Chapter 07 - Bumpy Ride

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The balmy evening was filled with the lullaby of the sea that could put a toddler into a deep sleep.

So peaceful.

My palms gripped the metal bar of the edge. I was continuously thinking, deeply merging into thoughts about past events. The salty granules that are carried by the ocean breeze stuck to my face, leaving a salty taste on my parched lips.

Now I'm safe

At least for now

I tried to convince my sour heart by assuring it. The southeast wind blew cutting through my body. My head leaned forward to see the glimmering water of the cold Atlantic. The bluish reflection of the water shadowed the lower edge of the Titanic, making it clear enough to see an image of an everlasting beauty if she looks into the reflection.

Everything was so tranquil, for a minute I could forget all the tragedy that occurred, even today I can feel the fresh seawater through my nose buds, that memory is so strong.

Well, there was another reason that made that very moment everlasting inside my heart forever.

It was the first time I saw him.

The man I never thought I would meet in my life...

While I was hanging into the bars, I noticed a figure standing on the top floor, from where I stood, I got a chance to get a clear glimpse of the man who was staring at the ocean.


I didn't know who he was at first, but I still remember how he was gazing at the ocean waves like he was a part of them. My eyes unintentionally drew towards him, curiosity.
What made me look at him was none other than the expressions he held.

Unlike me he was happy.

Unlike me, he was enjoying the hymn of the sea.

How different we are...that's what I felt when I first saw him.

That man wore a neat blue dress, tightly hugging his perfect well-built figure. His hand bared a unique cap, which wasn't hard for me to identify as a cap worn by a captain.

So that's what he was,

He was the captain of the Titanic.

I couldn't study him more as he steps in the opposite direction, making me unable to catch sight of him anymore. But even after disappeared his image was still stirring my mind, maybe my heart too. I couldn't understand why a random stranger's appearance made an impact on me.

That question is to be answered in the near future perhaps.

My mind could no longer keep interrogating myself because an act of idiocy decided to directly slam into me. I lost my balance and suddenly collided and found my buttocks kissing the floor. I groan with pain, caressing my spine. In to my opposite, I espied another figure hugging the floor just like me, except he was semi-covered by a pile of white parchments.

"What in the world?" I hissed, sending the other guy a glare. But he was rather focused on his supplies that were scattered all over the floor.

Such a frowzy brat he was.

His light brown hazelnut colour hair was completely messy, his untidy shirt had ink dots in several areas, and his tired eyes had dark circles underneath them, which surely was a sign that he had sleepless nights. Despite the messy look, I noticed that his handsomeness of him was breathtaking.

"Oh no, my papers!" he let out a squeal and started picking them up as fast as he could. It was impossible since half of them were already in midair because of the gusting wind. I snickered at his pathetic and immature actions yet I decided to lend him a hand by collecting them.

"Thank you so much," he said with an awkward laugh as I return his belongings. He continued his apology,

" I was too focused on the scenery that I didn't see you on the way" he presented a sheepish boxy grin.

" Well you should be more careful, try not to bump into random people," My words sounded sarcastic, but I couldn't help it. But the other guy looked unbothered, he looked cheerful. I immediately took down my rude comment,

"I'm sorry, I'm just not in the right mood." the other guy nodded with understanding, still holding his smile together.

"It's absolutely fine miss..." he glanced at me with an arched eyebrow. I understood his gesture and answered him,

" It's Park Y/n," for a moment I regretted what I did. How can I be so stupid, he is a mere stranger and how could I possibly trust anyone here to introduce myself? I mentally slapped my face.

"And me, I'm Kim Taehyung, both an artist and a writer," He said enthusiastically answering me

. I took a good look at the man who stretched out his hand, willing for a handshake. Well for the record he didn't look like the type who can be part of an underworld gang in the USA or anything like that, he looked pure and innocent but I had to remain cautious. Though I smiled at him and greeted him, from inside I took a mental note to keep my distance from him.

"So you are a writer," I tried to get rid of the awkward tension between us. He gladly chimed in,

" A pretty good one if I may say," Taehyung winked at me before flooding me with his new project work and how he thought Titanic was the best place for him to focus on his new novel which is supposed to be a tragic love story.

Tragic love story it was,

It didn't take me more than fifteen minutes to perceive the fact that he was a complete literature freak who had a unique way of thinking. He certainly had a way of describing things in his way. I must say, I was set at ease after I started talking with Taehyung.

Maybe it's good Y/n, you need to forget who you were, you have to be a new Y/n.

But can I?

"My parents wanted me to become a doctor," Taehyung said with a small smile gazing at the horizon with glistening eyes, "But oh boy, what can I say, I was too crazy about being an author, creating a fantasy I built, I lived in a world I created. " he then landed his orbs at me.

"Have you ever felt that ?" I looked far away, my lips curved to a small smile.

"Maybe, maybe I have felt that too" I have felt that feeling of longing for freedom. But in the end, it brought me catastrophe. Without knowing my lips let out a deep sigh.

" You look like one who holds a misery that you can't let go of," he said with a soft chuckle yet a concerning gaze. I emotionlessly stared at nowhere.

"Maybe I do," I replied to him.

"Maybe one day I will write your story too Park Y/n," he gave my shoulder a light squeeze of comfort. I could only offer him a painful smile and a nod. I was not in the mood to recall my pitiful life just yet.

"You should take some rest, your face doesn't look so good,"

"I probably should, I'll catch you later I guess Taehyung," he gently grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on my soft skin which made me chuckle at his dramatic move.

"Nighty night then," Taehyung's figure disappeared as he walked further with his precious sketches and notes assuringly pressed between his arms and chest. With Taehyung's cheerful presence gone, I again felt lonely.

I puffed a cloud of cold air.

My hand was stuffed into my pockets as I took strides towards the storage room where my things were. I couldn't hide there forever. Since she started sailing I assumed that it was safe enough to slide to my cabin room again.

So far so good, I didn't catch anything odd.

As I walk along the narrow corridor I heard a whimper from the corner. It sounded like a small child crying. With growing curiosity, I headed towards the direction where I heard the child crying.

It led me to an open spot, which seemed to be the very end of the ship. Since it was semi dark couldn't exactly tell where the sound was coming from. The ship was already lightened up with thousands of shimmering light bulbs. The cry got louder as I reached the edge.

I narrowed my eyes to catch a glimpse of the source of sound with the help of the slight luminous that was beamed by the bulbs of the ship.

What I saw next made my heart stop for a solid second.

Holy blistering barnacles...

"Help me," A faint whimper pleaded.

It was a child around six years old, barely managing herself into a metal bar of the ship while, her body was there, in midair, holding into her dear life.

This is bad

So bad...

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. A new character is introduced, writer Taehyung. You will understand why I brought him to this story in the future.

What do you think? boring? lol...

I did some research stuff of Titanic to write this ff 😅 and it was pretty fun

Also, I wasn't very satisfied with my previous cover, it looked like shit lol, so I took some time to make a new cover and then started writing the chapter.

Hoping to give you more frequent updates 😁💜

Stay Gold everyone ✨

How's the cover by the way 😅

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