Stand by you

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Lost it seems, brother the days that we
Could wrestle on the floor
Of the living room, shedding our cocoons
Oh the telescope, oh the crescent moon
Open the drawer, sister by the door
Where you hide your diary
With the diagrams, all forsaken plans
Read again the note, everything you wrote
Brother, sister

Klaus opened his eyes to see how peaceful Selena looked when she was still asleep, he placed a kiss on her shoulder causing her to moan softly burying her face into the pillow as he chuckled

He jumped out of the bed quietly making his way to the bathroom but he stopped when something caught his attention

"No" she mumbled and he turned around to see her. He didn't know if he should wake her up or let her

He noticed that she was mumbling a lot over the past two days since they got out of the Gilbert house. He just hoped it was nothing bad

"Don't leave" she said as Klaus was about to wake her up, his phone began ringing causing him to look at her hesitantly before answering

"What?" He snapped as he made his way outside their room so he could not wake her up and he tried to keep his voice down

"What is it, Stefan? Selena is asleep. You can call her later. I doubt she wants to talk to you"

"Actually I want to talk to you" Stefan stated and Klaus rolled his eyes

"I don't have all day so I suggest you start talking"

"Jeremy is dead" Stefan blurted out causing Klaus to raise his eyebrows in shock "And he's Leenie's little brother... so it's best if she hear it from you. I could've called Theo but you're the only one who can actually calm her down a little so..."


"Katherine fed him to Silas and he died. Few days ago Kol died... Leenie has zero control over her magic, if she doesn't manage her ups and down. You saw what happened every time she loses control. She'll burn down the house or worse Mystic falls. Please try to keep her calm before she comes to her house" Stefan told him almost pleadingly "Leenie needs you now"

Selena opened her eyes and quickly sat down, she didn't know what was happening to her. She was having a bad feeling

"Shh" Klaus rushed towards her and rubbed her back "You're okay"

"Nik" she breathed out and he smiled at her sadly

"Are you okay?" he asked and she shook her head

"I have a bad feeling, Nik... I don't know what is it but it's not good. Last time I had-" Selena stopped as she felt a wave of nausea causing her to stand up quickly making her way to the bathroom before falling to her knees and throwing up.

Klaus followed her as he held up her hair as ahe emptied her stomach, she flushed the toilet and placed a hand on her stomach

She washed her mouth and face before looking up at him with tired eyes causing him to frown as she sighed

"Food poisoning. I'll be okay" she told him

"You need to see a doctor. It's been days now" he said and she shook her head

"I promise you, Nik. I'm fine" she insisted and he nodded hesitantly as he pulled her into his arms kissing the top of her head

"Okay so here's the thought. I know you're not gonna agree to it and I probably should have done it couple of days ago but... I just wanted you to know. I can bring Kol back with my magic" she said with a hopeful smile and he glared at her in disbelief "Don't give me that look, Nik. I can do it"

"That's black magic. You're not doing it" he denied and she opened her mouth to say something "And that the end of it"


"They're back from the Isle" he informed her hesitantly

"They are? I'm going to kick both of Jeremy's and Elena's asses" she sternly spoke "I know that it was her plan. She manipulated Jeremy into killing him... I just now"

"Little wolf..."

"I'm going to change and then I'll go" she said and he nodded sadly "I love you"

He made his way downstairs to see Rebekah sitting on the couch with a pout on her face

"Why didn't you kill Katherine a five hundred years ago? She stole the cure" She snapped and he motioned for her to be quiet "What?"

"Selena doesn't know that Jeremy is dead yet... you have no idea how much she suffered when Kol died. I couldn't tell her that her brother is dead too"

"She needs to know" Rebekah told him firmly "You can't keep it forever away from her. She'll find out soon from someone else"

"I don't know how to tell her. What if she gets angry and sad and loses control? She'll do something she's gonna regret for the rest of her life" he said and Rebekah nodded sadly "I will tell her. I just don't know how"

"Nik have you seen my-" Selena trailed off when she saw Rebekah "Oh my God, Bex!"

"Leenie!" Rebekah exclaimed and shot her brother a glare not knowing how to act "I missed you"

"I missed you too. Please tell me you took it" Selena said "The cure... did you take it?"


"Why?" She asked with a frown "Elena took it?"

"Selena there's something you should know" Klaus told her and she looked between the siblings in confusion

"What's going on?" She asked them "What happened?"

"Your brother... he's- he died in the isle" Klaus told her sadly and she stared at him for a moment blankly causing him to share a fearful look with his sister "Selena-"

"I want to be alone" she said calmly causing him to look at her in shock "Alone"

She walked away making her way upstairs towards their shared room and slammed the door shut. Klaus wanted to follow her but Rebekah stopped him

"Stop. Trust me this is the calm before the storm" she stated "She's processing the whole thing"

Selena sat down on the bed and grabbed her phone dialing her sister's number as she placed it on her ear

"Leenie you need to come home. I'm waiting for Jeremy to wake up" Elena answered and Selena frowned

"What are you talking about what do you mean wake up? He isn't dead?" She asked in confusion

"No, he was wearing his ring" Elena said and Selena smiled hopefully "Just come home"

"Okay I'm coming" Selena said and hang up as she grabbed her bag

She was about to open the door but Klaus did it before her as she smiled at him causing him to look at her suspiciously

"He's not dead" she said happily "My brother is not dead. He was wearing his ring... I have to go home"


"No!" She snapped at him "My brother is not dead. There's still a chance okay?"

"Okay" he nodded not wanting to upset her "I'm coming with you"

"No I'll be fine. I'll call you if I need anything" she said and he kissed her forehead "I'm gonna go and Nik I'll be fine no need to come with me. Please just stay"


"Hey!" Theo greeted Stefan at the Gilbert house "I came as soon as I got your message. What happened?"

"Jeremy is dead" Stefan informed him as Theo's eyes widened in shock "Elena is in denial. Apparently so is Leenie... she talked to her and convinced her that he's coming back. Now Leenie is on the road. She'll be here any minute"

"Kol just died. This will crash her" Theo stated "Are you sure he's not coming back?"

"Yeah... Jeremy was a hunter. Which mean a supernatural being, the ring won't work on him" Stefan explained to him and Theo nodded sadly "I talked to Klaus. I hope he managed to calm her down or at least-"

"Leenie!" Theo greeted as he motioned for Stefan to stop

"Where is he?" She asked them as he entred her house "Where is my brother?"

"He's upstairs" Elena came as she hugged her sister tightly but Selena forgot about their fight.

They had to be strong for Jeremy. Selena made her way upstairs to see Doctor Fell with him checking his body causing Selena to gasp lightly when she saw he was very pale

"Oh my God! What are you doing?" She asked her

"Checking on your brother. May I?" She asked them and the sisters nodded

"Yeah sure by the way you're not gonna find any vitals" Selena told the doctor when she was checking his vitals "The same thing, Ric used to go through"

"Yeah he'd just be dead and then he wasn't" Elena said nervously as Jenna approached them with a sad sigh

"Girls" Jenna called and Selena turned around and hugged her tightly "Jeremy is-"

"There's still a chance. He's coming back okay? Yeah okay. We will wait few hours and then he will come back, he died a couple of times and came back" Selena rambled trying to stay calm"He's not leaving us. I'm not gonna let him leave us"

"Yeah and once I remember he was gone for an entire day" Elena told the doctor as she looked at them sympathetically "Ric died like four times before he lost his mind. And Jeremy had few times two. Three I think so we're gonna have to so we'll have to keep an eye on him so he could not go crazy like Ric did"

Stefan and Theo entered the room and Meredith looked at them and they nodded as the doctor looked back at the sisters

"Girls it looks like Jeremy died of extreme blood loss. His neck also appears to be broken. The lack of blood explains why there's no lividity but his muscles have tightened past of rigor" The doctor explained to them as Selena remained silent looking at her brother's body blankly

"No!" Elena protested in denial

"If he's left unattended too. Soon he'll start to bloat whitin a few hours, his skin will dust"

"No!" Elena snapped as she shook her head in denial "Stop okay! He's not dead"

"Girls I need you to release the body to me. We'll get him a funeral home and prepare him from viewing so you and your friends can say goodbye" Meredith tried to reason with them but Elena wasn't having it. She sped over to her and chocked her against the wall

"He's not dead" Elena shouted at the doctor as Selena rushed towards them and Stefan sped over to her pulling her away

"Elena stop it!" Stefan told her as Selena helped the doctor stand up

"Elena stop!" Jenna told her as tears streaming down her cheeks

"Now you're all about science?" Elena yelled at her "Where was your science when you used vampire blood to save my life! There's no science here. It's just magic, we need magic. We have Leenie and we will find Bonnie. They can fix this! Somebody just get me Bonnie!"

"Elena" Matt called and they all looked at him as he stared at Jeremy's corpse

Selena didn't want to believe her baby brother was dead. She was feeling so numbly cold inside, she had one thing in her mind is that he couldn't leave her. This couldn't be happening to her. She lost her biological and adoptive parents, she couldn't lose her brother too

"No, no, no" Elena shook her head as she approached Matt and hugged him "it's gonna be fine. Bonnie will be here soon and Leenie is going to fix this, right?"

Selena remained silent as she stared at them blankly causing Jenna to rub her back but Selena looked at her sister dead in the eyes

"Right, Leenie?" Elena asked her sister desperately as she approached her "Leenie?"

"Where's my grimoire?" Selena asked them and their eyes widened in shock "Theo I gave you my bag. Where is it?"

"I can't Leenie. I'm so sorry that's black magic and-"

"I said GIVE IT TO ME!" She yelled at him as her eyes turned red causing them all to step back in fear

"Give it to her, Theo" Stefan told him and Theo made his way downstairs as they all followed him

He gave her, her bag and she pulled out her ancestors grimoire. She knew it wasn't good for her but she was willing to take that risk

"I'm strong enough. I can bring him and Kol back" She told them and opened her grimoir looking for the spell as they all shared a look knowing that one person who could stop her from doing all this madness

Theo snuck out discreetly while she was distracted with her grimoire. Stefan nodded and followed him while Jenna and Elena stayed with her

Dylan entered the house and Jenna ran to his arms as she sobbed against his chest "Shhh it will be okay. I promise" he soothed her and looked at the Enchantress

"Leenie" he called and she looked at him with a weak smile "What are you doing?"


Outside the house Theo and Stefan were ringing Klaus as they waited for him to answer his phone

"Hey!" Theo greeted "You need to come here. Like right now"

"What is it? Is Selena alright?" He asked them through the phone

"Where are you?"

"Home why? What is it?" He asked them worriedly

"Selena is trying to bring Jeremy back... Kol too" Stefan informed him causing his fist to tighten alarmingly "Look we couldn't convince her that this is a bad idea. She still can't control her powers"

"This is black magic. It's bad for her" Theo added "If she loses control. She'll burn down the entire town... trust me when I say her magic is very strong. And let's not forget that she doesn't even practice it... this is a bad idea, Klaus. You need to come here and get her to stop"

"What is she doing now?" Klaus asked them and they looked at her while she was looking through the pages

"She's looking for the spell" Stefan told him "We don't know how much we can stall her but hurry up"

"Keep stalling her. I'm on my way" he told them and hang up


"This is a bad idea" Dylan protested "Do you have any idea what could happen if you lose control?"

"Die? We've already been past that" she retorted still looking through her grimoire "You all said I'm powerful than a witch right? Well let me test that theory"

"You're not doing this" Klaus spoke sternly causing her to turn around as she glared at her brother "You're not resurrecting Jeremy nor Kol"

"Stay out of this, Nik" she warned him and he scoffed

"I'm not letting-"

"Kembe po transi" she casted causing them to stop not being able to approach her and she looked back at her grimoir

"Okay I can do this" she encouraged herself quietly. She made sure everything was ready, she made herself towards him and cut his palm because she needed his blood but there wasn't any

"El, I need your blood" she looked at her sister who frowned but then nodded but Stefan grabbed her forearm stopping her

"Let her go!" Selena snapped at him and he didn't let her go making Selena throw him at the other side of the living room just with her mind

Selena cut Elena's palm making blood drip down onto the bowl. Everyone watched warily including Klaus who was trying to find a way to stop her from doing black magic

"Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus" Selena closed her eyes as she chanted causing them all to tense and Elena stepped backwards

"No!" Klaus shouted as he tried to break through the invisible barrier

"Selena please stop!" Theo pleaded her but she ignored them

"Leenie!" Stefan called and she ignored them all

"She's bringing, Jer back" Elena said and Klaus glared at her menacingly

"This is black magic" Dylan stated and Elena remained silent "It could kill her"

"Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus-" she continued and a familiar voice spoke causing her to stop and she opened her eyes immediately

"Leenie stop!" Jeremy told her and she gasped in shock "You have to stop please. If you love me stop, this is wrong"

"I can't let you go, Jer you know that" she told him as tears streaming down her cheeks "Just let me do this one thing for you. Please don't go"

"What's happening?" Stefan asked them as Elena remained silent in shock and surprise

"No please. You have no idea how dangerous this is, I'm in peace, Leenie just let me go. Kol want you to stop too" he said softly and she sobbed "I love you. Tell Jenna and Elena that I love them"

"Jer don't leave me" she begged him as tears streaming down her cheeks freely "Just stay we will fix this I promise"

"Stop. You have to stop for me"

"No!" She shouted not wanting him to leave as the blood was all over her and she began to cry

And by that he disappeared causing her to fall down to her knees crying as she broke the boundary spell causing Klaus and the others to rush over to her

"Hey! Hey!" Klaus hugged her tightly "It will be okay. I promise"

"Get her out of here" Stefan told him and Theo nodded as he helped her stand up

Selena looked at them before losing her balance and everything went black. The last thing she remembered was her fiancé and brother calling her name repeatedly


Selena opened her eyes to see Klaus and Rebekah sitting in the bed waiting for her to wake up and they both sighed in relief when she did

"I'm here" Klaus told her and she looked at them with teary eyes

"Please tell me I was having a nightmare" she begged him and he remained silent and she looked at Rebekah "Bex?"

"I'm sorry, Leenie" Rebekah hugged her tightly "But I promise you. It will get better"

"No" she sobbed as Rebekah's heart ached for her bestfriend "It won't. I just wanna go home"

"It will get better" she promised as she pulled away and nodded at Klaus "I'll be downstairs if you need anything, okay?"

Klaus pulled Selena to his chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly, he kissed her forehead as he rubbed her back

"Let it out, love. Let it out" he whispered as she cried till she fell asleep

He hated to see her like that, he didn't know how to help her or make her feel better but little did he know. He was making her feel better and not alone

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