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- Cass's POV -

"It was seriously annoying." Sophie grumbles, biting into her granola bar aggressively, obnoxiously chewing on the mix of oatmeal, grains, and chocolate chips.

I raise my eyebrows at her, making her stop mid-chew, her intelligent gaze questioning me. "What?" She demands thickly through her mouthful of food and I look down, shaking my head with amusement.

"It was 'seriously annoying' that your patient didn't have a tumor?" I question her sarcastically, leaning against the nurses' station as we check our patient's charts.

"Yes?" Sophie responds as if it's the obvious answer, clearly seeing no issue with her thought processes, making me snort.

Oh, Soph.

"Dr. Adams, you have a new patient in 411." A passing nurse informs me, and I smile gratefully back at him. "Thank you!" I call back and he waves a hand in acknowledgment before continuing down the hall.

"Don't leave me in a time of crisis, this is just cruel!" Sophie whines, throwing her head back dramatically, making her mop of curly black hair tumble down her back.

"Listen. You met her at an art gallery and you two are going on a date tonight. I think you will be fine." I tell her but she shakes her head stubbornly.

"You don't get it, you're into geriatric old men, you will never understand. She is a goddess Cass- I can't live up to that." Sophia grumbles, hiding her face in her hands. I come up behind her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"You will be just fine- I'm sure this Michelle-"


"-Michonne. Thank you, will like you just as much as you like her. She did agree to go on a date, which usually implies as such." I grin with amusement and she nods, knowing I'm right. "Okay," She admits lamely, fiddling with the corner of her chart.

"Now, I have to actually do my job, alright? Also, I may like older men- but they are never geriatric," I inform her dryly with a begrudging smirk. She will never let me forget that I'm into DILFs.

She simply nods, not looking at me. "Go on, save the kid, you retirement home robber," Soph replies snarkily, and I roll my eyes, walking away with a fond smile.

After briefly checking the chart and knocking, I push open the door to 411 with a smile. It's a young girl with appendicitis.

Nice and simple.

"Penny Blake?" I ask, and the girl sitting up in the hospital bed, tucked into the white sheets, looks up and nods, her eyes wide. My eyes scan the room, not finding her adult.

"Hi, there! I'm your surgeon, my name is Dr. Adams" I tell her with a friendly and soft tone. I stroll through to the back of the hospital room, bright from the Atlanta skyscraper reflecting light across from us.

"Do you have a guardian with you?" I question Penny, and she nods, her eyes darting over my shoulder just as a door clicks behind me. I turn and bump right into someone.


"Sorry there, didn't see ya," The man I bumped into says with a friendly smile. I blink back at him in slight shock. He's tall, with brown hair and eyes, smiling down at me kindly. My heart flutters in my chest, he's kind of cute.

I smile back sheepishly, trying to not let myself blush. "No problem, I was just letting Penny know that I'm her surgeon," I inform him, tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Ah, great to meet you. I'm her dad, Phillip."


The meeting room is quiet as I pace back and forth anxiously, wringing my hands. I walk through the bright beam of sunlight streaming through the barred windows at the top of the wall beside me, blinding me for a second before I turn, pacing the other way. My heart hasn't stopped pounding since I found the creature a few hours ago, anxiety still tingling through my veins.

"A rabbit?"

"A bunny." I correct hoarsely as I stop my pacing, my voice low with disgust, still in disbelief at my situation.

Glenn sighs. "We searched everywhere- there's no sign of breach and no one saw anything-"

"- of course not. He wouldn't let anyone see him," I snap, shaking my head to myself. I can't believe he's still getting to me. After all this time. That familiar fear that he will always be able to control me- to forever keep me manipulated- is steadily growing.

"Cassandra," Herschel says, his voice soft. I whip my head to his, my eyes wild and chest heaving. Just from seeing his face, I know he doesn't believe me.

No one does.

"Do you think that maybe it's just a coincidence?" Herschel offers slowly and carefully as if he talks too loudly or sharply that I'll shatter. I would have a year ago. But now? I'm angry.

Fierce rage and irritation flares up in me and I step forward, slamming my hands down on the table loudly. Some of the people at the table flinch, looking at me in shock.

"It's. Him." I growl lowly, my gaze glowering into Herschel's slightly taken aback blue eyes. There's no doubt in my mind. This has Phillip written all over it.

Why don't they get that?

"It's just a rodent- we get them in here all the time," Maggie says gently from behind me.

I whirl on her, betrayal stinging my heart as I see her worried expression. "A well-fed brown rabbit? One that looks like a pet- acts like a pet, just happened to wander into my cell?" I ask her incredulously, seething. It can't be a coincidence. It just can't.

"I'm sorry- but I don't see why it would be him," Sasha speaks up, her eyebrows knitting together as she shakes her head slightly.

Stepping backward, I scoff, looking down in defeat, my shoulders sagging. "You guys don't get it. This is the perfect way for him to get back at me. It was his fucking pet name for me. Bunny." I express breathlessly, my eyes desperately searching theirs. "I know him. Better than any of you. It's a threat. A way to... fuck with me," I tell them, my voice raspy, gritting through my teeth with the last words, fighting past the thick lump in my throat and hot tears trying to force themselves out.

I watch in despair as my family simply glances at each other with concern. Like I'm fucking crazy.

Sighing with tears springing to my eyes, I collapse onto a stray chair, dropping my head in my hands, my fingers digging into my hairline.

He's done it.

If he could see this right now, he would be so fucking pleased with himself. Successfully making me look insane- making me feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. It was his favorite hobby after all.

"It could be him." A voice speaks up, making my heart lurch.

My head snaps up to see Carol across the meeting table, looking right back at me. Relief and a powerful gratitude surge through me, already feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Someone believes me.

"You guys don't know what it's like," Carol says quietly, looking down at her lap momentarily. "To be abused." she tells them simply, her eyebrows raised ever so slightly. The rest of the group avert their gazes at her words, their discomfort clear on their faces.

Carol and I stare at each other for a moment in complete understanding. Her eyebrows twitch slightly, her mouth pulling down at the corners in compassion. I smile slightly back at her, pushing through the pained expression taking over my face.

She knows. She's the only one who could understand. With the exception of Daryl, who isn't here.

"Okay. Say it is him. What then?" Glenn asks, glancing around us thoughtfully. I break my staring contest with Carol, glancing over at him. I hadn't really gotten that far.

"We find him. And kill him. Once and for all." Rick says with coarse determination, making my head snap up to look at the doorway, where he is standing with Michonne, both slightly out of breath.

I shoot up from my chair, making it creak loudly behind me, my heart pounding. "No luck?" I ask the pair desperately, my eyes darting between them. Michonne shakes her head, making me sag slightly in defeat.

"Daryl and Spencer are out there past the fences, searching the woods for tracks," Rick informs the room and I nod, looking down with relief.

Well, that's something. If there is anything out there, Daryl will find it.

"We found something else though."

"What the hell is that?" Carol asks with bewilderment.

I squint my eyes through the darkness of the tombs until someone shines a flashlight on the object, making my eyebrows shoot to my hairline in shock.

Pinned on a board by its paws is a rat with its insides falling out. Someone has dissected the creature. Disgust bubbles up in me as I look the scene over, a grimace pulling at my face.

"Someone dissected it." I determine with repulsion, my classes in undergrad coming flashing back. All those random animals we dissected shoot through my mind- the ones done much more eloquently than this crude brutalization.

"Could it be the same person behind the rabbit?" Maggie asks, but I shake my head immediately, sparing a glance at her in the dark, dingy, hallway.

"Phillip is a narcissist, not a psychopath. He wouldn't waste his time with something rudimentary like that."

"Rudimentary? So you mean a kid did this?" Glenn questions, his eyebrows raised with shock.

"Could be. It's common for adolescents who have Antisocial Personality Disorder, or psychopathy, to kill and dissect small animals. No matter what, this isn't the same person who put the animal in my cell." I determine darkly.

I spare a look at the group, lingering for a moment on Rick's expression as he looks back at me. The way his eyebrows are set, his intense eyes unflinchingly staring me down- like he's trying to read me, figure me out. It makes my stomach lurch and I have to look away before walking out without another word, my chest tightening with anxiety. They can figure that out for themselves. I'm not wasting my time with it.

While it's obvious to me that Phillip is behind the rabbit, I still can't figure out why he didn't do more. If he finally had the chance. It causes a creeping feeling of dread to begin to overwhelm me.

He's planning something much bigger.

I realize once I've stopped walking that I've just returned back to my cell and I sigh, looking into it now. The bunny is long gone- they took it not too long ago. The room is empty now- not one trace of the horrific small creature left behind.

Walking in quickly, I rip the sheet behind me for some privacy despite the fact the cell hall is empty.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I run my hands over my face, trying to collect my racing mind. I need to pull myself together.

I knew he was out there. I knew it. But I had hoped the shame of losing so badly in the last confrontation would have left his ego wounded enough that he would just leave. Disappear into nothing.

But clearly, I was wrong.

I suddenly feel the urge to strip off all the clothes I had been wearing. To peel off the layer that touched the incident- to put as much distance between that creature and me as possible.

So I do, leaving myself in my white bra and light blue panties after throwing the tainted outfit in the laundry basket. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair and place my hands on my hips, glancing around the room.

My eyes stop and linger on the edge of the bed frame, where Spencer's jacket is resting. Huh. I gulp, not realizing he had left it behind. My stomach spasms remembering the events of last night. And the thoughts of the jacket's former owner that made me...

My tentative fingers come out to caress the fabric, my heart pounding in my chest, desire beginning to pool in my lower abdomen.

Biting my lip, I squeeze my legs together at the sudden arousal screaming at me- reminding me of how intense that orgasm was. How good it felt to imagine Rick in that way.

Before I can think twice, I grab the jacket, pulling it into my bare body and hugging it tightly. Extreme comfort goes through me at the act. Feeling Rick's jacket against me like this, with his smell infiltrating my nose, is heavenly. I wish I could do this all the time. A deep ache pangs in my chest at the idea of having the right to hug him whenever I want. Touch him whenever I want. To feel this extreme comfort and contentedness at any point in time. I probably could hug him more often but I think he would begin to get weirded out.

His smell is still somehow lingering on the fabric and I take a deep breath, that arousal burning with new fervor at the act. I have to squeeze my thighs together again to aid the hot tingling sensation dancing between my legs. How did I get to a place where smelling and touching a jacket gets me this worked up?

A wicked thought pops into my mind, excitement fluttering through me at the prospect. I'm too worked up at this point, I have to get this pent-up energy out somehow.

The idea of doing this to get my mind off the other horrible events going on in my life is simply too tantalizing. Maybe that's maladaptive but frankly, I don't give a shit.

Pulling the jacket away from my embrace, I roll it up into a cylinder shape. I clumsily clamber onto the bed, excitement and pure arousal taking over the reasoning center of my mind.

Am I really going to do this?

It's not my fault that Spencer leaves me unfulfilled and unsatisfied. And what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I straddle myself around the jacket, my bare thighs clenching on either side of the fabric. Then with a muffled moan, I grind my hips against it, my eyes fluttering closed as satisfaction and pleasure flower in me instantly. Feeling his jacket, under my panty-clad crotch, is the epitome of pleasure. Knowing it's Rick's. The man who is perfect in every way, who I would give anything to grind against like this- is making the sensations ten times more incredible.

Just imagining riding him instead, makes me take a sharp breath in through my nose. Nervous butterflies and arousal flutter through me imagining being in bed with him, riding him as he gazes up at me with those eyes. Imagining a world where he would want that, where his warm hands would cup my breasts as I ride him, where he would throw his head back, whimpering and groaning in absolute pleasure.

My hips grind against the jacket again earning waves of satisfaction through my belly, sending sparks through the network of nerves between my legs. I capture my bottom lip under my teeth, biting down roughly to stop myself from moaning his name as I desperately grind against his jacket.

My pace increases at the intoxicating sensations going through me. Nothing has ever made me approach orgasm as fast as imagining Rick. He's just so- fuck

I whimper slightly and hang my head, one hand holding the jacket still as my grinding doesn't cease. As I move, the incredible sensation of the friction between my legs spreads up across my abdomen, my mind still consumed with Rick.

The way his dark brown curls fall around his insanely attractive face, sometimes with one singular strand on his forehead. The way he walks, with so much confidence and self-assurance, takes my breath away. I can picture him now, walking in slow motion with his button-down slightly loose and open at the top, teasing his toned chest underneath.

How he turns his head to look at me, eyebrows slightly raised, a smile pulling at those incredibly kissable lips of his. When he smirks down at me while he teases me, sending irritation yet arousal through me at the idea. He's so cocky and stubborn sometimes- I wonder if he's that way in bed. Or if he would be soft and gentle.

Either way- I want to find out. So bad. I desperately want to hear my name in a throaty groan from his lips as he fucks me. I can hear it in my mind now.


Ecstasy goes through me and I throw my head back, holding back a deep moan. I want him to trail kisses across my skin, all of it. I would let him touch, kiss, and lick every millimeter of my body. Around my torso, on my breasts, down and across my legs, sucking and marking my neck. I want to give myself to him. All of me. To let him do what he pleases, knowing it will give me unbelievable pleasure.

I want him to want to touch me. To want to fuck me. To feel me. To taste me.

Unlike Spencer, in my fantasies, Rick wants to taste me- without hesitation or reluctance. God, I just want to feel desired. By Rick. So deeply.

My gaze finds the jacket I'm straddling once again, my mouth parting slightly just seeing it again. The tan corduroy jacket that he wore for months. That was wrapped around his torso and arms every day. That got to touch him nonstop. That got to go everywhere with him. Never thought I would be jealous of a jacket yet here we are. Never thought I would be dry-humping said jacket but yet...

To me, this jacket is him. The closest I can get.

My chest tightens as I realize just how close I am. The muscles of my legs are on fire at the continuous movement and are threatening a cramp, but I can't stop. It just feels way too fucking good. And I'm almost there.

I focus my mind on the one man I will never get over. The man who I will always want, no matter who I'm with. The man who seems to be perfect in every damn way. The man with the perfect hair, those perfect perfect eyes of his, the charming smirk, the fit body-

I don't have time to stop the desperate whimper pushing past my lips. I pretend like the rough fabric of the jacket is actually that toned torso that I could be gripping onto for dear life as Rick fucks me. Imagining his hips moving rhythmically against mine as he fills me up sends flicks of pleasure through my core. There's this sense inside me that tells me he would know exactly how to make me feel an incredible amount of pleasure.

As I approach orgasm quickly, my eyes flutter closed, my hips still grinding relentlessly onto the jacket. Behind my eyes, I'm looking down at Rick as his head is tilted back in pleasure. Showing off his perfect neck as he groans like he did that day I was stitching him up.

My mouth drops open in a silent scream as my orgasm explodes in my center, making my body lurch forward, satisfaction overcoming me as I tremble uncontrollably. Holding onto the bed frame for support, my body finally goes still on top of the jacket, my chest heaving in unbelievable pleasure.

Holy Shit.

Panting, I clamber off the bed and the jacket, my knees buckling slightly underneath me as I attempt to stand, the lingering tingling of my orgasm continuing to spread across my belly. I really came that hard just humping a fucking jacket. Harder than when my boyfriend was actively fucking me.

I sigh, holding a hand to my forehead. Good god. I'm a mess.

Quickly pulling on my fresh clothes, I try to push away the lingering guilt and emptiness in my heart. I'm so tired of imagining him. Of imagining being with him. I wish I didn't have to.

I just want him so fucking bad and I don't know why it won't go away. I wonder if I just slept with him once- just spent all that pent-up energy and got it over with, if I could move on with Spencer. And finally get over Rick.

Pulling on my tank top, I shake my head at my ridiculous thought. Yeah right. Like he would ever want that. He got a taste when I kissed him on the cheek and was horrified so I doubt he would want more.

Before I leave, I check my outfit in the mirror. My usual dark blue jeans are wrapped around my legs with a tan razorback tank thrown on top. Which is a little annoying I realize, because it makes my white bra straps that much more noticeable from the back.

Oh well. Before the turn, I would've found a way to clip the straps together- to make it impossible for anyone to find an imperfection. To, god forbid, know that I wear a bra. I nearly laugh at the absurd idea. It's crazy to me how much we cared about the most mundane things before. Things that really do not fucking matter.

Yanking back my sheet, I walk out of the cell and jog quickly down the stairs, nearly running into Maggie and Michonne. "Oh hi," I blurt out with surprise, slightly stumbling back.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Michonne asks me softly, her deep brown eyes searching mine.

Taking in a deep breath, my stomach twists with anxiety remembering the situation we're in. My recent... activities had actually let me forget it for a minute. It provided me with a much-needed distraction but I need to return to reality now.

"I'm okay," I determine with a nod, trying not just to convince her but myself too. Because I can be okay. I've dealt with Phillip before. I can do it again.

Michonne steps forward, hugging me tightly. My arms wrap around her back gratefully, happiness flowering in my chest feeling the comfort from my good friend. "I'm sorry I didn't find him before-" Michonne starts into my shoulder making me immediately pull away, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey- no. You were out there for months looking for him on a cold trail. This is not your fault. It's his." I tell her sincerely, and she nods, a slight smile on her face. She still blames herself though. I can see it.

"Have you eaten yet?" Maggie asks me softly, her green eyes still full of concern. I shake my head, my stomach slightly grumbling at her words. I had breakfast before everything happened, but I'm getting hungry now.

"Come with us for lunch then. I heard that it's really good today," Maggie suggests cheerfully, and I nod, a smile pulling at my face.

I'm so grateful for my friends.

The three of us head out from the raised exit of our cell block and into the bright courtyard. It's not too bad out today, the sky is overcast with light grey clouds, making it a lot more bearable when the sun isn't beating down relentlessly on us. It is creating a bit of a sticky humidity though.

"D'you think she realizes he likes her?" Michonne questions under her breath and I follow her gaze to Karen and Tyreece, who are talking together. She's standing and chatting away as he fills up our water barrel, watching her talk with the brightest smile I think I've ever seen on his face. I can't help the amused giggle that passes through my mouth, holding up a hand to muffle it. They're cute.

As we reach the pavilion, I purposefully don't notice Rick eating at a table not too far from us. After what I just did with his old jacket- I can't bear the thought of merely making eye contact. I feel like my face will explode into a bright blush and I'll look like an idiot. I've already faced enough humiliation today- I'm not in the market for more. Luckily, to join the line for food, I get to turn my back to him. So I don't have to worry about it.

I grimace slightly at the humidity today. It's making my hair stick to the back of my neck unpleasantly.

To stop this, I gather my hair, tying it up in a lazy bun that is absolutely horrendous, with loose strands falling out from the old layers I had cut before the turn. But it does the job, already letting the breeze hit my neck nicely. I look to the side and grimace slightly at one of the loose strands getting stuck under my exposed bra strap, and I have to release it so it doesn't pull more on my scalp, setting it back down, careful not to snag another bit of hair.

Finally done with my mess of a hairstyle, I tune into Michonne and Maggie's conversation. "I tried to tell him, he didn't need a photo of me. That we-"

Maggie's cut off by the abrupt and loud screeching behind us. The three of us whip around in alarm, to see Rick standing at his table, the bench he was sitting at pushed erratically behind him- the source of the screeching- his chest heaving, his blue eyes wide as he looks back right at me, making my stomach twist.

Then he turns abruptly, stalking away without a second glance. The talking in the cafeteria, which had paused at the disruption, resumes but I continue to stare in confusion as he strides away, clearly stressed about something.

"What was that about?" Michonne questions lowly and I just shake my head in bewilderment, not having a clue how to answer that question.

"I'll go check on him," I determine, walking quickly after him without a second glance. I have to jog across the courtyard to catch up to his quick stalking pace, but I don't care.

I finally reach him by the door to cell block E, panting slightly. "Rick!" I call, and he falters, looking up at the sky for a moment before turning to me reluctantly.

"Are you okay?" I question him worridly, my eyebrows pulled together with concern, my heart hammering in my chest. The embarrassment of my actions from not too long ago is being subdued significantly by my concern. He seems really... off.

His eyes, deep with an unfamiliar expression, dart to my shoulder before meeting my gaze. "I'm fine." He mutters flatly, rubbing his forehead tiredly.

I frown, about to probe him further when I'm interrupted by the door to E banging open, with Carl's friend Patrick sagging against the doorframe. I jump at the sudden noise, one of my hands instinctively reaching for Rick, grabbing onto his arm tightly.

"Dr. Adams? I really don't feel too g-good"

Without hesitation, Rick and I jump into action, hauling the feverish boy into the infirmary hall quickly, both of us supporting his weight as we practically drag him into one of the hospital cells. We clumsily place him down on one of the beds, and he collapses onto it with a groan.

"Patrick honey, what's wrong?" I question him through my laborious breathing, my heart pounding in my chest as we get him sitting up. He wasn't bit, was he? My eyes worryingly scan his limbs, seeing no blood, to my extreme relief.

"I-I don't know. I just feel really sick." Patrick groans, gripping his stomach, sweat pouring down his face.

Oh god.

"Can you stay with him for a sec?" I question Rick, placing one of my hands on his back. Rick nods immediately and I pat his back before speeding out of the cell and rushing into my office to grab the supplies I need. My hands tremble as I rip apart my office, grabbing everything that I will need. Once I return to the sick boy and Rick, I get to work. Rick is a huge help, aiding me as I put in an IV and take Patrick's vitals quickly, jotting them down.

Patrick's respirations and heartbeat are too fast for comfort. After giving him some painkillers and medication to reduce his high fever, Patrick passes out. Crouching by his side, I exchange an extremely concerned look with Rick.

Reading my expression instantly, his eyebrows raise slightly, and he averts his gaze. He knows. This is bad.


"We will continue to monitor him. It could be contagious and already spread by now. Rick and I will stay here overnight because we've been exposed. It's best not to risk it." I explain through the glass of one of the visiting rooms of block E.

The group- consisting of Carl, Spencer and Daryl (who returned from their tracking when we took Patrick in), Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and Herschel- glance around uneasily, a few of them crossing their arms with apprehension. I don't blame them for being worried. Two of the people in their family are willingly staying with an extremely sick person.

"Are you sure you don't need my help-" Spencer starts, but I shake my head with a smile, stopping him.

"We'll be fine. I don't want to expose anyone who doesn't need to be. Patrick is sleeping now and after monitoring him for a few hours, we will do the same." I explain, and Spencer nods, looking uneasy as he eyes the two of us down. I don't blame him for being protective or hesitant, but nothing would ever happen. Especially with Rick of all people.

"Are you guys going to get sick?" Carl questions with concern, his worried eyes darting between me and his father. My heart pangs for him. I don't want him to have to be scared, he's been through so much already.

"We're going to be okay Carl. We just can't risk you all as well." Rick tells him gently and Carl nods, still clearly worried.

"I need to get back to Patrick- make sure he's still stable." I determine, glancing over my shoulder, back at the empty cell hall. We need to keep him stable. Keep the symptoms of whatever this is under control- those are what kill you, not the virus itself.

"We'll check back in tomorrow?" Herschel checks and I look back, smiling with a nod. "Sounds good. We'll talk more then." I say with a nod. Rick and I say our goodbyes before heading back to Patrick.

Rick watches from the doorway as I retake Patrick's vitals, my heart dropping when I realize they're just getting worse, despite the medications. He's still asleep which is a good sign. His body is working hard to fight whatever infection or virus this is.

It's a few hours later, and Rick and I are sitting side by side across the cell hall from Patrick's cell, leaning against the concrete brick wall. My knees are bent and I'm hugging them into me slightly, watching as Patrick sleeps, acutely aware of Rick's presence beside me. Suddenly feeling guilty that he's forced to be away from his children for the night.

"Sorry you got dragged into this, you're not a doctor so it shouldn't be your responsibility," I speak up, sparing a glance sideways at him as he shakes his head, glancing down.

"Patrick is one of us. We have to look out for him." Rick replies simply, tilting his head to look at me. I gulp and nod with a slight smile, needing to look away from him.

I don't know why I still can't get over how attractive it is to me that he cares so deeply for his people. He's been this way since day one but no matter how many times he showcases this sweet trait of his, it still takes my breath away. Maybe it's because I never had a man like that in my life. My gaze focuses back on the sleeping sick boy across the hall from us, feeling a strange feeling settling over me. I hope this doesn't get worse.

"You and Spencer going to be okay having to be separated for a night?" Rick asks jokingly, nudging my shoulder. I roll my eyes with a grin, butterflies exploding in my stomach at the touch as I look back at him and away from Patrick.

"Oh shut up," I laugh, making him chuckle too, looking down. I swear I can see his smile fade for a moment.

"He's still treating you right?" He checks with me softly, not breaking his stare on the floor. An endeared smile curls at my mouth, my heart warming at his care for me. Even though it's platonic, it still means the world to me.

"Yes," I respond through my persistent smile. Spencer may treat me right but god, he cannot fuck for the life of him.

But Rick doesn't need to know that.

Rick nods. "Good." He says shortly, tilting his head to the side and looking at me for a beat. Blue eyes meet green as he blinks at me slowly, his gaze soft. My heartbeat begins to feel more noticeable in my chest as I stare back at his handsome face. Gulping as I stare back at him with widened eyes, I suddenly remember that I've pictured him multiple times now as I've orgasmed.

As if he could read my mind, Rick's gaze darts away quickly and he clears his throat. "Alright. I'm heading to bed. Just wake me up if you need me," He tells quietly as he stands up and I nod, a hot blush flushing my cheeks.

"Okay. Goodnight Rick." I tell him, my mind swirling with endless thoughts of him, guilt creeping up on me as he walks away and into one of the empty cells.

- Rick's POV -

I stir from my sleep at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me. Blinking in the dim light, my heart leaps to my throat to see Cass crouched inches in front of me, jolting me from my sleep.

"Cass?" I ask groggily, furrowing my brows and sitting up quickly, my comforter falling down and revealing my shirtless chest, but I ignore it, my worry too overwhelming to care. "What's wrong?" I ask, my eyes searching hers, concern gripping my gut.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong," Cass dismisses quickly, a slight smile on her distracting lips, making comfort flood through me. "Good," I breathe with relief, looking down for a moment.

"Uh- so what are you doing here?" I ask, looking back at Cass, suddenly very aware of my exposed body. She gulps, averting her gaze for a moment.

"I just- I needed to ask you a favor," She says tentatively, her expression melting my heart.

God, anything. I would do anything for her.

"Yeah?" I ask, encouraging her. She stands up from her crouched position, wringing her hands and pacing a bit. I furrow my brows.

Where is this going?

"You know when you talked to Spencer? When you gave him your old jacket?" Cass asks, turning to me. I nod, a fierce jolt of jealousy flashing through me at the mention of him. And the memory of what I heard.

"Well, he told me what he said to you," She reveals nervously. I furrow my brows, tilting my head as I look up at her from the bed. That fucker told her about our conversation after I told him not to? He really knows how to push my fucking buttons.

"Cass, where is this going?" I ask groggily, still not fully awake and actively planning a way to teach that idiot a lesson.

"I want to ask you if you would help me," Cass says carefully, her chest heaving. I shake my head. "Just let me know what you need-"

"I need you." Cass interrupts, her eyebrows drawn together.

I sigh, my stomach flipping at her words but ignoring it. "I'm not awake enough for this-"

"God! Rick, I want you to fuck me!" Cass finally blurts out, making me freeze, iced shock shooting through my veins at her insane words. My stomach contracts as I look back at her pleading expression, suddenly feeling extremely awake.

I stare at her incredulously for a second, trying to figure out if this is a joke. "Sorry?" I ask, making her sigh, running a hand through her copper hair like she always does.

"Don't worry about it, Rick. We can just forget this ever happened-"

"Wait- I don't even know what is happening," I stop her desperately, my heart hammering in my chest, making her turn to me. She closes her eyes for a moment, covering her face with her hands.

"This is so embarrassing" She mumbles through her fingers, adoration fluttering through me as I watch her.

"Cass. Talk to me," I plead, my chest heaving, my heart hammering relentlessly.

She sighs heavily before dropping down beside me on the bed, making my heartbeat jump at the sudden proximity. Her intoxicating smell infiltrates my nose, making my stomach somersault. I carefully let out a slow breath, trying to calm myself down.

"You know from the conversation that Spencer does not- satisfy me." Cass begins, not looking at me, staring at the concrete wall across from us. Her words hit me like a brick to glass, my mind scrambling to understand what the hell is happening, my body lagging significantly behind.

"So I'm pathetically sitting here, asking you if you would do that for him" Cass finishes with a slight cringe, fumbling with her clasped hands in her lap.

My heartbeat is pummeling my ribcage as I stare at her in astonishment.

Of all people, she chose me?

I look down for a moment, torn. I know she will probably never see me romantically, as proven by her current boyfriend who is the indisputable opposite of me.

I might never get the chance to be with her as her boyfriend or something more.

Do I want to do it anyway? For the opportunity to be with her just this one time? Despite the fact that she doesn't love me back?

I glance back at Cass as she watches me patiently. She looks devastatingly beautiful right now. Her hair is slightly messy, probably from her sleep, the moonlight streaming in behind her illuminating her hair, giving her a halo. Like the angel she is. Her eyes watch me carefully, her eyebrows turned slightly in the middle. Her chest slowly rises and falls as she awaits my answer.

And I realize I don't have the strength to say no. As much as that probably makes me an asshole, I just can't. Not in this world where we could die tomorrow. It's not worth pining after her, holding out hope that she may possibly feel the same at one point. This is my only chance. Despite the fact it will only make my feelings that much more intense and significantly more painful.

I'm just not strong enough to stand my ground, no matter how much I want the first time with her to be out of mutual love.

Taking in a deep breath, I nod. "Yeah. Of course Cass, I'll help you." I breathe, sure she must hear my heartbeat because it's ridiculous at this point.

A smile of relief breaks across her already insanely attractive face, making my chest tighten. "Thank you Rick," She beams back at me, and knowing I'm helping her makes me a million times more confident in my choice.

There's an awkward pause between us. Then her hand hovers slightly before coming down on top of mine. My heart flutters at the skin-to-skin contact, slightly concerned by how cold her hands are. they seem like they are always cold.

I glance over at her staring down at our hands, her bottom lip captured under her teeth. God, that mouth. The urge to kiss her is overwhelming, as usual. Realizing I don't have to fight it, I go for it.

Twisting my body, my hand not covered by hers reaches up to caress her jaw, making her gaze flit to mine with surprise. She blinks back at me with those beautiful green eyes as my thumb caresses her skin. I take a second, memorizing the sight of my hand on her cheek while she stares at me. Then I swiftly lean in, finally pressing my lips to hers, my nose nudging against hers.

It's like fireworks set off between us at the lip-to-lip contact and suddenly, everything clicks into place. I've been dreaming of kissing her for weeks now. My lips move against her soft mouth and she kisses me back after letting out a small noise of surprise. The sensation of her kissing me back nearly makes me pass out, the tingling and fluttering in my chest suddenly overpowering me. Being able to kiss her- after so much longing is like air to a drowning man.

I abruptly feel like I can't get enough of her and our kiss deepens quickly. Before I know it, she's straddling me, the weight of her thighs pressing against my lap as she continues to make out with me. I kiss her back desperately, devouring her, my heart soaring with complete happiness. My hands roam up and down her fit torso, bunching her shirt under my fingers. She groans into my mouth, sending a flick of pleasure jolting down my body at the sound.

Her hands wander around my bare chest before gripping my shoulders tightly. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, I begin to pull it over her head, so she raises her arms so I can pull it swiftly off, tossing it on the floor.

I pull away from the kiss, needing to see her body. Her perfect breasts are sitting prettily in the same white bra that I saw her in when we were stranded in the library. I push past the coincidence, not really caring because I have more important matters to attend to. Specifically- two important matters.

Leaning forward, I kiss right in the valley between her breasts, making her let out a lewd moan, throwing her head back. Her skin is warm now, damp with sweat and eagerness. God, she's eager for me.

Fuck. Blood rushes south just at that idea.

Her grip on my shoulders is extremely tight, trying to stay steady as I scatter kisses over her chest. My tongue drags across the incredibly silky skin of her breasts, earning a delicious whimper to leave her lips. Deciding to give her the most pleasure possible, one of my hands travels down from resting on her waist before gently pressing over the fabric of the front of her pants. She gasps, her hips instinctively grinding down onto my hand, making satisfaction flower in my chest knowing I have this kind of effect on her.

"Is this what you want?" I ask lowly in her ear. She nods frantically, her cheeks flushed, her mouth open.

Fuck. She's so incredibly gorgeous I think I might lose my mind.

I slowly start massaging her as she continues to grind down on my hand, a steady stream of incredible noises leaving her mouth. She leans forward, embracing me tightly, her hot breath fanning over my shoulder, spreading goosebumps in its wake. I cannot believe I'm touching her like this.

Pushing my hand under her the waistband of her pants I feel the, to my extreme satisfaction, absolutely soaked underwear she wears. She moans into my shoulder and I can't help the unfiltered groan that slips past my lips at the sensation of her arousal through the thin fabric and onto my fingers.

I push past the sides of her panties, finally touching her drenched sex. She takes in a sharp intake of air at the sensation, her hips fluttering against my hand. A proud grin pulls across my face, my erection straining in my pants knowing how much she loves this. I use her excessive wetness to slick my fingers as I circle her clit slowly, silently losing my mind that I'm actually touching her like this. That she wants this with me.

She whimpers at my movements, pressing herself further into the skin of my shoulder. How intensely she is gripping onto me would normally hurt, but I cannot find myself to give a shit. I just groan deeply, slowly increasing my pace. Then, I plunge one of my fingers inside her wet heat, earning a beautiful gasp to fall from her mouth. My dick twitches at the sensation of her, begging to be buried inside her instead of my fingers.

Getting frustrated by her many layers stopping my fingers from reaching their full potential, I grab her hips, lifting her off of me and removing my hands from under her clothes. She staggers back, her eyes wide with confusion. I stand up, not being able to help kissing those perfect lips again, open with frustration. I never get to kiss her, so I'm taking full advantage now.

While we kiss, my hands find the waistband of her pants and underwear together, which I pull down. I then pull her forward with my kiss so she steps out of them. Turning us around, I walk forward until she falls back onto the bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress. Cass blinks up at me with bright red cheeks. She looks incredibly beautiful right here. Completely bare, sitting on my bed, blinking up at me with those wide gorgeous green eyes of hers.

Then I slowly drop to my knees in front of her. The only person I would get on my knees for. She owns me and has no idea.

I'm painfully hard at this point, but I don't care. All I care about is making her feel pleasure. That's what she asked for, right?

With my hands on each of her knees, I gently ease them open. Her chest heaves as she looks down at me, watching me intently. God, I wish this wasn't the only time this would happen. I would do this every day of my life if possible. For her. To have her make these noises as many times as I want. As she wants. More than anything I want her to want this. With me. all. the. time.

The urge to taste her overpowers me, and I don't fight it, leaning forward and kissing her right between her legs. Kissing her beautiful, soaking wet cunt. She cries out at the sensation, a hand coming down to grip my hair. Pleasure flicks through me at her fingers tangling in my curls, pulling my hair slightly.

My mouth works on her slowly and deliberately, her taste overwhelming my tongue. I groan into her. She tastes so fucking good. Her perfect mix of tangy and sweet will forever be ingrained in my mind.

I hook her knees over my shoulders to get the best access while my other hand caresses her arching back. Her hot body writhes under me, her moans lilted and begging. She's close already, I can tell.

Smiling into her, I'm ecstatic that I can, in fact, please her better than that moron.

"I'm going-" She pants, pulsating underneath my mouth. I just nod into her, letting her know it's okay, my nose rubbing up against her clit as I do. "Oh god, Rick!" She cries out breathlessly, her body convulsing under my mouth as she orgasms.

Tasting her, feeling her, and hearing her cry out my name as she finishes is ultimately too much for me to bear any longer. Knowing how my fingers feel inside her slick heat and that I'm making her feel incredible pleasure brings me over the edge. My own orgasm rips through my lower abdomen, making me groan deeply into her at the body-wracking and completely satisfying sensation, pleasure completely overcoming me.

Jolting awake, I sit up with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. I look down, seeing my legs intertwined with my sheets, my mess all over my stomach and pants.

I curse under my breath. Another fucking wet dream about Cass? Jesus Christ.

Breathing heavily, I clench my jaw with frustration, running my hand through my hair. Why does this keep happening?

I sit in silence for a second, staring at the wall. This one felt so real... I should've known. Judith and Carl weren't there in the cell like they always are. I look over at the crib beside me, and Judith sleeping soundly within.

I look away, guilt twisting my gut. My heart aches with longing remembering how Cass was looking at me. How she was touching me, how I was touching her. That I was finally allowed to kiss her. That she wanted to kiss me back.

Fuck. It felt so good and real.

Shame and yearning grip my insides, one part of me hating that I sexualize her in my dreams, the other part longing for her so deeply it physically hurts.

What has this woman done to me? I'm a fully grown man having wet dreams about her like I'm a pre-teen because she is so fucking attractive I genuinely can't control it.

I sigh, turning to stand up. I need to get cleaned up.

My subconscious was clearly fucked up after hearing them together a few hours ago. I don't know how much longer I can take. I think I might just snap one day and tell her everything- beg her to be with me instead. The idea fills me with dread and anxiety as I pull on my clothes and secure my belt.

I'm simply fucked. I decide as I walk out of the cell, heading to do some farming before breakfast. Hopefully, today will be uneventful. 


A/N: Okay not sure if this made sense or not- but Rick had the dream the night BEFORE Cass found the rabbit in her cell, right after he heard Cass and Spence together.

So that's why when he saw her white bra strap at lunch the next day- the same white bra in his dream- he walked away. He saw it, got flashbacks, and was ~overwhelmed~ heheheheh

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