Chapter 4 - Freinds

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Ari was right after all. Since the day Taehyung came into her life she was the happiest woman on the earth. Her long gone smile was back. This small boy was the key to her happiness.

Kim Taehyung was growing under her wings. He was happy, always cheerful. His rectangular boxy smile didn't leave his face while he was living with her. The feeling of having someone to take care of him was making his frozen heart warm. His fear was fading away.


Yes, Taehyung was scared of something that Ari couldn't understand. She tried to ask about his past. But the very first time she asked he freaked out. He screamed in fear like he saw a terrible nightmare. Taehyung trembled in fear like he was lost all alone in Antarctica. Ari was shocked by his reaction. She had no intention to harm him from her words. She hugged him tightly.

"Forgive me Taehyung-ah" she whipped his tears from her thumb and calmed him down.

"Forgive your Eomma...I promise I will never let this happen again"

Even Ari wanted to know about his past so badly she never asked him after that incident. But still, it was bothering her. After she dropped Taehyung at school, she drove towards the Orphanage she adopted the boy. It's been two months since he left there.

As she entered she saw a familiar round face. No difference from what she saw two months ago. As usual, she was wearing her light blue uniform and sitting on her usual spot noting down something in a paper. She lifted her head and glanced at the customer. A wide grin stretched her lips as she saw it was Song Ari. She scooted near her to welcome her with a warm hug. Ari got a bit awkward with the situation but she softly laughed as she knew Bora is so friendly to everyone. Bora pull out a chair and made Ari sit there.

"So tell me, how did it go? How is your life with little Taehyung? Is he causing trouble to you?" She shot her with a series of questions. Ari chuckled and shook her head sideways.

"He isn't, he is a good boy Bora. And he was the missing piece of my life "the other person reflected a bright smile seeing the fact both of them are getting together well. She glanced at Ari,

"I'm so happy to hear this Miss Ari. So what brings you here?" it was a silence between them for a moment. Ari was a bit nervous but she decided to ask anyway.

"Do you happen to know what happened to Taehyung before he was brought here?" Her lips formed into a thin line. Bora knitted her eyebrows together.

"Did something happen?" Ari heaved a sigh and started telling her what happened that day. Bora was in deep thoughts after hearing this. She cleared her throat before speaking,

" Taehyung was found when he was hiding in a dark alley, all alone in the cold. The man who found him tried to ask him what happened but Taehyung wouldn't talk. He said he looked like he faced something shocking. Bloodstains were all over Taehyung's face and shirt. No one knows what happened to him. Taehyung acted mute for about a year after getting here" Bora paused for a moment to catch her breath. Ari was getting worried about how things have been to Taehyung.

"So that's all you know about him huh"she talked to herself. Bora nodded and tried to light the mood up.

"He's happy now right? that's the important thing" she tried to smile. Ari heaved a soft smile.

"I guess it's better to let go of the past. I care for him" she drew circles in the desk pursing her lips together.

"I know Ari. You already have done so much for him. Stop worrying, Cheer up"One hand of Bora patted her shoulder.

"Hmm..the other thing that worries me is that the fact he doesn't interact with others much. He still doesn't have any friends" Ari said in a worried tone. Bora shook her head.

"Everything needs time Miss Ari. He's still getting used to this. Give him some time ok. He will get friends soon" Ari nodded in agreement.

"I guess you are right. Let's give him time"

After some chit chat, Ari bid a farewell to Bora who was now called out for work. She drove to her newly opened book store. While this Taehyung was facing some issues in school.

He didn't want to talk to anyone. He tried to keep his distance from everyone because he secretly knew that those fellow kids were scared of him for some reason. Taehyung did try to talk with them. But it was useless. They were looking at him as a freak. "Two eyed freak" they call him. After few attempts of trying to make friends, he gave up. Useless. While recess he sat on the bench under the shades and drew pictures. The drawing was his favourite thing. One of the favourite things he owned was his watercolour box which he always kept near him. He was suddenly interrupted by a smack on his head. He turned to find who was troubling him. A tall boy was standing there with his two partners.

"What you got there Kim freaking Taehyung?" he mocked and snatched the boy drawing. Taehyung remained silent not wanting to start a fight. The tall boy laughed and pointed at him making fun of him.

"Who you are trying to impress from these? trying to make new friends by showing your talents?"Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"Leave me alone, I have done nothing to you. Why are you bullying me?" he tried to defend himself from the non-friendly people he was facing now.

"Come on, we are here to become your friends. Won't you accept us?" he pulled out a sad smile. Taehyung could sense that they are not going to leave him alone. He gathered his things getting ready to leave the tense atmosphere.

"Where do you think you are going?" with their stupid leaders sign the two partners pushed Taehyung making him jerk forward. As a result of his belongings spilt all over the ground. The three boys were enjoying it. Tears were filling up to Taehyung's eyes.

"What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment ?" he asked in a fainted voice, still kneeling on the ground.

"What you did? hmm...let me think...Oh yeah.." the taller one bent and caught from Taehyung's shirt,

"It's because you were born as a freak! A two-eyed freak you know that?" he said laughing at his face. An unfamiliar voice came from behind them.

"Three against one, it's unfair don't you think so?" A boy that looked around Taehyung's age was the owner of the keen voice. He was accompanied by another student who looked a bit older than the other one. The jerk who was bullying Taehyung swilled his head behind them to see the newcomers.

" Haven't you been warned once? this is the second time I  have caught you bullying students. Back off!" the older one spoke getting middle in the situation. A silver colour badge that was pinned to his uniform read "Prefect". Taehyung was relieved to see the unexpected help.

"If I catch you one more time bullying people you are going to be in big trouble got that?" the taller boy sent hate glares towards him but still did not exceed his limits. He decided to stay in the safe zone. Without uttering to speak anything three of them left.

"Bunch of jerks!" the first one who spoke earlier stretched his hand to Taehyung. Taehyung stood up with his help.

"Are you ok?" the one with the Prefect badge asked him while the other one dusted his uniform and made it a little tidy. Taehyung nodded and let out a sigh looking at his ruined watercolour box in the ground. Noting that the older boy quickly bent to pick the fallen items.

"Oh, let me help with that" while that the other one questioned him.

"You are in my class aren't you? You are Kim Taehyung am I right?"Taehyung nodded his head still not speaking with words. He tried to remember whether this guy was in his class or not.

"Don't be scared. We won't harm you. I'm Park Jimin" he said with an angelic smile. Taehyung smiled at him and finally talked.

"Thank you for saving me Jimin and.." he turned at the other guy who was busy arranging Taehyung's watercolour tubes in the box.

"Oh me? I'm Jung Hoseok. Senior student. You can call me hyung" he looked brighter than the sun.

"If they ever come bullying you just call me ok Taehyung?"Hoseok placed a hand on the youngster's shoulder.

"Thank you hyung, I will" Taehyung was not used to talk with such friendly people. He was overwhelmed a little.

"Aish enough with thanks already. Did you eat anything?" Taehyung shook his head sideways.

"Why don't you join us then? we are heading to the cafeteria" Jimin said stuffing his pockets with his hands. Taehyung hesitated for a moment.

"Are-are you sure about that? I mean...You aren't scared of me?"Jimin laughed loudly. His eyes were forming into a thin line as he laughs.

"Why would we be scared of you? because you have eyes with two colours? come on I think it's cool" he said playfully hitting his arm.

"Yeah, you can hang out with us you know"Hoseok reflected a smile to him.

"Really?" Taehyung's eyes glittered with joy pleading on them.

"Of course, Come on "he tugged him alone with him. Three of them headed to the cafeteria.

Finally, friends...They were friends that will be there for each other till the end. Taehyung's life was getting better. Everything seems to go fine.

Or is it? A shadow of something is lurking behind him, something that he can't escape.

It took more time than I expected. Sorry for the delay guys. And thank you for sticking with me. Reads have increased. I'm so happy that you guys like it.

What do you think that is scaring Taehyung?

Let's see ,let's see..;') lol I will update soon ok. Till then,

New cover by my sweetie KimGits

Love you ❤️

Stay Gold ✨

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