I go to Hogwarts, school of Magic

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Previously on The Prince's Game -

"Merlin's beard. It's Mr. Crouch's elf." Bagman said shocked.


Safe to say all hell broke loose after that. 

But before the doors came too open, it was quickly wrapped up. Mr. Weasley did his best.

So, after a lot of argument, this, that and what not, we were allowed to leave. 

A wonderful time skip of a few days sponsored by Chronos and Time Lords co. 

For those people that has no knowledge about Hogwarts, there's just one line to tell. Simply imagine a huge castle with the weirdest things in the world that is only imaginable unless you have been through seriously troubling stuffs like all demigods. 

That about covers Hogwarts.

We all entered the huge banquet hall of Hogwarts. It was where people had their meals. 

I went and sat in the Gryffindor house table, between Ginny and Ron. Luna went and joined her Ravenclaw classmates. 

Dumbledore sat at the center of the long table sipping from his goblet. His twinkling eyes were shining a bit more as if he had a wonderful plan. Let me tell you, i am not a fan of his plans. Last time we were near soul-sucked my dementors and almost caught by Fudge while trying to help rescue Sirius. Before that he had a plan of hiding the philosopher's stone in the dungeons of the Hogwarts which was guarded by a three headed dog. As if Cerberus was not enough.

About the Philosopher's stone, here's information for you guys who do not know what in hades is it. 

Well, it is a stone that keeps you immortal but you have to keep drinking from the stone or something. Mortals and their crazy immortality ideas. Basically a really low graded version of golden apples that are easily breakable, easy to steal, easy to lose, and what not. 

The sorting ceremony started as all the new years got sorted into their houses. 

(I have a crazy theory that JKR is really bad at poem making. So she always delayed Harry from reaching Hogwarts at the correct time for hearing the poem. Clever ways to not write a poem.)

Finally after all the students were sorted, Dumbledore coughed and walked up. McGonagall clanged her spoon on the glass to announce the start of the speech. The loud talking gradually lowered down.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." Dumbledore started.

"First of all, an important announcement to make, this year two new transfer students will be joining among the fourth year students. (don't mind the age gap pls) They are here from the Brooklyn House of Magic, a private magical institution in Brooklyn, America" Whispers spread through the entire hall. Transfer students to Hogwarts are very rare. 

"They are Carter Kane and Sadie Kane."

Kane. Kane. Kane. 

It was the name the chess player was saying. House of Life.

It must be a coincidence. It has to be. Or maybe it is not. I have to keep an eye on them.

Two kids, one boy and one girl came and sat at the sorting stool. The sorting hat sorted Carter Kane to Gryffindor immediately. It took even lesser time to sort Sadie to Gryffindor. Carter had American looks while Sadie was American and British mix. However there was very little resemblance in their looks showing that they were family. They had the looks of a warrior. 

Was it just me or was Dumbledore a bit wary about them. I had never seen that look on Dumbledore. 

Sadie and Carter came and sat in the Gryffindor table. Sadie looked over the entire row and sat beside the 1st years. Carter sat beside Sadie. 

I looked over back to Dumbledore, who resumed his speech.

"This year, we, as in the teachers of Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have a special announcement to make. First of all, let's start with the bad news. This year, the Quidditch Tournament will n-o-t be held." 

Cue the huge thunder of protests from the students. 

"SILENCE" Dumbledore announced loudly over. The noise stopped again. 

Sometimes I wonder how Dumbledore feels when he can mute the entire school in one word. Just one word was all it took for the school to shut up.

"However in place of the Quidditch Tournament, a special event is going to occur. We will go to that, and after that, may I tell you that this year, we have some guests coming to Hogwarts." A pause for effect. It was curiously silent in the entire hall. 

"This year, the ministry of  magic had decided to take a chance at the famous competition between the three major European schools of magic, Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beaxbutons. Without further ado, may i introduce you all to the . . . TRIWIZARD COMPETITION" 

Suddenly Red, green, blue and yellow banners flew out, and in the midst came out a gold cladded box. 

"Inside the box contains the judge. The judge that will decide the Triwizard champion. One champion from each school will represent their school."

Dumbledore began explaining the different rules of the tournament. Finally came upon the end part.

"However, this year there has been certain age restrictions. Those who are below 16 years of age will NOT be allowed to take part in the tournament." Cue the protests and insults at Dumbledore.


"This year, let me also welcome another new teacher to join our ranks to teach Defense against the Dark Arts - Professor -" 

Thunder shook the place suddenly cutting Dumbledore in between his speech. What's wrong with Zeus now? 

The thunder was quickly absorbed by something. 

Click - Thud - Click - Thud - Click - Thud

A man with a wooden leg and a creepy eye walked in with a wand in hand. Dumbledore went and greeted him with a hug. 

"Please meet ex-auror, Professor Alastor Moody." 

There was a pin drop silence. That creepy mechanical eye of Moody whirred around and fell on Harry. As if Harry was a target of sort. 

"He will be teaching Defense against the dark arts to the students this year." 

I felt Moody's gaze fall on me. It was probably a milli-second or something, but I was in his target list too. I was sure of it.

"Also, I am sad to inform you that Professor Sinistra will be retiring from her job as Astronomy professor. Instead on her, this year, the new Astronomy professor is Professor Alabaster Branson"

Alabaster Branson. Wasn't he the one who went on telling about Zoe last year to everyone? I thought he just came to visit me. Now he is permanently teaching here? Honestly?

Alabaster Branson was still in his red robes, his shining beard rivaling Dumbledore's very own. How did I even ignore him in the first time? He was right there sitting next to Hagrid. Well, maybe because Hagrid was sitting next to him? Dunno. Branson simply stood up, bowed his head a bit, and sat down. 

Oh this year was gonna be a hell of a year.

Suddenly Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts waved his hands at Dumbledore. Dumbledore nodded to him.

"A few students and their principals will be arriving at Hogwarts. They will be here in a few minutes. I suggest we be on our best behavior and welcome them at our fullest." 

Suddenly huge thunderous steps were heard. Fire sparkled and came to life before quickly diminishing back. 

A group of around 35 boys marched onto the school. They showed off their school mascots with fiendfire. 

"Why are they only boys?" I asked Hermione. 

"Durmstrang believes that boys are stronger and more competitive than girls. So they prefer boys in the championship." She explained looking disgusted. 

"Disgusting sexists." I muttered. 

Then the Durmstrang headmaster, Igor Karkaroff walked in with a senior student. He had a shining golden tooth. Golden Tooth- sign of villainic activities.

I saw Hermione glancing at the boy beside Karkaroff. She was blushing. I looked closely at him.

It was Krum.

Whispers spread through the entire school as Krum walked in. Never expected him to be still in school. Also I never expected Hermione to be blushing at the sight of him. 

Dumbledore walked down and hugged Karkaroff. The exchanged pleasantries a bit.

The friend of a villain is also a villain.

He shook hands with Krum too.

"Here comes Beaxbutons" Hermione said. 

Soon a horde of flipping, dancing, ladies entered the Hogwarts hall followed in. They graciously danced while sending red roses all around the banquet hall. Most people were gaping at them like idiots.

"Beaxbutons is a girl's school." Hermione replied to my unasked question.

They stood in a line waiting for their headmistress to come. 

Then she came.

Ok, i will be honest. I half expected their headmistress to be all Ahroditey and stuff. But, I totally didn't expect a half giant to come in. 

"Madame Olympe Maxime" Hermione said. 

Olympe? Wasn't it a bit . . . specific of a middle name. 

Then came a group of six girls. The school and Durmstrang students were basically drooling this time. They had a look that I could understand any day. Two of them, I even knew them. 

It was Artemis and five of her hunters, that included my cousin, Thalia Grace.

Shit. Not so cool. Hecate had warned me. Of course. Act cool. Don't give yourself out. Simply pretend to be like the other people. 

Well . . . that was a bit tough, considering that they were gaping at them like they were gods. Which was kinda true. At least Artemis was.

I felt a sudden nudge on my elbow. It was Ginny.

"What?" I asked.

"You had a strange look in your eyes when you were looking at them." Hermione said. 

"Oh" I said. Was I gaping at them too? Maybe. Shit.

Dumbledore kissed Maxime's hand. 

"Please, take a seat at whatever table you choose. When you are staying at Hogwarts, you can stay at whatever dormitory you choose." Dumbledore announced.

I pulled my hoodie down. Can't let them see me. Krum and a few of the Durmstrang children sat at the Slytherin table. I could even see Malfoy with a smug grin looking at Harry. 

Most of the Beaxbutons girls sat at the Gryffindor table. Malfoy's smug grin vanished instantly. Artemis and her hunters sat on the Gryffindor table, just a few Let people on the left of Percy. 

Dumbledore started giving a welcome speech to the Beaxbutons and Durmstrang students. I droned off at half the speech. 

At long long last we got to leave. 

I could see Artemis looking at each and everyone of the students like a hawk. She was sent here with a mission, and there is no chance that she is not going to complete it. 

Finally she went to the Gryffindor tower, walking a safe distance away from me. 

I have to be careful. 

Hi guys. There's your chapter. Sorry for the delay but school's being a dick. I guess I said it before but . . . who cares. 

So, how's your valentines day been? Had a date? All I did was sit in my house with my best friend and played video games. Wonderful day for me.

Chapters will be coming in a bit late from now on. 

Also quiz for the day is - 

Name all the monsters Percy encountered in Tartarus.

Last quiz winner is l0n3WaLKer611. Congo to you.

1870 Words.


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