American Gothic/ Picture of you

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You say that I won't lose you but you can't control the future 'cause
Certain things are out of our control
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know
That you
Are the only one I'll ever love
Yeah, you
If it's not you, it's not anyone (I gotta tell ya)
Lookin' back on my life, you're the only good I've ever done

A shirtless Klaus was in pain after Silas stabbed him with a white Oak stake in his chest. He groaned in pain as he dug his fingers into his back trying to remove the piece that could kill him

"Klaus we need to talk" Selena entered the room as her eyes widened in shock "What happened to you?"

"Silas" he gritted as pain,coursing through his body "He attacked me, he stabbed me with the white oak stake. A piece of it is still inside me"

"Oh my God Klaus that could kill you" she told him with a fake concern and a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone causing him to laugh bitterly

"I certainly feel like I'm dying" he winced when he tried to move. Selena approached him as she cupped his cheeks stroking it softly causing him to frown. She didn't sound like his fiancée since she was still mad at him

"Hey as much as I would love to watch you die, you still haven't found me the cure" Selena (Silas) mockingly pouted and Klaus scoweled as he pushed her away from him

"Silas" he yelled falling to the floor causing Silas to smirk

"That's right, last night I looked like Shane. Today I look like your beautiful girl, who happens to be the source of power I desperately will need if you don't get me the cure. And tomorrow who knows?" Silas mocked and Klaus stared at him with clenched jaw

"Show me your real face!" Klaus hissed in anger and Silas watched him in amusement

"Now why would I do that when I look like whomever I want you to see?" Silas smirked devilishly

"Resist me all you want, Klaus but until you bring me the cure I will bring you nothing but misery"


"You're right. This prom should be about our memories that we created here in the high-school with friends and family" Selena told them "I need you all to bring the best memories you have and we will start today because we're running out of time"

"Yeah but now we need to start now. We're already late" Caroline told them "Okay? Yeah okay"

Selena was writing down in her clipboard and Caroline handed her, her phone with a scowl

"Your phone won't stop buzzing. It's annoying if you ask me. Can't he really take a hint for a sec and leave you to work in peace" She rolled her eyes in annoyance

"Wow" Selena gasped when she glanced down at her phone "50 messages and 20 missed calls from Nik... that's unusual"

"I wouldn't be so sure?" Caroline teased and she rolled her eyes

"You're annoying. You know that right?" Selena muttered before storming out of the school making her way to the Mikaelson mansion

"What's are bestfriends for?" Caroline called causing her to giggle


"Nik!" Selena called but she received no answer "Klaus? I got your fifteen billion messages, this better be a life or death situation... Where are you?"

"Go away" Klaus growled weakly and she followed his voice and she found him on the floor shirtless leaning on the piano seat

"What the bloody hell happened to you?" Selena asked as she stepped closer to him in concern

"I need more time. Stop hounding me!" He yelled and she scoweled

"I'm hounding you?" She yelled back "I'm supposed to be running three different prom committees right now and you keep phone stalking me and now you're seriously yelling at me?"

"Selana?" He asked with a cracked voice causing her to stare at him dumbfounded "Is it really you?"

"Do I look like Hayley?" she said sarcastically and he sighed sharply and he pulled himself onto the piano

"Prove it to me" he said looking at Selena causing her to sigh in frustration

"Okay I don't know if this is some new way of saying 'Oh I'm sorry Selena' but it's sucks and definitely the worst pick up line ever" she said and turned around ready to leave "And I really have a prom to organize"

"Wait please!" He said causing her to turn around with a sigh

"Silas. He stabbed me with the white oak stake... there's a little piece stuck inside me" he explained and she knitted her eyebrows

"Why would Silas attack you?" She asked him

"Well I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I'm hurt. So you can understand why I called" he grunted rudely and she rolled her eyes

"What do you want me to do?" She asked him with a sigh

"It's quite simple really, I need you to cut the stake out of me" he simply explained as he motioned with his hand at the pliers causing Selena's face to pale

"I feel sick" she muttered as she swallowed thickly trying not to throw up "You know exactly that I'm legitimately angry at you and you thought I'm the person to call for help?"

"Selena" He growled and she flinched with small smile on her face

"Jesus Klaus, okay relax"


Klaus braced himself against the piano while Selena tried to dig out the white oak stake with the pliers

"Oh my God! You do have a heart... no wait it's just a bloody rib" she teased causing him to yell in pain

"Well I'm glad you're finding my misery so amusing" he gritted in pain and she scoffed

"Klaus there's nothing in her" she told him "And if you think I'm having fun you're insane... I really feel sick"

"You killed Esther and twelve witches for your friend Bonnie and you can't even get your hands a little dirty for me and here I thought we were madly in love" He sarcastically and rudely said

"Maybe you should have called Hayley. I'm pretty sure she would be more willing to help" she retorted harshly as she digged deeper into Klaus's back causing him to yell in pain as he slammed his hand on the top of the piano

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry" she shouted and the she took a deep breath "Sorry"

"You know what?" She removed the pliers from his back roughly causing him to yell in pain "I'm not sorry. I'm trying to help you here even though you hurt me badly so stop being a dick and apologise and admit what have you done"


She was sitting on the sofa eating her cookies peacefully while looking at all the messages from Caroline, Rebekah giving her updates every now and then

"I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. Help me!" He screamed angrily and she rolled her eyes

"Admit first" she said with a monotonous tone

"Selena!" He yelled and she put down her cookies angrily

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me?" She snapped back "I will not help you at least not until you apologise and confess whatever you did the other day"

"What makes you think I'll say the truth?" He asked and she stood up causing him to stood up either in anger

"What is wrong with you? I am loving you and standing by your side despite your flaws and everything that you have done, and you still can't get out of your own way! God I feel sorry for you" she snapped as she turned around causing him to sped in front of her

"Don't turn your back on me!" He yelled as he stood in front of her facing her with a fiery glare

"When have I ever turned my back on you?" She yelled back in anger and then gasped at what she had said causing them to stand facing each other without a word

"It's gone" he whispered and she frowned in confusion


"The pain..." he gasped in shock "the pain is gone... it was ... it was never there. He got in my head. Silas... got inside my head"

"Oh my God..." she gasped in fear

"You took my mind of it" he cupped her cheeks and she stared at him fearfully "You brought me back, little wolf"

Selena pulled away from his hands causing him to frown as she gasped fearfully

"If Silas can make you of all people believe that you're dying... what can he do to the rest of us"

"Hey! Hey look at me" he lifted her chin up "No one is going to hurt you. I promise"

"Theo was right. I have to go" she muttered quietly


Katherine snapped Elena's neck and stood in front of Elijah facing him with a smug smile

"Come on she could use a nap" Katherine teased mockingly "Being me is exhausting"

"You killed Jeremy Gilbert" he pointed out with disappointment

"Yes Elijah I killed Jeremy Gilbert a bombshell. I'm sure she couldn't wait to drop on you. Ironic supposedly doesn't care about anything" she defended herself and Elijah glared at her in surprise

"Well I care. You honestly feel nothing for this girl? A girl that fated to live the same life that you've been doing? What about Selena if I recall you once said that you admire her and you've taken away someone so dear to them. Their family just as yours was taken away from you?"

"Why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it? Jeremy was collateral damage I was doing what I needed to do to survive"

"Is that what I am to you- A means of survival?"

"Don't let that sweet little Elena gets to you" Katherine pointed at her doppelganger "She hates me. She wants you to turn against me and convince you that I can't be trusted"

"I asked you a question" He retorted

"No!" She replied "Of course you're not a mean of survival. You looked out for me when I had no one giving me a second chance now when no one else will. I love you, Elijah"


"What do you want Nik?" Rebekah snapped through the phone and Selena chuckled while she was drying her hands with a towel

"An update on our search for the elusive cure" He told her causing his little sister to scoff

"Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here" she said before handing the phone to someone else

"Complications speaking" Elijah's voice echoed sarcastically causing Srlena to smile when she heard his name

"Big brother, At last you join the fray" Klaus said and she rolled her eyes

"Somebody had to take charge and I know I have. I've got the cure and I'm bringing it to Mystic falls" Elijah revealed causing Klaus to smirk

"With a long list of demands, I assume" Klaus mused

"Not that long" Elijah remarked causing Selena chuckle in amusement

"Come home brother we'll settle this like family" Klaus stated looking at Selena in adoration

"I used all of the bleach" Selena said with a small smile "I have to go"

"Hey!" He placed a hand on her forearm causing her to stop "Thank you for helping me"

"Of course" she muttered with a smile causing him to smile back "And if you need anything else don't call me"

"Wait! You're still angry with me" he stated and she remained silent "I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for any of what you saw to happen. I'm so sorry- I wanted to ask her about Katerina and then I saw the birth mark on the back of her shoulder, she was-"

"What?" She gasped quietly as her heart began to shatter inside her chest piece by piece. For a moment she was frozen, her eyes locked in his but her eyes were filled with tears. She felt as if she could barely breathe.

"What happened?" She asked him as her tone was almost quiet. All the color had drained from her face, leaving her pale

"How did you see it. She was wearing a tunic top, you couldn't possibly see the birth matk in the back of her shoulder unless..." she trailed off not wanting to finish her sentence

"Unless what- No! No! I swear I didn't touch her. I saw it accidentally, Selena" He said and she let out a shaky breath "Believe me I would never do that to you. I love you... I can show"

"I believe you" she said and removed her hands when he tried to show her the flashback "I do"

"I love you, Selena" he softly told her and she wrapped her arms around his "And I'm sorry that I kept it from you. I just thought that you would be still upset and kill her. I still needed to fond Katerina"

"If it was important to you. I would have respected your choice... yes I'm upset but I still want you safe" she said and he smiled before leaning down capturing her lips slowly and passionately

The kiss became more heated. Klaus lifted her to where her legs strapped around his waist. He sped them to his room and locked it

Their bodies had pressed against each other and he moved kissing her neck hungrily as she breathed heavily, he slammed her back against the wall as they both yanked his clothes off Klaus unzipped her short first and then her top, they were thrown at the ground along with his clothes. Continuing to kiss her, he moved them slowly towards the bed

He pushed her down in the bed his hand on her chest before laying on the top of her. She moaned softly as she bit her lower lip

He bit her lower lip causing her to moan in pleasure and bliss. He moved down to her chest as her body was in fire

He trailed kisses down her stomach making his way to her core causing her to moan lightly, her fingers tangled in the back of his head

"Fuck!" She gasped as she caught her breath causing him to chuckle against her core as she tightened her grip on him as her chest was rising and falling due to the quick breathing

Climbing back over to her his lips pressing the corner of her mouth and then along her jaw and down her throat, sending little shocks of astonished pleasure through her body

He kissed her more their lips crashed together with a bruising force as wave of desire past through her as the kiss became more heated, he bit her lower lip causing her to moan between his lips.

He looked down at her body as his eyes darkened with lust and desire as he grabbed her left tigh hoisting it up to his waist.

She groaned softly as she bit her lower lip when he moved to her neck and then collarbone. Their naked bodies pressed against each other

"I love you" he whispered breathlessly and she moaned loudly causing him to chuckle

He entered her slowly causing her to gasp lightly as he took her hands and pinned them on either side of her head. He groaned in pleasure and his eyes flashing Gold as she moaned loudly calling his name repeatedly

He slotted himself between her legs slowly causing her to tighten her her grip on the back of his neck and then he quickened his pace. She scratched her nails down his back, leaving evidence of their love and passionate moments


Selena made her way to the shop. When she entered they spotted Caroline and Bonnie

"Hello" Selena greeted as she hugged the blonde and when she pulled away, she stared at Bonnie not knowing what to do "Hey!"

"I'm sorry" Bonnie apologised and Selena smiled warmly at her

"It's okay. I forgive you" Selena said softly "I mean whatever happened it's in the past"

"So how are you?" Caroline asked the witch

"I've been having weird dreams" Bonnie said and they all frowned

"What kind of dreams" Caroline asked as Selena stepped out of the dressing room looking at the mirror

"Usually I'm at his grave and he appears to me" Bonnie said and Selena looked at her sadly

"You never said Goodbye Bon it's normal. You're grieving" Selena stated remembering when she thought Klaus died "I mean it happened to me"

"When I woke up the couch was on fire" Bonnie blurted out causing Selena to choke as she turned around to face her

"Yeah I take back what I just said"

"I don't know it's because I was emotional in my dream. Or if Shane was right, without help I'll lose my magic" Bonnie stated sadly and Caroline rubbed her back

"No it's because you need a night off from mourning and I'm gonna make sure you have that" Caroline promised and the other girls nodded

"You look super hot by the way" Bonnie told the girls causing them to grin lightly

"Yeah? I don't know why but iy doesn't fit me anymore... I couldn't even fully zip up the dress" Selena pouted and they laughed "I'm serious"

"Me and Matt are gonna have the sexiest dates" Bonnie stated and Caroline chuckled

"You know what? I love friend prom and that exactly what prom should be... friends and memories" Caroline beamed excitedly

"The four of us are going to have the night of our lives" Selena said and Caroline smiled looking at herself in the mirror as they heard the door bursted open

"Hey Bonnie, heard you got your mind wiped. That sucks" Elena greeted with a false sympathy causing Selena to scowl

"Well well well, look who decided to join us. Missed you El" Selena greeted sarcastically and Elena rolled her eyes

"You're still an annoying bitch"

"Maybe I am annoying but have you seen yourself? The only thing you do is make everything about you and blamed everyone for your choices. God you make Katherine sound a lot better than you" Selena stated with a disgusted tone

"I pity Klaus but rest assured you two deserve each other" Elena spat back and her sister laughed humourlessly

"I don't think I care about what you think of us" Selena retorted back

"Look like the dress doesn't fit you anymore. I wonder why" Elena mocked causing Selena to scowl

"Are you seriously fat shaming me?

"Pretty dress, by the way" The doppelganger stated causing Selena to fake a smile

"I know you helped me pick it out months ago when we were actually sisters, before you killed Kol and tried to kill Caroline" Selena said with a bitchy attitude and a fiery glare

"I thought it looked familiar"

"Can you press this for us. We'll pick it up later" Caroline told the saleswoman

"See you later girls"


"Klaus! Klaus! Kla-" Selena shouted when she stormed angrily inside the Mikaelson mansion only to see him standing on the living room

"Hello? Did you not hear me?" She asked him sarcastically causing him to sigh

"Of course I heard Selena. I think the whole Mystic falls heard you. I'm in no mood for company" he dismissed her without turning to face and she rolled her eyes

"I'm sorry that you have personal issues but I have a real crisis on my hands" she began furiously

"Elena stole my prom dress. I went to pick it up, and the tailor said that somebody else already did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember" Selena continued as she gave Klaus an expectant look and he looked at her dumbfounded

"Hello? The vervain is out of the town water supply. She was compelled" she stated causing Klaus to laugh at her and ahe closed her eyes

"This is not funny" she complained as she opened them

"I know, I know" he said continuing to laugh

"Then stop laughing!" She sternly ordered causing him to stop

"Look" she sighed "I know that prom isn't important to you but it is important to me. And I really hope something bad and embarrassing happens to that bitch. I'm supposed to be the mean selfish bitch in the family not her!"

"I want a dress Nik" she demanded firmly and he nodded

"We will find-"

"No! I don't want just any dress. I want to look hot like princess grace of Monaco hot!"

"You're so much more beautiful than Princess Grace of Monaco, little wolf" he wrapped his arms around her waist and she smirked


Selena and Caroline walked on the red carpet as ber eyes landed on her picture with all of her friends laughing but get to her more was her picture with Jeremy

"I remember this... it was our first day in our freshman year" Selena muttered as tears welled up in her eyes

"Those memories are making me cry and I don't want to ruin my make up" she said and the screen picture changed to another one. It was her with Stefan and Damon kissing her cheeks as she was smiling

They entered the high school and Elena approached them causing Selena to scowl in both annoyance and anger

"So how do I look?" Elena asked her as she gave her a small twirl

"Are you kidding me? You look like a backstabbing-" Caroline began but stopped when Stefan and Theo came "The dress is beautiful it brings out your eyes"

"Dance with me Leenie" Stefan offered his arm as Theo did the same with her bestfriend

"I know that you all said kill her with kindness but I don't do kindness" Selena sighed in frustration as they danced slowly

"I see you found a dress. You look beautiful by the way" he stated and she put her head on his shoulder

"Yeah thanks to Klaus" she muttered quietly

"You know you have him wrapped around your little finger" he said and she scoffed "What? I'm serious... You know I can't believe I'm saying this but he loves you"


"I heard you're leaving" he said and she nodded

"Not yet. Not until graduation"

"You're leaving with Klaus?" He asked hesitantly

"Yes" she nodded "Look Stef, this will always be my hometown no matter where I go beside do you really think I'd leave without looking back. I will forever be grateful to have all of you but I have to move on. I owe to myself to start over because this town left a scar in my heart that will never heal. The only thing I'll do is move on and the only thing I want to remember that I survived"

"You're right. I will miss you and you will always be my bestfriend, Leenie" Stefan told her beforw placing a soft kiss in her cheek

"I will miss you too, Stef" she said and he smiled "I want to tell you something before I leave... one day you'll meet someone new, you'll fall in love and you'll have move on without even realizing it... she will make you so happy and she'll love you, so deeply and passionately" she smiled at him and he hugged her tightly

"Don't cry" he told her when he noticed the tears in her eyes

"I won't" she said and then chuckled


"Bex!" Selena hugged the Original vampire "You look Hot!

"You do too" Rebekah examined her body and Selena gave her a small twirl

"I know you're nervous about the whole cure thing" she remarked and Rebekah sighed in frustration

"You know?"

"I do and look you'll be a good human don't let someone bring you down with their words. If they tell you, you can't do something... prove them wrong, Caroline and I used to say that. You are naturally good, Bex" Selena stated softly and the blonde smiled at her in gratitude "Nik will get over it eventually"

"Thank you Leenie"

"Now I bet Matty blue eyes want to dance with you" the brunette pointed at the human boy

"He hates me" Rebekah said and Selena scoffed

"Matt doesn't hold grudges. Just go ask him" she said before walking towards Damon

"If it isn't Sexy Salvatore" Selena greeted and he hugged her tightly

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages"

"I know right?" She said and he chuckled "Still zero luck with my sister"

"Zero" he sighed sadly and she smiled at him

"I'm leaving town after graduation. At least until we get my sister's humanity back on" Selena blurted out and he gasped


"It's time for me to move on, Dae" she told him and he nodded sadly "And I wanted to say goodbye... it's not a forever goodbye of course"

"I love you, Sexy wolfie you know that right?" he told her as and she smiled "And I'm proud to be your bestfriend"

"I still remember when we first met" she told him looking around "It was here at school"

"You were being a meanie" he joked and she laughed softly

"Hey you were being a dick" She faked a pout and he kissed her cheek as tears welled up in her eyes "And the day when I was drunk... God I know it was just few months ago but I feel like I was so young"

"I used to have feelings for you more than I did for Elena when I first came" he confessed and she chuckled "But I knew you would never see me that way"

"I didn't want you to get your hopes up" she told him and he smiled

"And I'm sorry for everything I did to you, you deserve so much than this. You sacrificed your life for us so many times and I'll be forever grateful. Promise me you'll be safe" he told her as tears streaming down her cheeks "You'll always going to be my first ever bestfriend"

"I better be and... I promise" she nodded and he hugged her tightly "Look if my sister doesn't choose you... you will find someone who will love you so much, Dae. I promise you"

"Thank you" he said and kissed her cheek

"You look Gorgeous by the way" he whispered and she chuckled as he kissed her forehead


"Oh look it's prom royalty" Selena smiled at Matt and Bonnie before looking at Caroline "I heard a certain someone visited you earlier"

"Yeah" she smiled and Selena chuckled

"You look Gorgeous" Bonnie told her and she smiled

"Thank you" she said as she wiped a tear escaped her eye "I'm gonna go get some air"

"Leenie!" Theo called and she turned around as he hugged her causing her to smile "You look beautiful"

"Thank you" she smiled at him

"Where are you going?" He asked her and she sighed

"Go get some air" she told him and he nodded as he pulled off his jacket and put it on her shoulders "Don't catch cold"

"Okay" she nodded and he kissed her forehead as he went to walk away "Theo!"


"I love you" she told him and he smiled

"I love you too"


Selena stepped outside as she closed her eyes inhaling the fresh air. When she opened ger eyes she saw her fiancé in front of her causing her to frown

"Selena" he called as he approached her and she smilef

"What are you doing here?" She asked him "You said you weren't coming"

"I changed my mind last minute. I wanted to see my girl" he said and she wrapped her arms around his neck but he looked taken back causing her to frown in confusion

"Nik are you okay?" She asked in concern "Why are you here?"

"I'm fine. You're scared" he stated and she raised her eyebrows in surprise

"From what?"

"Losing me" he said and she remained silent "You think one day my feelings will change and I'll leave you because you're emotionally unstable. Or you're scared one day you'll loose control and kill everyone that you love including me"

"Nik why are you saying this to me" she asked him with cracked voice and all of sudden he pushed her against a tree causing her to groan in pain

"Get me the cure or I will kill you" he whispered in her ear as she tried to use her magic on him but nothing was working while they were surrounded by fire

"Silas" she muttered painfully

He pulled out a stake from his pocket as he was about to stab her in her stomach but he hesitated and then he held it out and he cut her collarbone a little causing her to cry from the pain

"Leenie!" Theo, Stefan and Damon rushed towards her as Silas disappeared

"It was Silas" she said tearfully and frantically "My magic wouldn't work on him. He's invincible to my magic- I tried- I he wants to kill me if he doesn't get the cure" she stammered as she placed her hand on her neck

"You need to leave, Leenie and that wasn't an option" Theo sternly spoke before looking at neck "You're injured"

"Let me see" Damon said as he looked at her collarbone but he was surprised. It was fastly healing

"You're healing" he said and she shrugged

"I'm a werewolf" she stated

"Theo is right, Leenie" Stefan got nack to the topic

"I can't leave my emotionless sister" she told them and Stefan sighed

"Look if Silas get a hold of you. Elena would the least of your problems then. We will bring back Elena I promise you"


"Do you trust us?" He asked her and she nodded

"Of course I do" she said. She trusted the Salvatores and especially when it came to her sister

"Then leave. When he's gone you can come back" Damon told her and she sighed

"Look I can help you. Plus I was the one who completed the triangle okay?"

"Leenie you have to go" Theo told her "If you don't. I will tell Klaus about what happened today"

"Fine" she snapped "I'll leave but please if anything happens please guys just call me"

"We promise" Stefan told her sincerely

"I love you guys" he told them and they smiled at her


After a teary goodbye with everyone including her aunt. She made her way to the Mikealson mansion to see Klaus was already packing

"Theo called me. He told me what happened, we're leaving tonight" he told her deadpanned and she nodded

"I know" she said with a small smile and he wrapped his arms around her waist "Can't wait to start forever with you"

"I love you" he told her softly before holding out his hand for her to take

"I love you too" she smiled and took his hand as they both made it out of the mansion hand in hand

That wasn't the end of their story. I was just the beginning of a story filled with adventure, love and happiness but in the end of the day she was worth a thousand years of waiting


Jokes on you guys. I'm sorry by the way 🥺😂

How do find Selena's character development?

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