The murder of one

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Thief looks like an angel
I saw it coming but he blinded me
Now I see a different angle
He came and took it like a robbery
Oh no, no-no, no-no
Running in circles, running in circles
Thief looks like an angel
I tried to catch him but he got away
Thief looks like an Angel

Klaus dragged Selena with him to NewYork knowing she was too stubborn to listen to him and not get herself into trouble. He didn't want her to leave his sight but he finally managed to convince her to go with him

Selena knew how stubborn he could be but she also knew how much he loved her and was fearing for her life. She sometimes feel insecure but she just keep ignoring the feeling

"Oh my God that's so bad... Bonnie doesn't deserve this she's selfless and a wonderful young woman. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a daughter and her mom left her again that's bad" Selena said through the phone while walking with Klaus hand in hand down the streets of NewYork city. Klaus woke her up claiming that he found where Finn was hiding and how he found a way to unlink them

"I know right? We need to be there for her. Now than ever" Caroline replied causing Selena to frown "How are you feeling? Theo told me about what happened few days ago"

"I'm getting better" She said and then she imagined the look on Caroline's face "I swear Care. I'm fine"


"Look Care, I'll talk to you later" Selena said before hanging up and put her phone in her pocket when she noticed a familiar figure

"Hello Finn" Klaus greeted as he and Selena stopped in front of the eldest Mikaelson

"Hello Niklaus... Selena" he greeted annoyed causing Selena to roll her eyes in annoyance

"Oh hello Finn" She said woth a fake smile

"Look Selena I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just doing what I'm told" he said and she actually felt sorry for him

"I have nothing to say to you" Finn replied boredly to his brother as he passed the couple. They looked at each other before quickening their pace to walk on the right side of Finn

"Slow down" She smiled innocently as she joined his right side "I'm wearing five inch heels"

"Well, good thing we're not here to chat then, isn't it?" Klaus joined his left side with a teasing smile "I will ask you one thing though, Where's our mother?"

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives, and when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again" he replied and Selena rolled her eyes

"That's not gonna happen unless she wants me to kick her ass again? Honestly you never learn do you?"

"I'm afraid he doesn't" Klaus smirked before turning to his brother "How fortunate that I found you, I require your assistance"

"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead" He scoffed in disbelief

"Don't you have another broken record" Selena said with an eye roll

"Right, well that's the thing. You see, you won't be able to see me dead just like my girl said because if I die, then you die so wish unfulfilled" Klaus teased with a taunting smirk causing Selena to chuckle

"Oh, Go bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus" Finn retorted causing Selena yo giggle

"Why? When I can bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic falls" he grinned "I have a witch there to who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together"

"I do not wish to be unlinked" he shouted and turned to fhe Enchantress "Why can't he understand that?"

"I don't know" She shrugged innocently causing the Original hybrid to laugh

"I pity you, Selena. You're stuck with someone like him" Finn spat causing her to scoff "Mark my words he will be the death of you"

"That's none of your concern. I'm the one who pity you. That's your siblings you're desperately trying to kill" She fired back with a frown causing Klaus to smile at her proudly

"You don't understand and you never will. This family will ruin you" Finn told her and she scoffed

"Trust me you're better off without him" he continued and she scoweled "He doesn't deserve you"

Klaus grabbed Selena's arm moving her away from his brother with a harsh glare as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder

"Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years" he hissed angrily "And stay away from her"

"What happens to me, happens to all" Finn smirked tauntingly " You may not feel the effects of the dagger but you'd lose your precious Rebekah"

"Wouldn't be the first time" The Original hybrid shrugged as he seemed unbothered. Finn sped to run away from his brother

"Again, Nik?" Selena glared at her boyfriend as he placed his arms under her legs and lifted her up speeding them into the Alley that Finn had run to

"Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother" Rebekah said sarcastically as she appeared in front of Finn

"You're siding with him?" He asked her in disbelief "Rebekah he stored us in boxes"

"At least he's not trying to make us extinct" she fired back

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" The elder Mikaelson snarled causing the hybrid to scoff

"Oh yeah that's right. You've got a death wish. Fine, pathetic but fine, the thing is I'm not gonna let you take the rest of us down with you" he grabbed a hold of Finn throwing him to the brick wall making him fall to the ground

"Wow, I'm proud of you" Selena smiled as she flickered her hair over her shoulder making her way towards them

"Help me grab him" Klaus told his sister


When they came back to Mystic falls, Finn was on the Floor in the Mikaelson mansion looking at his siblings and Selena

"Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it" Rebekah said urgently

"You can't force me to help you" the eldest Original hissed causing Selena sighed

"Oh, I most likely could" The hybrid smirked

"And will" Selena added

"But why force when I can persuade?" He asked as he gestured towards the stairs

A red haired woman landing downstairs causing Selena's eyes to widen, she had met her and didn't like her

"Hello, Finn" she spoke softly smiling at the elder Mikaelson

"Sage" Finn breathed out as Rebekah, Klaus and Selena watched the couple embrace each other happily after a long time of separation

"What do you know? True love prevails" Rebekah stated causing the hybrid to smirk down at Selena kissing her forehead who was looking still at the couple

"It does occasionally have its uses" Klaus muttered before answering a message from Kol

"Easier than torturing him" Selena muttered with a small smile

"I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?" Rebekah asked him

"Just your blood and your blessings" he said "Where are you going?"

"I have some unfinished buisness with Damon Salvatore. Ask sage or Leenie what he did to me. Then you'll understand why retribution is in order" she answered before lowering her voice "You do realise Jeremy is her younger brother she will never forgive you... and the witch is her friend"

"Don't worry about that" he reassured before looking at his soulmate who was lost in her thought

"You're a bitch" Sage told the Enchantress causing her to scoff

"No need to state a fact, honey" Selena said before storming out of the room with Klaus following her

"Are you okay, love?" Klaus asked her and she turned wrapping her arm around his neck

"Yeah I'm okay... I just have a meet up with Jenna and Caroline" she smiled and stood on her tip toe kissing him


"I can't stay here locked up like a prisoner, Nik. I'm better now and I will be okay" she assured him "I'll be back before you know it"

"I love you" he softly said and kissed her forehead

"I love you too"


Selena was sitting with her aunt at the Grill as they were discussing Alaric's condition. She wanted her to be safe

"Damon said that Bonnie will try to find a way to help him" Jenna informed her and Selena sighed

"Bonnie is already going through a lot... you know with losing her mom again" she said "I mean she deserve a break"

"You're right" Jenna sighed "How's everything going between you and Klaus?"

"Good. We're good" Selena said as she took a sip from her coffee "Where's Caroline?"

"She's staying with Ric" Jenna informed her "Honestly tell me what's going btween you and Klaus?"

"Nothing... it's not only him but Theo and Rebekah too. They literally treat me like a child... I don't know how I managed to convince Nik to come. I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful that they care for me but... everytime I walk into the room they quickly change the topic or Klaus had his hybrids babysit me or following me wherever I go it's frustrating... does Jeremy know about what happened?"

"No, I didn't tell him"

"That's good. He doesn't need to know" Selena stated

"He will eventually"

"Are you sure you're okay Auntie J?" She asked her and her aunt nodded

"I'm okay really. I'm concerned about Alaric but other than that everything is fine" Jenna said and Selena's phone start ringing

"Oh hey!" She greeted Caroline "You still with Ric?"

"Yeah look the Salvatores are up to something" Caroline informed her "I have no idea what it is but I think it has something to do with Klaus again"

"Okay let me know if you find out anything. Thank you" she said before hanging up

"I warned them" Selena angrily stood up making her way out of the Grill


"Bonnie?" Selena asked the witch when she entered the Mikaelson mansion again "What are you doing here?"

"You and Klaus are together" She told her and Selena frowned


"He threatened me if I don't unlink him with his siblings" Bonnie said with a fearful look "I'm scared Leenie"

"He did what?" Selena raised her voice but she forced it back down "I'll talk to him. He won't harm you"

"I know that you love each other but he scared me" Bonnie said and Selena's jaw dropped

"He won't harm you. You will be fine I promise" she told the witch before storming into one of the rooms looking for her boyfriend only to see Damon hang up by bear traps with blood all over his chest

"Oh my God! Damon!" Selena rushed towards her former bestfriend

"Leenie... am I hallucinating?" Damon groaned causing The Original hybrid to scowl in annoyance as Selena tried to clean up the blood that was running down his chest

"No, I'm real" she assured him with a small smile

"If you're trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" Klaus suggested causing Selena to narrow her eyes at him in anger

"I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much" Rebekah retorted back

"Oh, excuse me, it's not like I have expertise in that matter" Klaus retorted back sarcastically with a taunting smile

"Let him go" Selena hissed as she tried to free him herself

"I'm not going to kill him Leenie. I just want him to feel the pain I felt" Rebekah said innocently

"You proved your point... he needs blood" Selena told them

"Damon" she called and he looked up weakly as she offered her wrist "Drink"

"No!" Klaus moved her beside him as he tightened his grip on her arm "You're not giving him your blood and never think about it again"

"Stop!" She tried to yank his hand away from her arm "You're hurting me, Klaus!"

"Sorry" he removed his hand and she nodded weakly

"Aren't you curious, Leenie? That maybe he did the same to you" Rebekah told her and immediately cursed herself

"Not I'm not curious" Selena said firmly "As much as I hate him right now but I don't want him dead"

"What do you mean that he did the same to her?" Klaus asked causing Selena and Rebekah to share a look

"I meant that he hurt her" Rebekah lied and Selena remained silent

"You know? Why don't you just leave me be and go manage your witch" She told her brother
Klaus grabbed Selena's hand leading her to another room

"Let me go!" she jerked his hand away "I mean it Klaus!"

"Why are you defending him? You do realise that he chose the doppelganger over you" he scoffed in disbelief

"You do realise that the doppelganger is my sister?" She asked him "And Damon is still my friend. I'm not going just to stand here and watch him suffer"


"Former friend but still" she replied. He just kept staring at her he didn't know what he did to deserve her. She was kind hearted amd loyal to her friend after everything they've put her through. She was too good for him he thought

"If you feed him your blood. I will kill him" he said menacingly and she glared at him harshly

"Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now" Klaus told the witch as he and his girlfriend entered the living room

"I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not that easy especially under duress" she muttered coldly causing Klaus to step closer to Bonnie

"Klaus don't hurt her!" She warned him as she stepped between him and the witch

"This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough" Bonnie snapped as she stood up from her chair

"Then you should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie. Your energy helped mother link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard" he said tauntingly as he tried to step closer but he was stopped by his girlfriend "Very well"

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed someone's number. Selena eyed him warily

"What are you doing?" She asked and he ignored her

"Kol, how's the weather up there in Mile high City?" He asked his brother through the phone "And how's our friend? May I see him?"

He removed his phone from his ear as he showed both girls Jeremy playing with a dog in the park

"What the hell!" Selena snapped in anger and Klaus pulled his phone away from them

"Thank you, Kol we'll be in touch" He told his brother before hanging up

"So Bonnie how about that spell?" He asked with a taunting smile

Klaus knew that he messed up by using her brother and friend to get what he wanted but he needed to unlink himself and her from his siblings. Seelena and Bonnie heard a loud scream coming out of one of the rooms

"What was that?" Bonnie asked the Original hybrid who leaned against the wall

"I wouldn't let it bother you, Love" he smirked causing Selena to roll her eyes

"Well it does bother me, you bother me. You use people to get what you want, it's not right" Bonnie hissed in disgust and he placed his hand on his chest dramatically pretending that she hurt his feelings

"You're being emotional, Bonnie. I understand that thing have been rough for you. You know with your mother leaving again. It's very sad" The hybrid said causing Selena to scowl angrily

"Klaus!" She warned him but he didn't listen

"I can help you find her, if you want. I have people who can find people who can bring her back to you. Or if you choose, I can just bring parts of her back" Klaus continued causing the witch to push him away from her glaring at him harshly

"Isn't that obvious that I'm just going to continue to hurt the people you love until you do the spell? Now, I know it's in the grimoire and I know it requires the blood of my siblings, so here we are" the hybrid grabbed four vials filled with blood "Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Finn"

He bit his wrist causing the blood to drop on the floor "Where do you want us?"

"I'll help... I can do magic. I will help you with the spell. I can do it" Selena said causing the hybrid to shook his head

"Selena No!" He denied and Bonnie seemed hesitant

"Leenie are you sure?" She asked her and she nodded

"I'm sure. I will do this" she said ignoring her boyfriend

Bonnie grabbed Selena's hand and they start chanting as she mixed the siblings blood on the table. Selena felt a little bit pain going through her body but she ignored it. The three watched the blood began to disperse into different five circles which means the Mikaelsons were officially unlinked

Selena felt something running down her nose causing her to wipe the blood quickly before Klaus could see


Selena walked with Bonnie towards the door as Rebekah approached them wiping the blood off her hands

"Oh! Leaving so soon?" Rebekah asked with a fake sad smile

"Sister be nice" Klaus scolded her fakely and Selena glared at them both

"Thank you, Bonnie. See you in physics class" The blonde smiled before walking away

"Oh my God!" Bonnie gasped when she saw Damon still hanging from the bear traps

"Yeah you'll have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings" Klaus told the witch "Go on help, help him. Save the man who turned your mother into a vampire"

"Just get me out of here" she replied with a disgust tone and Selena nodded as they stepped outside the mansion

"I'm sorry Bonnie. I didn't know he was going to do that, if I knew I would've stopped him and did the spell alone" Selena apologised with teary eyes

"I know Leenie. It's okay" Bonnie smiled sadly and Selena pulled her into a hug

"I'm sorry about everything that happened to you because of us. You don't deserve this"

"It's okay" Bonnie assured "I'll see you tomorrow"                      

Selena stepped inside the house, placing her forehead on the door as tears streaming down her cheeks

"Little wolf..." Klaus began but she turned around to face him with an emotionless stare

"Stop. Just don't" she snapped coldly as she tried to walk past him but he stopped her placing his hand on her arm


"Why did you do it? You could've asked me and I would have happily done the spell" she asked him as tears welled up in her eyes "I defended you to everyone. I defied my family and friends to be with you. I love you but did you really have to prove them right? To backstab me like that? How could use my brother again? Was it worth it?"

"You didn't fool me Klaus. I just trusted you more" She said as she wiped her tears and he just realized how badly he messed up again

"I'm naive and stupid and an idiot" she said and walked past him making her way to the room where Damon was in


Selena was cleaning Damon's chest as she tried to untie him from the chains but she didn't succeed

"Leenie you don't have to do this" Damon muttered breathlessly

"It's okay. I'll be okay" She smiled down at him as she stroked his hair gently and Klaus grabbed her by her arm gently and pulled her away from the vampire

Stefan entered the room as he dropped a bag on the ground "Eight stakes made of white oak. Part of wickery bridge you forgot to burn"

"That's Impossible" Rebekah said in disbelief

"Actually it's not. Finn's dead" Stefan stated causing Selena to gasp in shock


"You killed my brother?" Rebekah snarled angrily

"Damon in exchange of the last eight weapons that could kill you" Stefan offered ignoring both girls

"And how do I know there aren't any more left ?" Klaus asked moving closer to the younger Salvatore brother

"Because there aren't" He shrugged simply

"How do we know you're not lying?" Selena asked him as she crossed her arms around her chest "You tried to kill him twice... what makes us so sure that you won't try it again?"

Klaus made his way towards Damon and They all turned to see what he was going to do

"Leave" he ordered Damon

"No" Damon shook his head in denial and Selena rolled her eyes

"Go on leave"

"Nik, he's my plaything not yours" Rebekah pouted causing Selena sighed in frustration

Klaus ignored his sister and lifted Damon's chin up forcibly "I said Go home" he compelled him

Damon began to tugging his trapped wrists and he cried out in pain causing Selena to run to him but Klaus stopped her by wrapping his arm around her waist

"Stop! Klaus Stop" she shouted when she saw Damon's skin tearing

"I said STOP!" her eyes turned red as Klaus felt the heat rising causing him to walk towards the vampire

"All right. Stop, before you hurt yourself" Klaus told Damon but little did they notice that Selena's hands were shaking. She was losing control once again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and her hands were now tight at her sides, her nails cutting into her palms

"I can see that you can finally be compelled. Minus the stakes that's in my brother. How many stakes are there out there tha can kill me?" He compelled him once again

"Eleven" Damon answered with a monotonous tone

"Eleven Really? So not eight then"

"You really shouldn't have lied" Rebekah told Stefan

"I'll get you the other three" Stefan said

"Yeah that would be nice. Or since you lied maybe I'll just compel your brother to chew out his own tongue" Klaus told Stefan as Rebekah stood beside Selena knowing she was losing it again

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan hissed through gritted teeth

"What is wrong with you?" Klaus snapped back "Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate, to loathe, a target for all of your anger so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life a purpose as your friend. I really think you should be thanking me"

"Enough" Stefan sped towards Klaus and pinned him up as he raised one of the stakes towards him and Selena flickered her wrist separating Stefan from her boyfriend as he lowered the stake

"Step down or you both die" Klaus threatened and Selena stood behind Stefan with a fierce look

Selena walked towards them and snatched the stake from Klaus' hand causing him to frown in confusion. She used her elemental power and burned the stake that was in her hand and the ones that were inside the bag

She walked towards Damon and untied him with her werewolf strength as the others eyed her warily as she turned and looked at Stefan

"Bring the other stakes, Stefan" she demanded and he nodded "I'm done with all of you!"

"Take your brother home, Stefan. NOW!" She shouted and he obliged walking with him out of the room

"Leenie..." Damon began and she sighed

"Get out. I don't want to talk right now... just leave" she told him firmly and he nodded as Klaus approached her causing her to step back

"Stop, Klaus. I warn you" she warned and he stayed where he was "You used my brother"

"I don't care about anyone but I do care about you" he told her and she scoffed in disbelief

"I told you if you really care about me or love you'd leave my family and friends alone"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't... just don't" she whispered as she made her way outside quickly causing him to follow her as his hand caught her arm stopping her

"Selena I love you" he told her and she breathed heavily as he held her hand "Don't leave"

"I have to go" she said with a cracked voice and he looked at her with teary eyes and she removed her hand from his and walked away


Selena knocked at Theo's door twice and waited for him to open the door. When he did, he saw how much of a mess she was. He embraced her into a hug rubbing her back

"It's okay" he whispered and she sobbed against his chest "Tell me what happened?"

"Klaus happened" she said "He threatened Jeremy's life again... I didn't know where to go"

"Hey I'm your brother and this is your house too" he told her and she smiled weakly "You're welcome everytime"

"I thought he would never do that again" she said wiping her tears "I believed him"

"That's love" he said and she chuckled "You know it's hard and never easy but it's worth it... true love eans giving someone the power to hurt you"


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