﹝Part 2﹞

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After a few hours Dean had gotten food, despite it being nearly 5 A.M. Sam had started research on Phantom and Plasmius. There were a few news reports, all stemming from a small town called Amity Park, but led to nothing. Sam knew otherwise because Phantom was the living- Well, dead proof of that.

"It's just weird." Sam looks up from his laptop at Dean. He had a mouthful of burger in his mouth and ketchup and mustard in the corner of his lips. "She's just a kid. And now she's dead." Sam glances over at Phantom who was still sleeping. "Yeah. I wonder how she died." Phantom snorts in her sleep and a bit of drool runs down her cheek. She almost looks normal for a second. "She said she and Plasmius have been fighting since she was 14."

Dean raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, but how long has she been 14." They actually had no idea how old- or how long she's been 14. Ghosts don't age. Or maybe they do. Phantom has thrown everything they know about ghosts out the window. They know nothing. Not really.


Dean pulls to a stop outside the diner. He and Sam look back at Phantom who raises an eyebrow. "What?" She looks between the two. "You have to stay in the car."

"What? Why?"

"You're dead."

"Oh yeah."

Phantom pouts. She doesn't want them to find out what she is yet. "Fine. Just bring me back a burger." Dean raises an eyebrow, but nods and gets out of the car with Sam. Phantom huffs and sulks into the seat. She blows a raspberry.


Dean moans into his burger. Sam scowls at him. "You're going to get fat." Dean ceases chewing and glares at Sam. "No'm m'no'." He finishes chewing and swallows. "No I'm not." Sam raises his eyebrows and returns to his salad. "Hello boys." Dean jumps up, knocking his flies everywhere. They both look at the table where a vague outline of Phantom's head is. "What are you doing? Someone will see you." Sam tries to push her head down through the table, but his hands pass through it. He gets a chill of cold and he pulls his hands away.

"I thought I told you to wait in the car." Phantom presumably shrugs. "I got bored." Sam raises an eyebrow. "You got bored?" Phantom snears at him. "Ghosts can get bored too, ya know." She rolls her eyes. "Just ask Skulker. Whenever he's bored, he'll come and torment me." A thin sheen of ice starts to cover the table. "What's that?" Phantom looks down at it and makes a face. "Oops." Her eyes glow a bright blue and the ice recoils back into her. "I need to fix that."

"And how do you do that?" Phantom tilts her head and a lopsided grin spreads across her face. "I explode." Dean chuckles. "You're crazy." Phantom smirks and looks over at the waitress looking at Dean. She can't see Phantom. "And you're the one talking to a ghost." She points over at the waitress, then disappears through the table. Sam and Dean look at the waitress. They chuckle nervously.


"What the hell was that?" Dean asks- no demands as he and Sam get back into the car. Phantom shrugs with a smirk, then frowns. "Where's my burger?" Sam gapes for a moment, then he gets out of the car and rushes back into the diner.


Phantom hums with satisfaction as she eats her burger. "Mmh. So good." Dean glances at her through the rearview mirror. "I didn't know ghosts could eat." Phantom raises an eyebrow. "I didn't know humans could be so annoying." Sam chokes on his drink and tries to hide his laugh from Dean. Dean hits him. "Bitch." Sam scoffs. "Jerk." Phantom's face falters a bit as she looks between the two. Sam catches this and looks at her. "What?"

Phantom shrugs and looks out the window. "Nothing. You just reminded me how me and my sister used to act." Sam looks at her with sad eyes. What he thought was sadness for missing a living sibling was actually Phantom just thinking about how she and her sister had matured over the years. They used to bicker all the time, but now they were a very good team even though Jazz had left for college.

"So where are we going?" Sam turns to face forward. "The Bunker." There is a flutter of wings and suddenly someone is sitting next to Phantom. She yelps and scoots away from the man. Sam laughs. "Phantom, this is Cas. He's an angel."

Phantom raises an eyebrow. "Literally or metaphorically?"


Castiel looks at Phantom and tilts his head. "You're dead." Phantom raises her eyebrows. "No shit Sherlock." Cas furrows his brows. "I am not Sherlock. My name is Castiel." Phantom makes a face and nods slowly. "Riiight...."


The whole ride from Red Oak Iowa to Lebanon Kansas Castiel stared at Phantom. She was creeped out and even tried turning invisible but somehow Cas could still see her. She even asked him to stop, but he just completely ignored her.

"Thank god!" Phantom phases out of the car and stretches. It was now night but she could see perfectly fine. "I can't express how much I hate cars." She floats off the ground and smirks at Sam and Dean. "I prefer my own way of travel." She floats above them and they watch her briefly then walk over to a door and unlock it. Phantom floats over and looks at the doorway as Sam and Dean walk into it. Cas had disappeared. "You coming?"

Phantom nods and reaches her hand through the doorway, but as she does, her glove starts to disappear and skin starts to appear. She jerks her hand away and holds it to her chest. Sam and Dean give her a look and she chuckles nervously. She doesn't want them finding out just yet.

Phantom bites her lip. "Maybe..." She turns her hand intangible and sticks it through the doorway. She smiles when she sees her hand didn't change. Phantom turns herself completely intangible and steps through the barrier. She turns tangible and smiles at the two brothers. "Waiting on you now." They jump and head down the stairs.

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