Chapter 4

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Memory Lane

Elena is sat at the Mystic Grill reading a book on her own. Damon vamp speeds over to her and takes a seat next to Elena causing her to jump.

"What do you want?" Elena asks while rolling her eyes.

"So, this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back." Damon says looking around before looking back at Elena with a smirk.

"I tricked you into telling me the truth, that's not stabbing you in the back, it's using your own tactics against you." Elena stands up about to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Damon turns and asks Elena.

"I made myself clear, Damon. I want nothing to do with you."

"Okay. See you at Jenna's barbecue." Damon says as he turns back around to face the table.

"How did you know about Jenna's barbecue?" Elena walks back over confused.

"It was my idea. Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood so I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So I told Ric to tell Jenna and..."

Lola vamp speeds over and takes a seat next to Damon, "Actually Damon. It was my idea, not yours. Hello Elena." Lola smiles at Elena.

"Does Jenna know that you're going to be there because she's not exactly a fan of yours." Elena asks Damon.

A waitress walks over and hands Damon a box with peach cobbler in it and then walks away.

"Perfect. Thank you. I'm hoping this peach cobbler will pave the way. Plus, I'm sure she will get on with my baby sister over here." Damon messes up Lola's hair making her groan and roll her eyes.

"What are you up to?" Elena asks Damon.

Damon and Lola stand up facing Elena, "I'm gonna put some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove he is a werewolf." Damon then starts to walk away.

"See you at the barbecue, Elena." Lola smiles at Elena trying to be nice and then follows after Damon.


Elena and Jenna are in the kitchen at the Gilbert house and setting everything up for the BBQ.

"Thanks for letting me invite Caroline. She could use a day of distraction." Elena says to Jenna as she is pouring chips into a bowl.

"Well, she's not the plus one I'm worried about. Why is Damon coming?" Jenna asks in an offish tone.

Jenna isn't keen on Damon after she caught him kissing Elena, but it was actually Katherine, long story wait for the movie.

"Because Alaric is a pity taker. Come on Jenna, be nice. He's bringing his younger sister too, I think you'll like her." Elena says.

"I'll be nice when Damon learns to keep his paws off you."

Mason walks into the kitchen holding a bottle of bourbon and some shot glasses. "Good news! I found the shot glasses!"

"That would be my exit." Elena says grabbing the bowl of chips and walking out of the kitchen.

Elena walks into the living room where she sees Damon walk in and Lola is stood in the doorway. Elena invites Lola in and Lola smiles at her and thanks her.

"Hey, Elena. Thank you for letting me come, I mean you didn't have to invite me in so thank you." Lola says trying to make peace between herself and the doppleganer.

"It's fine. I spoke to Stefan and he told me that you both made up."

Lola awkwardly laughs and nods.

"He also told me that you helped convince Bonnie to help Caroline out, so thank you for that." Elena continues.

Jenna then walks into the living room and smiles over to Lola.

"Jenna, this is Lola Salvatore, Stefan and Damon's sister." Elena says looking at Jenna then Lola.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Jenna." Lola walks over to Jenna and shakes her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Lola. I wasn't aware that there was a third Salvatore."

Lola laughs "Yeah, oddly enough you're not the first one to say that to me."

Elena walks onto the porch to go and try ring Stefan.

Lola then introduces herself to Caroline who came in from being outside with Alaric cooking the food.

"Hey. Just checking in. Did you get my message about Jenna's barbecue? Call me when you can." Elena says into Stefan's voicemail.

Caroline walks onto the porch and takes a seat next to Elena and starts to eat the bowl of chips.

"Is that Stefan?" Caroline asks.

"Yeah, he hasn't called me back. I'm trying to decide if I should be worried." Elena says staring at her phone hoping it would ring and it would be Stefan.

"I'm sure he's fine." Caroline says and then eats some more chips, "So I met Lola. She seems nice."

"Yeah she is. It's weird though, it's like she is 50% Damon and 50% Stefan. Can't decide if that's a good thing or not." Elena says.

"Well at least she isn't 100% Damon, could do without another one of him around here." Caroline says as she eats more chips. "God! I cannot stop eating. Stefan says it's a great way to sublimate the cravings. It's horrible just fighting the urge for blood every minute of every day."

"I know that Stefan really hates that part of himself." Elena says looking over at Caroline.

"Yeah and he hates that you're a constant temptation."

"He said that?"

"The desire to rip out your jugular every time he's with you? Trust me, it's there. It's why I had to break up with Matt." Caroline says and eats some more.

Alaric walks onto the porch. "Hey! Food's ready, come get it."

"Finally, I'm starving." Caroline says and walks back into the house.


Later on after the food, everyone sits in the living room and starts to play a game of pictionary. Damon keeps coming up with different types of wolf puns, Lola is trying so hard to keep herself from laughing. It's Damon's turn to draw.

"Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna shouts.

"Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!" Caroline shouts.

"No, no." Damon smirks looking at everyone.

"A dog! Hound-dog!" Lola shouts trying so hard not to laugh.

"Dances with Wolves" Mason casually shouts from across the room. Everyone looks over to him in shock wondering how he got that right.

"Mason wins...again." Damon says putting the pens back onto the table.

"How is that a wolf?" Jenna shouts to Damon.

Lola walks into the kitchen to get another drink and not long after Elena follows her.

"Hey, want one?" Lola asks Elena holding up a bottle of beer.

"Better not." Elena smiles and then points into the living room "Guardian is present."

Lola laughs "Right." She then takes the bottle herself and opens it up and then Damon walks into the kitchen.

"Aunt Jenna is getting tipsy." Damon says as he walks over to Elena getting just a little bit too close.

"Will you stop plying her with alcohol?" Elena says frustrated.

"I want her to like me." Damon says holding his hands up.

"How is operation Lockwood?" Lola asks her older brother.

"He's my new BFF." Damon says smirking making Lola roll her eyes.

Jenna then walks into the kitchen.

"There you are. Isn't this fun?" Jenna says walking over to Lola and Damon.

"Yes, thank you so much for inviting me." Damon pipes up making Jenna glare at him.

"Did I have a choice? Plus, I wasn't asking you, I was asking your sister, you know, the Salvatore I like."

This comment makes Lola laugh, she feels like her and Jenna would get along.

"I know what you must think about me." Damon says.

"No, you don't. You've never dated you; I have dated many you's." Jenna says still glaring at Damon.

"I'm a work in progress." Damon says smirking.

Elena gives Jenna a cake knife from a brown box that is on the counter, Lola walks over curious to see what else there is in that box.

" Ooh, these are fancy." Lola says pretending to be interested looking at the set of cutlery that is in the brown box.

"Thanks. My mother's silver set." Jenna says and then walks off with the pie.

Lola looks up to Damon who then looks at Elena who looks over to Lola as she picks up a silver knife from the set and then looks up to the other two smirking.

Damon puts the pie on the table and turns the pie that has the silver cake knife sticking out of it towards Mason. Lola takes a seat next to Alaric.

"Mason, why don't you start us off?" Damon says smiling over to Mason.

Mason looks up at Damon suspiciously before speaking up, "Sure." Mason then turns the pie around so the knife is no longer facing him and picks up a piece with his hands.

He looks up to see Lola and Alaric watching him confused. Mason laughs and says "I apologise, I'm an animal." He then takes a bite out of the pie.

Damon glances over to Lola who nods and then Damon takes a seat opposite Mason.

Lola coughs trying to break up the tension that is rising. "So Mason, you and Jenna never dated?" She asks the werewolf.

"No, she was always lost in Logan Fell land." He says laughing and looking over to Jenna who walks towards the table and takes a seat.

Jenna takes a seat next to Lola and scoffs "Ah, my first mistake. Mason was a catch; he had girls lining up."

"Really?" Damon asks shocked and smiles "I always pegged you for a lone wolf."

Lola bites her lip trying not to laugh at Damon's lame innuendos towards Mason.

"I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were." Mason says staring at Damon, he isn't stupid, he knows exactly what Damon is doing.

Mason picks up his bottle of beer "How about a toast?" He asks looking at everyone, "To new friends."

Lola, Damon and Ric all quickly glance at each other before picking up their drinks. "To new friends" Everyone says at the same time and clicks their drinks together.

"So Lola, tell us more about yourself." Jenna asks Lola.

"Um, well there isn't much to tell really." Lola awkwardly laughs, "Um, I used to live in Chicago but then I moved back here to catch up with my brothers."

"I've always wanted to go to Chicago, have you been there ever since you left Mystic Falls?" Jenna asks.

"No, I did quite a bit of travelling before settling in Chicago." Lola says.

"That's interesting. Where did you travel?" Mason takes smirking at Lola. He knows something, but how he knows is the next mystery.

Lola laughs "Oh you know, here and there. Too many places to count." Lola smirks back at Mason, she knows what he's doing and he isn't going to win.


It's been a few hours being over at the Gilbert's for the BBQ and everyone begins to leave. Elena and Caroline left a while ago, Lola's guess was they went to go and see Stefan. Everyone walks towards the door and grabs their jackets.

"No more takers for drinks at the Grill? It's like I'm with a bunch of adults here!" Mason asks everyone.

"Um, I prefer the term "role model"." Jenna says making everyone laugh.

"Okay. Well, thanks for having me, it was awesome." Mason says to Jenna and gives her a hug, he pulls away from the hug and reaches his hand out to Ric, "Alaric, catch that game next week?"

"Yeah, I look forward to it." Ric says and then shakes Mason's hand. Mason then walks out.

"You know, we should probably head out too." Damon says while handing Lola her jacket.

"Yeah Damon's right, thanks for letting me gatecrash Jenna it was lovely to meet you." Lola says.

"Lovely to meet you too, we will have to go for a drink one night." Jenna says which Lola replies with a smile and a nod.

Damon walks up to Jenna. "Jenna, you are a wonderful hostess." Damon says and he then kisses her hand.

Jenna scoffs and says "And you are a terrible artist."

"Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?" Damon tilts his head looking to Jenna.

"I'm still deciding." Jenna says and then rolls her eyes.

Lola opens the front door and begins to walk out and Damon follows but then stops and turns around and looks to Ric "Good enough for me. Alaric, let's not catch that game next week."

Both siblings then leave and they go to find Mason. They find Mason outside of the Mystic Grill by his car and they both approach him.

"Damon? What? More dog jokes?" Mason glances over to Lola "You got your little sister as back up eh?"

"Nah, those got old." Damon says and smirks and then stabs Mason with the silver knife he took from Jenna and then says "I don't need back up." Mason bends over in pain and starts groaning in pain.

While that is happening, Lola walks over to Mason's car and drops the tail of his car. Damon walks over to Lola and Mason struggles but then removes the knife from his chest which causes Damon and Lola to look over in shock.

"You know, I think it was werewolves who started this whole silver myth. Probably for moments like this." Mason says as he walks past them both and closes the tail of his car.

"Duly noted." Lola says rolling her eyes.

"I was really looking forward to last call." Mason says looking at them both, he slowly walks up to them and glares, "Now you've made an enemy." Mason then gets into his car and drives off.

"Well that went well." Lola sighs and Damon looks down at her and signs back.

Lola heads back to the boarding house and Damon goes into the Mystic Grill for a drink.


Lola arrives back in the boarding house and goes to the basement and grabs a blood bag and takes it into her bedroom. She is laid on her bed drinking the blood when her phone starts to ring. Lola looks at the Caller ID and it's not a saved number.

Lola answers the phone and puts it against her ear but doesn't say anything, then she hears the voice from the person she has been avoiding for years.

"Hello Love." The man says down the phone.

Lola sits up and starts to get all tense. "How the hell did you get my number?"

"You underestimate me Lola." The smooth talking British accent says. "I told you I would always find you."

"What do you want Nik?" Lola spits out, even saying his name makes the hairs on her arms stand up.

"I think we should catch up. I know you got Gloria to hide your location."

"You dare hurt her, Nik." Lola threatens.

"Don't worry love. The witch is safe."

"Where do you want to meet?" Lola says and then clenches her jaw.

She knows she has to meet him, if she refuses, it won't be long until he figures out where she really is. Lola won't let that happen, she needs to protect her brothers no matter what.

"That's more like it." He says down the phone, Lola rolls her eyes, she can practically see his smug smirk.

"How about we meet in New York? I know that's your favourite City. I'll see you in that cafe you love so much next to Central Park. I'll be there in 2 days." He continues.

"Okay. Fine." Lola says, she is about to hang up but he speaks up again.

"Oh and don't even think about not coming, don't forget, I always find you. Until then sweetheart." He says and hangs up.

Lola screams and throws the half full blood bag against the wall and falls to the floor.

How. Did. He. Find. Her.

Lola calms herself down and starts to pack her bags. She then realises, shit, how is she going to explain this to her brothers?

She can hear them both arrive back into the house so she grabs her bags and walks downstairs. They both stare at her and notice her bags and then look back at her with sad eyes.

"You're leaving?" Stefan speaks up first, Lola can see the hurt in his eyes. They have just made amends and now she's leaving.

"I'll explain when I come back, but please promise me you understand when I say I can't tell you where I'm going." Lola says pleading to both her brothers.

Damon scoffs and walks into the living room and grabs a drink. "I knew it was too good to be true to have you back here."

Lola walks over to Damon but he just puts his head down refusing to make eye contact. Lola takes the drink out of his hands and places both her hands on his face, forcing him to look at her.

"Damon I promise you, I will be back. I'm not leaving you again."

"Just tell us where you're going at least." Stefan says walking up to them.

Lola has her back to Stefan and she starts to stiffen. "I can't tell you." She then turns around with tears in her eyes, "But I promise you, I'll explain everything when I come back."

Stefan looks at Lola with tears in his eyes. He stares right into Lola's eyes and he can tell she is telling the truth. He knows this has something to do with what she was holding back to tell him the other day at the Grill.

Lola then walks to the front door and grabs her bags, she opens the front door and then turns around to look at both her brothers who are staring at her.

"You have my word, I will come back." Lola smiles at them and they both nod at her.

"At least keep in touch and let us know how you're doing?" Damon says.

"Of course I will" Lola smiles. "I'll see you both soon."

Lola then closes the door behinds her and sighs letting the tears flow from her eyes.

She hopes she will see them soon.

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