Chapter 2

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Everyone knew Charlotte Salvatore in Mystic Falls. She was the only daughter of Lillian and Giuseppe Salvatore, she was her mothers double. She was beautiful, every man wanted their chance with Charlotte, but she was never interested. Every man in Mystic Falls made Charlotte roll her eyes in disgust. They weren't interesting, all they wanted was to have a pretty woman on their arm at events, birth their children and make it look to everyone else they had the perfect family. It was just a competition in this town, it was pathetic.

Charlotte didn't want that, she wanted adventure. Charlotte didn't want to settle down, not just yet anyway, she was 22 and thought it was too soon to be married and start a family, however, back then Charlotte was expected to be married for a couple years already and have at least one child. This is what her father despised about Charlotte. He was disgusted to see that his daughter was just going to end up as a lonely old spinster with no one, he was embarrassed.

Giuseppe was always harsh towards Charlotte, he was harsh to all his children. Damon & Stefan would intervene but that only caused themselves to get a beaten from their father. The Salvatore siblings relationship was so strong, each of them knew when the other wasn't themselves and they would all comfort each other in their own ways.

It was hard being the only girl in the family, the only thing her brothers wanted to do was to go outside and play football and her father would never let her join in because it wasn't ladylike. Charlotte had piano and singing lessons most days, at first she hated it but she grown to like both singing and playing the piano. She was very talented at the piano, whenever her father hosted parties at the house, Charlotte was always expected to play some music for the guests.

Charlotte and her brothers lives got interesting once the famous Katherine Pierce arrived in Mystic Falls. Charlotte knew that Katherine was a vampire, but she didn't care, she found Katherine interesting. They became very close friends and Charlotte also became very close friends with Emily Bennett. She finally had women in her life again which she wished for for so long. It was Katherine who started to call Charlotte, Lola.

On the night of Katherine's capture, Charlotte seen Katherine getting dragged out of her brother Stefan's bedroom. She hid in the darkness to see what was happening and then she noticed Stefan and Damon running after the carriage. Charlotte decided to follow, she had just got actual friends in her life and she wasn't going to give up on Katherine without a fight.

Damon and Stefan both turn around at the sound of movement behind them in the woods. "For god sake Charlotte you scared us." Damon whispered to Charlotte as she emerged out of the woods.

"I'm sorry but I wasn't going to sit around and do nothing, Katherine is my friend."

"No. You can't be here, it's too dangerous, you need to go back to the house before father notices you're not there." Stefan says while grabbing Charlotte and dragging her into the direction towards their house.

Charlotte stops walking causing Stefan to stop "You can't tell me what to do Stefan. I'm helping Katherine whether you like it or not, now move." Charlotte pushes past Stefan and walks over to the carriage where Katherine is captured in.

Stefan and Damon carry Katherine out of the carriage and places her onto the floor and removes the horrible contraption that is around her mouth.

Charlotte bends down towards Katherine and whispers "Don't worry Kat, you're safe now. You can't leave me alone with these freaks."

Suddenly a loud bang is heard and she looks up to see Stefan grabbing his stomach where blood is pouring out of it and he falls to the ground. Before Charlotte could even react another shot is heard and Damon is now on the floor next to Stefan bleeding out.

"No! No this can't be happening!" Charlotte runs over to them with tears in her eyes. She looks up to try and see where the shots came from when all of a sudden she feels warmth on her stomach, she looks down to see she has also been shot and blood is pouring all over her ivory nightgown and then everything goes blank.


"Stefan, look at her! She's dead! Because of us our sister is dead!" Damon shouts which causes Charlotte to flutter her eyes open.

Charlotte tries to open her eyes full but it's as though the sun is right in front of her face, everything is just so bright, she holds her head in pain. She then realises what just happened, she shot up and grabbed her stomach where she was shot but realises the wound is no longer there. "What the hell?" Is all Charlotte could say.

This causes Damon and Stefan to turn around and stop arguing to see that their sister is in fact alive. "Oh my god, you're okay!" Damon rushes over to Charlotte and picks her up from the ground and giving her the most bone crushing hug an older brother could give.

"That's not possible." Stefan says while slowly walking over to Charlotte and Damon.

"It is possible actually." Emily Bennett appears out of the little house where the Salvatore's were stood outside of.

They all looked over to Emily in shock. "Does someone want to tell me what's going on?" Charlotte says, she has no idea what's happening. She was dead. She was shot, how can she be alive?

"You're in transition, sister." Damon tells Charlotte

"I'm what?" Charlotte answers back with a confused look on her face. In transition? How? She's never drank vampire blood before.

"You're in transition to become a vampire, Charlotte. Katherine made sure you had a drop of her blood every evening in your tea." Emily answers walking up to Charlotte.

"You need to feed in order to complete the transition." Stefan says.

"What if I don't want to complete the transition?" Charlotte asks. No one speaks, Charlotte knew exactly what would happen if she did not complete this transition, she would die...again. "I'll die." Charlotte sighs and looks towards the ground.

Damon grabs Charlottes arms and raises her chin so she is looking into his eyes. "Charlotte, listen to me. You don't have to go through with this, we can make you comfortable."

"Damon we aren't going to let our sister die again! That's not an option! Charlotte look it's easy!" Stefan says while grabbing an unconscious girl from the floor and bites into a wrist and starts to drink it.

"Brother let her make the decision on her own! You aren't going to force this on her like you did with me!" Damon shouts

"Wait, what? What happened while I was unconscious?" Charlotte looks at both her brothers waiting for an answer.

"He forced me to drink blood." Damon says, not losing eye contact with Stefan. Damon looks to his sister with sad eyes "I don't want you to be forced into this either. Obviously I want you to do it because I don't want to lose my baby sister, but it's your choice."

Charlotte looks at Damon with tears in her eyes. She doesn't want to leave her brothers but this whole transition thing is really overwhelming. She can't even reply to him, does she want to die? Or does she want to become a vampire and live forever? You would think that would be an easy decision but it wasn't for Charlotte. Yes she would have her brothers with her forever, but she wouldn't be able to have a family. She may never fall in love and even if she does, what if she falls in love with a human and has to watch him grow old because he doesn't want to become what she is while she doesn't even get a hint of a wrinkle.

Before even processing, suddenly Stefan forces the young girls wrist into Charlotte's mouth. "Stefan what are you doing?!" Damon shouts trying to pull Stefan off his sister.

"I'm sorry brother but this needs to be done." Stefan shouts back holding the back of Charlotte's head so she can't move away from the girl's wrist.

Charlotte tries to move but once she tasted the red metallic liquid going down her throat, she clung on to the girl and drained her out of every last drop of blood and then dropped the girl onto the floor.

Charlotte looks down at the girl realising what she did. "Oh my god." Charlotte puts her hands through her hair when the tears start streaming down her face, she is pacing backwards and forwards trying to come to terms with what she did. She just killed that young girl. That young innocent girl.

Charlotte's emotions became too much, she fell to the floor and the tears just would not stop. She started to hyperventilate when she felt strong arms coming up from behind her and grabbing her into a hug and she started to calm down. Damon always knew how to calm his sister down, even with the littlest things just like a hug, he always helped calm his sister down.

Emily walks over and bends down in front of Charlotte and was face to face with Charlotte. She grabbed a grey velvet box and opened it up to show a gold ring with a blue stone in the middle of it. It was simple yet beautiful.

"Katherine had me make this for you. Wearing this will make it possible for you to go out in the sun. It's a daylight ring." Emily explains to the emotional new vampire.

Charlotte takes the ring and places it on her ring finger on her right hand and looks up to Emily with a small smile across her face. "It's beautiful."


Present Day

"Miss?" Lola starts to shuffle around in her seat hearing a woman's voice. "Miss?" Lola opens her eyes to see a stewardess in front of her.

Lola sits up remembering where she was. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay Miss Salvatore. I just wanted to let you know we will be arriving into Chicago shortly." The Stewardess says and then walks over to the next passenger.

Lola rests her head against the head rest and sighs. "Bad dream?" A man's voice says.

Lola looks over to the next pod in first class to see a man smiling over at her. Lola fake smiles back "Bad memory." Not wanting to make anymore conversation with the man, Lola grabs her magazine and starts to read that waiting for the plane to land.

Once the plane lands in Chicago, Lola makes her way over to her apartment she has in the city. She doesn't stay there a lot but she was staying there when Damon got in touch with her. Lola left so suddenly that day and she left some things behind which is why she was going back to the apartment.

Lola arrived at the apartment and opened the door and could sense something was different. Lola vamp speeds over to the painted landscape canvas she has on the wall and removed it revealing a safe, which was unlocked. Lola opened up the door on the safe to notice nothing was actually taken, but she noticed a rolled up piece of paper that wasn't there before.

I see you still keep hold of my art work.

That's all the note said but made Lola tense up and her eyes started to fill up. Lola blinked the tears away and grabbed a few important things out of the safe before rushing out of the apartment and going straight to a friend she knew could help her.

Lola arrived at a half empty bar, it was half empty because it was only about 11 in the morning. She spots a woman at the bar and walks over and takes a seat at the bar.

"Well I wasn't expecting to see you here again so soon." The woman says still with her back to Lola making a drink.

"How did you know it was me?"

The woman who looks like she is in her 60s with grey hair turns around with a smile and passes over a glass of bourbon to Lola. "Honey, I'm a witch, I know things."

"I need your help Gloria." Lola says and takes a sip of her drink.

"I thought as much. He came in here not long after you left last time."

Lola looks up to Gloria in shock and then starts to look around the bar in case he was still here waiting for her.

"Don't worry." Gloria says making Lola look back over to her. "I didn't tell him where you were. I said I hadn't seen you since the 40s."

Lola sighs in relief. "Thank you."

"So, what do you need my help with?" Gloria says refilling Lola's glass.

"I was wondering if you could use some of your witch juju and put a spell on me so he can't find me with any locator spells or anything." Lola pleads to the woman.

"One of these days I want the full story behind all of this." Gloria says

"And you will, eventually. But right now I need to stay hidden, I'm going to help my family out and I can't have him know I'm there. There are things happening over there and it's going to only make it worse if he gets involved."

"Okay fine."

Lola looks at the witch with a raised eyebrow "That's it? You'll help me? As easy as that?"

Gloria smiles at Lola "As easy as that. You've helped me out in more ways than one over the years, you've still got a few more times for me to repay it."

Lola grabs Gloria's hand and squeezes it and smiles back at Gloria "Thank you so much Gloria."

They both catch up a little bit before Lola leaves and heads straight back to the airport to compel herself a seat on the next plane to Mystic Falls.

A/N: The picture above is Lola's daylight ring

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