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These two days have flown by in a blur of giddy joy. Somehow, after his little explanation for my new nickname, his every touch, every smile and every kiss have had a staggering effect on me. The intensity of feelings has grown so much it's dizzying. In a good way.

I like this new intensified rush of emotions he makes me feel.

My sixth sense also recognizes something in him has shifted too. From the lingering gazes to the way he holds me and kisses me, all of them have changed slightly.

I suppose, after that night, he let me cross the barriers he had set between himself and everyone else. It seems like I'm connected to him on a deeper level.

While I twirl the bouquet of bright yellow flowers in my hand, leaning to the metallic wall of the elevator, I can't stop myself from wondering if what I feel for him is beyond infatuation.

Could it be? The daunting L word.

I shake my head, stepping out of the elevator, and bounce to his door. With a bright smile, I knock on his door.

He should be back by now. Today morning when I was on campus going through another day filled with classes, Spencer had told me he'll be visiting his sister.

Just as I'm about to check my watch, the door opens, and my ever so handsome Spencer stands on the other side.

He offers a weak smile and I instantly notice something's off. He isn't smiling brightly, the way he always does when he sees me, nor is his eyes glinting.

Overlooking the palpable signs, I step inside and he shuts the door for me.

"I brought new flowers," I say the obvious when he doesn't attempt at talking. With a frown, I walk to the dining table and pick up the already prepared vase, and set the flowers in it.

"How were your classes?" he asks, his voice oddly detached.

"Okay I guess, you know, the usual," I mumble and turn around, dropping my bag next to the foot of the dining table's chair.

"And how was Savannah?" I force brightness to my face as I lightly ask.

He crosses his arms in front of himself as he sits on the edge of the sofa's armrest. "Good," he answers without looking at me.

Worry ebbs into my system as I hesitantly take a step toward him. "Is everything all right?"

His eyes jump on me, giving a curt nod, and rises to his feet, striding past me, towards the kitchen.

Halfway through, he halts and turns to face me. "Actually no." Spencer pushes his glasses up his nose and his gaze wanders to the glass wall.

My mouth goes dry as I watch him with wide eyes. I try to recall if I've done something or anything that could have happened that has led him to this state but I fall short.

Except for one reason. As impossible as it might seem, could it be he has found out about my motives before things got serious between us?

Regardless, I hold my composure and arch an eyebrow.

"I saw your friend today in Saff's gallery." When he notices my confusion, he adds, "Everly."

I narrow my eyes and tilt my head. What has this bitch said behind my back that has him turn cold to me. "She's not my friend."

He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I open my mouth to claim how can he trust her words and take so much account on it when he beats me to it.

"She mentioned you've made a deal with one of your other friends." He locks his eyes with mine. "Nathan," he says a beat later.

Uncertain, I nod.

He purses his lips. "What's this pact?"

Relief floods me. Well, I thought she'd do better than this. "That I'd go to Everly and Alex's wedding as his date and in return, he'll give me eight percent of his shares... and if I decide to stand with your father against Benjamin he'll be on my side."

"That's it?" he scrutinizes me as if looking for a crack.

I recall that night on the top floor of Nathan's dad's hotel. Suddenly the deal I made with him about considering being his girlfriend after I graduate resurfaces in my head. But there's no chance for Everly to know that... and even for an impossible moment, I consider she does, there won't be a reason for her to tell this to Spencer.

And it's not like it was anything serious. I just told him I'll consider taking our friendship to the next level.

I nod. "Yeah, that's pretty much it."

His features harden. "Is there anything you're hiding from me, Gracie?" his glacial glare latches on me.

Yes. "No."

He nods, his gaze fleeting to the glass wall. I gulp and take a step to him.

"That's not what Everly said," he says after a long while and fixes me with a hard stare.

"Spencer-" I start but he shakes his head and cuts me off.

"Did you or did you not promise to make things serious between yourself and that guy?"

My breath hitches as my mind blanks out for a beat. She told him that... but why?

I lick my lips nervously. "It's not what she made it sound like, you know we're not on good terms."

"I don't care," he snaps. "Answer my question, did you tell him things will get serious between you two after you graduate?"

Fidgeting with my fingers, I nod. "But it was before Dad, I completely forgot about it up until now you brought it up."

He holds his hand up. "Now as in when? When I asked you about the deal or when I pointed it out?" he arches an eyebrow, his lips pressed into a thin line.

I rub my brow. "I just said something back then, and nothing was going on between us, I don't understand why you're overreacting."

He scowls. "I'm overreacting? You asked me to make things exclusive between us, but you've already made promises with someone else, and you have not called it off yet."

I open my mouth to argue but he waves his hand with anger. "Fine, for a moment, I'll assume you forgot all about it. What about now Gracie? I asked you, I gave you the chance to explain it to me yourself, but you lied!" he yells the last part and I flinch a step back.

Spencer runs his hand through his hair, breathing heavily. "I have told you, again and again, do not ever lie to me. And you look me in the eyes, lie so damn smoothly... I-" he shakes his head and backs a step away from me.

"I didn't think it would matter to you," I exclaim and he gives me incredulous look.

"Really?" he mocks. "The girl I've been giving my hundred percent to, has promised to another guy she'll make things serious with him in less than two months, why the fuck should that matter to me?"

I inhale sharply and hold my palms up. "Okay, I'm sorry, but I really didn't think Everly would know about this let alone tell you. This promise was so meaningless to me, I had completely forgotten about it."

"Just because you assumed she didn't know, you thought why not lie to me, right? Have I not given you the impression you can tell me anything? No matter how bad it is, I will accept it as long as you're open and honest about it. But-"

I interrupt him. "This deal with Nathan was so small I didn't want us fighting over it, that's why I didn't tell you."

"That's why you lied," he sharply corrects me, while glowering.

I huff and cross my arms in front of my chest. "You're making a big deal out of nothing."

He shrugs, his expression still hard and cold and for the first time I can see it in his eyes he's withdrawing from me. "Perhaps." Spencer pushes his glasses up and gazes at the glass wall behind me, his eyes scanning the faraway horizon.

In a much softer tone after a prolonged moment, he speaks, "I wonder how many times you've looked at me and lied to me as if it was nothing."

My heart pounds in my chest. If his reaction is so drastic for such a small thing, I cannot begin to imagine what sort of reaction I'll receive if the big truth comes out.

"You're dragging this matter and making it a way bigger problem than it needs to be," I carefully say, studying his expression.

His face remains blank. "Am I?" At last, his eyes return to me.

My throat tightens uncomfortably, the burning fear of I might lose him causes a tremor in my fingers.

"That wasn't the only thing she said," he admits after a long while and my stomach drops.

That bitch!

I clench my fists, willing myself to pull on my strong suit. "I really don't understand why you're hanging over her words so much, you know-"

"So far whatever she has said has been true," he interjects, his features hardening again and he pulls himself to his full height.

His statement is like a slap to my face. What else has she said?

"Why are you with me?"

I blink and squint at him. "What?"

"Everly said you're with me because something's in it for you..." At first, he studies me before his gaze sweeps across the place.

"And you believed her?" my voice raises and wavers at its end.

"She has known you for far longer than I have."

"Unbelievable." I retreat a step. Raw fear rubs into my system, my breathing grows ragged as I gape at him.

"Are you using me, Gracie?" His eyes lock with mine and for the first time since I walked into his flat, I see an emotion, burning bright behind his dark blue orbs. Pain.

"I don't know being with me in what form can be beneficial for you... but is there an ulterior motive? Has there ever been? Is it because I'm related to William or..." his voice trails down, gaze searching for something that might be the answer.

My bottom lip quivers as my heart sluggishly thuds away. The ache in the back of my throat leaves me unable to say anything. My mind is too muddled up to even form a sentence.

"It can't be because of the solution, right?" For the first time, he lets his mask slip entirely. Showing desperation as his voice quavers.

Breathless, I mumble, "I can't believe you would even think that... let alone say it."

"But I am... are you with me because of the resume and the prize and everything else?" Even though his brows are furrowed, his eyes are wide, sending a long pained look at me before looking away swallowing hard having his Adam's apple bob.

My mouth falls open, but no words come out. Dizziness and the sudden weakness in my muscles make it impossibly hard to stay upright. Never in my life have I felt such a strong surge of hurt and fear.

"No!" I shrill instantly, not caring I'm lying. I just cannot lose him.

He scans my face until locks his gaze on my eyes. "I don't know if you're lying to me or not."

The sharp pang of pain shooting through my heart leaves me breathless. "I can't believe it you're considering her words up to this extent."

"It's not just her words Gracie," he grimly says. "I know you... I've seen you do this to others and now I can't stop thinking if you've been doing the same to me or not."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I draw in a shaky breath, gathering my courage. "I thought you trusted me." My voice breaks.

"I don't know," he whispers. "I need time."

"What?" Tears prick my eyes as the lump in my throat grows.

"I can't stop thinking about it, every time I'm looking at you, I can't stop thinking if you've been using me for your own means or not... if you're with me only because of the million dollars prize. Are you?" he hoarsely asks.

"You know I didn't know about that." I throw my hands up. Pure terror course in my veins. I can't believe with every passing second, I'm getting closer to losing him.

I can't lose him. Even thinking about it hurts like hell.

"Spencer, please, this isn't like you." I take a step to him, giving in to my desperation.

"I-I need time to think."

Spots cover my vision for a beat. An iron fist grips my heart and stomach, squeezing it painfully as I stare at him, not wanting to believe where this is headed. "You want to leave me?" I force out the words, uneven and barely above a whisper. The tears brimming my eyes blur him.

"I need time to think and clear my head Gracie and I can't do that if you're around me."

"But this isn't fair, you know I didn't-"

"I do, but I need to think it through and clarify everything for myself. Please try to understand. I need space and time."

A new form of fear bursts in me. What if he truly thinks hard and deep and connects the dots? Leading him back to the first day I went to his office? What if he manages to put the pieces together... and leaves me?

No no no no.

None of this was supposed to happen.

"Please Gracie, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk."

And that's it. Spencer is politely throwing me out of his apartment.

These simple words shouldn't make me feel like I'm being shredded into pieces, but they do.

But there's nothing I can do. Saving the last bits of dignity and self-control I grab my bag and leave without another word.

The pain and fear are too much to even allow any space for rage towards Everly to take form.

I barely manage to hold back my tears until I'm out of Spencer's building and on the street finally letting them lose. Dejectedly I make my way to my own house, hoping against hope nothing bad happens.

I don't want to lose Spencer. Even though his accusations are on point, I selfishly don't want him to leave me. I really don't.

∞ ∞ ∞

Oh well =) Things went downhill so fast, didn't they.

Vote if you enjoyed the chapter, and comment your thoughts! Tell me do you think Gracie made a mistake with not being honest when she had the chance to tell him the truth?

Will he be able to put the pieces together by himself?

Thank you so much for reading <3

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading <33

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