Do not go gentle

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I will love you
Like I've never been hurt
Run through fire for you
Like I've never been burned
I'm gonna risk it all like I've never lost
Gonna give it all I've got
I will love you
I will love like I've never been hurt
Never been hurt
Never been hurt

Klaus opened his eyes to see Selena was still sleeping next to him peacefully. He played with the end of her hair while staring at her. He couldn't help but think about what Stefan told him about her and Damon. He knew that he had no right to judge her but he couldn't help but feel betrayed

"You know it's rude to stare" she told him with her eyes still closed causing him to chuckle

"I'm not staring. I'm mesmerising" he corrected and she opened her eyes slowly "Good morning"

"Morning" she smiled weakly "Did you sleep?"

"I did" he said and she gave him a look "I swear. I did"

"Okay" she nodded and he sighed

"I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean to hurt you and I promise I will not use your brother ever again" he promised and she smiled and then kissed his cheek

"I know"

"You know before I actually got to know you... they said many things about you" he revealed and she frowned with a small smile "Like how you always manipulate people to get what you want"

"I am a manipulator... they're right. I always manipulate to get my way, that's selfish I know... but not with you" she said sincerely and he gave her a quick kiss on her lips

"Since when do you have that mark on the back of your shoulder?" He asked and she shrugged "I've noticed it for quite sometime"

"It's a birthmark"

"Does Theo has it too?" He asked and she frowned

"Is he supposed to have it?" She asked in confusion

"Actually yes. It's for a werewolf clan... that thrived throughout much of what we call now Louisiana"

"Oh... I'll ask him-"

Klaus cut her off with his lips on hers, she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he looped his around her waist pulling her closer as their lips moved in sync

His hands slid up under her shirt touching her skin she gripped the back of his head, fingers tangling his curls. Now his lips pressing the corner of her mouth and then along her jaw and down her throat causing her to moan softly

He pressed his lips against hers once again as she felt like her entire body and veins were on fire. Without interrupting the kiss, she reached his trouser ready to take it off. His mouth moved to her neck as he sucked at her skin harshly

He tried to push the image of her with Damon to the back of his mind as he reminded himself that she was his only his but he just couldn't

"Stop" he whispered breathlessly and she frowned in confusion


"I uh... let's have breakfast first" he said and she nodded hesitantly as she sat up "I'll be downstairs"

"Okay" she said and eyedbhim warily until he put on his shirt and made his way downstairs


She took a shower and changed before making her way downstairs to the kitchen only to find Klaus was waiting for her

"I made you breakfast" he told her and she smiled at him as she took a seat beside him

"You know for a thousand years old, you suck at cooking" she teased and he chuckled "I'm joking you're a good cook"

"The perks of living for a thousand years" he said and she pulled her hair back into a ponytail

"Drink from me" she told him and he raised his eyebrows in surprise

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Feed from me" she told him and he looked at her hesitantly

"I don't want to hurt you" he said and she amiled assuringly

"And you won't" she told him and he bent down and bit her causing her to whimper in pain at first as a tear escaped her eye as she moaned quietly in pleasure and surprisingly she didn't want him to stop

He stopped and placed a soft kiss on her neck as he brushed his finger on the back of her neck where the soulmate mark was. She smiled at him as he quickly bit his wrist offering it but she shook her head

"No Nik... I'm okay. You didn't hurt me I promise" she told him and he nodded hesitantly as he left and came back with a wet towel

"Have you ever done this before?" He asked her and she frowned as he couldn't help but think if she did this with Damon too

"Done what?"

"Blood sharing?" He said and she could help but chuckle as she shook her head

"No" she denied with a small smile

"But you've been bitten before... by someone close to you" he remarked and she finally understood where was the conversation was going

"You mean Damon, right?" She inquired and he just remained silent "We weren't always friends, in fact we used to hate each other... time passed by and we grew closer together... Damon is-"

"Don't Selena... just don't go there" he warned her and she nodded

He gently treated the bite mark on her neck causing her to smile at him adorably "I love you, you know" she told him and he smiled with a nod

She began to eat her breakfast but he just kept staring at her thinking and she sighed "What is it?"

"What happened between you and Damon?" he asked and she swallowed her food thickly as she put down her cookies


"You and Damon at the bonfire... what happened?" He asked once again and she breathed shakily "Did you two... did you-"

"We did" she admitted and he froze in his spot "We slept together"

"Do I want to know why?" He asked with a quiet tone and she remained silent "Why?"

"Cause you weren't mine" she muttered with a low voice "Plus it didn't mean anything it was literally just a one night stand"

"It did mean something to him and you know that!" He hissed and she looked down


"Was it before you found out you have a soulmate whose willing to fight for you? Or before you and I kissed? Or before I poured my heart out to you in Chicago and told you that it's more than just the soulmate bond?... I asked you about him and you lied" He said and she looked down in guilt as tears welled up in her eyes. He scoffed and turned around walking towards the door

"Has it crossed your mind that I slept with him because I was trying to forget about you?" She asked him and he stopped from walking "I know what I did was wrong... and I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing but one thing for sure is that I was trying to forget about you. I didn't want to admit that I was falling for you... I was hurt and angry I needed a distraction but even when I was with him it felt wrong"

"So you just felt the need to go to him instead of talking to me?" He snapped causing her glare at him in disbelief

"Hey! You have no right to be mad at me" she snapped back "It's not like you haven't heard of my reputation... and please stop acting like you're an innocent. It's not like you didn't sleep with dozens of women over a thousand years knowing you have a soulmate"

"But wait... earlier, you got inside my head" she concluded when the realization hit her and he looked down "You had no right, Klaus"

He stared at her not knowing what to say, she was right he had no right to be angry with her. He just couldn't stand the thought of her with someone else. She sighed and grabbed her bag and walked away

"When you want to talk to me like we're in actual relationship. You know where to find me" she stated coldly and took off


Selena walked into the Gym as she tried to hide the marks on her neck with her hair and then she spotted Jeremy helping causing her to squeal

"Jeremy!" She called and he ran towards her hugging her "I missed you"

"I missed you too" he kissed her forehead

"Why didn't you tell me that you came?" She asked

"Theo said that you weren't feeling good. I didn't want to disturb you" he told her and she smiled

"You would never disturb me" she stated and he kissed her cheek once again "I'm happy you're here"

"Leenie" Elena called and Selena glared at her "Jer go back to work I want to talk to our sister"

"Is everything okay?" He asked them and Selena nodded

"Yeah everything is fine"

"I know that you're still mad at me but please forgive me... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm ready to accept your relationship with Klaus because I don't want to lose you" Elena told her and Selena remained silent "Please Leenie say something"

Caroline pinched her arm and she winced "Hey!"

"Elena you're my sister... I can't stay forever mad at you but what you did really hurt me... but I'm trying to forgive you" she said and Elena hugged her and Selena actually wanted to forgive her sister

"Someone had fun yesterday" Elena teased and Selena blushed

"So you and Klaus worked things between you two" Caroline said and Selena shook her head

"Actually... we had a fight this morning" she told them

"Why what happened?" Caroline asked and Selena sighed sadly

"Yesterday I was attacked... Liam was a vampire and someone ordered him to kill me... and today Klaus found out about me and Damon at the bonfire and he was kind of angry" she explained

"He loves you... he'll get over it I'm sure" Elena assured her and Caroline nodded

"They guy is whipped I'm pretty sure he'll apologise by the evening" she said and Selena chuckled

"What are you doing?" Selena asked the boys causing Caroline to look at them too

"You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down" Caroline scolded them

"Look at them all bromancy" Caroline joked and the girls laughed softly

"I think I'm going to puke" Selena mocked

"Yeah. We asked Matt to help him readjust. He got his old job back at the Grill" Elena told them

"That was nice of him" Caroline said and Selna nodded in agreement

"Jeremy's got a lot in his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out" Elena stated

"Are you sure it had really nothing to do with him witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy at a skeevy Motel" Caroline taunted and Selena gasped dramatically

"Oh my God! Why nobody told me about this?" She pouted and Caroline raised her eyebrow

"You were attacked yesterday" Caroline defended and Selena rolled her eyes

"Good point" She nodded

"I didn't tell you so you could torture me" Elena whispered

"What friends for" Caroline shrugged "So who are you bringing to the dance?"

"What? I thought you, Leenie, Bon and me going as girl dates?" Elena said wrapping the feather scarf around her neck

"Bonnie has a date" Selena said "So am I"

"She does?"

"Yeah Jamie called and wanted to see her, so she asked him and Selena coming with ...?" Caroline asked and the Enchantress

"I'll see if I can convince Theo" Selena sighed "I'm pretty sure he'll torture the life out of me... you know what? I'll go with Jer"

"What?" Jeremy asked and Selena waved him off

"Nothing just girl talks"

"So... here's the thought. Why don't you ask Stefan?" Caroline asked Elena

"I... I can't ask him on a date. I just made out with his brother" Elena muttered shamefully

"All the more reason. Look you're supposed to be figuring out what you want. That what Stefan wanted you to do right?" Caroline argued

"Yeah but it doesn't mean she has to play with both of their feeling until she figure out her own" Selena remarked as she put a tiara on her head and Caroline glared at her "Sorry. I'm being harsh"

"Yeah but.." Elena began

"But nothing" Caroline cut her off "Selena and I watched the Bachelor right? Okay fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn"

"Yeah and you're not biased or anything" Elena remarked

"I'm sorry but Stefan is your epic love and I'm not going down without a fight" Caroline stated

"Look El, one of them is going to get his heart broken that's for sure" Selena stated "They're brothers"

"Look I don't want to judge you" Selena said "Follow your heart Elena but you should brave enough to accept the consequences"


Selena and Caroline danced crazily but the blonde scoweled when she saw Tyler causing Selena to turn around

"What are you doing here?" The blonde asked

"Are you insane?" Selena asked him and he smiled at them

"Nice to see you too Care, Leenie" he laughed and Caroline glared at him

"Are you crazy? If Klaus sees you.." She hissed and Selena raised her eyebrow at him

"Look Tyler you're my friend... I don't want you to get hurt" Selena put a hand on his shoulder and he smiled

"What he's gonna do? Draw Selena another picture?"

"How did you even know about that?" Selena asked him and he scoffed

"Everyone knows about that" he stated and she rolled her eyes

"Tyler! This isn't a joke" Caroline scolded him

"Relax, I can pretend I'm sired to him if I have to. I just want to enjoy one night with the girl I love and my friends " he told her causing Caroline to blush and Selena to smile

"And of course Miss trouble" he joked causing Selena to chuckle

"Hey!" she faked a pout "I'm no trouble... anyways I'll leave you two to dance"

"You owe me a dance" he said and she nodded

"Okay. I'll go find Jeremy. You two have fun" she told them and they smiled

"May I have this dance, Miss Gilbert" Damon's voice spoke behind and she turned around

"What do you want Damon?" she asked him and he sighed

"Oh Come on sexy wolfie. Isn't a good time to kiss and make up?" He asked and she rolled her eyes "Please forgive me"

"Fine" she sighed "I forgive you but you owe me cookies"

"Your wish is my demand" he joked and she laughed as she took his hand

"Someone had fun" He said and pointed at her neck causing her to blush deeply

"Klaus knows about us" she said and he understood what she meant "About that night"

"Should I be worried?" He asked and she laughed but he was serious "I'm serious"

"I'll protect you" she said and he smirked as they both danced

They continued to dance, laughing at their moves and he lifted her up and twirled them causing her to laugh loudly

"You know I love you right?" He said with a smile

"I do"

"I'm sorry for everything. For what I did to you when I first came to town and thank you for forgiving me despite all the horrible thing I've done. You'll always be my real friend... you showed me that despite everything we've been through... even you being with Klaus doesn't really matter because I don't want to lose you"

"I love him Damon... and you of all people should understand that. I see the way you look at Elena and I know that people think you have feelings for me but what you have for Elena is more than just feelings... love, I know you would die for her just how I would die for Klaus" she told him and he smiled weakly at her "I don't feel guilty because I love him... I'm proud because I love him"

"I want you to be happy" he told her

"And I want you to be happy too and any women would be lucky to have someone like you Damon Salvatore" She said "You're not bad as you think"

"Maybe" he said and flipped her over causing her to scream

"Stop!" She screamed and they laughed


Klaus entered the dance and his gazes laid on Selena and he saw her swinging around crazily and he smiled but his smile dropped when he saw the person who she was dancing with

He took a deep breath and made his way towards them trying to keep himself calm

"Mind if I cut in mate?" A British voice spoke causing them to look at him as be was burning up with jealousy

"I'll talk to you later, Leenie. I have to find Stefan" Damon said as he glared at Klaus before leaving them "Bye"

"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?" She asked him when the Salvatore vampire left

"I don't have to prove anything love, I am the alpha Male" he told her sternly and she scoffed before he smiled as he held up his hand for her

"Dance with me" he offered his hand and she glared at him "I won't bite... unless you want me to"

She took his hand and he led her to the middle of the dance floor "You look gorgeous" He complimented and she blushed as he twirled her around

"You don't look bad yourself" she told him and he raised his eyebrow

"You would've loved the 1920's, little wolf. The girls were reckless, sexy, fun just like you. They literally used to dance until they dropped" He told her looking straight in her eyes

"I suppose that ever happened to their dance partners?" she said rudely

"You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow" He said causing Selena's heart to skip a beat

"What?" She asked in disbelief

"Come with me. Selena" He said pleadingly "Let's leave together. Just you and me"

"Klaus I haven't graduated yet. I would love to go with you but I still want to graduate... why can't you wait just few more months and we can leave together" she told him and he just stared causing her heart to shatter, she caught a flash of something in his eyes, vulnerability

He saw the quick flicker of emotions behind her eyes: rage, frustration, helplessness and finally sadness. She scoffed and yanked him away from her and made her way towards the door way

All she wanted was to close her eyes and disappear into the darkness. She felt like someone was stabbing her heart whenever she breathed. Tears were streaming down her cheeks freely, she never thought he would ever leave her behind

"What's wrong?" She asked the Salvatore brothers when she saw them standing in front of the school

"Are you okay, Leenie?" Damon asked her and she wiped her tears as she noticed the salt on the ground

"Boundary spell" she remarked and they nodded

"Your mother is back" Stefan told Klaus and Selena's eyes widened

"Find Bonnie" she told the brothers "I'll find the others"

All of sudden both Klaus and Selena sucked their breath as they looked at each other. Selena fell to her knees breathing heavily as she felt something was burning in the back of her neck

It was the worst painful thing she had ever experienced. It was like a part of her soul was taken away from her. She literally felt like dying for few seconds and not physically but emotionally, she let out a scream as Stefan quickly knelt down beside her in concern

"Leenie, what's wrong?"

"She cut off the bond" Selena muttered fearfully as she breathed heavily "How could she?"

"Selena..." Klaus called and she sighed

"Klaus now is not the time" she told him. She ran back inside looking for ber friends and she spotted Caroline and Tyler dancing

"Sorry guys to crash the fun" She told them making them stop "But you can't get out of the school there's a boundary spell"

"Who did it?" Caroline asked

"Esther is back" she told them and she rushed back with them following her

When she made it outside she saw them still waiting and Bonnie trying to break the spell.

"We need to know where is she" she told them "Bonnie uh... can you do a locator spell?"

"Why can't you do it?" Bonnie asked and Selena sighed

"I'll try"

They rushed towards one of the Classrooms and grabbed a map. Selena placed it on the table as her and Bonnie both start chanting

"Esther is fighting us" she told them "Even with Selena"

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power" Klaus stated

"No she's channeling. A hotspot and something else" Bonnie said and Selena lifted her hand to her neck just to notice her necklace was gone

"My necklace" she said "It's not a something. Is a someone and I can already guess who"

"Get the humans ready. I know where she is" He said

"Selena we need to wait" Bonnie said "You can be in danger"

"But I have never been good at waiting"


When Selena noticed Klaus and Damon were arguing about something, she stepped outside the circle discreetly

"Selena" Stefan called and she turned to face them

"I'm sorry but I have to go" she told him and he shook his head

"Selena come back right now" Klaus ordered and she sent him an apologetic look

"Sorry, Nik" she apologised "I'm the only one who can stop her and I will"

Selena ran into the cemetery to see Matt and Jeremy pointing their gun and crossbow at each other. She used her magic and dropped both of their weapons to the ground as Esther turned around

Esther was about to use her magic but Selena stopped her by making flame surround her as she used her magic making Esther fall to her knees as she began to cough blood and she sucked her breath

"Do you feel that?" Selena asked her as she stepped inside the circle "That exactly what you made me feel when you cut off the bond between me and Klaus"

Selena grabbed a knife and stabbed her right in the heart as the Original witch bled more from her mouth

"This is for going after my family" she hissed and digged the knife further "And this for breaking the bond. See you in hell" she pulled out the knife and the witch to fell on the floor and they all watched her in shock

"You can tell them that Esther is dead" she dropped the knife her bloody hands were shaking and she start breathing heavily. As her eyes changed its colour. She closed her eyes but it didn't work

When she turned around the Salvatores and Klaus were already there. He rushed to her side examining her body "Did she hurt you?" He asked and she shook her head and all of sudden groaned in pain from her head

"Hey! Hey what's happening? What's wrong?" He asked her worry laced his tone

"I'll be fine... You know she broke our bond with my own magic" Selena said and Klaus kissed her forehead gently

"I need to say goodbye to Ric" she told him and he nodded

"I'll be waiting for you at home" he said and she smiled weakly

"Please get Jenna" she pleaded and he nodded before kissing her forehead


"Listen Jeremy is the right thing to do, okay?" She heard Alaric say when she entered the crypt "After everything that's happened. After all that I've done maybe I had it coming"

"This isn't your fault Ric" Selena approached them "No one is blaming you... maybe we can find another way-"

"Please let's not make this harder than it already is. You should go... tell Jenna that I love her" he told them and Selena cried silently "Damon is here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way"

"I'm sorry but I can't do this" Selena sobbed and ran outside making him sigh sadly

She saw Jenna outside as she hugged her tightly sobbing against her chest "He's waiting for you" Selena whispered and Jenna nodded leaving them

"I couldn't watch him... I couldn't say goodbye" she told them as Theo hugged her and she cried in his chest

Selena, Jeremy, Elena, Theo, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Matt, Caroline and Tyler were all outside as Alaric smiled sadly at them and walked back to the tomb as candles were lit around them


At the Gilbert house Selena, Jeremy and Elena opened Jenna's bedroom quietly but her aunt was already awake crying. The Enchantress made her way towards and hugged her and the others joined


When Selena made sure Jenna was asleep, she quietly walked making her way to the Mikaelson mansion. Klaus was leaving and she needed to say goodbye whatever that meant. She needed a closure and that what she wanted to get

She knocked the door and after few seconds he opened it, he saw her red puffy eyes causing him to hug her tightly as she sobbed in his chest. She wanted to say goodbye but she couldn't

"It had been all fun and game" she said quietly but he still hadn't let her go "It was great meeting you, you know. And thank you for everything you've done so far"


"It's okay" she whispered gulping a sob and forced a smile "Maybe... it's not the right time, maybe we're too broken for each other... maybe I'm not enough"

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked her and she let out a sob

"Don't leave me" she whimpered and he rubbed her back "I don't want you to leave"

"I won't" he assured her "I'll never leave you... with or without the bond you'll always be my soulmate... I love you"

"I love you too" she smiled weakly as he wiped her tears with his thumb and leaned down capturing her lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just couldn't bare the thought of you with someone else" he told her and she chuckled tearfully "So... he took advantage of you?"

"No, don't think of it that way... it's been too long since I've slept with someone without alcohol" she admitted with a bitter smile "Until you"

"What happened?" He asked with knitted eyebrows, she could see something dark was behind his look. The hunger of spilling blood.

"I don't wanna talk about it, please" she told him with a pleading look and he nodded hesitantly "I'm forever yours"

"You're forever mine" he whispered against her lips "You're more than enough"

"Always and forever" she promised him and hugged him tightly "I still have to go back... Jenna needs us"

"I'll drive" he told her and she chuckled


Guys please don't hate me for breaking the bond. I have reasons why I did it which will be explained more in the next chapters

How do you like this story so far? Do you have any predictions about what will happen in the future?

She and Theo are Labonairs because I have an idea and other characters will appear. You know how much I love drama...

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