Chapter 61

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Bring It On

Stefan hands Lola a glass of bourbon before sitting on the sofa opposite her in the boarding house, "How was New York?"

"It was okay..." Lola tries to fight back a grin as she remembers everything that happened in the big apple, "Eventful. So, what's happened while I've been gone?"

Stefan sighs glancing down at his glass of bourbon with a guilt ridden expression, "Jeremy's died." Lola's eyes widen at the news, "Katherine was there on the island when we were and she killed Jeremy."

Lola sits back on the sofa and takes a deep breath, "Wow."

Stefan watches his sister sit being unusually speechless, "Go ahead, gloat."

Lola breaks out of her shocked daze as she frowns over to Stefan, "Why would I gloat? I may be a bitch but I'm not as heartless as people think, he was all Elena had left." She purses her lips as she stands up and walks towards the drinks table, "However, I did have the outset to kill at least one of the Gilbert's given they killed Kol." Stefan gives her an unimpressed glare, she shrugs, "But that being said if I lost one of you idiots it would break me. Where is Elena?"

"Hello, Lola."

Lola turns around to see Elena standing in the doorway of the library. Lola scoffs as she notices straight away the change in Elena's usual demeanour, "Ah, I should've guessed. The classic humanity switch off."

Elena shrugs as she walks further into the room, "You're not welcome here."

Lola laughs as she looks around where they're standing, "Last time I checked this is the Salvatore Boarding House. I am a Salvatore so I can come and go as much as I like."

Elena lets out a spiteful laugh as she steps closer to Lola, "Look at you. I can't believe I used to be scared of you. You're pathetic and you're weak. It's quite embarrassing now that I think about it. You were nothing when you were a vampire and I didn't think it could be possible for you to become lower than you were until you came back as a pathetic witch who doesn't even have her own magic."

"Just ignore her, Lola." Lola turns to see Stefan now standing behind her, he bows his head after seeing his sister is completely unfazed by Elena's words and can tell just by the look on her face she's going to do something.

"Go ahead, Lola, ignore me." Elena speaks up once more, "Just like your brothers ignore you."

Lola laughs dryly before turning around to face Elena again, she steps closer to her, "You think you of all people can hurt me? Nice try." Elena shows her vampire features, she rushes up to Lola but stops inches away from her and begins to scream out in pain, clenching onto her head, "Remember this feeling?" Lola mocks, she grabs Elena's wrist and begins to siphon her as she continues to perform the aneurism spell, "You were right about me not having my own magic but I can siphon it from anything that possesses magic." Lola raises her voice to be heard over Elena's screams, "Apparently, if I keep going you'll slowly desiccate, shall we test that theory?"

Stefan pushes Elena away from Lola with force. Elena takes a deep breath as she watches her hand un-dessicate before her eyes fill with rage. She attempts yet again to get closer to Lola who has a smug grin on her face but Elena is blocked with an even angrier looking Stefan, "You'll have to go through me before you even try to lay a hand on my sister again."

Elena glares at Lola who continues to wear the same smug grin and she waves at Elena, she scoffs before vamp speeding out the house.

Stefan sighs heavily, he turns to look at his sister, placing a hand against her arm, "You okay?"

Lola rolls her eyes as she scoffs, "She'll have to try better than that next time."

"Come on, I'll drive you back." Stefan gestures for Lola to leave the library which she does.

It's silent between the pair as they both walk towards the front door until Lola begins to laugh to herself. Stefan frowns at her as he opens the front door, "What's so funny?"

Lola laughs harder before looking over to her brother, amused, "I always knew she was scared of me."


Klaus wakes hearing shuffling about in the room, he looks up to see Lola rushing around getting dressed, "What's wrong, love?"

Lola jumps slightly not realising she woke Klaus up, "Hayley's in trouble, she thinks a vampire is following her."

Klaus rolls his eyes as he lays back down on the bed, "That sounds like a Hayley problem. Come back to bed."

Lola walks over to Klaus' side of the bed, she sits on the edge of it, "I said I would protect her, Nik."

Klaus looks up to see the worry in Lola's eyes. Although he doesn't understand why she cares so much for Hayley, what's important to Lola, is important to him as well, "Fine." Klaus sits up, "But, you're not going on your own."

Klaus drives up to the truck stop parking lot, looking around in disgust, "Has she lured us here to rob us?"

Lola rolls her eyes as she unbuckles her seatbelt, Klaus places his hand on top of her giving her a stern look, "Stay here."

Lola frowns at him, shaking her head, "No way." Klaus opens his mouth to argue back but Lola interrupts him, "No. I'm helping."

Hayley walks out from a small store within the truck stop parking lot, as she walks down between two large trucks she looks around cautiously, anxious that anyone could be lurking around. She hears the sound of something hitting metal, she stops for a moment looking around to see where the noise come from.

Hayley hears the noise once more but from behind her, when she turns around she sees a man standing opposite her in between the two large trucks. He vamp speeds over to her, slamming her against the side of one of the trucks as he grips hold of her throat. Hayley starts to choke and gasping for air until the vampire throws her to the ground, looking down at her as his lip curls up into a snarl.

Before he can harm Hayley any further, he begins to scream out in pain and holds onto his head stepping away from Hayley. Hayley looks past the vampire screaming in pain to see Lola standing there concentrating on him when Klaus vamp runs up to the rogue vampire, grabs him by his jacket, and spins him around to face him, "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady."

Klaus bites down onto the vampire's neck. The vampire screams out in pain as Klaus continues to bite down until eventually pulling away and throws him against one of the trucks.

Lola moves past Klaus to see a relived Hayley looking up at her, "You came."

Lola shrugs with an amused grin on her face, "I told you I would."

The vampire is writhing in pain on the ground, gripping hold of his neck wound. Lola extends her hand towards Hayley who takes it as Lola pulls her up from the ground. Hayley looks over to the vampire laying on the ground who suddenly gets up and vamp speeds away.

"Oh, don't worry about him, love." Klaus starts with a smug grin, "He'll never make it through tomorrow night."

Hayley anxiously glances between both Klaus and Lola, "What if there are more?"

Klaus steps closer to Hayley as he glares at her, "You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live."

Hayley glares back at Klaus not saying a word until she looks over his shoulder to Lola, "You said you would protect me."

"This is me protecting you, Hayls. If we arrived any later there wouldn't be much of you left if that vampire had his way." Lola turns to gesture past the trucks, "The car is down there."

Hayley nods and continues to walk between the two large trucks and climbs into the back of Klaus' car as he and Lola follow her. Klaus pulls Lola closer to him, "We continue to make quite the team, love."


Lola awakens once more that night, but not by a phone call from Hayley this time. She glances over to Klaus laying beside her, fast asleep. She looks up at the ceiling as she sighs before quietly getting out of the bed and walking towards the door. She slowly and carefully opens it, not wanting to wake Klaus, she glances behind her to still see he is sound asleep before she walks out and shuts the door behind her.

There's something that has been lingering at the back of her mind since she came back to Mystic Falls and the fact that last time she was in this home, Kol trapped her in the basement. Without even realising she finds herself in his bedroom, still looking exactly as it always did which was no surprise considering he only spent a few nights here at the most.

Her heart sinks when she notices something sitting on the top of his dresser, in the exact same place where she last seen it; the night of the Mikaelson ball.

Flashback from the Mikaelson ball:

"How's the ego?" Kol looks up to see Lola leaning against his doorframe with a mischievous smirk on her face, "Has my brother chipped at it ever so slightly?"

Kol rolls his eyes realising Lola is talking about his altercation with Damon earlier that night, "Don't be so ridiculous, Lottie. What are you still doing here?"

Lola shrugs as she steps further into the room, still wearing her pink ball gown, "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"And to have a little rendezvous with Nik?" Kol quips making Lola blush, he laughs, "Thank god for that. I've only been back two days and the sight of him being all dark and gloom was making me want to go back into a dagger slumber."

"Oh, really?" Lola purses her lips as she glances back to the open door, "I could always just go and tell Nik that and he could fix that for you."

"Don't you dare. It's about time I've seen someone with taste, so tell me." Kol gestures around his freshly decorated room in the mansion, "What do you think of the decor of this room?"

Lola looks around the room, her mouth agape trying to fathom the right words and yet can't disguise the unpleasant look she has on her face, "It's certainly different to the decor you had in your previous room in New Orleans. I am surprised Nik chose red walls for a bedroom."

Kol scoffs, "It's probably my punishment for 1914."

"Well, you were trying to make a dagger to use on him."

"This grotesque shade of red is a cruel punishment." Kol walks over to his dresser, picking up a ruby diamond and then walks over to Lola, "When I woke up I found this in my pocket."

Lola it hit with nostalgia as she looks down at the gem in his hand, she laughs slightly as she takes it from him, "I completely forgotten about this. One of the Devereaux witches gave it to you."

"They said it would be part of the spell to break the spell that your Aunt cast on you."

Lola rolls her eyes, "Yes, then we soon learnt it was false. Probably because they only gave us this while we were about to drain them of all their blood. Wasn't it a new witch in the quarter who told you that is was fake?"

Kol smirks slightly as he thinks back to that night, "Yes, a blonde witch. No one had seen her in the quarter before."

"I might have known you remembered her hair colour." Lola nudges him slightly, "It's strange, I remember seeing her at the Christmas party but afterwards we never seen her in the quarter again."

Kol sighs as he takes the ruby from Lola, "I suspect the end to the Christmas party may have put her off from crossing paths with anyone in our family again."

"I should go back home." Lola begins to walk towards the door of his room, "I've avoided the boarding house enough tonight, I suppose I should brace myself for whatever argument my brothers are going to throw at me."

"Make sure you come back here tomorrow." Lola watches as Kol places the ruby back on his dresser, "I don't know if I can handle being in the house full of the family and you're not here to suffer with me."

Lola finds herself sitting on the edge of Kol's bed, staring down at the ruby in her hands. Until she sees a figure standing in the doorway in the corner of her eye, she looks up to see Klaus with a sorrow look in his eyes.

Lola smiles weakly at him before looking around the room, "Kol always hated this wall colour. Used to say it was grotesque."

"Well, that was the idea." Klaus sits beside Lola on the bed, "Call it his punishment for what happened in 1914." Lola covers her mouth to mask her laugh which soon becomes sobs, Klaus edges closer to her placing his hand on her, "What?"

Lola takes a deep breath to control her breathing, "That's what Kol said."

Lola begins to cry even more, not being able to move past that she's never going to hear Kol quip something at her within a matter of seconds or pretend to flirt with her to wind Klaus up again. She disliked Kol when they first met, that was no secret especially after she broke his hand in the middle of a busy bar when they were properly introduced.

But in time they grew a close bond with each other, Kol would tell Lola stories about how he used to practice magic before they all became vampires and how lost he felt once he wasn't able to perform magic anymore. Which was when he promised her he would help her in anyway he could to help break the spell cast upon her hiding her witch heritage.

Klaus pulls Lola towards his chest, resting his chin on the top her head. Barely being able to hold himself together being in his younger brother's bedroom. Them two rarely seeing eye to eye and yet Klaus feels as though a part of him died along with his brother.

Klaus can feel Lola beginning to relax as she takes in his intoxicating scent which always calms her down. He pulls away from her slightly, "Let's go back to bed."

Lola nods, taking his hand and walking out of Kol's room. Just as they are about to walk back into their bedroom, she stops, "Wait, I need to do something first. I want to do a cloaking spell."

Klaus looks over to Lola confused, "A cloaking spell on what?"

"On Hayley." Lola walks into their room and grabs her grimoire, "Word of Hayley being here will spread like wildfire in this town and I can bet money that one of my brothers will come sniffing around for her. This way they won't even be able to hear her being here."

Klaus wraps his arms around her waist as she tries to walk out of the room, "Have I ever told you how incredible you are?"

Lola glances up at the ceiling pretending to be in thought, "Once or twice. I'm sure it won't hurt to hear it a few more times."


Klaus walks down the hallway and stops as he looks into his bedroom to see Lola doing yoga with her back to the door. His eyes can't help but wonder as he watches Lola complete her yoga poses as the corner of his mouth twitches upwards into a smirk.

Lola straights herself up as she moves into the tree pose, staying like that for a good few seconds until Klaus stands in front of her. He looks away momentarily to try and mask his laughter at the fact Lola hasn't even noticed his presence. Lola takes a deep breath as she releases the pose, she slowly opens her eyes to see a smug looking Klaus standing in front of her.

She gasps as she tumbles slightly losing her balance until she leans against the wall clutching her chest, "It amazes me how I've not suffered from a heart attack when people are constantly creeping up on me."

Klaus raises a brow as he steps closer to Lola, "You're doing yoga?"

Lola shrugs as she gestures down at her yoga mat, "I'm trying to relax and be all zen."

Klaus narrows his gaze at her, closing the gap between his both with a mischievous grin, "Do you even know what zen means?"

Lola huffs as she looks at him unamused, "Are you just going to stand there and mock me?"

Klaus glances up, pretending to be in thought as he takes hold of Lola's hand and pulling her closer to him, "Well, if you needed to be reminded on how flexible I know you are, there is always something else we could do."

Klaus can feel Lola's smile as he presses his lips against hers, it growing more and more heated every second. Lola runs her hands through his hair before finding a place against the back of Klaus' neck as he walks her backwards towards their bed.

Klaus groans as he hears a loud knock against the front door, he pulls away and buries his face into the nape of Lola's neck, "We need to move."

Lola's lips form a flat line to fight back her laughs as she pulls away, "No doubt it's going to be one of my brothers which I predicted last night. So we'll see if my cloaking spell has worked and if it has..." Lola shrugs as she walks towards their bathroom before looking over her should back at Klaus, "I could always cloak the entire house."

Klaus opens the door to reveal a smug looking Damon standing outside, he walks straight into the house as Klaus glares at him, "Ah, what an unpleasant surprise."

Damon strides into the room holding up a piece of paper, "So I just came up with a list." Klaus shuts the door and follows Damon into the room who turns around and grimaces at Klaus, "It's called "Things You Suck At"" He holds up his index finger, "Number one: Finding Katherine. Ever. Number two: covering up Lola's secret phone conversations with that little backstabber Hayley." He waves the phone transcripts in his hand with a smug grin before putting them down on the table beside him, "Yeah, so, where is she? What does she know about Katherine?"

Klaus' jaw tightens, glaring at the eldest Salvatore, he gestures between them both, "I should help you?"

Damon nods, "Mhm."

"After you lot killed my brother and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?"

Damon steps closer to Klaus with a stern look on his face, "You might want to prioritise, Klaus. You have much bigger problems." Klaus stares at him blankly waiting for him to continue, "Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine."

Klaus smiles as he walks towards Damon, "Can't help you, mate." He walks past Damon and sits on the sofa behind him, "Hayley's off limits. Although, I did have a run in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is." Damon turns around and narrows his glare down at Klaus who continues with a mocking tone, "Too bad for you, I bit halfway through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chit-chat."

Damon scoffs as he looks around the room, "Where's my sister?"

Klaus shrugs nonchalant, "She's somewhere attempting to feel zen but I doubt that will continue now you're here."

Damon leaves a smug looking Klaus sitting in the study as he heads upstairs to find Lola, he can hear shuffling about in her room so he knocks, "You in there?"

"Damon?" Lola's head looks out of the adjoining bathroom, "What are you doing here?"

"Open up, I wanna talk."

"I'm in the middle of something, D."

Damon rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, trying to feel all zen, I've heard. Just open up or I'll just walk in." As Lola opens the door, Damon jumps back in shock.

Lola stands wearing a face mask but doesn't hide the unamused glare she is sending Damon, "Really?"

"What is that?" Damon frowns as he steps closer, narrowing his eyes at Lola's skin, "Is that your actual skin?"

"Yes, it is."

Damon's brows shoot up in surprise until he looks at her confused yet again, "Really? It just peels off?"

"Yes, every month." Lola jests, Damon lifts his hand up towards Lola's cheek attempting to touch the sheet mask she is wearing but she hits his hand away, "No, you idiot! It's a face mask. What do you want?"

"I heard about last night, you know, the fact Elena almost killed you." Concern with a hint of amusement lights his eyes, "You okay?"

Lola laughs as she walks back into the room removing the sheet mask, Damon following, "She wouldn't have killed me." She turns to see Damon not looking as sure as her regarding her statement, "What? She wouldn't have, wanna know why?"

Damon stares at his sister confused until he begins to frown at the pain sensation in his head, he grips hold of his head as he looks over to Lola who smirks over to him, "Alright, alright, enough!"

Lola stops the spell and smiles over to Damon as she sits beside her vanity, "Hurts, doesn't it?"

Damon laughs slightly as he calms his breathing down, "Well played, baby sis."

Lola watches him for a second through her mirror, she can tell he is trying to listen out for Hayley. She clears her throat as she rubs some of her moisturiser into her hands, "Now, I know that's not the reason you've came by. Out with it."

Damon leans on the wall beside the vanity, "Where's Hayley?"

Lola's brows knit together as she looks up at her brother, "Why do you want to know where Hayley is?"

Damon exhales a long sigh, pushing him self off the wall as he begins to pace around the room, "Because she told Katherine where to find the cure. My bet is Katherine is planning to use the cure on Klaus so then he wouldn't be your psycho hybrid boyfriend anymore, he will just be your psycho boyfriend."

Lola shrugs as she looks at Damon through the mirror, "Hayley isn't here."

"She may not be here but you know where she is." Damon can tell by Lola's eyes she knows something, he scoffs, "Come on, you've got some mysterious link to the wolf. I've known since she came along with Adrianna when you were," His face squirms with discomfort, still unable to say that one word, "You know."

Lola tilts her head slightly, "Dead?"

Damon nods, pointing over to Lola, "That. How do you know her?"

"It's complicated."

Damon steps closer to his sister, his eyes narrowing at her as his interest peeks, "So, you are connected somehow?"

Lola hesitates for a moment, she turns around to face Damon, "I'm not the only one connected to her." Damon mouth parts to say something but Lola stops him, "I'll explain in time. Maybe when she isn't on your hit list." She stands from her vanity and looks over to him with a raised brow, "Now, was that all? Because you were interrupting me trying to feel zen."

Damon's face scrunches up, "Do you even know what zen means?"

Lola rolls her eyes, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Damon laughs as Lola starts to push him out of the room, "Go away, brother."

Lola watches from the top of the stairs as Damon storms out of the house, she waits until she can hear his car engine start before she walks into the room Hayley stayed in last night.

Lola knocks on the door as she opens it up slightly, "You up?" She peaks her head round the door to see Hayley only just waking up, Lola rolls her eyes as she steps fully into the room, "Clearly not."

Hayley stretches out in the bed, "I haven't been in a bed this comfy since that time you took me to London when I turned 18."

Lola opens up the curtains before turning to face Hayley, looking a little shocked, "That was comfortable for you?" She shudders slightly as her face pulls with with disgust, "Of course it was, your kind is used to sleeping in the woods."

Hayley rolls her eyes, ignoring Lola's remark as she sits up in bed, "What's with the invasion?"

"Well it is passed noon, Hayls." Lola picks up Hayley's shirt, "But also, Damon just stopped by looking for you."

Hayley scoffs, "Let me guess, he wants to kill me."

Lola purses her lips then shrugs, "It's Damon, so probably. I cloaked you last night so he couldn't even hear your breathing when he was here."

Hayley's brow knit together as she looks over to Lola confused, "When did you cloak me?"

"When you were asleep." Lola's bluntness causes Hayley to pause as she stares back at Lola who has a slight glimmer in her eyes. Lola throws her hands up, "Well, I knew someone was going to come sniffing around for you so I planned to be one step ahead."

Hayley's mouth gapes but clamps shut again before laughing slightly, "Thanks, I think."

Lola glances between Hayley's shirt she still has in her hands and Hayley's bag on the floor, "Do you have any clothes that are non hillbilly in your bags?" Lola's remark seems to have shocked Hayley for a moment wanting to bite back but she sighs and nods. Lola nods back, "Good, get dressed."

Hayley watches as Lola walks out of the bedroom, still with her shirt in her grip, "What are you doing with my other clothes?"

"Burning them." Lola shouts back as she closes the door behind herself.

She descends down the stairs and walks into the study where Klaus still resides in, his eyes follow her as she walks towards the fireplace and throws Hayley's shirt in the fire. He closes up the book he was reading, "I'm guessing that your brother slamming the door on his way out means your cloaking spell worked."

Lola sits beside him on the sofa, she tilts her head slightly as the corner of her mouth hints at a smirk, "Did you doubt me?"

Klaus towers over Lola on the sofa as he places the book he was reading on the table beside the sofa, he smirks down at her, "Never."

He lowers himself down further until they lock lips, the kiss is fierce that leaves Lola feel powerful under Klaus, his kiss was blazing. One of his hands grabs the side of Lola's face while the other slowly travels up her leg, finding rest in her inner thigh that sends a shiver up Lola's spine. Lola's hands travel from his cheek round to his lower back, pushing him down more towards her as she feels more and more impatient, but they both pull away from each other when they hear glass breaking in another room.


They both stare into each other's eyes, finding their breath. Klaus doesn't even bother to hide his annoyed expression, "How long are we expecting the wolf to stay here?"

Lola sighs as she runs a hand through Klaus' hair before placing her hand against his cheek, caressing with her thumb, "You're the one who wants to know more about what she's told Katherine and vice versa."

"I happen to get answers a lot quicker when the perpetrator isn't smashing our Crystal." Klaus' eyes gleam with his usual up to know good gleam, "Perhaps-"


Klaus' brows shoot up at Lola's interruption, he laughs slightly, "You didn't even know what I was going to say."

"Did it involve any form of torture?" Lola questions as she twists one of Klaus' necklaces around her fingers, she locks eyes with him when he continues to still have the same gleam in his eyes now matched with a mischievous smirk. Lola pulls the necklace down, pulling Klaus down so their lips are practically touching as she matches his same smirk, "Then yes I did know what you were going to say."


Lola and Klaus sit at one end of the table watching as Hayley pushes her plate further onto the table, quickly growing comfortable as she pulls her foot up onto her chair and takes a sip of her wine.

"So, you're rested, you're fed." Klaus states in a tranquil tone, "Tell me about Katerina."

"Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation." Hayley narrows her eyes at Klaus, "With you, it's drinks and fine dining."

Lola lets out a stifled laugh as she moves her fork around the table, "Believe me, this wasn't his first option."

Klaus chuckles slightly as he takes the fork out of Lola's hand before smiling over to Hayley, "Well, in your case, I favour hospitality over unpleasantness, but I have been known to change my mind on a whim. Where is Katerina?"

Hayley rolls her eyes, "You seriously think I know?"

"You tipped her off as to what we were up to and set her on a course to find the cure. In return, she sent her lackey to snuff you out. Tell me, what did Katerina promise you?"

Hayley pauses for a moment, looking over to Lola before sitting her glass down and readjusting in her seat to lean forward and face Klaus, "I was in New Orleans trying to find information about my real parents. Katherine found me and told me she could help."

Lola scoffs as she runs her hand through her hair, "Why would you ever think Katherine Pierce would help you find your family?"

Hayley leans towards Lola, glaring at her, "When the last person who said they'd help just told me the city and nothing else."

Lola glares back, also leaning in her chair, "There was a bit of a time crunch when you were busy helping to unsire twelve hybrids."

Klaus places his hand on the top of Lola's leg to calm her down, she sighs as she sits back in the chair while finishing off her glass of wine. Klaus clears his throat, "So, an orphan? Well, that does explain your charming bravado. Abandonment issues will do it every time."

"Sounds like you would know." Hayley snaps back instantly.

Klaus silently laughs before sitting forward in his chair, "Lola cares about you, she wants to protect you and also wishes I protect you as well. I'm happy to do so, provided you cooperate."

Hayley hesitates momentarily, "Are you going to let Tyler walk free?" Klaus and Lola both start to laugh making Hayley glare at them, "You can't kill him."

Lola sighs as her laughter calms, "Oh, Hayley. He isn't going to kill Tyler, at least not right away."

"If I simply killed Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment. Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear-- that's Tyler's true punishment." Klaus taunts, not bothering to hide his malicious grin, "But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?"

Hayley shrugs as she swirls the wine around in her glass, "I don't know. He might've left Caroline for me if I'd used the cure to kill you."

Lola scoffs, "Good god, Hayley. Nothing is going to happen between you and Tyler. He's disgusting, I'm sure there will be someone a lot more charming than a Lockwood to satisfy you."

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience."

Lola's lips part about to quip something back until she can feel Klaus' stare on her, she glances over to him to see he's leaned further forward in his seat watching her with a smug grin. Lola clears her throat as she looks over to Hayley, "I'm just saying...anyone from the Lockwood family isn't worth it. So make sure your knees remain closed when it comes to Tyler."

Klaus stands up from his chair, gesturing his wine glass in Hayley's direction before leaning against the back of Lola's chair, "You know, if Tyler has even half your resolve, he may actually make it through the year."

"It doesn't take resolve." Hayley looks up at Klaus with no emotion, "It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chase down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine escaped you all this time."

Lola leans back in her seat and looks up at Klaus, "Can you give us a moment?" Klaus nods, he places his wine glass back on the table before walking out the room.

Lola watches as he does when Hayley speaks up, "Is this the part where you play bad cop? You're just missing Ade to play the good cop."

Lola narrows her eyes at Hayley as she leans forward, "Who's working for Katherine?"

"I don't know."

"Where is Katherine? What else did she promise you?"

"I don't know where Katherine is. I swear, Lo." Hayley pleads, she sighs, "Katherine told me about these two witches in New Orleans that can help me. They're sisters."

"What are their names?"

"Something Devereaux." Lola's brows shoot up slightly in surprise hearing a name she hasn't heard in over a hundred years, Hayley picks up on this as she moves her chair slightly closer to Lola, "You know that family?"

Lola nods, "Briefly spoke to one of their ancestors when I lived there. Did they tell you anything?"

Hayley looks deflated as she shakes her head, "I never got chance to find them. That's when I came back to New York to see you and Ade."

"Did Katherine tell you anything else?"

"Nothing, I promise."

Lola places her hand on top of Hayley's, smiling sincerely at her, "Okay, I believe you."

Hayley places her other hand on top of Lola's, her eyes full of plead, "Now will you talk to Klaus about letting Tyler go?"

Lola rolls her eyes as she moves her hand away, "Why are you so set on saving Tyler? What is it about him?"

Hayley throws her hands up as she slumps into the back of the chair, "It's not right that he's running for his life because of something I did."

"Tyler has done a lot of other things aside from the whole unsired hybrids situation, Hayley. He started plans that involved killing Klaus, he threatened me." Lola scoffs, rolling her eyes, "A pathetic attempt at a threat I might add. Tyler's hatred towards Klaus knows no limits, he will do anything. So the fact that you've been here, you've told us about Katherine and you're under the protection of Klaus who's to say you won't be Tyler's next target?"

"My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is dead." Klaus announces as he walks back into the room, placing his phone into his pocket, "So you're safe and free to go."

"Perfect." Hayley mumbles, "Thanks for the weird dinner."

Lola follows Hayley back upstairs who is packing up the small amount of her belongings, Lola knocks slightly on the already open door, "Are you going back to New Orleans?"

Hayley nods as she zips up her bag, "I might as well try and find these witchy sisters and see if the lead was any good."

"Take this."

Hayley shakes her head as she looks down at the envelope full of cash in Lola's hands, "I don't need any more money, Lo. You've gave me enough."

Lola holds it out further towards Hayley, "I insist." Hayley smiles at her as she takes the cash when Lola pulls out a necklace from her pocket, "Also this."

"It's not my birthday."

"I know." Lola walks behind Hayley and puts the necklace on her, "But, Ade got me this while we were in New York and it's not really my style." She moves Hayley slightly to be able to look into the mirror, she smiles at Hayley in the mirror, "It suits you a lot more than it suits me."

Hayley gazes at the necklace through the mirror, "It's really pretty."

Lola stands in front of Hayley, with a stern look, "Stay vigilant and be careful who you trust." Hayley goes to respond but Lola holds her finger out to stop her, "Especially New Orleans witches, sometimes they will say something to you which is false just give themselves a gain. Make sure you call me or Ade at least once a day. Got it?"

Hayley nods, "I promise." She grabs her bag and starts to walk out before looking over to Lola, the nerves already building up in her, "Do you think my family are still there?"

"I really hope they are."


It's been over an hour since Lola seen Hayley out, she sits upstairs in comfortable silence as she flicks through one of her grimoires. Until she hears music starting to play from downstairs, her curiosity getting the better of her she closes the grimoire and ventures downstairs.

She follows the music growing louder and louder until she reaches the dining room to see Klaus lighting extra candles around the room. She can't help but allow her lovestruck grin beam from ear to ear, "What's all this?"

Klaus looks over to her, wearing a similar grin, he shrugs stepping closer to her, "It's the first time in what feels like a century we are finally alone." He holds his hand out towards her, "Dance with me?"

Lola lets the butterflies take over that are swarming around in her stomach then she takes hold of his hand, not caring at how loud her heart beating in her chest will sound to him. Klaus twirls her around before pulling her closer to him, his hand not letting go of hers while his other finds a place on her lower back.

Lola leans in closer, tilting her head to the side of his as she chuckles softly, "Interesting song choice." She jests only just realising the song that's playing is Witchcraft - Frank Sinatra.

Klaus hums to himself as they continue to sway to the music, "I thought it was rather fitting. Can you remember when we first heard this?"

Lola moves her head to face Klaus, "Christmas, 1957."

A smile crept onto Klaus' lips as he stared at her bright eyes, thinking back to their time in California all those years ago, "It had just came out and I promised you that we were going to lift the spell on you and we'd dance to this once again."

Lola looks away momentarily as her cheeks heat up with blush, "You truly can be a romantic when you want to be."

Klaus tilts his head to catch Lola's gaze, "What are you thinking about?"

Lola gazes into his eyes for a moment, his eyes showing nothing but love. She can't help but smile, "This is one of the very rare moments I've felt peaceful in the year we've been back in this town."

Klaus glances up pretending to be in thought as the corner of his mouth quirks up to a hint of a smirk, "I suppose you could say you are feeling...what was the word?" He turns Lola around and dips her, smirking down at her, "Zen."

Lola laughs as he pulls her back up towards him, chest to chest, their lips practically touching, "Every time I've felt like this it's because I've been with you."

"I have faith that this will be the first of many moments when you feel this way. As will I."

"You know, if I could tell my past self that we would be here she would laugh in my face."

"Well, I have no doubt that your statement would be correct. If I know anything it's that your past and current self are both equally stubborn." Klaus mocks. The music stops playing but they still remain in each other's arms, Klaus looks at Lola in awe, moving a piece of her hair away from her face, "I think I can say that this has been our toughest year yet."

Lola hums in agreement, "Though this year has been our toughest, I do know one thing with complete certainty." She wraps her arms around his neck, their lips are practically touching, "I love you more this year than any year that came before it and I just know it will continue to grow more and more."

A smirk appears on Klaus' face as he grabs Lola by the waist pulling her closer, she gasps slightly but mimics the same smirk. Her hands find a place on either side of his face pulling Klaus towards her and bringing their lips together for an electrifying kiss. Lola moves her hands down his chest to the bottom of his shirt and rips it off him, the pair smirk at each other before their lips collide once more, even hungrier than before.

Klaus pushes everything off the table and lifts Lola onto the table, ripping her shirt off her as he does so. He lowers her down, looking down at her in amazement. The placement of his hands on her skin sends shivers up Lola's spine, she arches her back at his touch. Klaus towers over her, one hand on her bare waist as the other intertwines with Lola's as he leaves a trail of hungry kisses against her neck. Lola's spare hand finds place at the back of Klaus' hair, tugging slightly at his hair.

Klaus grabs Lola by her thighs and vamp speeds them upstairs, he pushes her against a wall in their bedroom and begins to leave kisses against her jawline, down her chest and her stomach. Lola's head falls back against the wall, her eyes roll to the back of her head at Klaus' touch against her skin, a touch she feels like she hasn't felt in so long. She's too busy focusing on Klaus' lips she doesn't even notice she now just stands in her underwear, Klaus slowly moves back up and towers over her as their lips smash against each other once more. Without breaking from the kiss, Lola backs Klaus towards the bed before pushing him onto it, he watches her in amazement as she climbs on top of him. His head sinks deeper into the pillow as Lola leaves soft kisses all over his chest as she undoes his jeans, pulling them off him. Klaus spins them round so he towers over her once more, he removes Lola's underwear slowly in a teasing manner before pinning Lola's hands either side of her face, intertwining his own hands with hers. He slams his lips back onto hers, both gasp into each other's mouths at the feeling of pleasure they've both longed for.


I honestly don't think I'm good at writing
so I really HOPE you like this chapter๐Ÿ˜

Holly xx

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