Forget it. I'm gone.

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Woah! Hello people. Welcome to the 2nd last chapter of this book. Now, this chapter is gonna contain some much requested cute fluff. Gonna be what I think a long chapter. Well, my plot of this chapter says (spoiler alert!!!): neck-less rise - Harry tortured - percyxvoldy dance - fluff - then BOOM  

Right enough of this, now on with the chapter. Ooooh, this is gonna be one hell of a chapter. So prepare to be mind-blown. 

Fun fact I discovered: the words 'Dammit I'm mad' are actually the same words when spelt the opposite way. Amazing right?

Warning: Serious Cussing. Also, Someone is going to die. Yea, we are cool.

Percy's P.O.V. (at that graveyard where Voldemort was supposed to rise again)

One thing that I totally didn't expect on touching that damn trophy was landing on my ass at a creepy graveyard. Totally not my style. But some things started clearing up in my mind.

"Did anyone tell you that the cup was a portkey?" Harry asked. 

"Is this part of the 3rd task?" That was Artemis who was limping around trying to identify where we were. 

"No, and I don't think so. But I believe I know who is responsible for this." I said. "Fuck you Moody." I muttered under my breath. 

"Hey, I know this place. I saw it in my dreams." Harry said. He was looking at a tomb with some sort of words on it. I couldn't understand the first part but the words 'Marvolo-riddle' were clear. 

"Oh you son of a bitch. You did it." I muttered. Then I shouted out aloud. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW! GRAB THE TROPHY, AND GET THE F OUT OF HERE!" 

"Why?" Artemis asked. 

"Get the hell out of here. Then I can explain." Harry added too. Apparently he understood what was going on here too.

Everyone obliged and ran towards the trophy. But before we could reach it - 

"Kill the spares!" A voice hissed. 

Fuck. I guess we are the spares. I looked urgently at Artemis. 

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A voice shrieked into the silent night. A blaze of Green light illuminated the whole place. The spell struck Artemis on her face. And she fell down. 

"NO! ART-" I started to shout, but before I could manage to make out my complete sentence, another killing curse fired at me dropped me partially dead on the ground. 

It was quite a long time after I got my senses back again. At least it felt like a damn long time. 

I opened my eyes partially to see my fake name sake, Peter Pettigrew standing there. What the actual hell is that rat even doing here?

Also he was missing an arm. Wow. How did he lose it? 

Wait, was it bleeding? Damn. Did he lose it right now? 

Then I noticed him pouring some sort of red stuff into a huge cauldron. Is it Blood? 

I tried to look at Artemis. She looked pale - like dead. Except she couldn't just have died. She's a goddam god. Also, she looked like a princess while sleeping. 

Dammit Percy. Focus. 

I turned my attention back to Rat Peter. He was backing away from the cauldron extremely quickly. Why?

Oh, never mind. I got that answer to my question pretty quickly. The cauldron burst into flames. And something slimy and grayish and ugly on another standard. I mean I couldn't even stare at him without feeling the urge to throw up. The disfigured stuff shaped into something tall, and twice as ugly as earlier. 

And he was naked. 

I couldn't even bear to look at him any longer. I turned my gaze to Artemis who had just regained consciousness. She turned to look at me. I gave her an urgent glance that I think read 'Shit is going on. Silence'. I guess Artemis understood what I was talking about. I looked at Harry and saw that he was in extreme pain. His wrist had been cut apart to take blood. He was shrieking silently in pain, and his pain was probably more in his forehead that in his wrist. 

Then I looked back at the earlier naked disfigured person. Well, by then we all knew it. 

Lord Voldemort was back. And I was working working on a plan to get Harry out. Well, the only plan that was there in my head right now was shout out 'Surprise. We aren't dead, bitch!' at Voldemort, then duel him. I mean it was 2 gods and one powerful wizard against one of the greatest and ugliest wizard of all time with his rat side-kick. The odds were on our side. 

But the main problems with this was that Artemis was heavily injured. I mean that powerful cruciatic curse and then a killing curse all in less than 1 hour, that's quite a lot ever for godly standard. And Harry didn't seem to be at any fighting condition right now. So, I pretended to be dead for a little while more. 

After that Voldemort casted that weird snake out of skull symbol on the sky. After a minute or so, a dozen of people wearing those ghost masks you find in the markets came and stood in a circle around Voldemort. As they appeared here, they made black trails arising from that skull. 

(Just saying you can skip the next 250 words, cuz its gonna be the same thing as the book)

"My friends! Welcome back once again. It's been 13 years. Yet it feels like it was just yesterday that we were standing here united under the dark mark. Or are we?" He put back his terrible face and sniffed, his slit-like nostrils widening.

"I smell guilt," he said "There is a stench or guilt upon the air.

A second shiver ran around the circle, as though each member of it longed, but did not dare to step back from him.

"I see you all, whole and healthy, with your powers intact - such prompt appearances and I ask myself...why did this band of wizards never come to the aid of their master, to whom they swore eternal loyalty?" No one spoke. No one moved except Wormtail, who was upon the ground, still sobbing over his bleeding arm.

"And I answer myself," whispered Voldemort, "They must have believed me broken, they thought I was gone. They slipped back among my enemies, and they pleaded innocence, and ignorance, and bewitchment."

"And then I ask myself, but how could they have believed I would not rise again They, who knew the steps I took, long ago, to guard myself against mortal death They, who had seen proofs of the immensity of my power in the times when I was mightier than any wizard living?"

"And I answer myself, perhaps they believed a still greater power could exist, one that could vanquish even Lord Voldemort...perhaps they now pay allegiance to another...perhaps that champion of commoners, of Mudbloods and Muggles, Albus Dumbledore?" At the mention of Dumbledore's name, the members of the circle stirred, and some muttered and shook their heads Voldemort ignored them.

"It is a disappointment to me...I confess myself disappointed. In me, In each and everyone of you!" 

One of Voldemort's death eater side kick fell to his feet. 

"We are sorry, milord. Please forgive us." he begged. 

"Forgiveness? You ask Lord Voldemort for mercy?" Voldemort whispered. "CRUCIO!"

The death-easter twisted and turned on the ground in pain. 

"Get up Avery! It's been 13 years. I don't forgive, I don't forget. All of you will have to pay for those 13 years before getting forgiveness!"

"None of you returned." He said. Damn, dude had some serious abandonment issues.

"Milord, I returned." Wormtail gasped slowly. 

"Out of fear! Not loyalty. Out of fear of your old friends. Yet you helped me regain my body. And Lord Voldemort rewards his followers." Saying that Voldemort placed his wand on Wormtail's missing arm. A silver hand appeared there. 

After that Voldemort moved around his death-eaters. I looked each one in the eye. There were Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe Senior, Goyle Senior, Nott Senior, Walden Macnair and at least 25 more. 

"6 more should have been here with us. 3 of them are in Azkaban for me. They will be hugely rewarded of course. 1 of them fled like a coward, he will be punished severely. Another one has left my service forever I believe. He shall be killed. And the other one, who remains my most faithful servant is currently in Hogwarts, responsible for me back to my original state. He's responsible for today. He shall be rewarded beyond his expectation. 

And that brings us to Mr. Potter over here. He's the story of my destruction and rebirth. He's the reason I perished in the first place, and he's the reason why I am back to my current form once again." Voldemort walked over to near Harry.

"You see, the night I went to kill Harry, his mother sacrificed herself for Harry, and thus put a strong protection spell on Harry. I couldn't touch him. But now I can!" Voldemort proved that point by touching Harry's scar on his forehead. Harry screamed in pain. Voldemort seemed to enjoy his pain. 

"Take your wand Harry." Voldemort said kicking his wand to Harry. Harry quickly grabbed his wand, as soon as he was let free from the bones that were restricting his motions. 

"I assume you know how to duel. Dumbledore taught that to you right?" Voldemort asked maliciously. 

"First we bow." Voldemort said bowing a little. Harry didn't bow to Voldemort.

"I said BOW" Voldemort said casting a silent imperius curse on Harry forcing him to bow. 

"Good. Now we duel." Voldemort said. Harry raised his wand, but even before Harry could spell out a spell, Voldemort hit him with the cruciatic curse. 

It was unbearable surely. I mean Artemis herself was knocked out by a cruciatic curse at its maximum strength.

"Crucio" Voldemort said again torturing the already in-extreme-pain Harry once more. 

I, so wanted to kill Voldemort right now. I wanted to rip his neck-less head from his body for all that he is doing. But I knew I couldn't right now. There was a band of about 30 trained Death Eaters right behind Voldemort and Voldemort had his wand trained on Harry. One movement, Harry dead. And I couldn't count on Artemis to help me properly too, because she was not at her full powers. 

Voldemort turned to his followers to brag about it. Harry took the distraction and ran behind a stone. 

"STUPEFY" Voldemort shouted at the rock behind which Harry was. 

"Come out Harry and fight! Fight like a man, and make your parents proud. I want to see the light leave your eyes when I kill you."

After a moment, Harry reappeared, with his wand in his hand. 

"If that's what you want, Let's do it." Harry said slowly. Then both Harry and Voldemort took out their wands and did an actual duel. 



A jet of green and red blasted out of Voldemort and Harry's wand respectively. They made contact at the center and did something totally unexpected. 

Instead of doing what those spells were supposed to do, Harry and Voldemort rose from the ground. They rose around 15 feet from the ground. Apparently everyone was shocked there. The death eaters raised their wands. 

"DON'T! HE IS MINE TO KILL!" Voldemort shrieked, while holding onto the spell. 

But then, beautiful white trails left from the point where the two spells were colliding, and shimmering silver figures started appearing all around Harry and Voldemort. 

Surprisingly, the first one to come was me. 

What the- I wanted to shout out loudly 'FAKE ME' at that guy.

"You've been very brave, Harry." Fake-me said. 

After him, came a woman I recognized as Bertha Jorkins, from some news about her going missing. After that came an old dude, who looked like a complete muggle. Next came a woman and a man, whom I recognized immediately as Lily and James Potter respectively, Harry's parents. 

"Harry, you have to listen very carefully." James Potter said. 

Harry nodded, still holding onto the spell.

"We couldn't be prouder of you, my son. But now listen. As soon as I say, let go, and grab the portkey. We will hold him a little longer, but not for long." Lilly Potter said. 

All the ghosts looked at Voldemort.

"Let go now, Harry. Let go." Lily said. Harry nodded with tears in his eyes. Then he let go and withdrew his wand. The silvery ghosts immediately rushed onto Voldemort preventing him from doing anything. 

"DONT LET HIM GO!" Voldemort shouted. Harry quickly ran towards where me and Artemis were. Damn, he was trying to take our body back. I couldn't let him do it. I had to take care of a small matter on my own. 

But before Harry could grab me someone threw a spell at me, blasting Harry backwards towards the cup. Harry tried to move towards us again, but Voldemort regained his senses back. He casted the killing curse once again on Harry. Harry changed his mind, and grabbed the portkey just before the spell could touch him. 

"NOOOOO!!!!" Voldemort shouted out loudly at his bad luck.

Well, that was extremely anti-climatic. Can't do anything about it now. Harry's out of the equation now. 

Its just me and Artemis now with about 30 Death eaters, and one Voldemort. I looked at Artemis, and gave her a small nod. Artemis understood me properly, and gripped her wand powerfully. I did the same. 

"Clear those bodies." Voldemort ordered with sort of regret in his voice. I guessed we were the 'bodies'.

Let's kick some ass now. 

As soon as I felt hands grab me, I muttered a silent spell. That one death-eater was blown out. One down 29 kids and 1 dad to go. Another one was blown out by Artemis, as soon as that poor guy was trying to get Artemis. 28+1 to go now. 

That caught the attention of the death-eaters and Voldemort now. 

"Wha- what?" Voldemort said confused. 

Artemis and me got on our feet now. We were standing side by side. 

"Come, get us." Artemis said. 

"But I killed you already." Voldemort said. 

"Heh- you think." I said laughing. 

"Oh, so you are the one he warned me about. 'The pesky immortal protecting Harry, who's gonna a hell of a pain in your ass'" Voldemort said. "But who are you?" She said looking at Artemis. 

"Same thing as him." Artemis said. 'him' meaning me. 

"Well, bad for you, I already took you interfering as a factor, because he already told me that you might come. So, I come prepared. Wormtail, give me that wand." He ordered Wormtail. Wormtail brought out a bronze wand. 

"You see, Jackson, this wand is actually made of Celestial Bronze, mixed with a bit of Imperial Gold along with Atlantean Silver, and Pluto ore. So, you might find it a bit hard to fight me now." Voldemort said grinning like an ugly guy. "TAKE THEM BOTH DOWN!" 

As soon as he said that, around 30 spells were fired at us. 

"PROTEGO MAXIMUS" I shouted blocking those spells. Then the death-eaters apparated from there to all around us, surrounding us on all sides. Voldemort himself joined in. 

"You take front, I take back. What do you say?" I asked Artemis. 


Saying that, we changed positions. Artemis and me went back to back, making sure none of the bad guys could harm each other. I casted hundreds of silent spells at once. 

"Hey, by the way, how are you able to stand?" I asked Artemis, remembering that she was injured. I blew up another death-eater brain, while casting a stunning spell on Voldemort.

"It's night. The moonlight is making me stronger." Artemis said, while she dodged a couple of spells and fired three spells at once one hitting Malfoy, and backing him away. 

"Oh. Nice. Oh- wait. Damn." I said. I just realized that I was at a grave-yard where Hades' power was supposed to be the strongest. Stupid me. 

"Exsurge mortuos! Adiuva me" I said in Latin, rising the dead who were buried in that graveyard. Dozens of Dead rose carrying, swords, bows and stuff. They gathered around the death-eaters. around 10 of the death eaters were now trying to kill those dead soldiers. But it's hard to kill the dead, because they just respawn. And the death eaters couldn't even afford to spawn kill because they spawned here and there. 

"Hey Artemis, Can I say something?" I asked silently, while combating Voldemort himself in a 1 to 1 battle. 

"You are already saying." was her response. 

"Right, so incase I die here right now -" I started saying while getting a blow of the Sectumsempra spell. And that spell sucked. 

"You are not dying. You're a god." 

"That guy got a wand made of God killing alloy" I said making my point.

"It's not strong enough to kill us."

"Well, at least it can make us got to Tartarus, and if we get 3 shots of killing curse from it, we are as good as dead. But that's not the point. I mean to say that - " I tried to say. 

"Watch out." Artemis warned as a spell just flew inches past my ear. 

"Right- so what I'm trying to say is that, uh- I think I sort of- " Just as I was about to complete that statement, Voldemort hit me with the killing curse. I had to block that powerful spell with a strong shield charm. 

"AGUAMENTI" I shouted as water fell down around me. I controlled the water to trap Voldemort and 8 of his death eaters. "INCARCEROUS" I screamed binding them in ropes, before performing about 8 full body hex on them. 

I got hit after that when Malfoy fired another killing spell at me. I got the full blow of it, but I was surrounded by water, so I didn't die. But the trapped guys freed themselves. 

"CRUCIO" Voldemort casted putting me under the cruciatic curse. 

After that all the death eaters there together casted a horde of cruciatic curse and hexes on me. I had to endure pain that was beyond understanding by words. 

Artemis kept on fighting.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Artemis shouted out loudly. It seemed like the world had gone in slow motion, while that green stream of light left Artemis' light and tore a death eater to pieces. 

"Ar- Artemis?" I asked slowly, finding it hard to believe that she had just used the unforgivable killing curse on a death eater. 

"Sorry, I had to do it. It's the only way right now. Play dirty, if you wanna win." She said. But I detected an ounce of remorse in her voice. 

"Also, what were you trying to tell then?" Artemis asked. 

"Nothing. Never mind. Lets kill them and get out of here." I said. 

"Pestis Incendium" I muttered, creating a giant fiendfyre all around the place. 

"Stupefy! Incendio! Petrificus Totalus! Impedimenta! Densuageo! Deprigo! BOMBARDA MAXIMUS!" I screamed all those spells together blowing up 12 death eaters at once. All of them were thrown back about 50 feet from where they were standing. 

It was like I had entered a rage mode. And I kept screaming spells without any sense of what was happening. 

"Protego. Furnunculus! Confringo! Petrificus Totalus" I blasted those spells all at once at Voldemort, who was still standing his ground, despite the fact that he was only fighting with 6 more death eaters still standing on the ground. Artemis was taking care of the death Eaters while I was trying to blow up Voldemort. 

It sort of confused me that why was Voldemort still fighting on, when it was clear that he was gonna lose the fight? My question was answered when I saw a silhouette in the dark. Suddenly it vanished. 

It took me a time to realize, it did not vanish. It just merged with its surroundings. And what was surrounding it wasn't just a few guys. It was a whole freaking army. 

"Yes, Jackson! What do you say now? Ready to give up? That's what you see. It's the army 'he' has promised me to help me kill just YOU!" 


"Artemis, we need to get out of here. Right now!" 

"Why?" She asked because she war facing the opposite side and couldn't see the army. 

"There's a whole freaking army. Change positions." I said. Immediately we turned. I faced the death eaters and Artemis faced Voldemort and saw the army behind that was marching forwards fast. 

"Right so what do we do?" Artemis asked genuinely scared. 

I had just 1 plan. One that involved bad stuff happening to. 

"INCENDIO MAXIMUS!" I screamed blasting 3 death eaters away. Only 3 left to fight. I sent forwards a get of stream to take care of them. 

Then I faced Voldemort. I looked at Artemis for a moment before resuming my fight with Voldemort. Voldemort was strong and could maybe handle one of us. But together both of us? Nah, he was screwed. 

I nodded to her as together both of us casted a whole series of hexes of Voldemort throwing him off his feet.

I faced Artemis. 

"Right the army." Artemis said. I looked at her. She had a broken knee, ichor leaking throughout her body. Hell, I probably didn't look any better. 

"It was a great experience fighting with you instead of against you." I told her smiling a little. 

I think she felt that something was off. Well if my plan worked something, - 

I had to take care of one thing at first. 

"Artemis, I think I might have fallen for you. No, you don't have to tell anything. I know you are a man-hating goddess, and I'm not worthy of you, and blah- blah- blah- blah. But hell, I like you. Like for real. And you need to go. Bye." I said all those words at rapid speed. 

"What?" Artemis asked while her brain tried to understand what was happening here. But even before she could say anything i used the atmospheric water present around there to vapor travel Artemis back to Hogwarts. She tried to say something but it was inaudible. 

After that i turned to the huge incoming army of people in black robes in front of me.

'Anakulosmos' I whispered slowly to my wand. My lovely sword Riptide returned back in my hand. 

The remaining water particles gathered around me surrounding me giving me strength. 

"C'mon get me." I shouted at the top of my voice. 

I charged forwards into battle, and i believe i killed a lot of soldiers there, until I fell to the killing curse of Voldemort who had regained consciousness. 

I felt a hundred imperial gold swords pierce me at once. 

The last bit of energy in me died as I fell on the ground with golden blood all around me. 

I died a glorious death. 

Yep day after tmr is the last chapter. Of the book, of the series.

Till then fare-well.

Signing out.


3837 words.


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