Daddy issues

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Feels like I'm falling
Into a world
Into a world
I can't control
I hear it calling
Down in my soul
Grippin' my bones
It won't let go
Bad dream


Selena was thinking about how her life was so messed up, she was soulmate with the most dangerous creature in the world and his brother wanted to help her break free from their bond but his witch couldn't as he told them the bond was too strong and he didn't know the consequences

She walked inside the kitchen to see John and Elena as he was drinking his coffee and reading the newspapers causing her to scoff

"Uncle John! What's an unpleasant surprise" she muttered sarcastically causing him to chuckle "What are you doing here?"

"I want to protect you, Selena" he told her and she scoffed

"Protect me from what?" She asked him and he shrugged

"I don't trust you right now. Both of you, I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you" he told them as Jenna and Alaric stepped inside the house

"What the hell?" Jenna snapped when she saw John

"Good morning to you, Jenna, Alaric..." he greeted them

"God please kill me right now" Selena murmured under her breath

"It's okay that I'm confused right?" Jenna asked sarcastically "Because we weren't expecting you like ever"

"Well I got in late last night. Elena let me in" He informed her and Selena's phone began to ring

"What do you want Damon?" She snapped and entered another room

"Come on Sexy wolfie, isn't a good time to kiss and make up?" He teased causing her ro roll her eyes "I need you"

"We're not friends anymore" she stated and he chuckled

"How many times do I have to apologise. I made a mistake" He pleaded and she sighed "Forgive me?"

"Damon what is it?" She asked

"Elijah's here" he said and she stood up alarmingly

"Did he say something?" She asked him and he shook his head

"Just meet me at the Grill and I'll explain everything. I bought you chocolate cookies" he rold her and she rolled her eyes smile "I can here your smile"

"Shut up" she said before hanging up

She walking towards the Grill until she bumped onto a hard chest causing her to step back


"Uncle Mason is dead and you knew about it" He said accusingly causing her to stand up


"Save it. You knew Damon and Stefan are vampires, they killed him and you didn't say a word" he snarled and she tried to touch his arm "No!"

"Ty let me explain. You don't understand" he tried to reason with him

"You lied to me again!" He shouted and she flinched "Don't even try to say you were trying to protect me because you always lie to me. You triggered your curse and you didn't say a word. You knew about my family curse and you didn't tell me!"

"Just wait!" She called as he looked at her betrayed before leaving "Tyler!"


Selena made her way quickly to the Forbes house to meet with Caroline and Stefan after the blonde told them that he came after her

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked Caroline when she opened the door

"Tyler know about you and Damon" Caroline informed him

"He knows that he killed Mason." Selena blurted out nervously "It's that werewolf Jules, the one who had a ran-in with Damon"

"Tyler was so upset" Caroline told him panicking

"The look on his face Stefan he looked so betrayed" Selena continued "I never saw him like this before"

"Wow this is bad" Stefan sighed heavily in frustration

"You're not gonna tell Damon are you?" Caroline asked him

"No he wants to kill him, they thinks all werewolves should die... except for you" He ran his hand on his hair and Selena looked at him harshly "He's not wrong girls I mean what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right, he can get himself killed"

"We're not gonna let this happen" Selena stated firmly "I'm not gonna let him kill him like Mason"

"We are going to find him and reason with him before he does anything stupid" Selena added desperately

"Yeah... You have to talk to him, just try to explain" Caroline told him "You know, you always know the right thing to say he and I are... we're friends"

"Promise me. You're not gonna let Damon kill him" Selena looked at him tearfully and he hugged her tightly

"I will not let that happen" He whispered softly rubbing her back


Night had fallen and Stefan informed Selena that Jules had kidnapped Caroline and to release her, she wanted Them to bring Tyler to the wickery falls in the woods

Selena was so disappointed at Tyler, Caroline was his friend and she helped him and was there for him. She first refused to let them take her friend but she had no choice, Tyler was old enough to make his own decisions

"Where's Caroline?" Selena asked Jules with a deadpanned voice

"Locked up tight" Jules smirked causing Selena to scowl

"Let her go and I'll release Tyler" Stefan told the older wolf "It doesn't have to get messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy Jules"

"It's a little too late to be waving a white flag. Don't you think?" She asked him sarcastically

"You need to leave town" Selena ordered sternly

"No one else has to get hurt" Stefan added and Selena narrowed her eyes at Jules

"I'm not leaving without Tyler. Selena already made her decision, to side with the likes you" Jules spat in disgust as Stefan grabbed Selena's arm before she does something

"Tyler is free to make his own decisions" Selena retorted looking at her friend "As soon as you give us Caroline"

"My brother, the peacemaker" Damon approached them with a sarcastic smile

"Since Stefan and Selena got here before me, I'll try their way before I restort my way which is a little bloodier" Damon told her as Selena moved beside her friend "So give us Caroline"

"Let go of Tyler" Jules insisted and Selena glared at her harshly

"Give us Caroline" Selena retorted grabbing Tyler's arm tightly

"Without a full moon, it's not an even fight and you know it" Damon warned fearlessly "We will take you"

"I'm not sure about that tough guy" Jules smirked proudly as she whistled and other werewolves from her pack came out from every side holding various different anti-vampire weapons

"Let's try this again. Give us Tyler" she demanded and Selena looked at her surrounding with clenched jaw

"You heard her. Go. Get over there" Damon whispered to Tyler and he looked at Selena before walking towards Jules

"Which one of you killed Mason?" One of them asked as Damon raised his hand up

"Uh, That would be me"

"Guys make sure that one suffer" the guy told the wolves as Stefan and Damon stood in front of Selena protectively

"We can take them" Damon told them looking at both Selena and Stefan

"I don't know about that" Stefan retorted as he eyed the other wolves

"Well then..." Damon said before using his vamp sped towards Jules to attack her but she jumped up

Tyler run towards the RV to save Caroline. As Jules and Damon began to fight, the werewolves tried to burn Stefan as one of them caught Selena's arm roughly causing her to punish him in the face harshly

However before they could Stefan sped over to one of the wolves and burned two of them. Damon jumped down from the RV and ripped his heart out before he could attack Selena

"Thank you" she told him breathlessly and he winked at her


Stefan stabbed one of them in the neck using his stake against him but one appeared behind him and staked him causing Selena to rush towards him snapping his neck.

Damon was fighting one of them but Jules shot him with a wooden bullet as one of them grabbed Selena and slammed her face against the RV

"You're a traitor" he spat and she pulled out one knife from her boots and stabbed him in the neck. Caroline stepped out of the RV causing Selena to sigh in relief but Jules slammed her face against the RV and putting a gun to her back. Selena looked at Tyler but he looked back at her in hesitation causing her to scoff in disbelief

Selena made her way to Jules so she could release Caroline but one of the appeared and punched her in the face causing blood to run down her nose

All of sudden Jonas Martin aka Elijah's witch appeared out of nowhere, walking with his hand held up as he cast a spell at the werewolves causing them to clutch their heads as they cried in pain, falling to their knees except for Selena and Tyler

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asked and they looked at the witch

"Elijah made a promise to Elena, I'm here to see it's upheld" he told them "You need to go. Get out of here. GO"


Selena made her way back to her house, she began to remove the blood from her forehead slowly as she winced in pain

She took a shower after treating her injuries, luckily she was a werewolf and could heal fast, and someone knocked her door

"It's Open" she called and John entered causing her to sigh in frustration

"Whatever drama you're going to bring up. Please let it go, it had been a really long day so just please..."

"Actually I'm here to give you something" he told her and she frowned in confusion as he pulled out a bracelet from his pocket "This belonged to your mother... she wanted you to have it"

"Really?" She asked with teary eyes and he nodded handing it to her "Thank you"

"Look I know you hate me-"

"I don't hate you. I hate your actions" she corrected and he nodded in understanding

"But I never meant to hurt you" he told her and she smiled sadly "I'll leave you now"

After few moments ahe made her way downstairs as she opened the door only to see Tyler was about to knock


"What do you want?" She snapped at him and he looked down in shame "I'm in no mood right now"

"I'm sorry" he apologised and she scoffed in disbelief

"I know that you are upset about Mason but Caroline was the only one who was there for you, she jeopardized her life for you. She was your friend for God sake... you don't deserve her" she stated angrily "We could have died tonight... I can't even look at you. Get out of my house Now"

She slammed the door shut and after few minutes she grabbed her bag and left the house as she got in side her car making her way to the Forbes house


Stefan knocked the door and Caroline opened it wearing her bathrobe "Hey what's wrong?" She asked him

"Hey" he replied cheerfully causing her to look at him in confusion

"What's going on?" The blonde asked him

"I was a little bit worried about you two after what you went through tonight" he told her with a smile

"I'm fine" Caroline assured him

"Good but just in case, I brought some back up" Stefan retorted as Selena, Elena and Bonnie jumped out from their hiding places

"We're gonna slumber it" Elena said

"We haven't done it in ages" Bonnie added as they all hugged her and she laughed tearfully

"I brought cookies" Selena said with a smile


Sorry I know it's short chapter 😅

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