Ordinary people

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Come to me
In the night hours
I will wait for you
And I can't sleep
'Cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you
War of hearts

Selena opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for few minutes knowing that it was the day she was gonna meet her Theodore, she got up and took a shower

When she finished, she wore her clothes and looked at her phone if there was any new messages or calls but she specifically wanted one person to call her

"Morning Auntie J!" Selena greeted with a smile "Jer I'm still mad at you... Where's Elena?"

"Morning, Leenie" Jeremy and Jenna smiled at her warmly "She just left... minutes ago"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked angrily "You literally cheated on her with a ghost. A ghost Jeremy?"

"Not that again" he sighed in frustration and she looked at her aunt ignoring him

"Oh... I believe they found a weapon to kill Klaus" Selena said nervously as she sat down eating her breakfast

"They did?" Jeremy asked and she shrugged

"Don't talk to me and yes I think so" she said and Jenna looked at her with a concerned look  "Auntie J and I are going to NewYork"

"For Theodore?" He asked and she nodded as she had told them everything her birth mother told her. After all they were her family

"Yep... she said and I quotes find your brother and then she disappeared" Selena said and Jenna stood up from her chair

"Come on let's go" Jenna told her and she nodded as she hugged her brother

"See you tomorrow" she told him and he nodded "And tell the Salvatores to give me an update about their researches"

"Be careful" he told them and they nodded

"Relax I'm not driving" she said and they laughed "You all are overreacting. I'm a good driver"

"You had Damon compel them to give you your license" he stated and she rolled her eyes


On the road Selena was looking from the window, she didn't want to be part of their plan killing her soulmate. She even thought about telling him after they figured their plan but she would be betraying them and she didn't want to pick sides

"You're thinking of Klaus" Jenna stated and Selena chuckled

"Is it that so obvious?" She asked and her Aunt nodded "I just think... they don't know what he had been through, I mean I don't agree on what he does and I still didn't forgive him but he doesn't deserve to die... You'll probably think I'm crazy and delusional. Everyone does"

"I'm rooting for you and Klaus" Jenna stated and Selena looked at her in shock "I mean I'm pretty sure he did something to steal your attention. You wouldn't just give him a chance just like that"

"I'm sucker for bad boys. We know that for a fact"

"Yes but you never fell for one of them. You just distract yourself... I mean look at you who said one day my little player niece was going to fall in love" Jenna teased and she scoffed

"You're exaggerating" Selena rolled her eyes "I like him yes but I'm not falling for him... it's a mistake"

"Your head is telling you it's a mistake but your heart says otherwise" Jenna stated and Selena remembered what Klaus had told her back in Chicago

"He told me the exact same thing" Selena whispered and Jenna chuckled

"Are you nervous?" She asked and Selena shook her head "Don't lie to me. You're not eating your cookies"

"A little" she admitted "I mean what if he wants nothing to do with me?"

"Then it's his loss" Jenna simply said and Selena smiled


Selena and Jenna arrived late to NewYork so they had to take a Hotel. The next morning they went to the address Eloise gave them

Selena took a deep breath before knocking the door twice, after few seconds a man on his early twenties with green eyes opened the door and she smiled at him

"How can I help you?" He asked her as he stared at her familiar eyes

"I'm Selena Gilb- I mean Ember Gray your... sister" she muttered and his eyes widened in shock "You're Theodore, mother told me about you. Actually it's a long-"

He trailed her off by hugging her tightly and she smiled hugging him back "I looked everywhere for you" he whispered softly

"I live in Mystic falls, Virginia" she informed her and he nodded

"I went there either and I asked about you"

"Well I'm Selena Gilbert there not Ember Gray... I didn't even know my birth name until the other day" she revealed and he smiled happily

"Come in" he told her and she stepped inside as they made their way towards the living room "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"No thank you" she smiled gratefully

"You said you saw mother?" He stated and she nodded as she explained the whole thing

"And the last thing she said was find your brother" she finished and he nodded sadly

"I was trying to find you for a year now" he said and she chuckled

"Well here we are" she said with a small smile "Come visit Mystic falls... sometimes"

"Are you kidding? I'm going to move in there" he said and she shook her head

"I cannot ask that from you... you have your life here and-"

"Ember or Selena-"

"Selena" she said and he nodded

"Selena you should know. Us Gray don't abandon on each other" he stated and she hugged him tightly "Plus you think I'll leave you get yourself into trouble alone? Fat chance"

"Thank you" she whispered and he rubbed her back and they pulled apart "Anyways my aunt is waiting for me, we still have to go back..."

"See you in few days, baby sister" he said and she rolled her eyes

"Come on! I'm two years younger than you"

"Three" he corrected and she sighed with a small smile

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes playfully "See you in few days"

Selena made her way back to her aunt as Jenna was waiting for her in the car nervously not knowing what was going on

"Hey" Selena greeted and Jenna sighed in relief

"How did it go?"

"Good, really good"

"That's good to hear" Jenna smiled as they drove


Three days had past since she came back from NewYork and Selena was training with the girls, she was lost in her thoughts she had one flashback about the Original family

"You look well" Rebekah teased snapping her off of her thoughts

"You have no idea" Selena groaned "I didn't sleep yesterday"

"Why is everything alright?" Rebekah asked in concern

"I was kind of plagued by some flashbacks of your human life" Selena explained as she sighed "You all been through so much... and Nik was afraid of your father... he abused him"

Selena felt so bad, Klaus was terrified of his father beacuse of what he did to him when he was just a child, she didn't want him to die but if she told him what they were planning she would be betraying her friends

"I just want him to be safe. All of you" Selena told the blonde sincerely as she continued to stretch

"He asked about you" Rebekah informed her "At the bonfire"

"Does he know something?" She asked frantically "Do you know something?"

"You mean that you and Damon slept together?" Rebekah teased "I was there that night... as for Nik. No he doesn't know"

"So you talked to him" Selena muttered with a nod "Good to know"

"Why Damon?" Rebekah asked "I mean I know for a fact that you have no feelings for him"

"I don't know. Commitment issues, I guess" Selena said avoiding her eyes

"You do" Rebekah stated "You wanted to forget about Klaus... I'm your friend you don't have to lie to me"

"I'm free to do whatever I want" Selena stated with a monotonous tone "And it was just a one night stand, nothing more"

Rebekah sighed in disappointment "Yeah well, Damon will be the one who pay for it if my brother knows about it"

"Listen, your brother already thinks I'm a whore and a bitch, so what he knows or even thinks is irrelevant to me, really" she stated with a cold glare "Maybe, I am, I don't care. I don't remember every guy I sleep with, to be honest with you, I drink to not remember and yes, I'm clean, I'm not a sex addict but that's not the point... In some fucked way, I don't want him to die after everything he had done to me and said"

"He doesn't think you're a whore... he just wanted to hurt you because he was hurt" the blonde admitted with a sad look "That's Nik, he walks away the second things get rough and maybe you'd change that, I hope you can get through him"

"If he wants to change, he'd do it for him, not me. I have my own fucked up self-sabotage and commitment issues I'm trying to work on. But one thing for sure, he doesn't have the right to judge me because he doesn't know what I've been through since the second I fucking killed my own friend" Selena finally let out of her guards and Rebekah's eyes widened


Selena opened her mouth to answer but she stopped when Elena approached them causing her to keep her mouth shut

"You! Goody" Rebekah smiled sarcastically

"I was hoping we could talk" Elena told the Original

"About what? Stefan? Don't worry I'm off him until he starts treating me better. In fact you should probably take a page out of my book, if I'm being honest" Rebekah stated and Selena snorted but covered herself by pretending it was a cough

"Actually, I'd rather talk about this" Elena held up a picture and showed it to Rebekah and Selena recognised it from her dreams

"Where did you get these Elena?" Selena asked her sister

"I'm curious why you and Klaus spent a thousand years running from your father" Elena continued as she ignored her sister

"We should get back to the girls. Homecoming right'e around the corner" Rebekah grabbed Selena's hand as they walked away

"Well then I'll ask Mikeal when we wake him" Elena said and Selena turned to face her sister with a fiery glare

"Elena!" Selena scolded

"You're bluffing. You don't know where he is. No one does" Rebekah stated with a blank look trying to cover up the fact that she was terrified

"So then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?" Elena asked rhetorically

"El, stop!" Selena snapped at the doppelganger for being cruel

"If you wake Mikeal we're all doomed" Rebekah told her warningly

"So then tell me" Elena insisted and Selena sighed in frustration

"Why do you want to know?" Rebekah asked with narrowed eyes

"Why don't you want to wake him?"

"I need to get back to the girls" Rebekah blankly said and she turned to Selena

"You go, I'll be right behind you" The younger sister said with a small smile and the Original vampire nodded

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Selena snapped at her elder sister

"That's Klaus' sister you're defending" Elena stated and Selena scoffed in disbelief

"You have no right to do this you were being cruel and that's not the Elena I know... And yes she may be Klaus' sister but she has done nothing to you, she doesn't deserve to pay for what her brother did"


"Mikeal is the real danger not Rebekah nor Klaus... don't say I didn't warn you" Selena snapped coldly as she started walking away


"I still can't believe you compelled yourself a runway show" Selena scoffed in disbelief

"Well I didn't know what to chose" Rebekah smirked and Selena chuckled

"Well let's see..."

"So... which one do you think I should wear?"

"The green one or... No no the red one definitely" Selena pointed out as she sat on the couch eating her cookies

"What are you wearing?" Rebekah asked the brunette

"It's either red or black" Selena said and Rebekah walked towards the Enchantress with two glasses full of champagne

"Thank you" she smiled politely "But I'll pass. No day drinking for me... anxiety attacks"

"Okay you can leave for now" Rebekah compelled the girls and they obliged

"Did you talk with my brother?" Rebekah asked her new bestfriend

"No... not since he left" Selena replied and then groaned "I'd rather talk about something else"

"Talk to me. Tell me what happened" Rebekah insisted stubbornly

"There's nothing to talk about really. Klaus and I are ... to be honest I don't know" she said and Rebekah sighed as she sat down beside her

"Listen you have no idea how long he waited for you... I saw him paints you for a thousand years" Rebekah told Selena truthfully "The way he looks at you says everything. He never looked at anyone like that"

"He hurt me, he tried to kill my sister and use her as blood bank. Turned Stefan into an emotionless robot... I can't forgive him at least not now" Selena said in frustration "I honestly don't think we will ever be anything more than enemies"

"Leenie... Damon and Stefan have done terrible things too, they killed innocent people. I know that Damon tried to snap your neck last year when he first came here, he fed on you and you almost died" Rebekah said and Selena just stared at her speechless "My brother is not a lost cause too. Just give it a chance"

"How did you even know about that?" Selena asked in shock "Only few people who does"

"And I happen to be one of them"

Selena would be lying if she said what Rebekah told her wasn't the truth, but if she just think about helping him, she'd lose her friends

"When I'm with him, I seem to forget about all the horrible things he had done but at the same time I keep reminding myself of all the things he did to me, to my friends so I cannot lose them"

"Are they're really your friends if they can't respect your choices?" Rebekah asked her and she sighed

"Listen, I know they did terrible things, I get it and trust me sometimes I fucking hate myself for trying to justify their actions... blood or not, Elena is still my sister, we grew up together and even if I get so fucking angry at her sometimes, it doesn't change that she's my sister."

"I understand, I really do"

Elena entered the living room where the girls were sitting, Rebekah stood up and approached the doppelganger

"You do not threaten me. You will learn what I allow you to learn, that clear?" Rebekah told Elena who nodded

"How fun is this?" Rebekah asked when she led them to Stefan's room

"I don't think we should be here Bex" Selena told the blonde

"Of course we should" She joyfully said as she ran her hand across Stefan's bookshelf "Come on. Like you've never wanted to snoop. Boxers briefs now that's change from the twenties"

"Are you gonna root through his stuff all night or are you gonna start to tell me your story?" Elena asked with an annoyed tone

"You really are no fun" Rebekah pouted "What do you want to know"

"Well, Elijah said that your father was a land owner in Europe. How did you guys end up here?" Elena asked as Selena sat down beside Rebekah

"My parents had just started a family when a plague struck their Homeland. They just lost a child to it, they wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate" Rebekah said

"But how did you end up here?" Selena asked "This part of the world hadn't been discovered yet"

"Not by anyone in your history books. But my mother knew a witch Ayana, who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy... blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That led my family here, where we lived amongst those people" she explained

"Let me guess... Werewolves" Selena rolled her eyes

"Clever cookie" Rebekah smiled at her bestfriend "To us they were just our neighbours. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years, during which time my family had more children, including me"

"You make it sound so normal" Elena frowned in confusion

"It was" the blonde smiled sadly and Selena rubbed her back in comfort

"Once a month our family retreated to the caves beneath our village. The wolves would howl through the night and by the morning we'd return home. One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden. Henry paid the price" Rebekah said sadly and Selena felt like she wanted to cry

"And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbours" Rebekah finished and then Elena's phone rang.

Selena hugged Rebekah tightly and told her "You can talk to me whenever you want. I'm here"

Selena's heart shattered, she knew Klaus wasn't always a bad guy. She believed that he's just broken like her, like the rest of them. She somehow was sure that no matter what happens, she won't give up on him

"Thank you" The blonde smiled
"You're the sister I never had"


"Can we get on with the story?" Elena boringly asked

Rebekah got up and held a picture of Stefan and Elena "Honestly I don't get you two as a couple"

"Why would you? You don't know anything about who he really is" Elena fired back coldly

"I know exactly who he is. He's a vampire, we're a predatory species. We don't have time to care about humans and their silly lives" Rebekah smirked and Selena placed her hand on her forehead

"Is that why you did that runway show earlier? Because you don't care about the Homecoming dance?" Elena asked tauntingly

"Okay why don't we get back to the topic" Selena pipped in before Rebekah kill her sister

"That necklace wasn't Stefan's to give. It belonged to the Original witch" Rebekah said

"The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?" Elena asked

"Not just the hybrid curse. She's the one who turned us into vampires and created the soulmate bond between your sister and my brother " Rebekah explained as Selena nodded in understanding

"I'm thirsty. Would you like a drink Leenie?" Rebekah asked Selena sighed

"I think I could use a drink to go on with the story"

"So vampirism was a form of protection?" Elena followed them

"What else would it be?" The blonde asked her

"A curse"

"My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive"

"To be honest. I don't really blame you... you did what you had to do to survive even though I don't exactly agree on your ways but you did it to protect your family... I would have done the same" Selena stated looking at Elena who smiled at her warmly and Rebekah smiled at her in gratitude

Rebekah was happy that Selena was going to be part of their family. She was Klaus' redemption and hope and somehow theirs too

"But why did you all stay? If they were so afraid of the werewolves, why not leave?" Elena asked

"Pride" Rebekah echoed simply "My father didn't want to run anymore. He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves. Where they could bite, we had to bite harder. Where they had speed, we had to be faster. Agility, strength, senses..."

"In her hands? How could she do anything?" Elena asked

"Because she is a witch?" Selena said in a duh tone

"The witch of the Original family. The Original witch" Rebekah told the doppelganger

"But wait didn't she turn with you?" Selena frowned in confusion

"She didn't"

"But if your mother was a witch then..." Elena began the blonde trailed her off

"Am I? No, a witch is a nature servant. A vampire is a abomination of nature. You can either be one or the other, never both. My mother did this for us. She did not turn" Rebekah explained

"How did you turn?" Selena asked hesitantly

"She called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree. One of nature's eternal objects for immortality. That night my father offered us wine laced with blood. And the drove his sword through our hearts" Rebekah said and Selena's eyes widened

"Your father killed you?" She breathed out in disbelief

"And he wasn't delicate about it either" she stated "And then we had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. It was euphoric, the feeling of power was indescribable. But the witch Ayana was right about the consequences, the spirits turned on us and nature fought back..."

Selena's phone started ringing and she looked at them with a sheepish smile "Sorry I have to take this" she dismissed herself and they nodded in understanding

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Quarterback?" She asked Matt through the phone

"A guy is asking about you... I've never seen him before" he informed him and she nodded

"Okay tell him I'll be there shortly" she told him

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, just keep him busy" she said before hanging up

"Sorry girls. Duty calls" she told them and they nodded assuringly


Selena drove to the Grill where Matt had told her that the guy was waiting for her, she already knew who was it. She made her way to the bar

"Hey there big bro" Selena greeted and he turned around with a smile "Thank you Matty"

"What do you mean big bro?" Matt asked and she hugged Theodore before sitting beside him

"Long story... where should I begin?" She asked as she explained to him how she had a brother she didn't know about until few days ago

"Wow" he breathed out and Theodore laughed

"Oh Leenie there you are!" Bonnie and Caroline greeted and she hugged them "We've been looking everywhere for you"

"Oh guys this is Theo my brother... Theo this is Caroline and Bonnie" she introduced and he shook their hands politely

"Pleasure to meet you" he said and Caroline smiled at him

"The pleasure is ours"

"Anyways we wanted to talk to you" Bonnie told her and she frowned

"About what?" She asked them

"The soulmate bond" Bonnie replied and Selena's heart skipped a beat

"I'll leave if this is personal" Theo said and Selena shook her head

"No it's okay" she assured him "You know Klaus the Original hybrid?"

"Yeah the big bad wolf... I heard about him" Theo said and she took a deep breath

"And you know he has a soulmate" she said and he nodded

"Yeah I heard- wait a second you're the soulmate?" He asked and she nodded

"The one and only"

"The Salvatores wants me to break it" Bonnie said as Selena shared a look with Caroline "And I couldn't do it without your permission"

"Can you even do it?" Selena asked and Bonnie shook her head

"I'm not sure... the bond is too strong"

"Why do you even want to break it?" Theo asked the witch

"Damon told me he couldn't risk your life being at risk" She replied and Selena nodded

"Look Leenie you don't have to do this" Caroline told her and Theo nodded in agreement

"Will be there consequences?" Theo asked worrying about her life

"Well we can try" Selena told them with a sad sigh "We'll see what happens"

"Okay I'll leave to see if I can do something" Bonnie said before walking away

"Something is troubling you" Theo pointed out and she sighed

"It's about Klaus right?" Caroline asked and she nodded

"What if everything is based on the soulmate bond?" She asked them "I mean I don't want him to die but I want to know if this is real"

"Look I know he had done terrible things, we all did... I'm not trying to justify his actions I'm not but the Salvatores did bad things too" she said and Caroline nodded in understanding

"Warn him" Theo told her and she chuckled sadly

"I can't"

"Because of the others right? You shouldn't care what people want nor think... I want you to be happy" Caroline told her honestly "Jenna, Theo and I will support you"

"Thank you" she told them tearfully


"Rebekah you have no idea how crazy what I'm about to-" Selena began as she walked into the living room at the Salvatore boarding house to see Rebekah on the ground crying and sobbing

"Bex" Selena rushed towards the blonde and hugged her tightly "Hey! What happened? Talk to me, tell me"

"Nik... killed our mother" Rebekah's lips trumbled and Selena's heart ached for the blonde

"I'm so sorry" Selena rubbed Rebekah's back soothing her "I'm here Okay?"

Selena couldn't believe she defended Klaus. She couldn't believe he killed his own mother.


Matthew Daddario as Theodore Gray

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