anxiety that had gripped my chest unraveling slightly at the sight of him. "You said what?" I demand, laughter bubbling up my throat as I pull him into a quick, grateful hug.  It's a relief to see him okay after him covering for me and Cass got him locked in that damn cell again.

Daryl grins, patting my back before we release from the hug. "Was long overdue," he shrugs, and I nod appreciatively, trying to hide my smirk. I don't deserve him. Even in the middle of a crumbling building with explosives going off randomly, he knocked out Spencer, the man helping him, because he hurt Cass.

Cass steps forward, her beautiful face etched with concern as her eyes search Daryl's features. Her worry spills into questions about Louise, and a brief shock courses through me, tinged with guilt

Goddammit. I keep forgetting about her. She'll probably break my nose when she finds out, but I've been used to thinking she was dead for the past three years, and the overwhelming joy of reuniting with Cass has, admittedly, distracted me.

"Oh trust me, I met her. She's coming" Daryl sighs, his odd tone making me blink with confusion, following his gaze as he looks over his shoulder.

The dust is still settling, and amongst the swirling clouds of ash and debris, two figures emerge- and I have to take a double take, my eyebrows shooting up to my hairline.

It's a woman in baggy clothes, dragging a man clumsily stumbling after her by the collar. As they get closer, my jaw drops when I realize that woman is my sister.

My sister, who used to refuse to watch ET when we were younger because the part where he gets sick and almost dies was too much for her. The same sister who cried for hours when she ran over a bunny at sixteen, only a day after getting her license. The sister whose most aggressive feat was once a serious fistfight with Billy Jameson from down the street because he pulled a prank on her horse.

My sister, Louise fucking Grimes, is the one forcefully dragging the figure that I quickly realize is Negan towards us. Her expression is torn with rage as she hurls him forward on the gravel not too far from where we stand. I watch, momentarily stunned, as Negan stumbles, swaying sluggishly before landing on all fours. My chest shudders with an involuntary exhale of surprise as Louise delivers a swift kick around his middle, causing the tall asshole to collapse, his limbs giving out.

My jaw clenches involuntarily as I look the motherfucker up close. He's on the ground, face first, only slightly lifting his head to look at us weakly. Without hesitation, I stalk towards him, unslinging my revolver from my belt, the rhythmic thumping of my heart matching my determined footsteps as I close the distance. 

Distantly, I hear the others walking over, shouts and murmurs going amongst themselves. Getting closer, I raise my pistol, clenching my teeth so tight together I think I might shatter my jaw, ready to finally kill the motherfucker.

Negan weakly raises his head to meet my gaze, a trail of blood dripping from his hairline as a deep dark satisfaction curls in my chest. This is the moment I've been waiting for – the opportunity to finally kill him for everything he's done. 

Abruptly, my view of the coward is obscured, replaced by the familiar face of the woman I love. The woman who I'm trying to get revenge for.

"Stop!" Cass's breathless voice cuts through the air, her hand held out to me, her face set with determination. I pause, my eyebrows raising in response. She wants me to stop? Her other hand is held out to the rest of our family to our left, and one glance confirms my suspicions that it's Sasha and Rosita who are poised, weapons aimed at the slumped figure of Negan.

"Stop?" I repeat dryly, tilting my head to the side as I search her expression, confusion whirling in my mind. Just beyond the fabric of the dress she's wearing, I notice Negan slumping over, unconscious this time. 

Cass's chest heaves before she gulps, setting her sweeping gaze on me with a slight wince. "I get it, Rick. Trust me, I want him dead just as much, if not more than you do." she gets out quickly, glancing once at my sister behind her. Following her gaze, I see Louise staring at me, her eyes wide, mouth parted.

My chest aches. She looks so grown up. It's only been a few years, but the slight softness in her cheeks is gone, replaced by sharp cheekbones and subtle wrinkles by her eyes and between her eyebrows. 

I suddenly wonder about everything she's been through, if she's endured the same hell we have. The thought sends a chill down my spine.

I want to hug her, reassure her that her big brother is back and won't let anyone hurt her again, but the urgency of the situation pulls me away, as it seems my brilliant wife is deciding to be stubborn.

"This is too easy. He's not even conscious." Cass mutters, her disdain evident as she casts a disgusted look back at Negan. The drool from his mouth and the blood from his forehead mix with the dirt on the gravel, creating a gross puddle by his mouth. As I meet Cass's gaze once again, the confusion in my mind unravels and pride begins to swell in my chest as I grasp what she's getting at. "When we kill him, it's going to be slow. And painful. Not like we're putting down a sick dog." she decides, her jaw set just as determinedly as her iron will.

A grin pulls at my mouth. That's the woman I fell in love with.

I sling my pistol confidently onto my belt, the weight a familiar comfort against my side as my grin spreads across my face. "As usual, you're right," I admit with a sigh, my gaze fixating on her, making a small smile grow on her breathtaking face, warming my heart,

"We'll get him back to Alexandria. Put 'im in the cell until we decide what to do with him," I decide with a nod, a sense of contentment settling over me as the plan takes shape in my mind. That way we can figure out how to make him suffer.

"You're serious?" Rosita questions angrily, her posture shifting restlessly as she squints at me through the sunlight. I turn to her as she drops her rifle with frustration, an involuntary sigh escaping me. Before I can utter a word, Cass interjects.

"After what he did, you feel like you're getting revenge shooting him while he's out cold?" Cass questions her, tilting her head curiously, her eyebrows raised. "I understand wanting him dead but this isn't exactly an equal punishment," Cass explains, her brows drawing together with a fierceness that reassures me that this place didn't break her. 

"You weren't there," Sasha responds quietly, her voice carrying the weight of the night Cass didn't see. The night where Negan slammed his bat repeatedly into Abraham's head. Cass's expression flickers with what appears to be guilt, momentarily exposed before she nods and looks down.

"And you weren't here. You have no idea what Cass did to save your ass." Louise snaps quickly, her protective glare locking on Sasha with a fierce intensity that catches me by surprise.

The surprise quickly transforms into a warmth spreading through my chest as I watch Louise fiercely defend the woman I love. It's a side of her I've never seen before, a protective anger that I haven't seen her have with any of the women I've been with, not even Lori. 

Cass turns to her quickly. "Louise, it's fine," She breathes, attempting to diffuse the tension, but Louise remains steadfast in her protective stance, her eyes unwaveringly fixed on Sasha, the corners of her mouth downturned with disgust.

Apart from the pride at my sister's ferocious protectiveness, curiosity and concern churn within me. "What does she mean? What did you do?" I ask Cass, my heart pounding audibly, causing both Cass and Louise to shift their attention toward me. Cass hesitates, her lips parting as if grappling with how to respond.

Lousie, seeing this, rolls her eyes, meeting my gaze defiantly. "Cass is the reason you guys didn't get shot to shit out there. She came up with and carried out the idea to kill Negan's soldiers. All two hundred of them." Louise explains on her behalf, making Cass's cheeks flush as she averts her gaze sheepishly. 

My eyebrows shoot up, fierce pride and respect for the woman I'm already head over heels for flooding through me. I focus on Cass, my jaw actually dropping at the revelation. 

Does that put her kill count above mine? The thought unexpectedly ignites a flame of searing attraction and admiration in my chest. Fuck, that's hot. 

"Damn, Cass!" Glenn laughs, breaking the tension and making Cass's stoic expression crack, breaking into a laugh and shaking her head. Her wonderful green eyes dart up to mine nervously, as if bracing for my reaction.

I'm not sure why she always thinks that her doing badass shit like that would disgust me when it really just turns me on. 

"I think I just fell more in love with you," I tell Cass honestly with a grin, making her face explode in a blush as she looks away, fighting a grin of her own. 

"Damn Rick, Cass said you changed, but I was not expecting that," Louise's voice cuts through the air, laced with a teasing grin that captures my attention, tearing my gaze away from my incredible wife. The joy of seeing Louise is no longer overshadowed by anything else, making my smile broaden. 

"Oh shut up," I breathe, shaking my head through my shit-eating grin before gently brushing past Cass and crossing the distance to my sister, pulling her into a crushing hug. The happiness is blinding, mixed with a surge of emotions constricting my throat, threatening to overwhelm me once again.

Louise laughs into the hug, her hands wrapping tightly around my back as she hugs me back, relief flooding me physically feeling her with me. I lift her off the ground slightly, my heart soaring being reunited with the sister who stuck through me our entire childhood.

Our parents were never that involved, so it always felt like it was just the two of us against the world. It's why I'm so protective of her. 

The hug is tight, our arms and bodies locked just as they used to be. "I missed you," Louise's raw voice croaks beside my ear, prompting my expression to crumple.

"Missed you too, Lou," I reply hoarsely, pulling back to take in her appearance once again, still in a state of disbelief. There are splatters of walker blood across her face that looks eerily similar to Mom's, her curls are disheveled and as unruly as mine, and the oversized clothes are hanging off her frame.

I grin. Classic Louise.

"Our mother would have a heart attack if she saw you like this," I snort, making Louise groan and roll her eyes. That woman would hound on Louise relentlessly, hating that she preferred running through the marsh with her horse over being a debutant, like Mom was. She would always go on and on about Louise's 'wasted beauty'. It drove Louise insane.

"Way to ruin the moment dumbass," Louise scoffs, her eyes dancing with amusement as she fights off a grin of her own. The edges of my awareness perk up, and I glance over my shoulder to see Cass walking up beside me, her smile radiating warmth as if she hadn't just revealed that she killed hundreds of soldiers. 

I smile back at her, still not able to believe that she's here, alive, with me.

The sun casts a golden glow on her hair, illuminating the green in her eyes despite the ash and blood smeared over her. None of that matters. The blood, ash, or dust don't change the fact that she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

And she's mine.

Instinctively, my hand reaches out to her, wrapping around her waist as she comes up to us, grinning at Louise and I, her hand settling between my shoulder blades. "I've been waiting so long to see you two together," Cass beams, her joy for us making my heart ache. She cares so much.

"I could say the same," Lou grins, raising her eyebrows at me and looking pointedly at my hand on Cass's waist.

I sigh, briefly looking away, my stubborn grin starting to hurt the muscles on my face, my cheeks warming. 

"I'm messing with you, idiot. You picked good. I like her," Louise says, the last part a whispered secret, even though Cass is right here, in earshot.

Despite her playful tone, I can see in her eyes that she genuinely approves, sending a flutter of relief through me. Louise is the only person whose opinion has always mattered to me when it comes to my partners. She's the best judge of character.

Except when it comes to her own love life.

"'Like' is all I get? Wow," Cass mutters sarcastically, shaking her head with feigned annoyance, a playful glint in her eyes that matches Louise's snort of laughter. I watch them for a moment, struck by the heartwarming sight of the two women who mean the world to me, effortlessly bonding. The way Louise protected Cass before suddenly makes perfect sense.

I glance over my shoulder at the limp and still unconscious Negan, who is being closely watched over by Sasha and Rosita, their expressions pulled down with disgust at him. The rest of the group seems restless, checking up on each other, a few checking out the damage from the last explosion.

"We should get out of here," I say, my brow pulled in determination, cursing at myself for allowing the joy of my reunions to distract me from the fact that we're still in enemy territory. It may be crumbling down to the ground with most of it on fire and apparently all the soldiers dead, but it's enemy territory nonetheless.

The energy in our previously happy reunion shifts, prompting Louise and Cass to nod in agreement, their expressions becoming more alert. I hear Louise sigh with relief, thanking Cass for getting the other wives out.

"Alright everyone, we need to head out! Plan B is waiting out back!"I shout, my voice carrying a sense of urgency as I rally the others. Determination sets in, with a few hilltop people already making their way in that direction. I turn back to Sasha and Rosita, nudging Daryl over to help us carry Negan.

Together, we manage to hoist the asshole between the four of us. Rosita, who's holding his shoulders and head, 'accidentally' drops her half, making his head slam down on the gravel with a dull thud. "Oops," she mutters flatly before grabbing him again, prompting me to look away, struggling significantly to hide my smirk.

Surveying the group, I mentally check the group, making sure everyone is here before we head out. Cass and Louise are at the front of the group of wives, engaged in conversation, stealing glances over at Negan. Cass's eyebrows raise slightly, a smirk pulling at her mouth in response to whatever Louise is saying.

Before I can keep admiring my wife's beauty for another minute, an ear-splitting and blood-curdling scream slices through the air, turning my blood to ice.

Knowing that it's not my sister or my wife, I swing around wildly, searching for the source until I spot her.

It's one of the younger-looking wives with blonde hair that I don't know, near the back of the group. Her blue eyes are wide with terror as a walker bites down on the connection of her neck and shoulder, making my stomach drop.

The young boy she's holding screams, thrashing in the arms of the woman frozen in place. Hit by confusion at the young boy I hadn't noticed before, my heart breaks, knowing she's a goner.


Cass and Louise shout an indistinct name over the other screams erupting from the wives before tearing across the distance toward her. 

My heart sinks as I watch the blonde crumple to her knees, managing to keep a grip on the boy, who's screaming relentlessly. Louise's scream echoes, a harrowing and hoarse battle cry as she slams an axe onto the walker's forehead, detaching it from the woman. Cass rushes over, swift and determined, grabbing the woman and the sobbing child away from Louise, who's fervently hacking at the walker's brain.

Panicking, I turn to Daryl, Rosita, and Sasha, who are looking just as horrified as I feel. Daryl nods at me with steely determination, his eyes wide, urging me to go.

Letting go of my part of the unconscious asshole who put us in this situation, I sprint over, my boots digging in the gravel. Louise now sits beside the woman, her head hanging, her blood-covered axe tossed on the ground beside her.  The woman who got bit is lying on the gravel, staring up at the sky, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, a pool of blood seeping from her bite. 

Cass is kneeling on the side opposite Louise, holding the screaming boy and staring down at the wife in obvious shock. Her bottom lip trembles, tears streaming down her beautiful face. Seeing her this distraught makes a sharp pain tear through my chest, wishing I could take it away. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Cass mutters repeatedly, looking down at the woman, her expression contorted with grief.

My heart is lodged in my throat as I quickly scan the trees where the walker emerged from, spotting none accompanying it. The absence of immediate danger brings a small measure of relief, but the tragedy unfolding tugs relentlessly at the core of my being.

Amidst the heavy silence, I hear Louise mutter something about being "so close," her fists clenched tightly on the fabric of her jeans, both equally covered in fresh walker blood. When I glance back at the bitten wife, my heart sinks at the sight of her now lifeless eyes staring up at the sky.

Crouching down beside Louise, I place my hand on her back, causing her to jump. As she realizes it's me, her eyes flare, her expression starting to crack- just as it did when we were kids before she would start crying. "Georgia was our friend. S-She's younger than both of us. It's not fair- she's not supposed-" Louise whispers, her choppy sentences cut off by a heartbreaking sob.

My heart cracks further as I spare a glance at the undoubtedly dead woman at their knees. "I'm so sorry," I tell them, my voice heavy with regret, my gaze lingering on Cass who is staring blankly at Georgia's lifeless face. 

I know no words can help to soothe the pain of losing someone so suddenly when five minutes ago, they were perfectly fine.

"Guys!" Aaron's urgent voice calls, making me swing around to see a horde of walkers, on fire and stumbling out from the destruction that was once the Sanctuary. There's about thirty of them, steadily stumbling towards us as if sent by the devil himself, straight from hell. My stomach wrenches at the sight. There are too many with our limited ammo. 

"We need to leave," I say to the women who mean the most to me in the world, my urgent words making Cass nod. She's clearly in a fog of disbelief herself, patting the little boy's back as he continues his shrill screaming.

Getting quickly to my feet, I rush to help Cass and the boy up, steadying her as she stumbles slightly. Severe worry courses through me as I observe her state, noticing a wince of pain, probably from her ankle. Damn it.

Glancing back, I see Louise planted firmly beside Georgia. "Louise!" I call, my voice urgent, aware of the rest of our family shooting at the encroaching walkers, leaving us with barely enough time to escape.

Louise shakes her head, stubbornly rooted to the spot. I exchange a look with Cass, who quickly nods, encouraging me. Stepping over swiftly, I grab Louise by her shoulders, knowing I need to physically drag her out of here otherwise she won't budge. Cass and I are both stubborn, but Louise takes stubbornness to a whole new level.

"No!" Louise cries, flailing wildly as I pull her to her feet roughly, her gaze still fixed on Georgia. My heart breaks, but my grip is unyielding, dragging her after Cass and the boy, who have already started to stagger away.

I wrap my arm around Louise's torso, despite how much she's struggling and smacking me. Keeping her alive takes precedence. The scream she lets out is one of pure frustration and grief, tearing at my heart. A sound I haven't heard in years

Glenn, Eric, and Aaron cover us, shooting the nearby walkers before rushing beside us as we run to the back of the Sanctuary, where the RV is waiting. My gaze catches the sight of the wives being assisted into the vehicle, while some hilltop people hop into a van parked beside the RV.

Navigating around the rubble from the hole in the corner of the building, presumably where the explosion occurred, we press on toward the middle where the vehicles are parked. Louise, now subdued, half-heartedly follows my lead, but I keep my grip firm on her, unwilling to let go as we navigate the chaos.

As I hear a deafening rumble and cracking from the building beside us, the others efficiently shove Negan's seemingly lifeless body inside the RV ahead of us. Glenn extends a helping hand to Cass, guiding her up the stairs with a kindness that tightens my heart. He knows I would do the same for Maggie.

Looking around, my heart sinks at the sight of the towering factory crumbling and shifting violently, as if about to fully collapse. Shit. Rushing with a surge of determination, I get  Louise up the stairs into the very crowded RV, slamming the door behind us.

Negan is still out cold in the back bedroom, guarded by Sasha and Rosita, who stand at the door, their expressions hard.

Cass, visibly shaken, sits down on the nearest couch, clutching the child tightly to her. Her pale face reveals the depth of her grief, and her vacant stare reflects a mind lost in sorrow. 

Louise shoves off me, stalking to the back, burying her face in her hands as she slumps into a seat at the table. 

Knowing she needs space, I carefully sit beside Cass, who remains unmoved. The boy has stopped screaming now, now silently crying with big, pitiful eyes that peer out from behind his oversized glasses. I wonder if he's Georgia's son. I can't understand why else there would be a child here.

I hear Eric tell the driver to set off, but it doesn't really register, my mind consumed with worry for the woman I love. "I'm so sorry," I murmur quietly, making her wince, before meeting my gaze. The faded grief seems to wane slightly as I reach out, gently wiping the tears from her face.

It pains me that the first time I did that today it was tears of happiness and now, it's to comfort her in the throes of grief. The feeling both of us know too well.

"I promised her that I would get her out. That she'd be able to see Alexandria," Cass whispers, her heartbroken tone cutting me to the core. Tears swell in her eyes, her breath catching with a sudden surge of emotion. "She hated it when Louise and I talked about taking Negan down- she was always so terrified and she was right!  L-Look where we got her-" I cut her off, holding her tightly to me, not letting her ramble her way into a panic attack through her anguish.

Her breath is ragged and uneven as I hold the back of her head, pulling her against me. "It's not your fault," I whisper against her, hoping to soothe her no-doubt staggering emotions only worsening with the shock. "It's no one's fault except Negan's. He put you all here- it's not on you for trying to escape it." I assure her, feeling Cass reluctantly nod, her breath still quivers. "I'm sorry," I repeat as Cass lets out a shuddering sigh, but she seems to relax somewhat in my arms.

We stay in that embrace for a moment, until I begin to feel Cass's shuddering and panicked breaths become tired, heartbroken exhales. It's not ideal, but it's better than her having a panic attack. 

"I'm scared," A new, trembling voice says, making me freeze, gently pulling away to look down at the small boy I had forgotten about. Cass withdraws from me, sniffling and wiping her tears away, putting on a brave face for the young boy, who seems to be only a few years older than Judith, maybe five years old.

Cass runs her hand over his hair, before pulling him into a hug, pulling his chest against hers, his head to the side of hers. "Oh honey, don't be scared. We're gonna take you somewhere safe," she assures him, her voice slipping into the same comforting and soothing tone she uses with Judith, now traced with trembling grief.

I gaze at Cass, silently searching her expression for answers. Seeing this, she sighs then mouths 'Negan's kid,' making my eyes widen, shock fluttering through me as I look down at him in surprise. 'Wife. Before,' Cass explains wordlessly once again, leaving me blinking in astonishment.

Negan was married, actually married, not his usual bullshit arrangement with all these women? I spare a glance at the four wives apart from Cass and Louise remaining. They sit close together, talking lowly, most of them crying, visibly torn apart at their loss. One of them sends a worried glance in Daryl's direction, who doesn't return the look.

"I want Nanny," the boy whimpers, his voice so sad and pitiful it's genuinely difficult to understand that this kid came from Negan. But a child should never be held for his father's crimes, and this poor five-year-old doesn't deserve this. I watch as Cass closes her eyes, her eyebrows crinkling with emotion at his cry for his caretaker, who I'm assuming isn't alive.  

"I know Derek, honey, I'm sorry," she soothes him, rubbing his back. She meets my gaze, emotion flooding those green eyes I've fallen for over and over again.

A realization tugs at the back of my mind, reminding me of earlier today when I rode to the Sanctuary and looked into the same color green eyes of her father. Her father, who should be in here.

I whirl in my seat, searching the full RV. Glenn, Eric, and Aaron are by the other couch, glancing at the others worryingly, speaking lowly. Daryl is sitting at the table on the other side of Louise, who still has her head in her hands. Sasha and Rosita remain at the door of the back room Negan is in, not talking to each other.

Turning to face the front, I see Carol in the passenger seat, and finally, Nathan driving, making relief surge through me. He's here. Thank God. We make eye contact in the rearview mirror, a silent understanding passing between us.

Nathan must have noticed Cass, and given her grief-induced haze, she likely didn't see him. And we needed to get the fuck out of there before the whole damn thing fell... that doesn't exactly give them a good moment to reunite. Nathan shoots me a look, a silent promise that he'll handle it, and I nod in agreement before turning my attention back to Cass.

The boy, Derek, seems to have fallen asleep, his head resting on Cass's shoulder, his arms draped over hers. Cass gently pulls his oversized glasses off his little nose, placing them on the window ledge behind us. Then she lets out a slow and heavy exhale, rubbing the boy's back. As usual, putting other's needs before her own.

And unsurprisingly, the needs of the only child here.

"Just another kid you've taken on, huh?" I ask, a soft and fond smile shadowing my expression. Cass turns to me, her features softening, the weight of grief seeming to ease from her eyes as she nods.

However, a flicker of clear pain crosses her expression, sparking my concern. She closes her eyes, releasing a short and sharp exhale. "Is it your ankle?" I ask, glancing down at her feet, not surprised considering she twisted it and continued running around in heels after.

Cass shakes her head, a strange look on her face before she shakes it off. "No, Derek's knee just digging into me a bit," she explains with a cringe, readjusting the boy in her lap. I nod, scrutinizing her expression. Taking a moment, I simply look at her, overwhelmed by the relief that she's here with me again. I run my fingers through her hair, tucking a stray strand behind her ear to see her full expression.

There's a war of emotion in her eyes, clear as day. Like me, she's probably relieved, but her friend just died- and I know she's tearing herself apart with grief and guilt because of it. 

As the RV slows not too long later, my gaze shifts through the windshield, capturing the sight of Alexandria's gate pulling open. I hear an audible sigh of relief from Cass that has me reaching out, and grabbing her hand. Nathan pulls to the side of the green just in front of the gate, shifting it into park as the gate is shut behind us.

Through the windshield, I spot Carl and Maggie on the porch of the house, staring at us with wide eyes, clearly holding their breath as they wait to see who comes out. The sun is beginning to set, lighting the houses ablaze with warm sunlight and sending harsh shadows across the place we call home. The home I'm finally bringing my sister, brother, and wife back to. Well, I guess I should call her my fiancée, but Cass feels like my wife and it just became a force of habit. 

The RV is full of the sounds of bustling and planning as everyone gets up and out, and I hear Eric and Aaron talking to the wives about getting them settled in one of the empty houses. There's plenty to choose from after the 'Wolves' nearly killed every single Alexandria resident the day I almost lost Carl and then did lose Cass.

I help Cass to her feet, which is not easy with her carrying Derek and still in those ridiculous heels. I make sure to grab the boy's glasses and when I glance to the side, I see Daryl, Sasha, Louise, and Rosita carrying Negan out. This time, when Louise, who's at his head, slams his forehead against the doorframe, I don't have the heart to smirk. But that dark, twisted satisfaction blooms, gnawing at my heart like a tumor, one that can't wait to see the fucker die. 

Before I can turn Cass to our driver and have her find out her dad is here, she walks out of the RV, seemingly on a mission. I watch as she passes off Derek to one of the older wives, a woman with deep olive skin and jet-black hair. I descend the stairs, passing Derek's glasses to the same wife, who acknowledges me with an uneasy smile before joining the rest of the wives walking away, led by Eric and Aaron.

I turn to see Cass standing alone for a moment on the grass, her eyes closed as she inhales and exhales steadily, as though savoring the air. My gaze remains fixed on her, a surge of empathy tightening its grip on my heart. She was locked in that hell hole with no way out. And if I'm remembering right, she's claustrophobic. 

After standing there and simply breathing, the harsh emotions weighing her expression seem to soften slightly. A wave of relief washes over me, witnessing how her being home has already seemed to help her. 

Meanwhile, behind us, Louise and the rest of the group carrying Negan, head wordlessly in the direction of the townhomes, where the cell is. Carol trails after them quickly, calling out to Daryl. I'm not worried. I know they'll handle him, that Louise and Daryl won't let Sasha and Rosita try to kill him. 

My attention is abruptly redirected as Cass grabs my arm firmly, her fingers digging into my muscle. I turn to her with slight surprise, a pang of concern slamming into me at the seriousness etched across her face "I need to go to the infirmary." she tells me, her green eyes determined, sending a flutter of shock through me.

No, she needs to go and see who was driving the bus and then reunite with her daughter, who's been crying out for her the entire time she's been gone. I forgot how dedicated she is to her job, but this seems extreme.

"Cass, Denise has been handling it, she doesn't need-" I start, searching her expression, my heart and words stopping as Cass winces in pain again. Her hand thats not gripping my arm tightly darts to her lower abdomen, resting on it with a cringe.

"No," she breathes hoarsely, her expression contorted in pain, her eyebrows crinkling together in clear panic. "I need to go to the infirmary, Rick," she tells me breathlessly, making my heart clench with panic, every heartbeat subdued by the crushing worry.

My eyes fly over her, searching for whatever injury I didn't catch before. Was she caught by a stray bullet? Did the walker get a scratch on her? Did some of the debris hit her? 

Cass opens her mouth, tears springing to her eyes as she hesitates to say something before closing her eyes. She collects herself for half a second before looking back at me, determined strength in her eyes, swayed by the way her bottom lip trembles. Then she says a phrase that makes my world stop.

"I... I think I'm having a miscarriage."


- Cass's POV -

"This will be cold," Denise says gently, as she squeezes the clear gel onto my abdomen. The cool gel spreads across my skin as she moves it gently with the wand of the ultrasound machine, sending a shiver down my spine. But the physical chill pales in comparison to the tumultuous storm of pain and uncertainty raging within me. My dress is hiked up, revealing more than I would normally be comfortable with, but in this small patient room with only Denise, Rick, and myself, I've kind of stopped caring.

I should be self-conscious, with my underwear gone, laying me fully bare on the patient bed. Yet, the gravity of the situation has eclipsed any semblance of embarrassment. I had to ditch my underwear because of the fresh blood staining it that nearly made me throw up in the sink. As a woman, it's a sight I've gotten used to... but as a pregnant woman... it is not.

Denise maneuvers the wand of the ultrasound- one that I didn't know we had until now. Apparently, the hilltop gave us their old one as a thank-you. 

Despite everything I've somehow braved today, I can't seem to gather the courage to watch the screen as Denise carefully slides the wand along my small bump, trying to see if the baby is still there. My stomach is in knots and my heart is racing with a panic that takes me by surprise. I didn't think I wanted this baby but somehow facing the idea it could be gone is horrifyung.

Rick's ever-steady grip on my hand is warm, radiating a strength that I don't seem to have. Nervously, I glance up at his unreadable expression staring at the screen. Guilt and fear grip my heart at the sight. 

He hasn't said a word since I told him. He's just had that same shell-shocked look on his face. 

As Denise glides the wand, still searching for signs of life, I exhale slowly, attempting to find solace in the rhythm of my breath. The room is heavy with the unspoken, the weight of our potential loss looming over me. It's not entirely surprising honestly. My mom had a miscarriage early on in her and my dad's relationship.

A bittersweet thought flits through my mind – if this baby is Negan's, maybe... this could be a blessing in disguise.

But my world tilts on its axis as the unmistakable warped thumping of a fetal heartbeat echoes loudly to the right of me. I hear Rick's breath catch and I whip my head to the right, eyes wide. There, on the outdated screen is a wavy and hard-to-see but unmistakable fetus on the screen.


A shuddering breath escapes me, my brows turning upward in the middle, overwhelmed by a flood of indescribable feelings going through me. Amazement, relief, and an inexplicable sense of protectiveness surge through my body actually seeing it. There it is... the baby that saved me. 

Tears well up in my eyes, at the sight of the tiny life curled up inside me. You really are a resilient thing, aren't you?

"H-How far along?" Rick's voice is a hoarse croak, and one glance confirms my suspicions that his eyes are just as watery as mine. He clears his throat, his brows knitting together in a mixture of disbelief and heavy emotion.

A strange relief flutters through me. After seeing him so blank before... 

I tear my gaze away from the captivating sight to see Denise blinking at the screen, uncertainty etched across her face at Rick's question. To be fair, the complexities of fetus development in ultrasound weren't exactly covered in my training.

"Four months." I say breathlessly, my own amazement sending a shiver down my spine. Despite my lack of a bump, here it is, undeniably there. Undeniably four months old.

The little shit must be snuggled up in the back- one of my guesses on why my bump could be so small at four months. Thank God I was right.

Gratitude surges within me, manifesting as a smile of sheer amazement, while a tear traces a solitary path down my cheeks. The baby could be Rick's.

Denise glances between us, seeming to sense the weight of the moment. "I'll, uh, give you guys a moment. It's really good to have you back, Cass. Congratulations," she says warmly, and I offer a grateful smile as she leaves, the door shutting carefully behind her. My attention returns to the frozen screen that encapsulates the miracle in front of us. 

The baby is curled up in the usual fetal position and looks relatively healthy, with no detectable abnormalities. A flutter of pride washes over me – an unexpected swell of emotion at the determination of this baby to keep on living. And surprisingly, relief too. I didn't realize that it mattered so much to me until I faced the terrifying thought that it might die.

"Four months..." Rick says slowly, making me turn to him, my brow crinkling in the middle as he stares at the screen.

A wave of regret grazes the edges of my consciousness. I had hoped it was four months along. That means there's a chance it's Rick's. But it doesn't confirm it. I can't determine the day of conception, it's just not possible at this stage. All I can guess is how many weeks, it's usually easier to determine age in the first trimester, and now I'm in the second. 

This baby was probably conceived... I do the quick mental math, my stomach dropping. Around 17 weeks ago. The week I went missing. The week that I spent half of at home and the other half in the Sanctuary.

"We can't know," I whisper, guilt constricting my throat with an iron grip, threatening to strangle me

Rick's tear-filled gaze darts to mine, those pools of familiar and comforting blue searching the depths of my soul. And it's all suddenly too much. The weight of suppressed emotions that I had pushed away to reach this point suddenly crashes over me. The dam holding back the flood of feelings finally cracks and gives way, every feeling surging through me like a tidal wave, suffocating and overwhelming.

I break down, unable to hold it back any longer. Through my fast, panicked breaths, I start sobbing uncontrollably, unable to fight the pressure behind my eyes, weighing down, coaxing me into an endless stream of tears.

My lungs burn, my heart aching as the myriad of my emotions overwhelm me. There's a deep sadness and suffocating grief because Georgia is dead after I promised her I'd take her here. Then there's the agitating guilt twisting my intestines for what I did to all those Saviors. The sense of relief of finally being home is overshadowed by the regret gnawing at me for keeping the baby from Rick. And finally, the overwhelming guilt and self-hatred whipping within me because I put him in this situation again.

It's just too much.

"I'm so sorry, Rick," I manage to choke out through my sobs, my voice strangled and hoarse. I blink at him through blurred vision, the world swimming in tears. Rick is immediately moving, grabbing and pulling me forward from the patient bed and swiftly into his arms.

Not feeling worthy of his comfort, I reluctantly wrap my arms around his back, desperate to contain the painful sobs that rack my body. "I'm putting you in this situation again- God, I'm so sorry," I cry, my words causing Rick to stiffen against me. 

As he pulls away quickly, his horrified eyes search my expression with disbelief. "Cass," he breathes, as if struggling to comprehend my words, his brows furrowed deeply. "Don't you dare apologize," He orders, his soft voice turning stern as he cups my face, his thumbs wiping the excess amount of tears from my skin.

"But-" I attempt to speak, my mouth stumbling over the word.

"You had to survive." Rick grits out, his brows set with determination, his jaw clenched. "D'you think I care if that baby is 'mine'? Do you think I love Judith any less than Carl because she's not 'mine'?" Rick asks me, his sincere expression and logic making me pause, my breath still uneven.

Rick gulps, his eyes darting across my face. "That baby-" his eyes flick to the screen, his gaze softening before meeting mine with a strength that I wish I had. "-Is ours. Just like Judith is ours. No matter what," he repeats, his voice stern and decisive, like any other idea is ridiculous.

Exhausted from sobbing so hard, my chest heaving, I blink back at him and swallow thickly. My bottom lip trembles, and at this point, I'm tempted to blame the hormones for the overwhelming flood of emotions coursing through me.

"I got so lucky with you," I breathe simply, and a teary smile cracks across Rick's face, crinkling his eyes with love. Leaning forward, hugs me tightly, seeming relieved that I've finally given in.

"We've been over this. I'm the lucky one," he murmurs in my ear, his words sending a wave of relaxation and soothing comfort over me that I haven't felt in four months.

"I'm just relieved you're okay. That you're both okay," he assures me, prompting me to close my eyes and absorb his reassuring words with a nod. 

Despite my feelings of inadequacy, I should have reminded myself of the man I'm marrying. The man who took in Judith in despite the betrayal she represented and has loved her every day as his own. The good man I got entirely too lucky with, no matter what he says. 

After Rick pulls away, he helps me wipe my abdomen clean from the gel before lowering my dress. God, I can't wait to wear my own clothes. 

"Thank you," I breathe, my voice finally sounding somewhat normal, just slightly nasally.

Rick looks up at me with a softness that intensifies the overwhelming love I feel for him. "Always," he murmurs, before nudging the tip of his nose- our code. A wide smile of relief pulls across my face, my chest warm with adoration, as I reciprocate the gesture.

"Are you okay? D'you know why..." Rick trails off, his gaze lingering on the bloodstains of my underwear tossed on the floor. I draw in a deep breath, redirecting my attention to the ultrasound in front of me. The ultrasound with no sign of early labor or miscarriage. 

"My best guess is it was a response to the stress of everything. The cramps started right after Georgia-" My voice falters, a lump forming in my throat that stops me from completing my sentence. I close my eyes, exhaling slowly as if it can soothe the horrible dark grief that claws at my spine, gnawing at my very being.

Rick doesn't say anything, just gently rubs my back in soothing circles, which I appreciate more than anything. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks softly, but I can only manage a slow shake of my head. There's nothing to talk about. 

It's just the harsh reality of the world we live in. A reality that I've been blocked from for too long in that damn place. At least Georgia can rest now. The thought makes me squeeze my eyes shut, preventing more burning tears from escaping.

"Is the baby healthy?" Rick asks, redirecting my attention. Opening my eyes, I meet his gaze, appreciating his attempt to distract me. Turning my focus back to the baby on the monitor, a soft smile creeps across my face; the tiny thing somehow soothing my raging grief.

"Yeah," I breathe in amazement. The stubborn thing keeps surviving despite never getting the proper nutrition and my incredibly high stress levels. The stubbornness alone makes me think it's Rick's. 

"Can you tell the gender?" Rick asks, and I turn to him with a growing smile, although a part of me refuses to let go of the grief lingering in the recesses of my mind. Rick studies me for a moment. "You knew the second you saw it, didn't you?" he comments, amusement crinkling his eyes. I nod, my cheeks flushing.

"It's a boy," I tell him, casting a fond glance back at our son. Our son, whose existence protected me for months thanks to Negan's stupidity.

"A boy," Rick echoes, his voice catching with breathlessness. As I turn to my soon-to-be-husband, unbridled joy radiates from his eyes.

"I hate to ruin the moment but... aren't you going to see Negan? I figured..." I trail off, uncertain. I don't know what I figured. That he'd almost immediately try to kill him? But we agreed against that.

"Cass, I want nothing more than to go over to that damn cell and beat the shit out of him," Rick assures me sternly, his harsh tone making my eyebrows flinch upward. He lets out a measured breath. "But you're here. And you are far more important than him." he assures me, those blue eyes locking into mine as he pushes through his clear hatred for him to be here for me.

I crack a smile. "Well if you do get the urge, remember to not kill him. Yet," I playfully remind him, prompting Rick's grin to widen.

To my relief, a few moments later when Rick opens the door so we can head out, he finds a stack of folded clothes and a pair of my shoes. Laying on top is a note from Michonne, saying she figured I would want to change.

Thank God for my brilliant friend.

Despite Rick's protests to help me, I make him stand outside as I quickly shower in the infirmary's bathroom. I need to wash away the traces of everything I went through before facing anyone else. And being the good man he is- he agrees- all the while letting me know if he hears any sound of me falling he's barging in.

Despite the overwhelming trust and love I have in him, I just needed a moment alone. I needed to rid myself of the evidence of everything– the ash, the disgusting layers of dirt from days spent in the cell, and the lingering walker blood drying on my skin. Even after the short, slightly dizzying shower, I only feel marginally better, as expected.

I learned that after I first killed that man years ago, back in front of the library after the storm with Rick, Hershel, and Glenn. The asshole who tried to grab me and to defend myself, I slit his throat. Rick technically shot and killed him after, but I still count him as my first kill. He would've died if Rick didn't shoot him. 

Back at the farm, after that, I stayed in the shower, desperately scrubbing off the blood, only to find that I couldn't wash away the weight of taking a life. And now, I know I can't erase everything I just went through, but at least I'm no longer reeking of sweat, dirt, and blood.

Putting on my clothes is something I hadn't thought I would appreciate so much. But the simple act of stepping into my familiar jeans and pulling on my favorite sweatshirt makes me feel even better than the shower did. Once dressed, I look at my reflection for a moment, my stomach twisting at the woman I'm struggling to recognize staring back at me in the mirror. Turning, I open the door and quickly walk out of the bathroom, bumping right into Rick, who's been standing watch. He swiftly turns, his eyes scanning me, clearly checking if I'm okay. I reassure him with a small smile before he can ask. 

Rick's eyes don't seem completely relaxed, but before I can ask him what's wrong, my heart stops.


My eyes widen at the familiar voice and I watch nerves flash behind Rick's eyes before they dart past my shoulder, back in the main room of the infirmary. Turning, I follow his gaze, my heart thudding relentlessly against my ribcage.

If I felt like I was dreaming when I reunited with Rick, I'm sure I am now when I turn around and standing in the middle of the main room, is my dad. He smiles warmly at me, his eyes searching mine nervously.

"D-Dad?" I stammer, my chest heaving with disbelief at the impossible sight. His smile, tentative and filled with nervous anticipation, reassures and confuses me simultaneously. Fear begins to consume me. Am I dreaming?

How is my dad, who should be in Washington and most likely dead, standing in front of me?

"It's me, kiddo," he reassures me, his familiar voice cutting through the tumult of emotions. Then he lifts his hand and nudges his nose, his eyes crinkled at the edges, the gesture sending a shudder crashing through me. Searing emotion wells up within me, and before I realize I've moved, our bodies are colliding in a warm and tight hug. 

"Oh my god," I whisper repeatedly as the unmistakable scent of his aftershave and coffee envelops me, dispelling any lingering doubt that this is real. Feeling his comforting and solid presence against mine grounds me in the insane reality that I find myself in. 

Dad, being my father, laughs warmly, hugging me back securely. "I've been looking for you," he says, his cheerful voice clipped with a hoarse edge that cracks my heart. I pull away, my hands still on his arms as I study his face with amazement. There he is- my dad. He still looks like him although his beard is all grey now, his wrinkles seem slightly more defined than before, and there's a scar on his cheek I don't remember.

"How?" I manage to ask, watching as my dad glances past me warmly, at Rick. I look back over my shoulder to see Rick watching our reunion with a smile, his arms crossed. "Rick?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"I was going across the country, lookin' for you since the beginning," Dad explains, making me turn back to him, blinking in amazement. "I ended up a few miles from here making camp before my last leg to Atlanta," I listen in stunned silence, trying to comprehend the mental image of my father who barely camped three times my entire childhood, going across the country alone. "That's where I ran into Rick and Morgan, who were looking for you as well," Dad finishes, my mouth parting as I absorb his words, blinking in amazement. 

"Your so-called fiancé tried to kill me, by the way," my dad adds under his breath, his eyes widened slightly in fear.

My jaw drops and I turn sharply to look at Rick, finding his expression mirroring my shock. Then Dad snorts, making me turn to him, narrowing my eyes. Oh, for fuck's sake. 

"Okay, he held me at gunpoint, which was fair because I did it to him first," Dad concedes through his big grin as I roll my eyes, calming my racing heartbeat. Typical Dad. "And I tackled him to the ground after, so we're even." he shrugs, earning a playful smack from me on his shoulder.

"You did not." I reply, horrified, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Even at 30, my father is still fucking embarrassing me. 

"He did," Rick confirms, coming up to the two of us, his smile immediately telling me that my Dad is telling the truth.

"Oh my god," I lament, running my hand over my face, my hand on my hip, trying to comprehend this strange reality where Rick and my Dad know each other. 

"Oh Andy, it's fine, we're friends now, right Rick?" Dad asks, clapping Rick's shoulder with a camaraderie that catches me off guard. Rick smiles, nodding in agreement, his eyes full of warmth. I shake my head, the strangeness of it all not lost on me. 

"Want to come with us to go see the kids?" Rick invites my dad, who eagerly nods, his expression brimming with joy. It strikes me then that he's likely met Judith and Carl, his... grandkids?

Not sure if Carl would agree to that. He told me back at the Sanctuary that he basically sees me as his stepmom after I called him my kid... but still. It's hard to read him sometimes. And I don't blame him. 

"Judith loves me," my dad tells me gleefully, his arm around my shoulder as he guides me out of the infirmary, Rick closely following. My heart flutters with anticipation at the mention of Judith. Finally, I'm going to see my baby girl.

"I'm sure she does," I reply, casting a fond look at my dad. He's always been so good with kids. Effortlessly funny and kind, he could make the kids in our neighborhood laugh until our stomachs ached, especially when he played with us, pretending to be the "blob monster". He was born to be a dad, and I know when I told him that I didn't want any kids, he was crushed for that very reason.

As we cross the street, getting closer to home, my dad speaks again. "And it looks like I was right," he adds lowly under his breath, making me look at his smug expression, quickly realizing that he's talking about our last conversation.

The conversation we had years ago now when I told him I was going to marry Phillip and not have any kids. And my dad told me that I would find a man who wouldn't lay a hand on me and I would quickly realize I would want a family with him.

"Bragging is off-putting," I mutter one of my dad's famous sayings back at him through my grin which I can't seem to shake. For once, I find myself eternally grateful my Dad was right like he always is.

Happiness unfurls in my chest as we ascend the steps up our porch, not fully believing I'm actually here. The sun has fully set now, painting the sky a soothing shade of purple, with the lights from neighboring houses casting a warm glow on us. Rick steps forward, holding the door open for me and my dad, making me send him a smile of thanks.

Stepping inside, gratitude washes over me as I realize that it's only Carl and Judith inside waiting for us. Though I desperately want to reunite with everyone, the prospect of facing a crowd after everything I've been through today feels overwhelmingly daunting. Carl's grin widens as I walk in, Judith nestled in his lap, her back turned to me as she looks up at him.

I stop in my tracks, my knees threatening to buckle under the weight of the emotions that surge through me at the sight of her. But before I can begin to stumble, my dad steadies me, his gaze full of concern as he looks at me. But I can't look at him. My eyes are trained solely on my girl.

She's so big.

As much as I wished it hadn't, time mercilessly continued while I was away and she's grown without me. Her blonde curls are longer and her body has elongated slightly, turning her from the baby I remember to a near toddler. The contrast between my last vivid memory of her and her now tugs at my heart, a painful reminder of the time we've spent apart.

I don't notice Rick leaving our side until I see him gently grabbing her from Carl, who's watching me with concern in his eye. My gaze is trained on his father as he hoists Judith on his hip, walking towards me with an eager grin. My heart stutters seeing her beautiful face that's grown as well- beginning to show off her unique and beautiful features. She seems happy, blinking and looking around, a little smile on her face. 

My breath quickens with intense anticipation, my heart pounding as Rick comes right up to me, his eyes trained on me with a knowing smile. "Judith," I breathe, my voice breaking with my choking emotion, making her look at me, those beautiful brown doe eyes of hers meeting mine.

A wave of overwhelming love and relief courses through me, my expression crumpling into a mix of emotions, a tender smile quirking across my face. My baby. My breath is rapid with anticipation, desperate to hold her once again, to feel her, to hug her. I step forward, my hands reaching for her.

But my heart splinters painfully as Judith's eyes widen and she breaks out into a cry of fear, instinctively leaning away from me and seeking refuge in Rick's shirt, distancing herself as far as she possibly can from me. 

I freeze, terror seizing me as she cries, shaking her head, tears streaming down her face. My eyes are burning as I stare back at her, my heart sinking. The world fades into muffled voices trying to sound reassuring but all I can focus on is her fearful expression, the harsh realization sending a chill down my spine.

She's forgotten me.

I stumble back from my dad's arms, shaking my head, panic tightening its grip on my chest.

She's forgotten me.

A flood of memories rushes behind my eyes. The first time I laid eyes on her in Maggie's arms, covered in blood, right after being born. Smiling down at her in her makeshift crib made out of a file box, with 'Lil' Asskicker' scrawled on the side, in my cell. 

She's forgotten me.

Visiting her as Beth and Sophia played with her, babysitting her at the prison, my heart full of love for the three girls. The urgency I felt while killing the walkers headed for her in her car seat as the prison fell around us. The panic coursing through me as I grabbed her and just ran.

She's forgotten me.

Surviving together in the unforgiving woods, somehow keeping each other alive. The heart-breaking moment she called me "Mama" for the first time. Killing that man in the woods for trying to touch her. The joy I felt reuniting her with her brother and dad. Hearing her sweet voice calling Rick "Dada."

She's forgotten me.

Bringing her to this place. The memory of holding her up in the mirror, giggling with her as she called herself pretty- the warmth I felt in my heart when I realized the little family I was becoming a part of. 

And her face, minutes ago, etched with pure fear as I reached out to pick her up. To hold her close like I did a million times before, only to terrify her. 

... She's forgotten me.

I'm forced out of my fog of grief as the familiar scent of my father's aftershave envelops me. I look up, stunned, to meet his determined expression, finding him right in front of me as he forces Judith into my arms.

Struggling to support her weight as she wriggles against me, I shoot my dad a look of utter disbelief, only to find him gazing back at me with unwavering determination. "Talk to her," he instructs me, his eyes boring into mine.

My mouth opens, still grappling with disbelief, the panic only worsening that I'm just going to traumatize her. With a nervous gulp, I shift my attention to Judith, adjusting to her new weight in my arms as her screams slowly transform into cries. Her eyes remain wide, filled with uncertainty as she looks up at me tearfully.

Pushing through the agonizing pain in my heart, so intense it feels like a heart attack, I readjust so I'm holding her just as I used to. "Judie girl, it's Mama," I whisper softly, watching as her heaving cries begin to subside, her blinks becoming slower as she gazes up at me. 

I press a gentle kiss to her forehead, mimicking the comforting gesture I used to do all the time. Bouncing her lightly, I repeat, "It's me, honey, it's me," against her forehead. Suddenly, her grip on me tightens, and a strange hope stirs in my chest.

"Mommy?" she whimpers, her voice quiet but loud enough to elicit a shuddering exhale from me, the relief crushing. Drawing back from her forehead, I look down at her, a genuine smile of relief breaking across my face.

"Yeah baby, it's me," I reassure her, looking down at her adorable little face as she blinks at me. Then just like that, she begins crying again but this time, it's not a cry of resistance but of surrender as her grip tightens, pulling herself into me, burrowing into my chest.

She remembers me. 

"Mama!" she cries, louder this time, each syllable tugging at my heartstrings. I hug her back desperately, my eyes fluttering closed. Thank god.

"I'm here, Mama's here," I breathe, losing myself in the warmth of holding my baby close once again. The love I feel for this baby is beyond words.

I'm uncertain how long I've been holding Judith, but the world around me suddenly seems to regain its clarity, and I hear the soft conversations of the rest of them.

As I finally open my eyes, the first faces I see are my Dad and Rick, both watching us fondly. There's an extra softness in my dad's eyes that I don't miss.

'Thank you.' I mouth to him, watching as he looks between me, Rick, and Judith, his warm smile spreading across his expression, crinkling his eyes with love. 

"Good to see you home," Carl's voice says to my left, making me snap my head in his direction, a laugh of pure happiness bubbling up my throat seeing him alright. 

"Carl! Come here," I grin, holding out my free arm, and letting him hug into my side that Judith isn't attached to. He's almost as tall as me now, which I swear is taller than he was the last time I saw him. "It's good seeing you not risking your life," I murmur, a smirk curling my lips, my heart warming being reunited with the sweet kid. 

As I look between him, Judith, my Dad, and finally Rick, tears well up in my eyes. But for the first time since Georgia died, they're tears of overwhelming happiness. 

I'm finally home. 


A/N: Did I mess with you with the title? Maybe hehe. Cass saved Negan's son, so in turn, her son is saved :') 

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